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May 02, 1916 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1916-05-02

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(Management: C, L. Wagner, 1451
Broadway, New York).
Overture to "Fidelio"......Beethoven
Recitative, "Deeper and Deeper Still"
Aria-"Waft Her Angels Through the
Skies" (Jepthah)...........Handel
Mr. McCormack

A * * * * ** *


Children's Chorus to Make Annua
Appearance Friday
Ann Arbor will in Just two weeks
usher in the Twenty-third Annual May
Festival, the climax of the present sea
son of musical entertainment an
what has come to be known as "Michi-
gan's Greatest Musical Event." An
Arbor's Festival has grown in im-
portance from year to year, but wit
the completion of Hill auditorium
which made possible the seating of a
much larger audience, the event tool
on added importance and. music lovers
from all over the country, who in pre-
vious years were unable to. gain ad-
mission, now habitually journey tc
Ann Arbor.
This year an unusual assemblage 01
art and artists has been planned. Si
programs of widely different character
each, a unit in itself, .and yet a par
of a complete whole, will be given
The Chicago Symphony Orchestra un-
der Frederick Stock will participate
in five concerts, while the famous
Frieze Memorial Organ will be heard
at the Saturday matinee. The Urriver-
sity Choral Union underDirector Stan-
ley, will take part in two programs,
offering a modern work, "Paradise
Lost" by Bossi on Thursday evening,
and contributing Saint-Saens' monu-
mental "Samson and Delilah" on Sat-
urday evening. A children's choru
made up of 400 children from the Ann
Arbor public schools, which has been
in training under Miss Florence B.
Potter, supervisor of music, will be
heard Friday afternoon in Pierne's
"Children at Bethlehem." The Wed-
nesday evening and Saturday evening
programs will be miscellaneous in
character, the first, offering in addition
to brilliant orchestral selections, sev-
eral numbers by Frieda Hempel, the
leading coloratura soprano of the Met-
ropolitan Opera company, whose work
in the concert world has been sensa-
tional, while Friday evening John Mc-
Cormack, the eminent Irish tenor, will
occupy the post of honor.
The complete program for the en-
tire Festival is given below:
First Concert
Wednesday Evening, May 17, 8:00
Soloist: Miss Frieda Hempel, Soprano
The Chicago Symphony Orchestra
Conductor: Mr. Frederick Stock
Overture-"Le Carnival Rcgnaine"..
Aria from "Il re pastore" ....Mozart
Miss Hempel
Symphony No. 7, A minor, Op. 92...
Poco sostenuto--Vivace; Allegretto
Presto; Allegro con brio
Aria-"Caro Nome" (Rigoletto)....
Miss Hempel
Wedding March and Variations from
"The Rustic Wedding"....Goldmark
Aria-Mad Scene from "Lucia di
Lammermoor"-.-.... Donizetti
Miss Hempel
Swedish Rhapsody........... . Alfven
Second Concert
Thursday Evening, May 18, 8:00
"Paradise Lost" (Symphonic Poem)
Miss Florence Hinkle, Soprano

Miss Sophie Braslau, Contralto
Mr. Reinald Werrenrath, Baritone
Mr. Gustaf Holmquist, Bass
Mr. Earl V. Moore, Organist
The Chicago Symphony Orchestra
The University Choral Union
Mr. Albert A. Stanley, Conductor
Third Concert
Friday Afternoon, May 19, 2:30 o'clock
Soloist: Miss Florence Hinkle, Soprano
Children's Chorus
The Chicago Symphony Orchestra
Mr. Albert A. Stanley and
Mr. Frederick Stock
'The Children at Bethelehem Pierne
Symphony, E flat (Kochel 543) Mozart
Adagio-Allegro; Andante' con moto;
Menuetto; Finale
Fourth Concert
Friday Evening, May 19, 8:00 o'clock
McCormack Night

Suits, Op. 19............Dohnanyi
Andante con variaziona; Scherzo;
Romanza; Rondo
(a) Farewell ..............Schubert
(b) The Soldier..........Schumann
(c) When Night Descends........
(d) If I Were King.. .........Liszt
Mr. McCormack
Overture - Fantasia, "Francesca da
Rimini" .............Tschaikowsky
Aria-"Salve Dimora (Faust)..Gounod
. Mr. McCormack
Love Scene from "Feursnot"...Strauss
Steinway Piano used
Fifth Concert
Saturday Afternoon, May 20, 2:30
Recital on the Frieze Memorial Organ
by Ralph Kinder
Concert Overture in C minor......
H. A. Fricker
Berceuse .............A. Guilmant
Fugue a la Gigue ........J. S. Bach
Religious Melody and Variations...
G. E. Whiting
(From the Sonata in A minor)
Burlesca e Melodia.... R. L. Baldwin
At Evening................)
Jour de Printemps (Spring Day)
In Moonlight...............)
R. Kinder
Finale in D major........L. Vierne
(From Symphony, No. 1)
Sixth Concert
Saturday Evening, May 20, 8:00
"Samson and Delilah" (Opera in Three
Acts) ................. Saint-Saens
Delilah-Mine. Margaret Matzenauer,
Samson-Mr. Morgan Kingston, Tenor
High Priest-Sig. Pasquale Amato,
Abimilech )
Old Hebrew )Mr. Reginald
Werrenrath, Bass
The University Choral Union
The Chicago Symphony Orchestra
Mr. Albert A. Stanley, Conductor
Uiiversity Boat Club Places New
Means of Aid on Huron's Banks
Six additional safety stations were
placed in position on the Huron river
Saturday by members of the Univer-
sity Boat club. Remittances are being
received nearly every day from cam-
pus societies, and it is hoped that
within a short time the entire safe-
ty program will be put into effect.
Following are the names of the sta-
tions recently placed, together with
their locations:
Sphinx-North bank, 150 feet below
Barton dam.
Upper Peninsula club-North bank.
at old dam, near M. C. bridge.
Quarterdeck-South bank, 300 feet
below highway bridge.
- Mortarboard-North bank, opposite
Quarterdeck ,station.
Alpha Nu-North bank, near ice
Adelphi-South bank, 300 feet above
boat house.

* Majestie-"The Cloister and *
* the Hearth." *
* __*
* Arcade--Marguerite Leslie in *
"The Question." *
* _ _*
Orpheum -Dorothy Gish and *
* Owen Moore in "Betty of Grey. *
stone." *
* *
* * * * * * * * * * * * *
At the Whitney
It looks as if John Drew's engage-
ment at .the Whitney, May 5, was go-
ing to be made very pleasant for the
actor by his many friends and ad-
inirers in this city. The comedy in
which this finished actor is to be seen
is "The Chief," and it has been fash-
ioned in so clever a manner and with
so much skill that there is more than
the ordinary amount of interest and
curiosity regarding it.
In the play Mr. Drew enacts the part
of an earl who is very much like anyone
else, for he has a heart and falls in
love and his happiness is threatened
by a designing woman, all of which Mr.
Vachell tells in an unconventional,
pleasing manner. The play is in three
acts and is laid in London.
Postmaster Abbott of this city has
requested that students refrain from
mailing parcel post packages at any
mail receptacles other than those at
the main or sub stations. The post-
master asserts that the practice of
mailing packages at other boxes
causes much delay and trouble in
that often insufficient postage is
placed on the packages, and as a re-
sult they are held until sufficient
postage is received for them. Post-
master Abbott declares that the great-
est numbers of packages are mailed
in the receptacle at Washtenaw and
S. University, but that at every box
there are frequent violations.

Talks Are in Exchange for Those Giv-
en by Prof. Riggs at Purdue
Last Week
A series of lectures on railway elec-
trification are being delivered this
week in the engineering college by
Professor Ewing of Purdue Univer-
sity. The lectures are given in ex-
change for a series of lectures which
Professor Riggs delivered at Purdue
last week on the subject of public
The program for this week's lec-
tures is as follows: "Comparative Per-
formance of Steam and Electric Loco-
motives," Tuesday at 10:00 o'clock;
Wednesday at 4:00 o'clock, "Advan-
tages of and Objections to Electric
Locomotive Power"; Thursday at 10:00
o'clock, "Engineering Procedure in
Railway Electrification"; Friday at
4:00 o'clock, "Some of the Economical
Aspects of Railway Electrification."
All lectures will be illustrated and
will be given in room 348 of the en-
gineering building.
Hear From N11adgir l
Enroute to India
Arrives in Hongkong on March 31;
Leaves for Calcutta
April 1
According to the advices received
by Hindu students yesterday, R. V.
Nadgir, '17M, who left this country for
India on March 4, safely reached
Hongkong on March 31. He sailed from
Hongkong enroute for Calcutta on
April 1, and.his friends expect him to
have arrived at his home by this time.
On his way home Nadgir suffered
much because of the poor nutrition
on board the steamer. His tempera-
ture was fairly low during the trip,
however, and on the whole he showed
practically no signs of illness.
Nadgir was suffering from tubercu-



i, j.i


Cap a n d Gown
This is to notify members of the graduating classes that
Swing-Out Costumes should be ordered now as soon as
We are supplying caps and gowns for men and women of
all classes. The materials are best, and the styles cor-
rect in every detail.
Be measured today. No deposit is required until your
outfit is delivered.
Faculty Costumes
-consisting of caps, gowns, and hoods, made up in
styles and colors of all American and foreign universi-
ties, may be rented or purchased.

Third Floor-either elevator

df a°

losis when he left Ann Arbor, an
PROF. ADAMS TO TALK BEFORE spent three months in the Univ
IT. CLUB OF BATTLE CREEK hospital previous to his departu
Prof. Henry C. Adams, of the eco
nomics department, has accepted an
invitation to give a talk before the
members of the University club of Footnote in Pro-Ally Memorial S
Battle Creek, at an informal dinner i Signatures Not Official
to take place on Thursday evening
in that city. The 14 university professors

id had

The National City Bank of New
York has at last sent word to Prof.
G. W. Dowrie of the economics de-
partment, that its representatives
will be in Chicago between the dates
of May 10 and 15, to meet the men
chosen by the University of Michigan
to compete for the "business fellow-
Six men were chosen by a com-
mittee,. from the faculty of the eco-
nomics department, who are to go to
Chicago to talk the matter over with
representatives of the bank. The
names of these men were not given
out for publication, as the committee
wished only to annuounce the men fin-
ally chosen by the bank to enter its
The exact date when the men will
leave for Chicago will be announced,

"China" will be used as the general
topic by Professor Adams for his
speech, as he has but recently per-
fected an accounting system for the
railroads of' that country, and is in-
timately acquainted with Chinese man-
ners and customs.
Members of the senior class and
graduates securing positions through
the appointment committee recently
A. A. Rather, '16, Lake Lindon,
Mich., superintendent; Arthur C.
Cross, grad., Aberdeen, S. D., his-
tory; Beatrice G. Lambrecht, '16, St.
Joseph, Mich.. English; Ambrose
Stang, grad., assistant professor of
physics, University of Oklahoma, Nor-
man, Okla.; Garrett Heyns, '16, Roy-
al Oak, Mich, history.

signed the Pro-Ally Memorial have
been vindicated from the charges that
they did so in their official positions,
by the arrival of one of the original
memorials. In the pamphlet, a foot-
note says:
"Throughout the list occupations
and positions are given for better
identification merely, since the signa-
tures are in all cases personal and
not official."
At the time when this memorial was
first published by the Toledo Express.
a German-American paper, complaints
were received from Congressman
Crampton of Lapeer that members of
the Michigan faculty had signed in
professional capacities. Following an
exchange of telegrams between the
congressman and President Harry B,
Hutchins, the matter was allowed to
Dean Cooley in East on Business
Dean M. E. Cooley is at present in
the east attending to ' business con-
nected with his appraisals in that
part of the country. He is expected
to return the last of the week. .

Pl'ag'ue Epidem
Rages in Ran go
lean J. O. Schhotterbeck Hears
Premananda lDas,'12, WhoI Hea
Eelief Work
From Rangoon, Burma, Dean
Schlotterbeck, of the College ofI
Macy, received a letter written by
mananda Das, who1received his
(pharmacy) in 1912. In it Mr.
states that he has just been app
to the position of analyst and
teriologist to the Rangoon m
At the time of his writing Mr
stated an epidemic of the worst
of the plague was raging in Rai
and he has been given charge o
local government laboratory to
investigations along the lines of r
No mention of the war is ma
the letter. The correspondent
he wrote to Dean Schlotterbec
months ago, from Calcutta. The
never received this.
Another friend of the dean, a
fessor who is residing in Switze
wrote to the dean and informed
that a letter received from his I
had arrived opened by British at
ities. Two letters which he wro
the dean never reached their des
tion. Switzerland also suffers
the lack of certain chemicals, sa3
Professor, especially benzine (
Change Time of lacDowell Cot
Instead of at 8:00 o'clock, the
Dowell Benefit Concert to be give
night at the high School audito
will begin at 8:15 o'clock, in ord

Of great interest to prospective
graduates is the announcement of
positions open. This afternoon gradu-
ates from all of the engineering col-
leges and the departments of chemis-
try will have the opportunity of meet-
ing Mr. S. R. Rectanus, representative
of the American Rolling Mill com-
pany, of Middletown, 0., who is look-
ing for men to place with his com-
pany. The meeting will be held ato
4:00 o'clock, in room 223 of the engi-I
neering building.
S. . Donaldson Accepts Position
S. W. Donaldson, '16M, has accept-!
ed a position as interne in the Kings
County hospital, Brooklyn, N. Y.


At its May meeting, the Board in
Control of Student Publications will
choose a business manager and man-
aging editor for The Michigan Daily,
managing editor for The Michiganen-
sian, and manager for the Athletic Pro-
gram, respectively. It is the policy of
the board in filling the positions on the
publications under its control to award
them on the basis of merit to those
who have served in minor positions
on the publication to which the posi-
tions pertain.
It sometimes happens, however, that
no one who has served on the publica-
tion during the year is eligible or ca-
pable of filling one of the leading po-
sitions for the ensuing year. When
either of these sets of circumstances
arises the board finds it necessary to
consider outside candidates. This no-
tice should not be considered as an
intimation that either of these situa-
tions will arise this year.
All applications for these positions
should be in the hands of Professor
F. N. Scott as soon as possible and not
later than May 2 in order to be con-
sidered. Each application should con-
tain a statement-of the experience of
the applicant and should be accom-
panied by the applicant's eligibility
-ard and any letters of recommenda-
tion which he may have.
Call Lyndon for a good flashlight.

Adverwers h. The Michigan Daily
are the reliable business men of the
city. It is to your interest to trade
with them. **

Patronize Daily Advertizers.

avoid conflict with the Choral
** rehearsal.




MAY 5th



A Delight"
-N. Y. World.

"At HisN Iest."
-N. Y. -Globe.


In His Greatest
Comedy Success


By Horace
Annesley V

Soloist: Mr. John McCormack, Tenor
The Chicago Symphony Orchestra
Conductor: Mr. Frederick Stock
Accompanist: Edwin Schneider

Go to

First Class Bicycle Repairing
Switzer's Hairdware. tu-fri-sat

SEAT SALE, MAY 3, 10 A. M,

- Pricesi: 50c to $2.00


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