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January 08, 1919 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1919-01-08

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Published every morning except Monday
luring the universit year by the Board in
ontrol of Student Publications.
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled
ar the use for republication of all news dis-
atces credited to it or not otherwise credited
M thspaper and also the local news pub-
shed herein.
FEntered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,
hin as econd class matter.
bcrptions by carrier or mail, $3.50.
Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building.
Phones: Business, 960; Editorial, 2414.
Communications not to exceed 30o words,
t signed, the signature not necessarily to ap-
ear in print, but as an evidence of faith, and
oticesof events will be published in The
Aiy .at the discretion of the Editor, if left
t r mald to the offie.
Unsigned communications will receive no
rnsd unless the writer incloses postage.
The Daily does not necessailyendorse the
entiments expressed in the communications.
Aildred C. Mighell.......Managing Editor
Marold Makinson.........Business Manager
:harles R. Osius, Jr...........City Edor
[arguerite Clark... ......Night Editor
ames C. J. Martin.......Telegraph Edito
oseph A. Bernstein...........Sport Editor
incen* H. Riorden........Military Editor
fartha Guernsey..........Women s Editor
ark Ehbert..........Associate Editor
eL~nI Davis .Literary Editor
eGrand A. Gaines....Advertising Manager
aL, Abele.......Publication Manager
~oald. -Maor.. Circulation Manager
Y =m. M. Le Feuvre ..........Office Manager
'avid Landis Paul G. Weber
braeI W. Porter Philip Ringer
tu Dailey E. D. Flinteran
[araret Christie Herman Lustfield
Cene Ells Bowen Schumacher
:dna Apl Henry O'Brien
[are Crozier Renaud Sherwood
Lary D. Lane Marie Thorpe
M. D. VincentM
Coar . ell Robert E. Mcean
dw'iard Priehs, jr.' Clare W. Weir
ga X, -Wlsh Win. A Leitziner
eA. Cadwell Donnell R. Shofner
>el F. Schoerger Henry Whiting II
Issue Editor-Henry . O'Brien
A new year brings a clean slate to
ie University of Michigan. The men
tudents have shed their khaki and
iappear in mufti. Kitchen police can
3 longer keep the more or less earn-
gt student from his classes; guard
ty will availrno longer as an excuse
rylack of outside study. The duty
prlfepare for war no longer keeps
te .ude minddivided. Thereeis
w but one duty, the duty to the
niversity, to take every possible ad-
ztage of the chances for self-im-
rovement the class rooms afford, and
Scontribute to the social life of the
niversity community.
Social life does not mean attend-
ice at dances, receptions, and part-
s, or participation in theatricals-
at is, it does not mean that entire-
and exclusively. Dances, parties
id theatricals are all right, but The
Ichgan Daily, the 'Gargoyle, the
Ichiganensian, the Inlander, the
Ichigan Union, the Y. M. C. A. and
her activities depend upon the en-
'gy of the students for their success.
lie freshmen need counsel and help
id sometimes a little toning-down.
Wie athletic teams depend on stu-
ants for their support. Our home
immunties need to be impressed
ith the worth of the University. In
LCh things the student should con-
ibute to the social life, to the bet-
rment of the society, the University
fe, of which he is a part.
The University welcomes back its
udents, those who have been away
ily over the holidays and those who
ve been away since war called them,
r many of the latter have returi d,
line with decorations testifying to

ieir bravery, all with honorable dis-
targes or furloughs. The University
elcomes them back to a broader,
ller, freer, social life than ever be-
re, for the war has made everyone
el the need of society's support ana
fe duty of contributing to the sup-
ort of whatever community the indiv-
ual may be in. Be a factor in the
niversity community; a contributor
the fund of general good. You ex-
ect to be, and the University will be
ad to help you.
As hordes of returning students shat-
red the vacation time quiet of Ann Ar-
or Monday morning with gay greet-
gs, joyous In coming back to the
>und of study and play and friend-
ip, news began to pass from one to
lother, and everywhere in its wake it
ft exclamations of amazement, al-
ost of incredulity, followed by a
ushed pause for readjustment and
malization. Then invariably came
tort, sincere sentences of admiration
id sorrow, tribute to Theodore Roose-
,lt, without whose heroic figure na-
oal politics seems to most of us in-
)mplete, president during the years
hen we first learned what a presi-
ent was, exponent of the qualities
bhich we as young Americans most

It Is hard to believe that an infinite-
simal bit of disordered matter could
eliminate from the world a spirit so
strong, so elemental, and so wondrous-
ly alive as his. And fYom a chorus of
American voices comes the demand
and with it the assurance that he can-
not die; by expressing the spirit of
America he has become part of it and
so goes marching on.
They say that the released lifer
longs for prison air once more. Which
may account for the reported desire
of the Germans to call Bill back.
Good things which happen to these
United States will not seem nearly so
good without "Bully" and "Dee-light-
Once more we may wash from our
necks the little green mark left by
our 14 karat collar button.
Don't wait until exams to start that
burst of speed. Get up on your toes
Most of the freshman sergeants have
decided to attend other universities.
The members of the organization
formerly known as Westminster have
annonuced that the name has been
changed to Caryatides. The old West-
minster house was closed at the be-
ginning of the year, and the mem-
bers moved to another location. They
sever their connection with the Pres-
byterian church of Ann Arbor and of
the state and have presented their
constitution to the Board in Control
of Student Activities for recognition
as an organized house club. Since
the group was no longer conected
with the Presbyterian church the
members felt it had no right to a
Presbyterian name, and with the help
of Professor Waterman, selected
Lack of enthusiasm was very notice-
able in the last Red Cross drive. Those
in charge feel that this was caused by
the fact that with the declaration of
peace most people seem to feel that
there Is no need for the work of the
Red Cross.- This seems to be true all
over the United States. Nevertheless,
the exact totals are not known, the
Ann Arbor committee expressed sat-
isfaction over the result.
The drive in, Ann Arbor started Dec.
16 and lasted one week. The last
three days were devoted to a house to
house canvass, so that although there
were no booths every one was reach-
Law School Enrolls Only Four
New enrollments in the Law school
since vacation have not been large,
according to authority. There had
been only four yesterday afternoon.
This is probably caused by the fact
that no beginning courses are being
offered. It is expected that the en-
rollment next semester will be quite
a bit larger.
For service and results try a Daily
Want Ad.-Adv.
Patronize our advertisers.-Adv.

A Pied Galley

And again that dear familiar greet-
Hate to be trite but it seems to be
the custom. To get right into line
with all our nicest people-
"How are you, old man?"
"Great, have a nice vacation ?"
"Glad to see you back, old timer."
"Mighty glad to BE back."
"Good, have aPcigaret."
"Thanks,a'drop around to see me
"See you later."-prayer of thanks-
giving at parting.
''So long."~
Another brain curdling problem
arises for Queenie Campus. She had
just succeeded in classifying them ac-
cording to the degree of luster of
their respective puts, and now they're
coming back discharged and wearing
the peace time garb of the male hu-
man all looking alike and equally glad
it's over. If she has to start all over
to learn the distinguishing lines of
tie, waistcoat and collar she'll be an
old lady before the catalogue's com-
plete. What's to become of pore,
pore Queene? Exponents of the card
file system, fall back; Queenie does-
n't like the loose leaf idea; besides
she's not that kind of a girl.
Clipped from the home town paper:
"On account of the large amount of
news this issue, the births and deaths
had to be postponed until next week."
Well, you're back. If you aren't
what might be considered all rested
and cool, at least you've survived the
ravages of the Michigan Railroad, the
Ann Arbor or whatever brought you
into the M. C. station, and that, rough
reader, is reason enough why you
should laugh and tell war, flu and the
trick navy to go jump in the river.
You're as near wealthy as you will
be until another "first." You've been
fed and cooed over like the rest of the
prodigals, returned from France and
Hillsdale and-aw, they can't expect
you to know anything this week any-
From beyond the red plush seat
"0 regular beau-tiful time." ,
"Sure, they had their annual party-
danced all night and the next day and
then went out to the club and-"

'Archie was home, all decorated
with service chevrons from wrist to
shoulder. He and Louise-
"Uh huh, platinum setting?"
"Tired? O dont' keep reminding me
of it."
"Came back through Toledo and
met the Neatest lttle girl--"
"Yeah' she drives a blue Marmon."
, "Yes, he was there. stayed over a
week to see me, suppose he's been
court-martialed by now."
"Late getting in, ar'n'e we?"
"B'rrrrrr, Huron looks cold."
"Wonder if anyone's back."
"When does school start?"
"Started yesterday? you dont' say?"
"Suppose theydtook attendance?"
"Here's your purse and your bag--
and your gloves and your dorine-
and your rubbers-and your handker-
chief and---heres your taxi."
"Hope you have a fine-"
(Well you guess what he hopes.)
WLfomen I
Cabinet meeting of the Y. W. C. A.
will be held at 3:30 o'clock th.is aft-
ernoon at Barbour gymnasium.
University women engaged inmhos-
pital work must report at the Uni-
versity hospital at their regular hours
this week.
Beginning this week the basketball
schedule will be as follows: Monday,
seniors and sophomores at 5 o'clock;
Tuesday, seniors and freshmen at 5;
Wednesday, sophomores and juniors
at 3; Thursday, juniors and freshmen
at 5. All basketball teams will be
selected by February 15. Girls who
are interested in making the team
should therefore report regularly.
The playground class will be held
at 1 o'clock this afternoon. Girls who
are to teach will please cme prepar-
A meeting of the board of the Wo-
men's Athletic association will be held
at 7 o'clock thursday evening at the
home of Miss Marian Wood, 716 Hill
The Women's league will give a
New Year's party at 3:30 o'clock Fri-
day afternoon in Barbour gymnasium.
Masques will give a playlet, "The Klep-

When you go home
Take with you a



It is better this year than ever before and the price



For Traveling Anywhere Anytime
You will enjoy using the
A. B. A. Travelers' Checks as issued by this bank. They
come in denominations of $10, $20, $50 and $100, are cashed
by Banks, Hotels, Railroads, etc., without identification.
Farmers & Mechanics Bank
101-105 S. Main 330S. Sae et.
Students! Eat where you get the proper kindof
food. All Home Cooked Food.

Lunch, 11:45-12:45 . . . . 4
Dinner, 5:30-6:30 . . . . 50
Lunch and Dinner, per week, $5.00

U cents

Service Table d'Hote

Open to Men and Women

We habe a felt of our very best trimmed hats }left which we
hill dispose of at a great sacrifice to make room for our
Spring Stock.
A rehearsal of "Neighboxs" will be bers of the cast will please report
held from 7 to 9 o'clock. tonight at promptly.
Sarah Caswell Angell hal. All mem-


You will :iways fPnd satisfaction by
adveritsing in the Daily.--Adv.
Always-Daily service-Always.
Hamilton Business
State and William Sts
Between Detroit, Ann Arbon and Jackson
(October 7, 1918)
(Eastern Standard Time)
Detroit Limited and Express Cars-7o a.
nt, and hourly to g9:o p. m.
Jackson Limited and Express Cars--8:48
a. im., and every hour to 9 :48 n.11. (1FX
presses make local stops west of n Arbo)
Local Cars East Bound-6:oo a. i., and
every two hu-s to 9:05 p. Il., ro: n.M.
To Ypsilanti only, 11:45 p. IM, 12:20 a. 11.
:io a. a., and to Saline, change at Ypsilanti.
Local Cars West Bound-7:48 a. m., to
r2 :2o a. itt.
Open from 11:30 a. m. to 12:00 p. m.
Phone 1620-R


The Mayer-Schairer

112 S. Main St.

314 S. Stale St.

Ann Arbor


Engraved Cards
Die Stamping
Book Binding
Leather Goods
Office Supplies
Filing Devices

We welcome all of you back to the city and as
of old extend you the facilities of the largest
bank in the county.

Courteous and satisfactory
TREATMENT to every custom-
er, whether the account be large
or small.
The Ann Arbor Savings Bank
Incorporated 1869
Capital and Surplus, $550,000.00
Northwest Cor. Main & Huron.
707 North University Ave.
Typewriters - ± -

Ann Arbor Savings Bank
Organized 1869


Capital and Surplus

$ 6oo,ooo.oo


Book Cases

Northwet Corner Main and Huron and 707 North University Ave..

Has moved to
Nickels Arcadae
First Floor




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