Bill Iefeated at Polls by Vote Show-
ing Majority of Over 50,000
Opjwsed to Measure
Douglass sent his freshmen against
each other yesterday afternoon in a
red-hot scrimmage, at the end of
which it was found that the first team2
had scored three touchdowns and a
safety against the reserves. The'
looked-for changes took place in the1
backfield, but the coach is still far
from pleased with the outlook, and
further shifts will be made almost
Snider, the big boy who came so
near scoring against Ypsi, was one of
the men who was given a hard work-
out in bucking the line. Sparks, a1
new man from Jackson, was triedout
at both quarter and half. Sparks is
probably the best punter on the squad
and this fact will not be overlooked
in helping him to win a regular place.
More scrimmage will be indulged in
today, as Douglass feels that he needs
a much stronger offense than he had
last Saturday. Either the fresh or
Varsity reserves will oppose the best
that, the coach can send on the field
this afternoon.
Engineering Faculty to Take Up Case
of C. W. Caroiuters, 'SE
Harold F. Shank, '18, who was re-
cently fined in a city court for par-
ticipation in a disturbance at the Ma-
jestic theater, was yesterday suspend-
ed for the remainder of the semester
by the faculty of the literary college.
A special meeting of the body had
been called to consider the recom-
mendation of suspension made in
Shanks' case by the stu'dent council
last Saturday.
The case of C. W. Carouthers, '18E,
who was convicted on the same
charge as that of, Shank, will come
up before the faculty of the engineer-
ing college, of which college Carouth-
ers is a student.
All Bible Chair House Classes Begin
All classes of the Bible chair house
will have been started this week.
There will be classesd o Thursday
and Saturday evenings at 7:45 o'clock,
and on Friday afternoon. A class will
meet in the Bible chair building at
4:10 o'clock this afternoon for a
course on "The Introductory Study of
the Bible." The topic of today's les-
son is, "How We Got Qur Bible."
Your girl back home will appreciate
a box of Maize and Blue chocolates.
Get them at Bloomfield's, 709 N. Uni-
versity. oct20
Ielen Taft Erolls at Yale
& e~4 Have, Oct. 19.-The last mem-
et of the Taft family who has en-
rolled to date at s'ale is Miss Helen
Taft, daughter of the former presi-
dent. She has joined the first year
graduate students in carrying out her
intention of taking a doctor's degree.
Becomes Harvard iProfessor at 19
Cambridge, Oct. 19.-Nobert Wiener,
at the age of 19, has been appointed
to the position of assistant professor
of philosophy at Harvard. When but
13 years of age he received his bach-
elor of arts degree at Tufts college.
He received the degree of doctor of
philosophy at Harvard in 1913 and for
the last two years he has been a trav-
eling fellow of Harvard at Cambridge
university in England.
Two 1 iufnnt Prodigies at Indiana
Bloomington, Ind., Oct. 19.-Two in-
fant prodigies have crept into prom-
inence at the University of Indiana
this year. The unusual ones are James
Mulford of Aurora, Ind., and Cecil
King of Union, Ind. Both of them
have just passed their 5th birthday
and are the youngest students in a
good many years.
I'res s re M aclhii for Texas
University of Texas students may
now use a piessure machine of 100,-
000 pounds capacity. The machine,
of Olsen make, will be used for the
purpose ,of making a series of tests
on different brands of concrete. It
is the strongest machine in use in any
institution of learning in America.
Many Women Pay OIn Way
Berkeley, Cal., Oct. 19.-It is ofhl-
cially announced that 483 women. or
approximately one-seventh of the fe-.
male undergraduates, are working
their way through the University of
California. Of this number, 198 are
entirely self-supporting and 230 earn
Newark, N. J., Oct. 19.--The bill forc
an amendment to the constitution of
New Jersey, extending the suffrage to3
women, was defeated today at the
polls by a vote that showed a major-1
ity of about 50,000 opposed.
The refusal of the men of New Jer-
sey to allow the women of the state,
to vote comes as a .surprise to those
who have been working for the pas-
sage of the amendment. Throughout'
the campaign such promising indica-
tions were observed that the pro-suf-
frage organizers were confident of
carrying the amendment.
Many complaints came in today of
violations of the election laws. It is
claimed that the ballots were not num-
bered, which is a direct transgression
of the voting regulations. In many
cases, it is contended, men were al-
lowed to pass directly from the regis-
tration tables to the voting booths
without allowing time for the exam-
ination of their registration.
This defeat is also expected to con-
stitute a set-back in the woman suf-
frage campaigns now going on in
New York. Massachusetts and Penn-
Edison Men Will Celebrate Thursday
West Orange, N. J., Oct. 19--Men
working in the laboratories of Thomas
A. Edison will celebrate Thursday as
Edison Day. This dt set aside at
the San Francisco e- : -tion in honor
of tVe inventor, who . in the western
city and during the day he will keep
in touch with his home town by teb-
What does it mean? It means that
Michigan women are realizing the
possibilities of athletics, and an as-
sociation of their own, and that they
have already gone a long ways to-
ward forming this union. It also
means that henceforth women are go-
ing to give their hearty support to
their teams in all branches of ath-
letics, and that class loyalty is on the
increase. Wear a tag to help the
cause along.
the major portion of their expenses.
Many clerical position.4 are filled by
the women as well as some of playing
piano for gymnasium classes. About
20 women are employed in the cloak
room in one of the halls, and many
more are living with private families
and are paying for their board and
room by working as a domestic. Some
few are tutoring.
Illinois Students Coitribute $100,000
Champaign, Ill., Oct. 19-The Illi-
nois Union already has had $100,000
contributed toward its new building
by the students. The alumni has not
been thoroughly canvassed and when
the required amount has been accum-
ulated there will be a home built for
every Illinois student and graduate.
Record Stan Gi en Illinois University
Champaign, Ill., Oct. 19.-A record
has been established by the Illinois
legislature by granting the university
a sum of $5,000,000 for the coming
year. This is said to be the largest
sum ever given by a state to an edu-
eational institution.
Faculty M:Iy Enroll for' Small Fee
Salt Lake City, Oct. 19.-Faculty
members of the. University of Utah
and their wives may nows register for
courses sor the noinail sung of 50
cents. This privil" ' ats granted
yestcrday as a resu. the action of
the B'ard o Regen(,, and will un-
doubt edly increase the number of
teachers taking the undergraduate
Fresh Women Mop Steps
Columbus, 0., Oct. 19.--Freshman
women of the Ohio State university
were compelled to clean the steps of1
one of the college buildings last night.
Armed with toothbrushes, wash rags,
mops, scrubbrushes and other aquatic
instruments, they were forced to get
down on their knees and work under
the supervision of the '18 girls.
Oan Cupid Works
"Dan Cupid' was kept busy last
summer, for up to date five students,
three of them senior medics, have been
found who took Wives unto them-
selves. Duncan Campbell, '1GM, was
married to Miss Elizabeth Pillsbury,
of Detroit, shortly before the opening
of college this fall. Harold Hender-
son, '16M, married Miss Gladys Sey-
mour, of Highland Park, Mich. Ger-
ald Strong, '151, married Miss Anna
Hartley, of Rensselaer, Ind. how-
ard L. Smallman, '16M, was married
to Miss Edith S. Killits, of Toledo. 0.,
and formerly a student in the univer-
sity school of music. Max Burnell,
'18M, married Miss Erma Auerbach, of
Oakland, Cal., shortly after the close
of college last summer.
William Bonisteel, '16P, and Willard
Furlow, '19, are confined to the con-
tagious ward of the University hos-
pital suffering with diphtheria. Bon-
isteel was taken to the hospital last
Saturday and Furlow only yesterday.
Authorities at the hospital stated last
night that they did not know how long
the patients would be confined there.
INTER'l 'St ED SSizi14 NT DI-1:4yRIBIEs
Editor The Michigan Daily:
Appropriation of $217,652,173 to
Urged by President Before
Washington, Oct. 19.-Details of the
new plan for the increase of the navy,
that will be submitted to congress by
President Wilson at its next session,
were made public today by Secretary
The plans include a request for
$217,652,173, an increase of about
$63,000,000 over the appropriation of
last year. It also contains a request
for the endorsement of a five-year
plan for new construction of the naval
aviation corps at an expense of $502,-
The president will ask for an ex-
tensiop of the navy by 11,500 men. It
is further proposed that the govern-
ment construct 10 dreadnaughts, six
battle cruisers, 10 scout cruisers, 50
destroyers, 5 fleet submarines, 85
coast submarines, 4 gunboats, 1 hos-
pital ship, 2 an munition ships, 2 fuel
and oil transports and 1 repair ship.
M'embers Assemble at Cascade Glen
for Almual lAffair
Cascade Glen will be the scene to-
morrow evening of, the annual fall
outing and get-together meeting of
the members of the Forestry club.
The social committee has arranged
for a menu of sandwiches, potatoes,
coffee, cider, doughnuts.
W. E. Jotter, '16, has arranged for
a short program and Prof. Filibert
Roth has consented to give a short
'he walk to the Glen will start
from the new science building at 6:00
o'clock and members are requested to
be there at that time equipped with
knife, fork and tin cup.
UTniversity Bulletin Contains Details
on All Species
"I was born, I have lived, and II
have been made over," is the literally
true statement of Mrs. Amandus W.c
Grabau, better known by her child-p
hood name as Mary Antin, whoJ .is
coming to Ann Arbor October 27 tol
speak under the direction of the Ora-r
torical association.
Authoress of"T rhe Promised Land,"
"They who Knock at Our Gates," and
other works, ardent American patriot
and wife of the palaentology profes-
sor at Columbia university, Mary An~-
tin is coming to this city to tell us
with her own lips some of the ideas
expressed in her books.
In "The Promised Land" we watchr
a little immigrant girl pass throughr
Ellis Island, through the public
schools, through a gauntlet with pov-~
erty on one side and race dislike onl
the other, to the prize more enviable
than most of her American-born sis-
ters ever attain. Beginning at the bot-
tom of the English language in her
earliest 'teens, she worked so relent-
lessly that an average specimen ofl
poetry appeared under her name even
when she was in the sixth grade. The
greatest contribution on Americaniz-
ing of foreigners has come from this,
idea product from the Jewish Pole.
"They Who Knock at Our Gates"
presents her complete gospel for those
interested in immigration. W\ith glow-
ing reality and beauty of imagination,
she presents some up-to-date defense
for idealism, universal brotherhood,;
as well as refutation of golden images
of phases of self-interest and ala-
Schedule Includes Contests Willi
Northwestern and Chicago; 'wo
Teams to be C(iosen.
Each of the four debating societies,
Adelphi, Alpha Nu, Jeffersonian and
Webster, are busy whipping members
into shape for the preliminaries of the
Varsity debates during the university
year. The first affair will be the
Central League debate on the ques-
tion of a literacy test for foreign im-
migrants, which will be discussed on
the night of January 21; Michigan vs.
Northwestern at Ann Arbor, and Chi-
cago vs. Michigan at Chicago.
By. November 6 each of the four
campus debating societies will have
picked six men, making a total of 24
tryouts for the university teams.
Gradual elimination of the 24 compet-
itors will be made under judges from
the oratory faculty, until two teams
of three men each are picked, which
will be some time in December.
"To use as you see fit" is the word
which accompanied a $100 check that
Dean Mortimer E. Cooley of the engi-
neering college received the othr day.
Both the word and the check come
from R. C. Gemmell, '84E, who now is
general manager of the Utah Copper
Co. of Salt Lake City. "And let me
know what you do with it," is another
word from the same letter. Dean
Cooley has already replied that the
check is in the bands of the Michigan
Technic to use in their coming cam-
paign for subscriptions to the maga-
zine from the alumni.
Long Branch, N.- J., Oct. 19.-
"Watchful Waiting" was the keynote
of the situation here today, when
large crowds awaited the arrival of
President Wilson and his fiancee, who
were expected to have arrived here
today. Those in charge of Shadow
Lawn stayed.there until 4:00 o'clock
p. m. waiting for the president who
did not arrive. Long lines of autono-
biles flanked the streets and banners
welcoming the president and Mrs.
Galt were unfurled over the entrance
to Shadow Lawn.
Garrison Asks for Increased Defenise
Washington, Oct. 18. - Secretary
Lindley M. Garrison, in his recoin-
mendation to congress for an increase
in the army today, outlined that fea-
ture which deals with the coast de-
fense: This plan is to be directed to-
ward a continuous increase in the
coast, defenses which is 'to last for
four years, and it will aim especially
toward the reservation of supplies and
As a student of this university, IN
consider myself interested in what
Michigan does. One of the things
Mehigan has done is to establish aI
band. For a school of this type it is
a band to be proud of, yet all things
are not perfect, and our band can be
improved in four ways.
First, there can be more life and1
spirit in the music as it is played.
The old thrill when the band plays
the "Victors" does not run so vigor-
ously down your spine when the band
insists upon playing it in tones meas-t
ured and slow. The Varsity marchI
sounded like a funeral march last Sat-
urday, and many were the commentst
in disparagement of the "pep" of the
band that I heard. At a football gameI
the pieces played should be stirring
and rousing rather than masterpiecest
of concert modulation. We should
save the niceties of expression, and
sweet and low playing, for the time
when they will be appreciated, name-'
ly, at concerts.
Second (and this point should help
out the first), there is more of the
concert band makeup to our band'
than a field band. By field band T
mean a band meant to be heard be-'
yond the radius of ten yards from the'
conductor's ear. It needs more of the
brass instruments than the reed. Reed
instruments are necessary to any good
band, but they are mostly needed in
a concert band. If the conductor will
take the occasion to step up into the
south stand and listen to his band
play, he will see what is meant. You
cannot distinguish the reed instrument
at all. The 10 men or so playing are
as wasted. The cornet department is
weak. The drums are fair at times.
A football band wants pep and rnoise,
not a stock orchestra. You will see
my point when M. A. C. comes down
with a field band. Illinois students
here in school have commented on the
same thing. Illinois has probably the
best student band in the country. A
band which plays as does our band,
for effect, and in the open at a foot-
ball game, needs a stronger horn de-'
Third, the leggings worn by the
band are absurd. It is contrary to all
rules of uniform to wear field leg-
gings with blue or dress uniforms.
Where the idea came from I do not
know. Surely it is ill-advised. If our
uniforms were khaki or olive-drab
there would be a reason; as it is, we
have blue cloth suits and the cape.
Who ever beard of tan shoes and can-
vass leggings with a. blue uniform?
Obviously such customs of uniform
are copied from the military, and I
can say from experience that this way
of ours is far from it and spois what
might be an effective end presentable
Fourth, although not a military uni-
versity, yet would it be too much of
a sacrifice to have the band spend a
little while some day just practicing
how to march and play at the same
time? If we are doing such things,
why not do them the best we can?
We are going in to make our band a
bigger and better organization, and
such improvements would help. I be-
lieve it, and I have heard others say
the same thing, or I would not bother
to write about it.
As a further suggestion to stimulate
interest in the ban: At Illinois gold
watch fobs are presented to the mem-
bers at the end of their fourth year
on the band. The system is like the
award of medals to the members of
the Glee and Mandolin clubs at Mich-
igan. As it is now, there is no reward
at all for services rendered in the
band. There should be some, it seems
to me.
J. S. SWITZER, '16.
25 cents--any part of the city. Stark
Taxicab Co., 2255. oct5tf
Candy bought at Bloomfield's is dif-
ferent. That's why so many come in
every day for 'more. Try some next
time you go to the Arcade. oct20
In the future all cars stop at Good-
year Drug Store. oct5tf
Best Gym Suits in town at Switzer's,
310 South State.
Call 2255 for a Stark Taxicab.
"We'll be there." oct5tf
Pianos to rent. Prices and 'pianos
right, at Schaeberle & Son's Music
House, 110 South Main street. oct8tf
Phone 57 and we will deliver a
pound of the finest roasted .peanuts
for 10 cents. oct16=17-19-20-21-22
Stained with smoke and seal oil
were the leaves of a six-page letter
received by Prof. W. H. Hobbs, of the
geology department, from the noted
Arctic explorer, Vilhjalmur Stefans-
son, from his wintry camp on the
southeast coast of Banks Land, about
73 degrees north latitude.
His letter was written on January
1.3 and was mailed in Ottawa, October
14. By many persons Stefansson had
been riven up as.lost since the wreck
of his vessel, the Karluk, but the news
reached the world a few weeks ago
that he was safe and well and that he
had discovered a large new land in
the unknown area to the northward
of Alaska.
It is characteristic of the man that
he nowhere refers in his letter to the
hardships that he endured, but con-
fines himself solely to the scientific
observations which he made upon the
ice. His sledge journey northward
over the frozen surface of the sea,
subject always to having his retreat
cut off, is referred to as "a little trip
during the absence of the sun."
In describing some of the ridges he
encountered, he says: "I have seen
many pressure ridges 60 feet high; I
have a photograph of a man on top
of a single piece that is over 60 feet
high. I know several whaling captains
who consider it a matter of common
knowledge that pressure ridges may
be as high as their crows' nests, 85
to 100 feet over the sea. Apparently
Nansen never saw-and it seems
Peary never saw-ice pressure that
compares with that on the Alaskan
coast. Ice there is frequently so rough
that a loose dog unhampered by any-
thing is unable to follow a man, who
by the use of some sort of 'Alpine'
method makes his way along."
The scientific report of Stefansson
should enlarge our knowledge of ice
conditions in the far north, even
though his results are not of popular
interest. He merely calls them 'trav-
elers' observations,' but their scien-
tific worth is more than any other man
has contributed on that land.
Seior Laws Run Thru Signals With
McCall at Quarter; '15 Lits Have
Seven Regulars Back
Intramural football boomed consid-
erably yesterday. There was a bigger
representation of all teams out than
on any previous day. Most of the
classes have elected their managers
and proceedings are getting lively on
south Ferry Field.
One of the best looking aggregations
thus far is the senior law bunch. The
barristers are running signals with
McCall at the hem. The ex-Harvard
man also does the kicking and in
practice is booting the ball for long
distances. Acting Manager Rowan has
something like 23 men on his list of
aspirants and expects to put cut a
winning team.
Nearly all of the old men are back
to boost the senior lits on to campus
honors. Seven men were out yester-
day for the first practice and more
than a full team is expected to turn
out at the next meeting.
Last year's campus championship
team was out working yesterday with
most of the old men back in harness.
"Bill" Newton is doing the punting for
the J-lits. They are out in force this
fall and should put up a strong game.
All teams scheduled for games next
Saturday should get out as soon as
possible. The games announced in
the schedule will be played on time
and no team should lose a game by
Raphael and Ferguson Made Assistants
Theophile Raphael, '18M, and Lynn
A. Ferguson, '17M, were recently made
assistants in physiology. Raphael
was an assistant in the psychology de-
partment last year.
Luscious candies for the sweet
tooth. We are pleased to. sell small
quantities. Bloomfield's, 709 N. Uni-
versity. oct20
Lunches delivered.
Call 1107.
"In a hurry?" Call Stark, 2255.
The private canoe houses at the U.
of M. Boat Livery will close for the
winter, Monday, Nov. 1st. Anyone
wishing to repair or change their ca-
noe, or remove anything from lockers,
must do so before Nov. 1st.
The third revised edition of
versity bulletin, "Michigan
the uni-
was recently published by the Board
of Regents. It contains a complete
manual of all trees in Michigan and a
description of all species with summer
and winter keys to the species.
For this third edition, 1,200 cloth
bound and 800 paper bound copies
have been ordered, making a total of
6,200 copies that have been distribut-
ed among all parts of the state. The
cloth bound copies sell for 40 cents
and the paper bound for 25 cents.
Anyone interested may procure copies
from Secretary Shirley Smith.
"Michigan Trees" is published to
timulate interest in the study of
Michigan trees.
Frank Brothers' Fifth Ave. Boot
Shop has established a branch of their
service in Ann Arbor. Arrangements
have been completed for space in the
Band Street store at 300 South State
Areet. The branch is now in full
operation and a cordial invitation is
extended to everyone to inspect the
stock. oct20
Concert Grand Piano to rent.
S. Division. 212-J.
Co to C. H. Major & Co. for ,wall
paper, paints, oils, glass, etc.' Phone
237. 203 E. Washington street.
oct20-21-22-23-24 1ammunition.