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November 07, 1918 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1918-11-07

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Intramural j

'U -

(Continued from
'- iKrmde is another uj
mnore' so than the bij
back. His is probabl
' carious position on1
'very unusual that Co
pick a totally green n
pos~aition in the bigg4
season. It proves $;i
ability. Never has k
gam~e of college fool
Saturday to be the,- 1
football career. Ask
Varsity baseball teary
he demonstrated his
clever at- handling tl
optionally good at' 'cat
is because of these tw~
ability to use his head
cause 'he is capablec
' ball, 'that he was pi(

At the left 'end r ' unne, another
'IAIM freshman; brother of Morrie Dunne,
ftamous-' Michigan' - athlete of' several
years ago, will start. Having comn-
pleted several years of -p-rep school
t IA raining;' he xoportedfoprciea
the beginning of the fall as a finished
football player. He is shifty and al-.
iPage One) ways: on ithe -'alert, being able to go
ntried man, even arouznd behind after a plat'started to-
g freshman full- wa'rd, the other end and stopping it be-
ly the 'most pre- fore' it gets to the first ldne defenses.
the- team. It' is Goetz at left' tackle is a "veter'an of
aci -Yost should last year.- He is sa fighter 'and able to
nan for' the pilot open up holes' for the backs to- go
eat game~ of the through. N'oplays, started' by 'Chi-
1ks extraordinary cago tow'ard him will ;get 1rery far.-
Knode'entered a Adams Wi;Play Guard
itball, the 'battle 'one of" the' few surpri et is Adamis
beginning"' ohis at left guard. He was but recently
shortstop on the shifted from the reserves and is large-,
nr of last spring, ly unknown, but his good work'dur-
3nerve. He is ing the past. several weeksa while on
:he ball and ex- the ~ sciurbs, brought him, before- the
tthing'punts. It .'ekes eof,- chYost, who placed him
vo thli 'and&htS- 'oni the Varsity, where--he'has -made
, rather than be- good. His is a tale like Parrin's. Hav-
of 'advancing the ing oo id.,nail on h eey
cked to start at' es for seve*'al years; Sher -prepxred him-
self for the bi team. ' As ascrapper
sStrong ~ dm -has few' to- compare with' him
is -been the weak amnong'-'hia tbi inates.
loughout'tii3' ea. "Vick' is the ' third" and last of the
imentor to work freshmen whicli were among the hon-
Ae~ld,-' looks'x vnry-, eed'few. 'He is a Toledo Scottthigh
as been devoting school'-man, and Weis chosen to hold
practice periods down the center position. Being big
,ilding 'them- into and -the miost "agtre'slve' of 'the- for-
.ain he,'has suc- wards he will fi in *wlF in front bft
I highest' expect= 'Kifode.
season's line has ,The only position which was left'.
Marring constant- doubt was right guard. Frereman,
nstilled not only Heniderson, and -Wilson are the men

son, as picked by the
with the above backs
strong. Coach Yost hi
much of his short
eac ' evening in rot i
shape andIn~the m:
c ed' ' almost 'beyond
ations. The present
lacked fight but by rei
'ly to Chicago he has-i



you need


4wstyr-imt ° at- the- rigt rr tcw

Practice behind -locked gates was
cotibiued yesterday afternoon. Coach
Yot-csent 'the ,team, which will meet
'Chicago Saturday through some snap-
p'y singnal =work.
x-r Puning "and- assing Were -held on
theregullir feld- at the begln ing of
the' work -out. This did not last -long,
however, a*,the darkness made it nec-
essary -to hanige to the adjoining field
to pbractice'with the lights turned on.
- Wh' ile }the second string men on
-the Vakrsitysquad were going through
'somre pratice, reparatory to scrim-
biaging'Athe Varsity tomorrow night,
the regulr° team, which was chosen
td- open the contest Saturday, was giv-
eti' a chanice to try out some trick
-The only man absent fro mthe line-
3up Odring the afternoon was Dunne,
'whil' has -sustained a ,slight injury.
' He =will be "with the team this after-
noon, though, for his injury is not ser-
'i From evry angle the team is in
'perfet codition; ard with the pep
that the coach is =instilling into the
'mleif, illII' be 'one of the strongest elev-
ens that has represented Michigan for
a -long'time. The line has been round-
ed, into first' class; shape and will be
able to "Stop any 'Maroon jersey that
co'rnes wthin 1reach.-
"Freeman, the big guard of the last
' a sfreshman team will be the ulti-
mate choice, but as the other two men
have'been -doing excellent work for
sometime - past, the practices of the
'next,- few, evenings° will tell the tale.
- "oetean at iht "Tacle
-Morrison for right tackle is a sur-
pise to somte but not to those that
saw him in action last year. He was
'amocng the best whch Yost had at his
-dispoasal for the tackle job last rall.
Having enlisted in the navy during the
Summer, Morrison was late ;in getting
transferred ;back to school. He has
only been- out' for practice several
weeks, 'but in this tie -ja rounded.
ito condition aid fitted himsef for a
Varsity berth. This tackle'is a scrap-
per; of the vairiety of which Yost is
excepionaly fond, going into each
"phia weter'near him or far away,
for 'all he is 'worth.
At right end Karpus was the Coach's
choice. He was -a member of Coach
Mitcll's "freshmtan team of -last fall.
Karpus is fast, shifty, a hard tackler,
and a fighter. 1e will be a worthy
mate for Dunne 'on the other end.
Hendershot will- substitute for
Dunne if the big freshman is dis-
abled. Cyss may go in for Adams,
Van Wagoner for Vick and Boville
-for Karpus. - In-the backfields, if sub-
estitutions are mtade hey will be Walk-
er for Perrin, Cruse for Cohn, Olson
for Steketee and either Jordan or
Carter for Knode.
The' ther men who will be taken to
"hcago to complete the squad of 34
are: Clash, Hauser, Hunt, Genebach,
Lent,, Scbeidler, Barnes, Cartwright,
Timichac, "]Lndstrom, Fletcher, '= and
A large collection of Medici 'Prints
on exhibition for ten days at DeFrie's
Art' Store. 223 So. Main St.-Adv.
?You will alays fnd satisfactn by
advertiing in the Daily.-Adv.

,;:nooth and Even Patented
Back Crossing
"CLUETT, PEABODY I? CO., Inc., Troy, N.Y.
Ray's "BETSY ROSS" Shop
The. forutal.Room DeLuxe
Not Fudg Sundae: Whipped Cream Soda:
-Not Chocolate Supreme Malted Milk:

Minneapolis, Minn., Nov. .-Foot-
ball stars-of bygone days will twinkle
on the Nicollet park gridiron Nov.
9, in a real army-navy contest. The
S. A. T. C. eleven of Dunwoody insti-
tute will meet the 'naval aviation de-
tachment team.,
Johnl Maulbetsch, Michigan's cat-
apult, is coaching the aviators and ex-
pects to play. His °squad in~cludes
Anderson, Yale halfback; Schneeber-
ger, Wisconsin tackle; Mendenhall,
Iowa halfback; Hilger, St. Thomas
fullback; Penny, Princeton halfback;
and. Shorney, Wisconsin tackle.
The Dunwoody institute eleven has
Blooruquist, Pennsylvania lineman;
Wulff, Drake halfback; and Sherping,
an end from 'Carleton college,' on its
Washington, Nov. 5.-Draft calm~ for
the mobilization of 290,773 more men
at - army training camps before Nov.
21 have been announced by Provost
marshal General Crowder. Between
Nov.' 11 and 15, 253,335 white men will
entrain for cantonments. This is the
largest single call issued -under the
selective service act. The remainder
of the November call is made up of
negroes who will entrain between
Nov. 19 and 21.
With the assembling of these men
the total number drafted will. total
3,000,000 and the number of men in
the army, including those in the Aeld
and in training, will total more than
Washington, Nov.. 6.- Ed Gardner
of the railroad service between New
Y'ork and Washington encountered the
first touch of winter when he flew 40
miles- through a snow .storm so-dense
that he could not even see the 'wings
of his machine. Arrangements to
combat winter conditions are being
made by the postoffice department in
electrically heated clothing and indi-
vidual heating plants.
Patronize our advertisers.-Adv.

Suit and Overcoat
from our attractil'e line of


Hart Schaffner & ftlarx

and you 'll'have no reason to regret it. You get pure
woolen fabrics, latest styles and a wide range o,
colors and patterns from which to select.
Haimn, of HartiSchaffner A Marx Clothing
Southw~est Corner of Main and Washington Streets


German $urglars Bab During maids Saarbrucken, a burgl
Amsterdam, Nov. 5.- The German caught by soldiers p:
burglar seizes the opportunity to make plies from a provision
a haul when an Allied air raid is in of which had been dex
progress" over one of the German ing 'valued at thousand
Rhine cities. During a recent raid on looted from another sh


It -

Oly Oe Kindof Cloth
That You Should Purchase
and that is clothing made from ,pure woolen fabti
No other kind will gike you service; it may look n~
hanging on the racks but hvhen you come to put it
you'll find pit wlon't ksar and will not hold its sha,
Take no Chances. Select your nelv fall and win~




Goodyear Drug Co.
Main Street Ann Arbor; Michigan'
'SUNDAY DUirlt4R- f1Qte 1:45
Cream of Tomato Soup
Roat Leif Ves

In Anti cipation 'of Ropenin

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Mwsa.. ' or

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Cream ei Cauliflower
Perfeetioa Salad

Bitter Sweet Sun dac
-- Coffee
Price, 75 Cents

Name. Mad. Nut Cake
- 'Tea -%~Miik
Both UMo n nWomen



of the University of Michigan are cordially invited 'to'
inspect our new line of


a nd


newest models., newest -
l~est jritces

colorings, "and

Has'. been thoroughly




Leau Oep




black.'-purse conitaining
Ad nearly $14 cash on in-
LI' 43&mday ight. fuider
irn to, ?reda" Shay, 608
Ypsilanti. Reward.
tmian fountain pen on

BE iN<IflP1NDENT of "DAD!" Ear
ycuro--wn spending wonet' Turn
- yo - r, ttr ne Into 4dollars. Just
a few more placeb opena Give
phone. Address, Dollars, Care of



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