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October 20, 1915 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1915-10-20

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. ITT xfE rT E No r". QA-N DAILY.


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Jrc I'y 3 fer yAi tb3
Cobot'aead ilastrs f;


Y 5u .will find: othe:
here fifr :T eBig' Stor'
that you know ark, righ
-4d-er's f oexam le.
aYou wil."iet lo
ove t11 A6we yes
fffjjj a s ,3jand s le' thi
' ~fashion u 1 i unha!

The Stei-n-! aOch Co.. V1915. ,
esn mrs alin ormore than sixty years
have correctly interpreted

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the style needs of the realMA *Put '%.'iQr1C
American, as shown in .. /.
to )i I ff1lri node(1if, rvqr(1 oUit ra fW1 , ,--. _ . Ii ot Q ]~
Ct1~er? and Furnishers MI ,E rIJL trIVLI "zT v t °T t
ya a n t 41 t> IC s Jw s
Sfiliaiants Varity=S and 4fkla E ' i i al) s
..-..e"1--,4¢t wtl lI M r" A. t C. 's m i° ita a4 b' if if ~~~~~~an ~ ~ g tet
A gb C7la y e s Ee p J i D it t( r [I YIl di r
11W t y'tto rtar e' bfls atik ml rgo
i rr,: T3Zr hbeenreciedfom 11 nbk 1 ~I r6 l f 'I Iam Wnd agttcitreets
aTA6~e t wtE S . yc.n t1ak rkgrd1Jl
ft~i ihe gn Vatt ty -b -t a dsCif o. lte '& o
AgI )'es. pt Y (ttU.OI
'or B olo g , H i toloiB aArt i 1 1 4;0; g-1- d A iiia A l ' 1 0 f $ * j ) j ~ ~ h K r l t ~ bh ~
te footbll gd ~a n th e ft tii~oit. 1 ", wii throa71p)r-"y{ / tf l
;I c. . 1O iA't~h d ^' ,, ;he ib1Ft P~d1WK i# rt i3 in&AL N lu11f11 a $!"V '..w. .j ay 9r thelt .9ste
Gr cm ludliakcleot lar u e ranem1 tI ne of these things will ynot1 gr 41eetatimsthi.
, aES UIIt 11.Uv ; ~e t stis
Padatu i naarr1Wd rtade fl lfyyb T d t ° mo , g t j rm e l( yi gp3I( o I ° y f j' 13 W() I Hto
f(i wll - 0 ~e F 1 :. «.rus sJ'"th otalGaeinteattbi' Acqua UWW.I I of 9 r r,:orrthe actthat the1areeth
; i£ e P e t1.A'd&i. #.esttr 8t.DFarmrs will 3 be I{)g1iven soe -bet-elingsoarttcotogf
to s~iees f11E'1Jcl e g r.r r$ g {i 1t frn Y' a iftthe taste ren't Iextra
oo I, oW d r>i detdycW ;g t tl4~t1
C a! t 91o t31' 11 1'111 1 911 t v () I fV t i us-_i pIl o~ ';A . happen toAR. - Corningin-vrssa-worksfiof Cut f
- t 1. -1HIIW WIh~MOT Kju~~~~4~h
,ia iaik' oteY~~1) ~-I ie,"ye"hsa tB *114 cigarettoca4ca
bit~ag@ 'HAAIUI I( 1 ) '3 91b't9 lo ? a i#' iad ~ 1P 4 f~ a si' ~ i~ 9 ~M k
r qr i J-J4+4l q 115 1 35i 2 q - - rI 1s 4 d)hg a~l JtJ-r i 90 ~ Vl oofiUte a th an
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[rlS !. tff 4ili?! 2d t'~ ) {1t') i4{IU ,'Sl41 [d1 I3,ik 1d01ost
"Am 'l 1$ 1 I JI '3 y ?1', f <"tt i 61?P NTI I . d , li t!1 ne aiCa3 ay t
r r! V _ _"t uiVou tst-n pie 1'o t9',G tVq ' Nf .rr~ iS 7 i lVT[IE gar ;[. I11I - +-hi -A Gi,#rV H$FI CHEM.E STEIS--- J---,-
ca i i~i '' b0'e1 * afy e J EW o RKH'' i rcA U r1! l1 ilJ 3 all - Ii U71 1,rrr1if.~.S i n ~ ~ ' "" ,f-1i 3 it[ it I, 9A;f U of the4fa[ that1theyRare th
tW ' i 1 hjn tarrd al V .;'ct &IITa y,-pefctiittono atrl + 10 (I. 6I 3 ~t~)J1 11JnNY.ha ouc teefgg
M .'t~~ .1. a.i -(, 11Mdd~~p~ete i l.~terdtrhn~i milt ~ 'cir{ . 1{P Say fs rnbuLI r.ad rs W. .Aa ,ofB o1
- -ct~ i .I X J '8 &t t.. '. ' -i S.11T lI A y. nC ,'1. , onhgnt, 3t }ki ?"B1
- - - i' i111 e ( et, E' t 'er- -'r lT.la?; ,. aw E ol ter +ia i n - a hetrid
t_ __ _ __ _ ___r_ _ __ _ __ _ sws>Xrl1 h ll ffcen n eitig th acs[ ! 0j er - 944riRe aiommSf 2. fer te
Oct. 2 ng.societbdiretors eet.1che mi olutons. Prof.:'#h . i afPii94,heirhor
shadeR NO t1c din UF ier TO Oct'23M1.. C)vs Mihian. lar,3o1th1chmisry ep drasill a:7ab r' i t
uo ,. y)t,; ,}}IN /W' Pr1 oLA ?HA L Oct. i3-Forstr lu apdos , mad extnsive tests of thibeeas a wenki you4,l1 exam~ ine tha Irady by jfi i ai'1 , 3q
Cascadet'9 Glen. SI t{i hasf0,fo3un )W s u443eperiort e "111'ieiB'- tof h am int hii uhtwowoosleteennessofter.dressdaln it '9, itm fAuoAf i
a 4~ t =3o Jdnsf 0eig7oa 011 rS +9,d agls wi ntee 'a eid ..vrbap a f" eduasionar.l Eii~~JWI~ h
tig e tin s to rorIt rrs. rd11P14 . Ai R :i ca9lla r~sr - Y Q n repi ,* AI.ja~~rpi -~rei94,~thi~ a i ,wasrde r and~~j ~ i~w~pljja ii
sa . x itT W , Q i 4,1;ii w'r4tJlat10 year bU tolerinec of eo4T il YaeCiitb rutbtdiPp ta -Edserlbdbussad
o9ato07,vs.Mciga Iiiollge s- Detal cillge Cr"heiWrk oGtheNatonalCommtteof CcJel { htda th <eturd+
o r td o er -the re et arr 'c1j~iu Div ~ shool n1:11111 'Plating";PJo I J- - co-legeyeitj 4A o r RUe hs wo
tEe'itwY.W. . A t intrut $win AiimiiiP- '.stoV'rini CoIfg U o fTRIN% g~ getak i x[a f 7 fre Q on"-- V ,
- {.4w x i6 - l ' P"viq.1 4 REA P~eu ' k i e , q PTrIC 9anIII,. t 3e, 'inW.no lrda. E, /
dutd andit.s"te, hpe"f. tese- Jniei-ity 1\-ne, h ita(7i tfrrtl l 9~ 1r~tAwia h lsia eci~,wP ed~~~~~J~ii 13nro
o'loka ein laswilfbvjoazm1q______trl irl'1 Jai ay-:cuso-h-cnerig Te rblm [ heItr uidhoi coo'lckt
vlanow m kessr [- - }-u
eces hta terncshfl1 6II 1ti - - . 135 4~i1[ssar ti [- t j!. he.1lnda^ ttheafrstyea me w
li tr tn~rr au(1x'J 9L r ~ ~i' , ~y orgnized tI'cgeofphar;macyo eo aeb

the UI)ey-sity ofV Wst i-i quoC., ivu n street. wedeod l -oct61 7O..92j -22 Brum, who wl -i Ep s ie ver the wish to 'play on the ban next yea
-di - - - - A 'j $r li - i' Jij~15h91 end the Latin-English seo4 wll m'4trt i~rh' PegPgent W.E. MI
- r~rkI1Iriirt - !"rg ? Cdk.;1 - at I lbs, tt6r1 o1 'rg Yize t hseseOtins -the6W4'Y~A;4 :S,.~telctr 'omrrowc
Experience has taught us that foot- l >it r .rr r ~r ~r
balgmsand week-ullhouse par- The piaecanoe houses at the U. 'ToA ai1 -tdents, ,!s ;o ;i that rblar ci en fi many e fdd 1rdy ~6i11lU~~dofficet
ball gaines parivaer lsfrtes:ii,,
tiesgohn nhad pein 5oiey csfrthetWHOtAE GQNTb LiSr 4. A -v/ * ?- ,tlu'sonhot-ihe ya.This is ,ft thg tg g'neng'- wbpe Iiidig.
tiesgo and an p c, of -v ie HO RE iANw ML URHA$ING A TALKING INST II ,x 31 t ne pti Ir rl l, rjthq rkeuftof -~h' E E i br ax -f& at i f r icoFrida
uwght an ~~~~~~~ ay, st. Anyone -olteceso h tii y efI i1rQ
service s, a u s nAS ~wish'ng torepair r change their ca- THEViICTR ICI0 hgh s oltah~:}e alts'u
In the fu Ls a~~4ofiar ~remove anything from lokers, E tt ti& 4A~i iaitt ll*[he jVibgtor. o~ dn-r i- ---v~~'dyat
Str axPNE L-mutd3s e r thaving cnrcswith th 4 rf, 1 of1a4e! nfrimnent, - f ' aek to ca rke m-kIa'lr l . i -'fy 'I ,ld~ lit [; r
qL u.; e ~stlc aw^astd o eoeNo.lt n rtogelhr withi the fact of lj qhdageifrtf(Wi14Mfetefit - u~s~.~~1~a~ u/(ra t1,~
AILgt h acilaftt equate Qotl7-19-20-21 .toefmake iofworahlyou tapo die - air, 1tpa tat - u0 9 isir a1auhC , I .110, p
to a nlha n dlea tie E Flarg eto e , p artiesh o E F FI C I E N T - ________ d a s. 's rE i '' l;.e r a4 ll vr r; ,°t + r ,r 't a 1aF er U 'FIgtTy Ij1 d f'.Jlo" -~ l
L.Y, and so we solicit your business. Polish your floors with Old English ,3.'1~ff1 I i i a U~iI41t3~te' ~ a
The Stark Taxicab Co, Phone 2255. Floor Wax. C. II. Major & Co. Phone -- r1I.J- E r' , .r-~.1-Irr^ il - Creaxh-lthstd,'6lt r zllg V 3Agr. '~l
otl4tf 237.- oet2Q2122-23- 4 16 So. MAIN ST. -3i 111343 1 PHEi o o saktwihIhe'tdilf X7 &Y& 8i tt' WI'1 >~ vr


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