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November 27, 1918 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1918-11-27

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VOL. XXIX. No. 49.







Majority of Men Take Advantage
of Liberal Offer of
Thanksgiving day will be a day of
feasting and recreatin for the men
in the army and navy units stationed
here. A majority of them will take
advantage of the offer of passes from
today at 2:30 o'clock until Friday
morning at reveille, but those who re-
main will be well provided with en-
te'rtainment and turley. Only 400 of
the 3,800 men in the S. A. T. C. will
eat in the Union mess hall tomor-
,Most of the men on pass live near
enough to Ann Arbor so that they
will be able to have their Thanksgiv-
ing day dinners at home, and others
,will feast with friends and relatives
who live within a day's traveling dis-
tance. The length of the pass gives
many men an opportunity to return to
their home towns for the first time
since they arrived in this city.
0or ns and Sororities to Entertin
Thanksgiving dinners for the men
who must stay in Ann Arbor have
been provided through the efforts of
the War Camp Community service. A
large number of Ann Arbor residents
have offered to receive men in the
service as dinner guests on that day
and several sororities will entertain
S. A. T, C., and naval unit men: At
Newberry residence as many mn will
be entertained as the number of places
left empty by girls who go home.
Martha Cook will entertain 10 each
of sailors and soldiers.
The men who wish to accept these
invitations to dinner have notified
their company commanders and they
will be apportioned to the several
homes and sororities who have ex-
tended this offer.
Vaudeville Planned,
An entertainment including a fea-
ture film, several vaudeville acts, and
a community sing has been arranged
for the .army and navy men and the
general public at 7 o'clock tomorrow
afternoon and night in Hill auditor-
ium. This program is to be given
under the auspices of the War Camp
Community services. Special sec-
tions have been reserved for the S. A.
T. C. and naval unit on the first floor.
The committee urges all men who re-
main in town to attend. Local act-
ors- will supply the vaudeville. No
admission will be charged.
Dr. Harry Emerson Fosdick, who
has recently returned from eight
months' work in France, and who is
already well known on the campus,
will be the spealter at a service ar-
ranged by the army "Y" for Sunday
afternoon in Hill auditorium.
"Dr. Fosdick," said one of the com-
mitteemen, "is because of his recent
experiences and his own keen intel-
lect as able as any one in America to
interpret the meaning of reconstruc-
tion to army audiences. For these
reasons the men of the S. A. T. C.
and naval units are particularly for-
tunate in having the opportunity of
hearing a man so close in touch with
the boys in France and with the re-
construction tendencies of Europe."
The subject of Fosdick's talk will
be "The Major Movements of Our'
Times as Seen in France." The lec-
ture foundation of the First Metho-
dist church is furnishing the speaker.

Various Ann Arbor churches are
uniting to give a great Victory cele-
bration in Hill auditorium on the
morning of Thankgiving day. Mayo
E. M. Wurster will be in charge of the
meeting. Dr. J. i. Vance of Detroit
will deliver the Thanksgiving address.
Professor Theodore Harrison will take
charge of community singing. Earl
V. Moore, '12, will preside at the
organ. It is expected that a large
body of the men in service, who are
especially invited, and also students,
will attend.
There will be a big community vic-
tory "sing" in the evening, with spe-
cified music and a good movie.
The Rev. J. A. Vance, pastor of the
.first Presbyterian church in Detroit,
will deliver the sermon, and the Uni-
versity choral union will probably aid
in furnishing the music.
All students are urged to attend,
and it is particularly desired that
student organizations make an effort
to be present in a body. Invitations
to all S. A. T. C. and naval unit men
were left in the mess hall of the
Union building Tuesday.
Committees for
Juniors Selected
With the exception of the execu-
tive committee, which will be elected,
all committees for the junior lit
class have been appointed by Carl
Johnson, president of the class. The
committees are as follows:
Social: L. R. Van Ness, chairman;
Wm. W. Hinshaw, Karl Velde, Flor-
ence Field, and Rose Sturmer; consti-
tutional committee: Charles R. Osi-
us, Jr., chairman; David Landis, and
Marian Ames; historical committee.
Gertrude Grow; chairman; Lucy Hoff-
man, and Carl Brandt; membership
committee: Gretchen Jones, chair-
man; Marie Thorpe, Harry Hause;
Morrison Leoffield and Charleston
Loucks; finance committee: H. H.
Anderson, chairman ;A. J. Cohn, and
lone Brown.
The army "Y" will run another of
its free movies for the S. A. T. C. at
Newberry hall at 7:30 o'clock to-
night. The show is "The Judge and
the Girl," by the Neutral film com-
pany. Olive Tell and David Powell
play the leading parts.
Both Newberry and Lane halls will
keep open house all day Thanksgiv-
ing for the men left in town. In ad-
dition to the usual facilities of the
buildings, some new games have been
received at Newberry hall.
A committee met last night to ar-
range a series of boxing and wrest-
ling contests to be held during the
next few weels. Every company on
the campus is included. The series
will lead up to a set of matches for
the championships in these sports.
.ess at Union
to be Improved
The food at the army and navy mess
halls is being given special atten-
tion with the idea of bringing about
some improvement. In the past the
faults which have been criticised
have been due to many causes. Some-
times it has been the fault of the men

who were in the kitchen on K. P. duty
and at other times the food which the
Union reecived was of poor quality.
At other times inability to obtain the
food ordered was the cause of a poor
meal. From now on it is planned to
not only have somewhat better menusd
but also to remedy as many of the
causes of discontent as possible.

Apology Ends Peru-Chile Rupture
(By Associated Press)
New York, Nov. 26.-Difficulties between Peru and Chile, which
resulted yesterday ino the recall of consular representatives by each
nation from the principal cities of its neighbors has been overcome
on the part of the Peruvian government by an apology, Carlos Castro
Ruiz, consul general of Chile, announced here tonight.
A cablegram informing him of the Peruvian apology was re-
ceived tonight by Mr. Ruiz from the Chilean minister of foreigna af-
The message, the consul asserted, authorized him to announce
that the Peruvian officials admitted that in making public reports of
outbreaks against their citizens in Chile they had acted on misin-
formation. This was furnished, he said, by the Peruvian consul at
Iquique, whose authority had been cancelled for this reason by the
Chilian government.
The apology sent from Lima, Mr. Ruiz added, was wholly sat-
isfactory to the Chilian officials and had "brought their misunder-
standing to an end."

Men now in officers' training camps
can get credit in the University for
the courses there which correspond
to University courses. This was the
general verdict of the conference of
registrars from the larger colleges
of the west held at Northwestern Uni-
versity last week.
"Steps were taken to elavuate the
camp curriculum according to Uni-
versity standards," said Registrar Ar-
thur G. Hall, who represented this
University. The problem of the for-
eign students who will now come to
American universities instead of to
German ones as formerly, was also
given careful consideration. An ef-

fort will
to these

be made to do full justice
students and valu their
educational training care-


Naval unit men who wish to
for releases from that body


typewrite their application blanks
according to a notice on the bulletin
boards in the corridors of University
hall. These applications must state
extraordinary good reasons in order
to secure a release. '
Must State Good Reasons
Only pressing personal business rea-
sons, dependants, or serious interfer-,
ence with scholastic work. will be
taken as excuses for release. The ap-
plications will be. sent into headquar-
ters and each man in turn will be
called before the authorities and be
made to prove that his reasons are
In the case of scholastic work, let-
ters from some person in authority
in the University, stating positively
that the man is unable to do his work
satisfactorily under the present sys-
tem, will be accepted. A responsible
person in the home town or city of
the applicant must vouch for his de-
pendents or business.
Few Releases to Be Given
It is believed at the naval head-
quarters that only a few will be re-
leased from the unit under this sys-
tem, and these will be only those
that need to return to civilian life.
No general demobilization of the nav-
al unit here is at this time contem-
plated. The men will continue their
college work until such time as they
are needed elsewhere.
Lord Charnwood, a peer of the Eng-
lish realm. and a noted writer, will
visit the University on Monday and
Tuesday of next week to give a lec-
ture on each of these days. He is a
member of the royal society of Eng-
lish literature, the purpose of which
is to further the mutual understand-
ing of the English-speaking world.
Although a peer of the realm, Lord
Charnwood is a staunch Liberal in
politics. He is an eminent British
scholar and has a broad, lofty vision
of the joint part the United States
and the British empire are to play
in a future league of nations.
Lord Charnwood has chosen the
-following subjects for his lectures:
"The League of Nations' Proposal as
It Affects the British Empire," and
"English Domestic Problems Arising
from the War." These lectures will
be given at 4:30 o'clock Monday, Dec.
2, and Tuesday, Dec. 3, in the lecture'
room of the Natural Science building.
Badger School to Discharge Men
Students in the S. A. T. C. at the
University of Wisconsin will be dis-
charged only on specific orders from,
the adjutant's office and any action
to the contrary will be revoked as a,
disregard of authority. Wisconsin
has the term system, the first term

How styles of furniture and house-
hold decoration came' to be known
by the names of the kings of France
was explained by Lieut. Seymore de
Ricci, of the French mission, who
spoke to a good-sized audience in the
Natural Science auditorium last night
on "Art in Old French Homes." The
rulers of France from the time of
Louis XIV until the beginning of the
nineteenth century were lavish pa-
trons of the art of interior furnish-
ing, .Lieutenant de Ricci showed, and
thus the particular tendencies of each
reign were highly developed.
Shows Slides of Art Objects
Slides showing examples of differ-
ent periods, chairs, tables, clocks and
vases, were flashed on the screen,
while Lieutenant de Ricci explained,
in English so perfect that his Gallic
blood would not have been suspect-
ed, their place in the history of inte-
rior decorating and their relation to
French home life.
This was the first of the series of
three lectures to be given by mem-
bers of the French mission.
Pasteur Is Subject Today
Dr. Etienne Burnet, of the Pasteur
institute (Paris), and surgeon in the
Derench army, will deliver the second
of the series of lectures at 4 o'clock
this afternoon in the lecture room
of the Natural Science bilding. He
will speak on the subject, "Pasteur as
a Representative of the French Sci-
entific Spirit." Dr. Burnet has made
extensive research in the field of
philosophy and is also a specialist in
microbiology. His lecture is so ar-
ranged as to appeal especially to the
medical and pre-medical students.
To Speak on Greek Art Tonight
Prof. Theodore Reinach, editor of
the "Gazette des Beaux-Arts," and
lieutenant-colonel in the French
army, will give the last of the lec-
tures at 8 o'clock tonight on the sub-
ject, "The Share of France in the
Resurrection of Greek Art-" His lec-
ture will be illustrated. Professor
Reinach has contributed seeral im-
portant studies to the history of
Greece, and is editor of the most im-
portant French review dealing with
the study of ancient and modern art.
These lectures are free and are in-
tended to interest the general public.
After the lectue tonight, there will be
an informal reception at the Univer-
sity club. All the members of the
several faculties, their wives, and
their guests are invited to attend.
The members are being entertained
in the homes of several of the Uni-
versity officials.
Compulsory Training for Men
Dean Kelly of the University of
Kansas has proposed a plan which
advocates compulsory vocational
training for every man and woman in
the state. If this plan is accepted
every person will be required to at-
tend the institution at , least three
months at the expense of the state,
where they will receive a course in'

England Proposes
Trial of Kaiser
(By Associated Press)
London, Nov. 26.-It is understood
that the question of the extradition
of the former German emperor is be-
ing considered by British law offices
of the Crown, who are working in
close co-operation with the French
authorities. Action in the premises
was taken.Immediately after the flight
of the former emperor to Holland.
The Evening News says it under-
stands the law offices have conclud-
ed that the Allies are entitled to de-.
mand the extradition of the former
emperor, and that this decision ap-
plies also to individuals who have
committed or given instructions for
the commission of extraditable crimes.
Holland Lacks Sufficient Power
It is added that Holland takes the
view that she has not the power to
surrender six persons without the con-
sent of Germany. , . .
The French premier, Premier Cle-
menceau, recently requested of
Charles Lyon-Caen, dean of the fac-
ulty of law of the University of Par-
is, an opinion on the possibility of
the extradition of William Hohenzol-
lern. Monsieur Lyon-Caen asked to be
given time to prepare a decision.
England Indicts Kaiser
Oie of the leading French authori-
ties on international law, Edouard
Clunet, is reported to have advanc-
ed the opinion that it was impossible
to demand the one time emperor's ex-
The former emperor has been in-
dicted three times for murder in Eng-
land in connection with the sinking
of the Lusitania, German aerial raids,
and the shelling by war ships of un-
fortified east coast towns.
Initiate 5 Women
*in Iota Sigma Pi
Iota Sigma Pi, national honorary
chemical sorority, initiated five wom-
en last night. The following are the
initiates: Lawerence Sims, '20; Hat-
tie Ainslie, '19; Margaret Hoover, '20;
Helen Seeley, '20,and Hazel Platt,
Work on Water System Proceeding
The city water main from Steere
farm has been completed to about
400 feet the other side of the Ann Ar-
bor tracks during the past few weeks.
Bricks will be laid next week; for the
pumping station, the base of which
is now ready.
Various sized wells have been sunk
but as they are not deemed suffi-
cient preparations are being made for
other larger ones.
It is expected that by spring all
the 20 inch pipes will have been laid
and water furnished to the city.
Oldenburg Forms New Republic
Berlin, Nov. 23, via Berne, Nov. 26.
-The Grand Duchy of Oldenburg
has been transformed into a repub-
lic under a directory composed of five
social democrats, two bourgeois, and
two former ministers. The duke of
Brunswick and his family have gone
to Ausburg.
Harry MalejAh, '14M, Transferred
Lient-Col Harry Malejan, '14, has
been transferred from Camp Custer

Representatives Set No Definite Date
for Opening of Final Peace
(By Associated Press)
Paris, Nov. 26.-A league of nations
is likely to figure before the peace
conference at a very early stage of the
proceedings, instead of near the close,
after the territorial aspirations of the
various powers are settled.
Two distinct view points have now
developed on this' subject. The Am-
erican view is that the coming con-
gress will not be like the Vienna con-
gress, which devoted itself principally
to arranging what each power should
receive as the result of the Napoleonic
upheaval. According to the Ameri-
can view, the present war was based
on certain high ideals and was not
a struggle for territorial gains.
Ideals Come First
Therefore,' it is maintained that
ideals would come before territorial
aspirations in the deliberations of the
congress, and these ideals having been
first defined, should thereafter be the
main guide in national aspirations.
One of the chiefs of these ideals,
they pointed out, was to prevent fut-
ure warfare and a league of nations
has been generally and officially ac-
cepted as the most practical organiza-
tion for accomplishing that ideal. It
is therefore held that this should be
one of the first subjets-|
and should set a standard of ideals
for other subjects following.
England Favors Yank Views
It can be stated that this Amer-
ican view of procedure has found
warm supporters in England and
France, though there is also another
view point which clings to the old
procedure, whereby individual aspir-
ations for territory should have first
Those urging that territorial ques-
tions should come first say that it is
highly desirable to sign a peace treaty
embodying the essential details at the
earliest possible moment so as to
terminate the official war period un-
der which troops are held for the dur-
ation of the war, and railroads, tele-
graph, and other public utilities are
similarly affected until peace is de-
clared. According to this view an
early peace agreement on essentals
would release the armies, including
the American troops holding the o-
cupied region.
Wilson Sails Next Week
Washington, Nov. 26. - President
Wilson will sail for Europe next week
to attend the opening of the peace
conference, and he expects to be back
in Washington soon after the middle
of January.
Plans for the President's trip are
going steadily ahead, but beyond the
original announcemdbt that he would
leave iimedately after the convening
of c ngress on Dec. 2, no details have
been made public. However, it was
said today authoritatively that the
President plans to be back on Aer-
ican soil within six weeks after his
ship leaves. this side.

Conference to Meet in 1919
There has been no indication when
the peace conference will meet, but
the general belief here is that it will
convene immediately after the Christ-
mas holidays. The President goes in
advance to confer with the Entente
statesmen, and it is expected that the
broad outline of the treaty will be
found beforehand with a view to its
adoption soon after the conference
The President was understood to
have discussed his trip with members
of his official family at the regular
(Continued on Page Four)

British Naval Losses Total 57,622
London, Nov. 26.-The British naval
isualties from the outbreak of the
ar until the end numbered 39,766,
Le Admiralty announces tonight
In addition, 14,461 officers of men
British merchant vessels and ship-


In addition to the numerous other
parties given for the S. A. T. C. and
naval unit men who are not fortunate
enough to be able.to go home or be
otherwise entertained over Thanks-
giving an old-time social will be held
at 8 o'clock this evening in the social
room of the Congregational church.
All military men are especially in-
vited. The social starts promptly at



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