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November 07, 1918 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1918-11-07

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very morning except Monday
versity year by the Board in
dent Publications."
ted Press is exclusively entitled
republication of all news dis-<
d to it or not otherwise credited
and also the local news pub-
the postoffice at Ann Arbor,
econd class matter.
sby carrier or mail, $.o.

events will be published in Tne
e- discretion of the Editor, if left
Sto the office.
communications will receive no
n. No manuscript will be re-
;s the writer incloses postage.
y does not necessarily endorse the
expressed in the communications.
Mighell.... ....Managing Editor
kinson.........Business Manager
Osius, Jr........... .City Editor
Clark ............. Night Editor
Martin ........ Telegraph Editor
.ernstein............ Sport Editor
Riorden.........Military Editor
rnsey........... Women s Editor,
hlbert........... Associate Editor'
Gaines..Advertising Manager
bele........ Publication Manager
Major......Circulation Manager
is Paul G, Weber
Horace W. Porter.


John Kyser
Herman tLustfield
Philip Ringer
Bowen Schumacher
Marie Thorpe

ssue Editor--Rutk Dailey
erday a group of distinguished
th men and women were the
Vof, the University, coming to us
the purpose of increasing !the
1 'understanding between 5the
of their country and ours. This,
a of them .expressed it, can best
evthrough the youth of the two
4s, xStr the habitually -indifferent'
le of older generations is dif-
If not impssible, to change
v much we have learned and
flitI to: learn ,from xEngland is
ly. eaized byithe aerage Am-
tevent by those who have been
ded of the debt in their study
abeginins' of American "poll-
pilosophy, 'science and litra-
Ameri can pride is too wont to
at changesin the structur of
civlization which have' been
ht' here, and at, institutions
i have a freer growth here be-
unhampered by Old World mits
and outgrown forms. We for-
at the foundation was after all
and passed, on to us by the na-
those language we speak, whose
t of freedom we cherish, and
Ii'men of science and letters have
tlueniced 'our thought that we
ethink of them as representa-
of another clture than our own
beside gratitude for the lessons
rpast it would be well for Am-
LBe and 'college-bred American'
rtlcular, to look forward to sit-
t the feet of England to lear
he future. While the member
British mission declare that they
ere to learn of us, and they wil
less carry away impressions o
Iniversity life which will hav
effect on the olleges to whic
return, still the English idea of
versfy contains much which w
well' incorporate. It is in th
sh university that the trues
mmic spirit has its best growth
the mien and women in attend-
are oftenest properly called stu
vand that sportsmanship in ath
reaches its finest flower.
:en the purpose for which thi
mission has come to us is at
d and the-young people of bot
ties have an opportunity to in
angle In that most sympathetic o
Ions, college comradeship, Amer
universities 'will have highe
Lards and English universitie
have broader ones and the alli
between the nations will be in
1 by respectful and affectionat
ch comment was aroused by th
dct ofa few civilians during th
e yesterday afternoon who d
hlnk it worth while to remov
hats whle the color guard wit
flags of England and Americ
,d.t This is af mark of reverenc
hi eery loyal American shou
It nt only his duty, but his prlv.

what yu'dv like to give andsgive It;NELSON A. KELLOQ, U. OF N.
then start figuring' how to get along GRADUATE, BECOMES MUOR i,. ~~f
on what's left. I 1LOmUIe IA ny an a y Iil
- - - ~Is Mimbr oF.f $t oDi -1'30 .,n5yWhsichf=
Ohio~ hates tov have to begin to use Ht Lost' =ny -menin is oky als#1 od r
water as a beverage. France tie todaiy S eniors and f ceshmei 'Were at your aervice with
will practice at 4:15 o'clock, and first
WO KO N U LNelson A. Kellogg, graduate of "theanseodoimretmst :3
WO KO N U L University of Michigan, has beent pro- o 0ok
MAKIG POGRSSooted to the° rank Mof major in the
Pln'o United States army. He "I 4'faousy The flasw'in military marching Is .Ap liesjGe r l
thPis diino h everywhere 'as one 'the- reatest igd o ebtropl oa o
Mlhiansfrnthaebetnncompltheddistance runners ever produced at the 2:30 O'clock 0clas. _________
Mhfaesn'haebecopee.Michigan.- dbdo'i'iehv.st
and 'already one-fourth of the stu- He has become major of the drt Girls are -requested to oonut ,the, n i iae
dents' in military servIce 'here have battalion of the 337th infantry, which schedules in Barbour gypuasium 'faots
had their pictures taken. The book left 'Camp Custer with. the"'5th d- 'their Idoor class work. IuV hw'
'sn;wchinoinsvhAttes of the usual: sizeand the first edi- visowihi owidiriba he-~"i@ K T R
front.' Major 'Kellogg Is second °in List. far gl~s..wha desire to elec
'"lo "loe" _if ~i Netee 40command, as his 'regiment is wthout' swimnming, baaktbalhe dancing, or '''" '
and 500 pages. " Besides countless a colonel itrymarcking are met pstedinth -''
snapshots' of Michigan mient in service After 'leavinlg cllege, °leogg"wet gSyuasium. f
there will be group pictures of the t Iw il~'lyadbcm tlt
barracks, individual pictures of the isc coach4and teacher of d-ieek. H"Iie e- Regstration #t' flay round lork L 1Y' N D 0" N
men in the "army and navy here anzd tered the'Port Sn111 liig traiW camp 18-still oen ___________
views of the'campus buildings. The soon after 'the wVar brbkeib'Ot, ~ndwas
wa'annual will conntain" about'three
wrcolmmissioned a&4 captain. He w 5COPj4aEW 'I F1S,'OEII '' "inn Arbor'repreentatlvb dealer in jATMAN ~KODAKS films
or four times more cuts 'this year than tranitered t4i Camp Cute, t his re- $H~J ig' I'1'fl~ T F4iKi n uplsa poorphrt ihgn tdns ed
fomely heprnipl u'owl e ustober i 1 t,'r.ad-TIE amateur finihing tbusiness in Ann Arbor because we do
a view of the campus' takenfrm aMrs., jM. llotgg o a 8ttle Leek. Ms M'y1rio olok.ev,-h kn'ta rnste n eu~t1~ee :
United States war departmet "aero- the 8th hlians lffered"'-geaf-16 an jn t° for t ?'dprt-
plane. Present circumstances offer since it'reached 'ranke,w' aordng to "ent'-c a'i~a' 8o" the tu' thr sa#ihd n3 .Gielblg#u 1tek a t
material for the war annual" which ltesrcie rmMjrK1g.sicr7Iir1 1fla'flsin; fr6Urei weunds,
will be valuable for the future as well A h iete et#w~witnte~tf~ ii cin ~v~ a
as the present. It will contain a list f>h watu'bhadte~e~'fyer's~et ofita ' . lvib'vs t.O,. "v-
of Michigan men in the -service and new men to come°'in. The ~con phiesM - °i~~litd 1 ay i
of those who have died in action,.r owaoto fies n h nn- a 'thetdifgence' b a o 'he#
ae6 'tto t sdtlin So ttWn hcbfeci 4iThere will be a symposium of the ,. '"''' * Y'Y U
work'each war or6ganization has done ________«3th'IMIt _hnhe0aaklld
on the campusand 6f what' hia t YtESiTY h larrici n~o _ cwb ''' f O poral Davis wa writtenAugu6st'e2. BOK_ i d 5P ~ E
has done in the world wvar. "Any stu-. VA1I NT FOR STE 51'tA xET In it he sa#ys MtatIt" wrai hard to 'be,
dent will have the right to be proud of ' ' iT Y".:
lieveo'tatjusr'6vsV' the'gxe'tdr
this year's Mihganensian both from The customary eesraln Calsed by shells t iseittifig dt~t a lde-,u
a i er r a d a a tst c s an - oi t verstud is reduced to' a iinl umi atru ction. H e said he was osi
The first edition has the' advantageaog h ...T.C tuets n 'ak"" 11iVb~7 t ethwt
of appearing just before Christmas. teeewr fteUiet li o spi- taori s ndl ll. AR UV AN tNoAVdeath 0 "fr1ithR
Because of this 'students are asked to al is" suffering from'a serious'dearth
subscribe early, for no extra copies of,'lients. ' Awy-~1yurk~-wy.'
are to be made. The prie for sub- 'mlwii piios 'av' "ee"' a*an-
scribers Is $2.50 for tboth editions and
$30wa onsbcier.Te"*r ed in explanation of this phel~nen - * 'a. °
$30 o o-usrbr.Te on.' One' Ahnn Arbior'physiian ttri- 1
annual for '1918 wll'probably 'have a btes it to the geniral iipr6'emen -' V
larger circulationi than frmer ich- in health of the S. A. T. C. men wich Your fall"' M USIC.
iganensians because it will act as a enables 'the 'toc tomat ce ssfly PiAN SVC1ROAAIDJR4XI°~
alink between Michigan men in service the~etutv oc'0'eet~i ~ ''wl ~eyuta tI'R ~ A D LN N ~ IE'I
and the 'students in college. To the'
mnnacinteMciaesawllAnother gives the credit to the nd - -1'N A LMJ G LS PLIES AT \
men inacionth 34~chgaensan w lber' of° hours"of sleep 'otaired wil. WL" I~
'manifest the spiit of 'war timeMichi-- sill afi d' tinke -that itA ~due to APPEARANE '~I
gan and to 'those at home it 'will ,con- the relatively small amount of real ch c ere & onausc Ho s
vey knowledge of the-deeds of; Michi- ,°_studying "xlbW 'requredt 6!'thee"' i"tm "*i"' .11 SMA,°"s 'TPH N~2
gan men in the trenches. bers'"c o fthecor>ps. xipi Ai t
-T EECLASS HO3Ct iEY TEAMS'._ wm AU °-. 4..t .. .FA
The following casualies arerieport- - -
1ed yesterday by the commnanding gener- The captains of the hockey tieiams Vq'h". ieor ne* iavtfrs ___________________
al of the American= ExpeditionaryForc- ar nonc' sfllw:Mr
es : Killed "in,'action, .40;' died of dls- Morse, senior team; Lucy H ia, 1.Lbeti" *u.116to, aeaee xa'ae s. vcrceeifra
eae 1 o n e e eey 8 unior team , and Florence Freemlanu "'it ed bSaturday (or erap so 11er) pottrtabl
wounded, degree undetermined; 220; freshman 'team. The freshm~an captaIt _____________we_____ave___ aon ttypwrier
E _;: .,,wounded slightly, 208. Total, '647. will represent the class on the Wmo-. ±-. it etj ~ls"~v~'1
1 The following cabualties are report- men's Athletic board. The captaini if" " '7. A If f?4GuLOO
ed today by the coamanding general the sophomore team will be choen aitsrmn.'tioei~t
f a wr 1U~.mto 41t:0@P4. N C~ N - easel $5 QO.
of the American Excpedtionary Forc- 'today.NO
es: Killed in action 125; died of _______________" A tknl1 s myte 1khied 3ff S4ut1. '[Wti
wone wounds,6;deondede, 126; 1 U. er wofrkj
wons 9 ido dsae 2; Daily 'want ads bing :results. Sid&-i~ata Et. "hrx ' , x-
ly, 120; missing in action, 85; prs-f3 13 ic' -UM -MA
oiiers, 3. Total, '530. UnvritAt14t3 ~Ab e~i
ther if e ce 2 u a soreeaQa~ 4' fl h sk tey T e r n s.c .n -l wloi~ *senWt i f w m l s o n r o 'and Inglls, where .yo r 'khaki arm ents ""D trIt Limted and Ipr w.. a zahrrre5g ll n-f e l w i.;if s citTer e e 2 al n
when a farmer living nar Saline call- ,-'Dm. S4rvtee * ,and evryhour ..
e up t e s eifs ofc to ay t a : 'f p two men, pathetically'_"ginned up dm," ; " Lcal ars 'ast Boaund-6:.o .'
Veoo:00a. m,.to 9:30 P"a. everytohours to :p .T i., o.4
had just run Into the ditch. They left tiu 0474. W i . a ~T~ Ati only. r,4~' :,'n!'
ntheir stolen Ford when an officer WE B Y DISCARDED"l i s B" -''a: .'f.;' 'a o Sne' che" ,in
9appeared, and have not been seen e I$0u arsl.ftic'-i 3uM#t
y'since. a dIee .. I'a- -4
1 The authorities, confiscated the car,a= ° ____________________________________
and the 100 quarts of "hooch" that Ia
eit contained and they still remain in.11 1 oi'eu n a a
the "lock-up"- pending an Investiga- X30"TOI~to*~l~I

t ion as to whether the owner of. the or small.
ecar is also one of the men with such T. uw A ; h,
ean enormous thirst. UR IIJW LIItW 16 U rpbraed-1%I
Staff and Line Officers Needed Cap~ti' sud °$>rplwPII6 I
-:New 'York,' Nov. 4.-Army offiersBs~re ... f/YG
for both, the staff and the line Fare compaUnyH
needed in this country, according to aNotetGr.)an
statement 'of Capt. Arthur F. Cosby, of 77Nrl ~$~t v
s the military training camps associa-12I u t ______________
-tion, which Is aiding qualified' civiliansM
h who wish to 'enter' service. He says POP.
-that there is a shortage of officers in Tr'y our HOME-MA
Spractically every branch of the army Fine SttiAer c .tI~
-and an exceptional opportunity' fore ie ta 0 ) of6 uAND'pne
r able men is presented. Engraved C
Cs sThey are 6otbi' delioiou' 41
GrasBuild Iron Clad Cruisers Die Stamping Whteo'iue
Copenhagen, Nov. 5. - The libe -st UiD6L~'A
e titsTienesays that it has learn -Printing Q
ethat the Germans have completed RTHE SUGA&iiii ~1 1 RBO~
submarines as iron, clad cruisers. R tig3 Phae 967 109&4"
They are 340 feet long and of aboutBo k'_______________
te 2,000 tons. The vessels carry 80 men Book Binding,
Le and 25 torpedoes, two 15-centimeter ~rIn
id guns with 2,000 shells and :two. 8.8 Leather G oo dTotr cw o
centimeter guns. x r;
Off____ ~ice Surplus can6m~b
i . _- ..';r Sweater, i
'a Blritish Govt. Grets Big Cloth ng "Order ,1iupe
Acting Filing Devices Zupe
e AcigQuartermaster General Wood + hing else
Id recentlyt announced that contracts for Desks Aclin
y_ 1,800,000 pair of trousers and 1,400,000 %.°Soe
coats have bee~n placed with the Brit- Caslyfsri
ish government. Cloth to the amount - 'V WI& f tI"l .of allas
Cases Son U4h Ave, hne208 ine Sot
cof 1,000,000 yards was ordered to be Book Gats *aAaG WALINApo BW
at used iii the manufactui'e of officers' 9I97S Stt6t. CHIC

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