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January 17, 1919 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1919-01-17

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(By Associated Press)
ramento, Jan. 16. -- All of the
fendants in the I. W. W. con-
y case were found guilty by a
i the United States district court
writing and circulating of
i" and songs threatening capi-
,c "parasites" with the menace
e -"sab-cat" and "wobbly" are
g the overt acts charged in the
ment under which the 46 alleged
trial Workers of the World were
here for conspiracy.
Slayer Writes Song
eral defendants wre charged
having in their possession in
nento at various times copies
W. W. Songs to Fan the Flames
content," among which was one
n by doe Hill, or Joseph Hill-
executed in November, 1915,
fling a grocer and his son at
make City, Utah.
Theodora Pollok, the only'
i defendant, gave an outline of
freer. She was born in Balti-
Md., in 1879 of a southern abo-
t family, established in, Amer-
at least five generations. Ac-
g to her account she took up
settlement work in New York
hicago, prior to going to Los'
,, Cal., in 1908, where she lived
Women's University Settlement
ught in the Rev.Dana W. Bart-
[nstitute. In 1915-16 she wast
nt to Prof. Arthur Upham Pope1
University of California in the
an Neutral Conference. She1
aployed by the city museum of
k, N. J., for a time and in 1917


was assistant executive secretary of
the California Conference of Social
Woman Defends Bombers
During the winter of 1913-14 Miss
Pollok was executive secretary of
the International Defense Workers'
league, then active in behalf of H. D.
Suhr and Richard Ford, later sen-
tenced to life imprisonment for the
murder of District Attorney E. T.
Manwell, of Yuba county, Cal. For
eight months of 1916-1917 she again
worked for the league in connection
with the San Francisco Preparedness
Day bomb case defense.
Under the general indictment here
Miss Pollok was charged with con-
spiracy to prevent enforcement of the
e'pionage act, to obstruct the draft,
to violate the United States constitu-
tion and to hamper war work. Overt
acts charged against her were the al-
leged writings and circulating of a
"free verse" poem on "The Soldier
with the Broken Nose" and conspir-
acy with Basile Saffores of San Fran-
cisco to send I. W. W. literature to

W eather 1affles Washtenaw Sends $60,000 to Lansing
IsThe treasurer of Washtenaw county
W ould be Skaters has sent $60,000 to the state treasury
I ncompliance with a request receiv-
ed a few days ago from the state
In the dark, dim and dusty past treasurer. This amount is in advance
there was skating here in Ann Arbor. on- the county' state tax due at the
But all this is changed. The weather end of this month. The reason that
man has decreed that we have no accompanied the request was that pre-
winter during 1919. Spring is here war expenses had drawn heavily on
and probably summer will be upon us the state funds.
Daily huge crowds throng to the.ice Ann Arbor R. S. Students Get Credit
skating rinks, palaces, and ponds. Ann Arbor, Jan. 16.-High school
Daily huge throngs crowd the doors students who have been in the serv-
of these palaces and look at the empty ice during the war and who have
places where the ice should be. Dailyjcompleted three years of high school
these same crowds heave deep sighswork, will be admitted to the Uni-
and return to their homes. versity of Michigan, it is announced,
The pool rooms and movies are although 15 credits are the usual re-
crowded, for there is no skating. The urmn.Tymsthvthrc-
qluiremnent. They must have- the rec-
birds are twittering in the trees and ommendation of their high school fac-
the young man's fancy turns to-Oh, ulty. These students will be given
well, let that pass. The whole coun- opportunity during the next two years
tryside lies under an inch or two of to make up the missing four credits.
water. The trees are beginning to .-........
bud. t
How- true is the old song, "Spring 1
is here, the earth rejoices?" The war may be over but not
SyourPaymentson the War Work
pledgesAND ACK I PA! The last installments


All members of the J-flop commit-
tee elected by the various junior class-
es of the University will meet in. the
lobby of the old Michigan Union build-
ing at 7 o'clock this evening.
The Alpha Nu Debating society will
meet at 7:15 o'clock tonight in their
rooms on the fourth floor of Univer-
sity hall
Th A. S. M. E. branch meets to-
night in room 229, New Engineering
building at 7 o'clock. All members
intending to make the trip to Mie
Conner's Creek plant of the Detroit
Edison company should be present.
Prof. John R. Brumm will speak at
7:30 o'clock tonight in Lane hall to
the volunteer group of medical men
who plan to take up reconstruction
work in foreign fields. The subjdct
of his talk will be "Reserved of
War Aims course is to be merged
with the English history course at the
University of Nebraska.

London, Jan. 16 (Correspondence of
the Associated Press). - England's
wartime food restrictions are slowly
but gradually disappearing. Lard is
now obtainable without coupon, all
restrictions are removed from the
making and selling of sweet pastries
and cakes, as well as the restriction
on afternoon teas in restaurants and
teashops. Fancy bread is till forbid-
den but white bread is now supplied
to hotels and private houses, while
white flour is obtainable almost any-
Stocks of food in London are in-
creasing daily. More than 40,000 tons
of wheat are under discharge at the
docks meat is arriving by the ship-
load, thousands of boxes of oranges,
nuts and apples are arriving and more
are afloat.
Tea appears to be in greater sup-
ply than demand and people are be-
ing urged to buy. Sugar stocks in
London alone total 20,000 tons in pub-
lic, and 20,000 tons in private ware-
Students read The Daily.-Adv.

178,104 U. S. TROOPS

(By Associated Press)
Paris, Jan. 16.-During the


ending Jan. 8 there left France for
the U. S., Americap. troops number-
ing 26,980. The homeward bound con-
tingent comprises 1,883 officers and
25,797 men.
The week's departures raised thef
total of soldiers returned to the Unit-
ed States to 178,104, of which number
11.618 were officers and 166,486 were
enlisted mien.
An attempt is being made at the
University of Illinois to associate the
American Federation of Teachers with
the American Federation of Labor.
Always-Daily service-Always.

A preliminary game will be played
at 7 o'clock tonight in Waterman gym-
nasium. The regular Varsity contest
starts promptly at 8 o'clock. The fol-
lowing men will appear in the pre-
iiminary game:
White team-Westbrook and Rea,
forwards; Dunn, center; Peare and
Wilson, guards; substitutes, Pear-
son, forward; Messner, center, and
Creno, guard.
Black teae--Burkhart and Meel-
strop, forwards; Mason, center; Bar-
ney and Allen, guards; substitutes,
Czysz, forward; Snider, center, and
Loeb, guard.
Those who advertise in The Mich-
igan Daily cater to ALL Michigan

are due today and are payable at
Lane hall, Barbour gymnasium,
or by mail to I. Leo Sharfman,
Lane hall.
All organizations and fratern-
ities who have contracted for
space in the 1919 Michiganensian
must pay for the same at once if
they wish the copy to run. Sub-
scriptions will bO received at
room 1 of the Press building up
to the time the book goes to press
when the rate will be raised to
Michigan's paper for Michigan men.


Desk Lamps and
Lighting Fixtures

Suitable for student use. Our line includes various
standard types of Desk Lamps. Price; $2.75 and up.
Repair work done quickly and at moderate rates by
experienced eledtricians.
Washtenaw Eledtric Shop
."The Shop of Quality"
200 Easft Washington St. Phone 273














8 A. M.

Having followed closely every clothing sale that has been put on in the city this year, we have
decided to offer to the men of this city and county our entire stock of high grade Suits and
Overcoats at a lower figure than any other store has offered. Our stock consists of only high grade
clothing, every garment absolutely all wool, and fully guaranteed. We have reduced every garment
in this store and you can adually save from $5.00 to $15.00 by buying here. Our clothing was
formerly priced from $25.00 to $50.00 and we have divided it into five separate lots and here are
our prices now:

$18.75 - $21.75 - $26.75 - $31.75 - $36.75

Don't fail to take a4vantage of this wonderful sale as it means dollars to you. Come in and
look- over our specials on furnishings.




217 South Main Street


All Alterations







Nights 7

to 10

Saturday and Sunday p. im., 2 to 5


725 S. 5th Ave. Ph

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