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January 14, 1919 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1919-01-14

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VOL XXIX. No. 75.


_________________________ U I

"Peace Treaty Shall Contain Obliga-
tions of Limitations of Arna-
ments -Former Premier
(By Associated Press)
Paris, Jan. 13. - The supreme war
council reassembled at the French
foreign office at 2:30 o'clock this aft-
ernoon. President Wilson, the French;
Japanese, British, and Italian dele-
gates were present. It was the first
time that the Japanese delegates had
The first business before the su-
preme council was the new terms for
the extension of the German armis-
tice. The terms had been formally
drawn up at a meeting this morning
of military, naval, economic and fl-
Snancial experts of the Allies and the
United States. The morning's meet-
ing, which was presided over by Mar-
shal Foch, reached a complete agree-
ment on the new armistice terms.
Hun Commission Waiting at Treves
As soon as the council definitely
adopts the new conditions to be im-
posed on Germany, Marshal Foch will
leave for Treves, where the armistice;
commission will meet.
An official statement received after
the adjournment of the supreme war
council says:
Armistice Terms Renewed Ja 17
"The meeting reached an agreement
upon which the terms of the armis-
,tice is to, be renewed on Jan. 17. This
included naval clauses, financial
clauses, conditions of supply and pro-
visions for the restitutiontof material
and machinery stolen from France
and Belgium by the Germans.
"The meeting also continued its dis-
cussion of procedure. It was agreed
to hold the next meeting. of the su-
preme war council on Wednesday at
10:30 o'clock and that the first full
sessions of the peace conference will
take place on Saturday, Jan. 18, at
2:30 o'clock in the afternoon at the
foreign office.",
* * *

A conference of college presidents
to present to them the need for great-
er recognition of the part that profess-
ors should play in campus Y. M. C. A.
work was decided upon at the con-
ference held here Saturday and Sun-
day. The report of the findings of the
committee of the conference mention-
,,ed among other important things the
decision to aid in raising a sum of
$500,000 for missionary work. The
imoney will be raised by the Christian
;students of the country.
The delegates were also urged to
iattend the yearly Geneva conference.
Mr. E. T. Cope of the Detroit Edi-
son company of this city stated that
4Ihe had attended such a conference
i several years ago and declared that he
counted his experience there as one
t of the milestones of his life.
A class in world problems will be
started to be held weekly in Lane
hall. Complete plans have not as
,,yet been made.
The colleges represented at this Y.
M. C. A. conference were Mt. Pleasant,
e Grand Rapids, Hillsdale, M. A. C.,
r.Alma, Albion, Kalamazoo, 1gpe, Ypsi-
,.lanti, Olivet and Ferris. Thirty dele-
gates attended, ten of whom were pro-
':fessors and two Y secretaries.
Open New Library
;in Three lonths
Completion of the new University
library building may be expected with-
in the next three months, according
to J. F. Shepard, construction repre-
senrtative for the university, who over-

Argentine Police Lasso Strikers
(By Associated Press)
Buenos Aires, Jan. 13.-Three strikers and strike agitators were
arrested Sunday here, it was learned from government sources. This
makes the total for the last three days 800, 80 per cent of whom are
Russians. Some of the ring leaders resisted arrest and were lassoed
by police officers and dragged to the police station.
Those arrested included Peord Wald, known as "president of the
Soviet government" and all other officers of the "new republic.'
The prisoners, who are confined in military barracks, boast the
movement will be renewed on May 1, but he government believes
that the arrest of 800 of the ring leaders will end the trouble.

(By Havas Agency)
Paris, Jan. 13.-Leon Burgeois, for-
mer premier and the French authority
on a league of nations, said today
that it had been agreed upon with the
French government that the French
Association for a League of Nations
would endeavor to reach an ag.ee-
ment as to procedure with simile r
associations, especially in Great Br1t-
ain and the United States. The fVr-
eign premier outlined tleafollow ing
Plan for League of Natiov s
"First, the issuing,- before the be-
ginning of peace negotiations, of a
solemn declaration by the AVIies lix-
ing the fundamental rules of the or-
ganization of a league of nations with
the assurance of the immediate ob-'
servance of the rules among them-
"Second, the peace treaty shall con-
tain the obligations of compulsory
arbitration and limitation of arma-
Propose Punishing Rebellious Staes
"Third, immediately after the sign-
ing of peace, a universal conference
shall be called to fix the details, of a
league of nations.. The confirence
(Continued on Page Six),
L;veryboay's oing
It-Lwen Ofi ce rl
Last week end brougltt the usual
haul of bootleggers operatin g between.
Toledo and Michigan. Sta iley, state'
revenue inspector, between Detroit.
and Munroe was arrested and is be-,
ing held in this city for. concealing-,
three pints of whiskey wkich he had.'
just confiscated. Fouir me n arrested,
at Saline are also being held for driv-
ing autos with total loads 'of abownlt
20 cases. A conductor on the Toledo
train turned. over a badg with six.

sees the progress of work on the
building. Formal occupation of the
structure, will not take place until the
fall, the <cataloging department being
the only part which is to be put into
immediate use when completed.
Thedluidin is tobe an excellent
example- throughout of the new "Mich-
igan" style of architecture, developed
at the University and illustrated in
Hil audtitorium and the Natural Sci-
ence bijilding. All floors and stair-
cases ,will be of marble, as will the
entire main hallway. The prominent
feature4 of the interior is the beautiful
and s pacious maNi reading room,
with its impressive circular arch
above . This room is completed ex-
cept for the laying of floors and the
insta 1lation of furniture and lighting,
whic ;i is to be of two sorts: indirect
'fixti !res within the curve of the arch-
ed eiling at either end, and movable
lair ps for diffusing indirect light from
tht tops of the bookcases and direct
lifiht from the reading tables. There
w ill be no hanging lights. Within the
arch on each of the end walls will be
hung two large color paintings, which
were :formerly in University hall.
There are four large reading roams
in addition to the main room, and the
third :and fourth floors contain a num-
ber off rooms for work in humanis-
tics. "The woodwork for these ro-mas
has already been installed.
The bindery, established some weeks
ago in the basement of the new
buil ding, is now in full operation and
comcpletely installed except for some
min r details.
(By Associated Press)
Olympia, Wash., Jan. 13.-Resclu-I
lions ratifying the federal prohibi-
-tion amendment were passed by the,
senate and house of representatives
of the Washington legislature today.
Indianapolis, Ind., Jan. 13.-The In-
diana .state senate today ratified the'
prohibition amendment to the federal
constitution by a vote of 41 to 5. The
hoase probably will vote on the rati-
fication tomorrow.
I L iie Rock, Ark., Jan. 13.-The Ar-
kansas house of representatives pass-
ed the prohibition amendment by a
vote of 92 t 2. The measure now
goes to the senate.
Professor Henderson at Conference
Prof. Wm. D. Henderson, of the ex-
tension department, is attending the
annual national extension conference
in Chicago. It began yesterday and

The University of Michigan is to
have a complete war record of all-her
men who served during the war. Such
an action was authorized at the De-
cember meeting of the Board of Re-
gents and for the purpose of mak-
ing definite plans for this undertak-
ing the committee in charge will meet
in Detroit Saturday. The members
of the committee are Regents W. L.
Clements, J. O. Murfin, F. B. Leland
and Professors HsL. Senseman, F. N.
Scott and A. L. Cross.
Some of the plans to be considered
are the advisability of making a card
record or a book and if the latter is
chosen whether it should be sold,
given to alumni, or just a few copies
kept on file here. The question of
publishing in book form the Civil War
record for Michigan, which is in card
form now, wi'll also be discussed.
To Send Circulars Again
This work of obtaining military
data on all Michigan graduates and
non-graduates will be carried on
through the Alumni Catalogue office
of which Prof. H. L. Senseman is in
charge. Although one set of circulars
was sent to all alumni, last summer.
it is necessary to repeat the work as
many have died, been transferred, or
promoted since then.
Civil War Record Complete
It was only recently that the Civil
War record was completed due to the
fact that such a roll of honor was
not thought of until several years aft-
er the war. Through state rosters,
circulars sent in '90, '00, '10 and '15
and an endless amount of personal
investigation the list is at last prac-
tically complete.
With the errors of this Civil War
record in mind, it is expected the
record of the recent war will be ac-
complished with comparative rapidi-
ty. The comprehensive circularization
will begin early next summer, and
the honor roll will be finished in ac-
cordance to the time it will take for
all alumni to respond to the circu-
Claiming rent due on a store let to
A. Starr Best Co .of Chicago, Karl W.
Malcolm, tailor, attached goods
amounting to $80 from the representa-
tive of the Chicago firm, Saturday.
Malcolm ha d a verbal contract with
the A. Starr Best Co., who agreed to
rent a store in the Malcolm block for
the duration of the war. June 1, 191,
the company removed their local
agency. September 1 the store was
rented to a new tenant and it is for
rent 'due for these three months that
the goods were attached. A business
representative of the A. Starr Best Co.
settled the claim with Malcolm yes-
Major M. Gomberg, professor of or-
ganic chemistry, has returned to Ann
Arbor from Washington, D. C., where
he has been serving at ordnance de-
partment headquarters. He left here
last June shortly after commence-
ment to enter the service. Major
Gomberg is recognized as one of the
authorities of the country on organic
n). am~i Orir

(By Associated Press)
New York, Jan. .13. - New York
Central officials issued a statement
from C. P.' Babcock, flagman on the
southwestern limited, tending to coi-
firm the statement of the Wolverine
limited flagman that he lighted a red
fuse at least 25 car lengths behind
his t/ain.
According to Babcock's statement
be was riding in the rear coach of the
southwestern limited when he felt the
brakes suddenly applied, and he hur-
ried to the rear and got off. The
fusee ,he said, was burning 15 or 20
car lengths behind the last coach.
Walking east he overtook the flag-
man of the Wolverine, and together
they proceeded to the automatic sig-
nal tower, where they placed torpe-
does on the track. Babcock said that
the automatic signal was set at -dan-
ger. He later returned to the twer
with Engineer Fredley and found it
still at danger.
New Advertising
Plan for Alumnus
The Michigan Alumnus, together
with all the alumni magazines of
American universities has entered
a combination through which all
advertising, ,with the exception of
local clients, is operated by the
advertising syndicate of Roy Barn-
hill, Inc., of New York city.
Each publication pays a percentage
of the cost of establishing such an of-
fice and receives 60 per cent of the
net results of the contracts. This plan
has long been anticipated and it is ex-
pected that it will bring better con-
tracts to the magazines and larger re-
sults to the clients.
The different publications receive
contracts in proportion to their cir-
culation, of which the Michigan Alum-
nus has the second largest of the
country.. Professional advertisers Rill
handle the majority of the copy at
the New York offices and also through
the medium of such an office contracts
may be obtained which would be im-
possible for local publications to in-,
The call for tryouts for freshman
basketball was answered by a large
representation in Waterman gymnas-
ium last night. Howard Rowley, an
upperclassman, is acting as coach and
has matters well organized.
Rowley started the season with the
Varsity but suffered an injury to his
leg etarly in the year and was forced
to drop out.
He will divide the freshmen into
four groups selecting a team from
each group. Two of these teams will
play as a preliminary before both Fri-
day and Saturday's Varsity games.
Princeton Has Artillery Courses
Princeton has decided to accept the
offer of the war department to insti-
tute a field artillery unit of the R. 0.
T. C. Two courses will be given, one
to those who took the course the first

semester and the other is open to all
men in the university except fresh-

The 1919 Students' Director-y, whose
publication has been so long delayed
because of the sudden dismissal of the
S. A. T. C. will be on sale at the book
stores within a week or ten days. The
entire work has been gone over twice,
as the first copy containing the bar-
racks and addresses of all the students I
was on the press when the discharge
orders arrived. Had conditions re-
mained the same the directory would
have been outfthree days from that
The book will contain a complete
list of the faculty, giving their de-
partments and Ann Arbor addresses.
All the students are listed together
with their class, department, Ann Ar-
bor address. telephone number as well
as their home address. All the fra-
ternities and sororities are indexed
as well as various other campus or-
The names and addresses of the stu-
dents at the Ypsilanti Normal school
will also be included.
One of the features of this issue will
be the names of all S. A. T. C. and
naval unit men with their former bar-
racks and names of their commanding
France to Treat
Alsace Liberally
"A feeling of fearful uncertainty, of
being between fires was typical of
Alsace during the war," said Capt.
Fernan Baldensperger yesterday aft-
ernoon in his lecture on "What I
Saw in Alsace." The French army had
entered Alsace twice, once on the
seventh of August, 1914, and then
again on the 19th after the Germans
had captured it. The first time the
French came they were hailed with
the greatest joy-when they recaptur-
ed the territory from the enemy,
they were cordially received of course,
but the enthusiasm was missing. The
Alsatians were afrait to give away
to their feelings toward the French
because they feared every moment
that the Germans were coming back
to seize their city again.
When Captain Baldensperger visited
the homes he was shown by the in-
habitants how well the Germans had
succeeded in making themselves as
odious as possible. He found also
that it was typical in many families
to see members sharing different sen-
timents-one faction being heart and
soul French while the other was luke-
warm, having received German influ-
ence from their schooling or the po-
sitions they held.
Many Alsatians, however, deserted
the German armies and joined the
French as against a common foe. The
German government kept the strictest
vigilance over all expressions of sym-
pathy for the French and the slight-
est sign that escaped showing feel-
ing for them meant a term of impris-
onment. It is estimated that during
'the war 14,000 years of imprisonment
were handed out.
When Alsace was taken by the
French shortly before the end of the
war the Alsatians found that they had
no goods to make flags from, so they
ripped up their sheets and dyed them
the colors of their flag.
In concluding M. Baldensperger
said that France did not want to im-
pose their laws on Alsace, nor to de-
stroy their traditions. That she look-
ed upon them as children and wished
to take them in but not to strangle

them, to enforce nothing upon them
but to let them take from her just
what they wanted for themselves.
Repairs to Put Jail in Better Shape
Work on repairing the county jail
commenced Monday The old jail,
which has seen more than 35 years
of service, is to be completely fixed
up The repairs are to include new
plumbing and as much else as can be
done for $1,200. The repairs are
expected to put the building in a per-
fectly sanitarya condition and it is
thought by the supervisors that it
wil lanswer its purpose for a few
years more.
Peace Problems Course at Wisconsin
A course in "The Problems of
Peace" consisting of semi-weekly lec-
tures by prominent speakers through-
out the country and abroad will be
given this term at the University of
Wiscns in.

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