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April 02, 1916 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1916-04-02

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- i -

newspaper at the University of
Published every morning except
during the university year.
d at the post-office at Ann Arbor as
ass matter.
F. McKinney......Managing Editor
Leonard........Business Manager


DAY, APRIL 2, 1916.

There is something in a university
>mmunity which lends a touch of
renity to those privileged to pursue
fe in its midst. At Michigan this is
anifest in the dignified mien of Uni-
rsity hall, the peals of the library
limes, the sunny boulevards. And as
mmarized in personality, it has for
ng found beautiful expression in the
verence which has been associated
ith the name and character of
>rexy" Angell.
He has stood in our minds for all
at is calm, strong, clear and sound,
r all those things we praise as
vorth while," so that now we can
>t well note that he is gone without'
using to estimate our own lives or
draw a meaning from his. Perhaps
those who have left their univer-
ty and are most engrossed in the
urmoil," this realization will be
en more keen. So we ask ourselves
.e eternal question why-if it be
r the sake of ambition, fame, wealth,
appiness or because of helplessness,
' for a hundred other reasons that
e strive. And right at this point we
ay draw an answer from the life of
r. Angell. Esteem, honor, glory were
-rtainly his, but more than these were
ven him, for his path to glory was
so a road to blessedness, and it had
1 it many mileposts marking the
appiness of others.
Whoever has heard Dr. Angell be-
in a speech with his kindly phrase,
Friends and neighbors," can not
ave helped being wonderfully cheered
ecause so great a man may have so
uman and so friendly an outlook.
Te feel that the whole of his philo-
)phy is compressed into that simple
hirase, that if he is remembered sim-
ly by those words he is justly, sin-
erely and reverently remembered;
zat his sympathy for humankind com-
letes the matured poem of his life,
ill console his family and dearest
iends, and inspire all.
Although the sad event had been
aticipated, the bare announcement of
resident Angell's death must prove
f peculiar significance to every edu-
ated American, poignantly significant
Michigan alumni the world over.
chasm yawns between the present
ad the past of our education and of
ar University; an entire order of as-
>ciations departs. The commanding
gure of President Eliot is still spared
o us, indeed. But, even so, the chil-
ren of all American state universities'
'ill feel that they have lost their most
enerable and venerated leader. It is
he end of a complete life, rarely or-
ered, dignified yet touched with the
eritable savor of democracy, simple
lbeit stately-an embodiment of the

sterling qualities native to old New
England. And, for the thousands who
owe allegiance to the great institution
at Ann Arbor-Dr. Angell's monument
-something has gone from the order
of the universe, never to be replaced.
With them the 1st of April, 1916, will
always remain a day of sorrowful but
elevating memories. Moreover, the loss
cannot but remind us that the genera-
tion of men who made the political
and educational history of the United
.States illustrious from 1860 till the
close of the nineteenth century, is
nigh blotted out. Only those who are
in middle life and, even more, those
farther advanced in years, are able
to recall Dr. Angell in his prime. For
the patriarchal period of sixty-three1
years, he held a high place in the aca-
demic and diplomatic annals of the
country. General Grant, the dominant
force of the Civil War, was but seven
years senior to him; President Gar-j
field, dead these thirty-five years, was
his junior, like General Gordon, ther
martyr of Khartum, who belongs to
the distant past as the undergraduatel
reckons it now; John Hay was his pu-
pil; Mark Twain, W. D. Howells, Brett
Harte and Henry James were babies
when he was a boy; George Meredith,
D. G. Rossetti, Anton Rubenstein, Ib-
sen and Kekule, among other Euro-
peans of distinction, were born with-
in a few months of him. In short, he
represents the group whose achieve-
ments rendered the last century of
such immense historical importance.
To stand in the ranks of these leaders,
as Dr. Angell did, is no light matter;1
they were an extraordinary band,t
whose peers our unstable age cannot
The ampler scope of his public ca-
reer began when, at the age of thir-
ty-one, he assumed the editorship of
the Providence Journal, one of sev-
eral newspapers which exerted deci-
sive influence over political opinion
during the course of the Civil War.
At thirty-seven, he passed from the
editorial to the presidential chair, in
the University of Vermont. In 1869,
he was called to the presidency of the
University of Michigan, but felt it his
duty to decline. "In 1871," he tells
us, "the invitation to Michigan was
renewed with much earnestness * * *
I had some hesitation about undertak-
ing so large a responsibility. * * * Aft-
er careful consideration I decided to
accept." On June 28, 1871, he was in-
augurated, and came into residence at
Ann Arbor in September. From this
time till his resignation, a period of
thirty-eight years, he devoted himself
to strengthening the ties that bound
the State to the University. His prin-
ciples were simple, and practical in
the highest degree. "In considering
the relation of the University to the
State, I have always had two great
ends in view. First: I have endeav-
ored to induce every citizen to regard
himself as a stockholder in the in-
stitution, who had a real interest in
helping make it of the greatest serv-:
ice to his children and those of his
neighbors. Secondly: I have sought
to make all the schools and teachers
in the State understand that they and
the University are parts of one united
system and that therefore the young
pupil in the most secluded school-
house in the State should be encour-
aged to see that the path was open
from his home up to and through the
University." Nothing sensational oc-
curred, there was no advertising, no
" playing to the gallery." But slowly,

:i." so all the more sureli, the State alike by the sister State universities
grew conscious of its University. It and by the "private" roundations of
came to cherish the relationship, the East, was brought to influential
thanks mainly to the unlimited trust birth.
reposed in the President. Thus, littl. - What was his secret? Not intellec-
by little, despite miscalculations al- tual adroitness, with its restless ex-
ways incident to human affairs, and perimenting; not "energy," with its
discouragements always incident to bane of "new" departures; emphati-
human conbinations, the unconquerable cally not ambition, with its itch for
faith in human nature, and the un- "results" and conspicuousness. Ra-
failing optimism of tlie man were in- ther it reposed in a character that
strumental in building one of the served as a sounding-board for moral
chief institutions in the English-speak- acoustics; an ability, that is, to let
ing world amid the unpromising en- the right men alone, never harrying
vironment of a rural village in south- them in their work; an ability, more-
eastern Michigan. It is an enthralling over, to set the insignificant in its
story, romantic if you will. The re- place and to let it take its own mean-
markable issues are patent to all now; ingless course. Dr. Angell knew that
but the difficulties of the day of :.mai the human mind can face actual is-
things very few are in any position sues, even if they be hostile; but he
to realizeal also knew that, to provoke this cour-
The achievement was the life-work age, the issue must be real and defin-
of a distinctive personality, great in ite; and he permitted it to shape itself
qualities that wear rather than sein- ere he met it. He could use prompt
tillate. Large experience of affairs, decision when necessary; but he had
unfailing good humor, reserve force learned, what so few ever learn, that
always under control, ability to abide quick decisions are proper in excep-
consequences till they began to shape tional cases only; while for the rest,
themselves and confidence in the ul- even blunderers may be counted upon
timate good sense of the constituency, to correct themselves under kindly
-a confidence reciprocated by them,- persuasion. The charm of his public
were the potent factors in this notable speech was an index of the man here.
service. A certain sweet reasonable- It' bespoke his temperament. His
r.ess governed Dr. Angell in his rela- tranquil, unaltered humanity was the,
tions with all. He permitted problem- clew to much that others did not un-
to evolve solutions, gordian knots derstand or even misinterpreted. For, I
were untied, never cut. The tale of his ripe wisdom lent him insight to
it came to be noised abroad, and the see that great results come very grad-
Federal Government, sensing the mews- ually, and thanks only to the coopera-
ure of the man, enlisted him on no tion of many whose gifts, as is inev-
less than four important missions. New itable, are most various. He could
opportunities to acquire knowledge of abide the defects of qualities. His
the world thus presented themselves. charm of address was thus indicative
eThe personality expanded insenibly of that rarest of all faculties in an
and, ripened by contact with interna- executive, the power to wait on
na rqesionsycamtemthorneand-"glances that stand' agreed." By this
tional questions, became more and
inwie formative in academic leader- 1rincipally, he won to his unique
ship. Without and within the Univer- place. Now that he is gone, many of
sity. people recognized that a large us must think of him as of one who
and complete manhood was guidmng sowed the harvest we shall reap-and
complex destinies, tempering steady was content to have sown.
exnansion with wise caution. No un- Keenly as we must feel the absence
due demands . were thrust upon theof his accustomed gracious presence,
State, the safety of sagacity received; we cannot grieve as for a career cut
notable illustration. Thus, unlike some short in its prime, with promise half
of its neighbors, the University was not fulfilled. Nay, remembering his ma-
;sexed oy needless interference, its .ture performance, which so evades our
natural growth proceeded with sober feeble words, we would rather say,
. with Madame de Stael, "When a noble
regularity, nay, with a species of in-)wt aaed tc,"Weanol
regityeness S, with ak s o .A- life has prepared old age, it is not the
evitablenessS, thankstoDr. -decline t it reveals, but the first
gell, a large part of the unique spirit days of immortality."
of Michigan, acknowledged, as it is, R. M. W4ENLEY.

"Dad" has visited Ann .Arbor every town.. apr2,4.,
year for a number of years past and
has talked on a variety of subjects. Films developed at Hoppe's studio
Tonight he will talk on "The Chal- I' a2
lenge of the Nation to the Colleges of -------- --
Today," in which he brings out the Adertizers i The M1ichigan Daily
different phases of the life of a col- are the reliable iusiness men of the
lege student, in what ways they are city. It is to your advantage to trade
faulty and how they can be improved. with them. **
IThe Anny Arbor aings I

"Dad" Elliott, who speaks at thc
"Y" meeting in the Arcade theater
tonight at 6:30 o'clock, has done greatj
work among college men of this coun-
try, especially among the colleges of
the mid-west. Mr. Elliott is an earn-{
est and forceful speaker and is not
afraid to say exactly what he thinks.

Harry Lauder, world's famous ver-
satile artist, comes to our city April
Fifth! It is a real pleasure to hear
him! Our concerts every day are exact
reproductions of his voice! He sings
for the Victor Victrola! Come and
hear his records! Grinnell Bros., 116
South Main St. Phone 1707. tfapr2
Special sale of hand carved frames
Your ohotograph in one will make an
ideal gift. 1):- Fris Art Store. Down-

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