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October 27, 1918 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1918-10-27

Disclaimer: Computer generated plain text may have errors. Read more about this.

>ng, the Maize and,
ed one of the worst
eason yesterday aft-
at a time they were
e shots of a genuine
ot all.
pulator of the like-
ished with his duet
etting two men at a
he entire Varsity and'
at them. Coach,
coaches and mana-
cessary to withstand
was over, the hurry-
iad to give a few of
cents to the photog-
likeness was also
, the official photo-
918 Varsity football
. at Ferry field, yes-
just before practice.


The Michigan' Varsity football men
are going to practice by electric light
as soon as the clocks are set back to
their, old standard.
Such was the announcement made
by Coach Yost yesterday, when he
was asked how he is going to conduct
practice in the dark. Because of the
night falling so early, and since the
hours of practice, as allowed by the
military authorities comes just at the
close of day, some scheme was neces-
sary that the men might practice de-
spite the darkness.
A number of powerful electric
searchlights will be swung over that
part of the field which is just south
of the club house, and here it will be
that the Varsity gridders will practice
when the sun goes down.
The method has been tried before,
and although not quite as handy as
daylight, it has proven practical. It
is hardly possible that scrimmage will
be held by means of the electric light,
but there is no reason why the sig-
nal practice cannot be held then.
The scheme has been used at Ferry
field before by the coach, who refuses
to lose any time, and has filled the
(Continued from Page One)
Yet despite their exceptional=
strength, Coach Yost is in no way
afraid of meeting them. Some time
ago the hurry up man characterized
the contest, should it be played, as
"some game," and now that it is as-
sured that it will be played, he re-
peats the prophecy, and Coach Yost
Old Michigan wil rejoice at hearing
of the success with which the athletic
director met at the state capitol. The

the outcome of rumors to the erect
that the game would be played at some
later date, and now that the rumors
are confirmed, a mass meeting to
arouse interest for the game will
probably be held at the first oppor-
Large Attendance Due.
Anticipating an overwhelming de-
mand for seats for the contest the
athletic department of the University
urges that seats be reserved 'as early
as possible. Arrangements have been
made for reserved seats and boxes
running in price from $1.50 up to $3
each. All orders should be sent di-
rect to Philip G. Bartelme, director
of ath.letics of the University. -
As usual, the center part of the
north bleachers will be reserved for
the student body.
It is now practically guaranteed
that the game will be played and noth-
ing short of an earthquake could stop

the Aggies at Ferry field.
Football Results'
Rutgers, 39; Lehigh, 0.
Drake University, 39; Des Moines, 7.
Navy, 47; Newport Training School,
Western Reserve, 6; Oberlin, 3.



come and games may,
higan-Chicago contest
game to be played in
ar as far as interest
es," said "Hurry-Up"

It will be the biggest contest of the
year to be played at home while
some people are of the opinion that
it may overshadow the Chicago game
to be played Nov. 9. At least, critics
acknowledge that it will be one of
the most interesting contests to be
played on Michigan soil this season,
not only from a standpoint of rivalry
between the two schools, but also
from a 'standpoint of the technique of
the game.
Two Record Squads
That the hurry up coach has devel-
oped one of the best squads in years
is the opinion of most critics while
the Aggie bunch is considered an ex-
ceptionally fine machine for their
Attempts of football fans in Detroit
to get the game played there went
astray when Ann Arbor was chosen
as the logical place for it. The De-
troit fans held that they could get a
bigger crowd to attend the game there
than at Michigan. However, from pre-

"Over the
Oberlin, 01
"over the ti
tion of $31,E
Loan drive.
and it subsc


313 S. Sta
Phone 13

verines and the
e drilling daily
game. It has
these two teams
leading the Win-
Coach Yost has
and Blue eleven
of time. Both of
as of the game,
ome of the best
seen on the grid-

ground in our own shop, same day. Try our
Eyes examined.







I ,

I of time


of both institu-
vaiting the whis-
nore signify that
matched against

Army and Navy

for 1

Large Attendance Possible
There are a large number of alum-
ni from Michigan in Chicago and they
are itching to see the contest. The
attendance at the game, according to
probable estimates made by authori-
ties at the University of Michigan,
will be around the 30,000 mark.
Since the Northwestern game has
'been called off, the Yost proteges will
have' more than a month of hard prac-
tice. By that time the Wolverine
coach expects to have his line the
strongest it has been for years. Every
an on the eleven will be capable,
and will undoubtedly show up fine on
the field.
Great Lakes, Ill., Oct. 26.-North-
western University eleven held the
Great Lakes Naval Training Station
aggregation to a scoreless tie on a
slippery soggy field at the station to-
day. Thousands of blue jackets wit-
nessed the contest.
Although the game was deep in
Northwestern territory during the
most of the game, the navry had onaly
two chances to score. Paddy Driscoll,
former Northwestern star, attempted
to register two field goals for the
blue jackets. He fumbled the ball on
his first chance in the second quarter
and Northwestern kicked out of dan-
ger. In the third period Driscoll's
shot was too 1(1",
The playing of Bachman, tackle, for
the navy, and Grest, halfback for
Northwestern, featured the game.
Northwestern was scheduled to play
Michigan today, but because of the
influenza epidemic the game was can-
celled and the Great Lakes contest was


the air1



We have right here in stock about five hundred yards of
NAVY Woolens of serge, unfinished worsted and broad
all of which were purchased onetwo, or three years ago
we are in a position to meet any reliable merchant in pric(
work needs no introduction to University men
Is There a Difference In Uniforms?
If you dont think so look at the garments, displayed in our window
Then cast a look at the others. Regardless of what you pay for your
quality alone tells the story.
Why Do Uniforms Cost from $30 to $706
For the same reason that any suit you would wear this fall costs the
or more. You cannot pay the present price for woolens, trimmings an
making, and produce cheap work, unless you buy cotton or shody mixe
woolens, and use cheap help. The result is obvious.
It Will Be A Pleasure For Us
To show you our line and talk over your wants. An early call
suggested, as it takes time to make careful work.

Yost's own
real worth
i when they
rubs yester-
cted forma-
is whenever
talk before
sizing upon
the- Chicago

f Huns Promise Return of Works of Art
London, Oct. 26.-Valuable works of
art belonging to museums and private
owners in the regions of Cambrai,
Douai, and Valenciennes, now in the
hands of the Germans, will be re-
turned undamaged to their owners
after the war. This announcement is

604 E. Liberty St. J. KARL MALC

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