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Phones:-Editorial 2414
Business 960
VOL. XXYL No. 112.
f<EAi'1URED IN 191I6
Promise Some Strking Lighting Ef-
fects for This Year's
The first dress rehearsal of the cast
and chorus of the Union opera, "Tres
Rouge," held at the Whitney theater
last night, was pronounced a .distinct
success by both director and the smnall
audience that witnessed the affair).
"The dress parade tonight was as
good as that of any professional pro-,
duction," said Director Morgan, when
asked as to his opinion of the first
costume rehearsal.
"The scenery," continued Mr. Mor-
gan,,"is wonderful, and I hardly think
I have ever put on a show in which
the costumes were so comple e. In
fact we could have used them. just as
they came for the first show without
any alterations."
Voices in Good Shape
The voices of both cast and chorus
were in excellent shape last night.
Since the songs.and lyrics of the 1916
production are expected to be the big-
°,gest successes, especial attention has
been paid to the care of the voices of.
the leading characters.
The scenery for "Tres Rouge" is
considered the best ever used by any
opera. The coloring effect of the
scenery was described by Mr. Morgan
as being better than that of many pro-
fessional shows.
Feature Balcony Scene
One of the features of the perform-
ance will be the lighting effects which
(Continued on Page Six)
Wife of J. G. Phelps Stokes, Rich New
Yorker, WTas Once Russiai
Word has been received by the
Michigan chapter of the Intercollegi-
ate Socialist society that Rose Pastor
Stokes is scheduled to speak in Ann
Arbor on March 28. Owing to some
difficulty in securing a hall, definite
arrangements for the lecture have not
yet been completed. Mrs. Stokes prob-
ably will discuss some phases and
means of social reform.
She was born in Russia in 1879 and
three years later went'to London with
her mother. At the age of 11 Rose, ac-
companied by her mother, journeyed
to Cleveland, Ohio, where they workedl
as cigar makers. In 1903 Miss Pastor
acepted a position as editor of thef
Fhglish department of The Jewishl
Daily of New York. The preparationt
for this work she had gained by ard-c
uous study after working hours. Her
spare hours in New York she used in
settlement work among the slums.,
Here she chanced one day to mueet
J. G. Phelps Stokes, multi-millionaare
and brother of Anson Stokes, secr-
tary of Yale university.t
Their subsequent marriage a year
later was a suprise to eastern society.
The surprise was still greater when a.
short time afterwards Mr. Stokes re-
signed from the directorate of the
many corporations of which he wast
a stockholder and announced that hei
and his wife were going to devote their<
time to the, cause of Socialism. Sincer
then Mr. and Mrs. Stokes have been
actively engaged in propaganda work
throughout America.1
iexican "andits
Capture. Two Men
Demand M,000 for American and
$16,00 for Wealthy
El Paso, Tex., Mar. 13.-News reach-
ed El Paso tonight of the capture by
Mexican bandits in Chihuahua, south
of Alpine, Texas, of an American and
a prominent Mexican who had gone
in after cattle. The American is said
to b Juan Bilboa, and the Mexican
Juan Castillion, former jefe politico
at Torreon, and a wealthy Mexican.
It is said $14,000 has been demanded
foir the release of Bilboa, and $16,000
for the release of the Mexican.
Mexicans Hold Up American
Armed Mexicans supposed to be
Villistas held up P. B. Cunningham,
secret service agent of the El Paso
& Southwestern R. R. with another
American, H. P. Hansen, and O. L.
Hartley, traveling in two automobiles
near Alnark, New Mexico, Sunday
night. The Americans were fore d
to abandon their machines, but suc-
ceeeded in eluding their pursuers and
reaching El Paso.
The El Paso police today continued
their campaign against former offi-
cers and friends of Villa. Several men,
including many former prominent Vi-
lista colonels and generals have been
arrested on charges of vagrancy and
are being held in the city jail.
President Will
Continue Policy
Lansing Issues Statement Concerning
Object of Mexican
Washington,' Mar.13. - Secretary
Lansing today issued this statement on
the Mexican crisisy:
"In order to remove any misappre-
hensions that may exist in the United
States or Mexico the President has au-
thorized me to give in his name pub-
lic assurance that the military opera-
tions now in contemplation by this
government will be scrupulously con-
fined to the object already annqunced
and that in no circumstances will they
be suffered to infringe in any degree
upon the sovereingty of Mexico or de
velop into intervention of any kind in
the internal affairs of our sister re-
public. On the contrary, what is now
being done is deliberately intended to
preclude the possibility of interven-
Villa Makes New'
Move For Safety
Ncw Shift Puts Bandit North of Where
American Troops Are
El Paso, Mar. 13.-Villa has taken
a sudden drift to the westward ac-
cording to a report received tonight
by' General Dazira at Juarez. This
move apparently takes Villa away
from the territory where it was sup-
posed he would seek refuge and north
of where the concentration of Ameri-
can troops has been heaviest.
Seize Securities
Worth $o,ooo,ooo
Prize Court in Possesion of Papers
Suspected of Being Property
of Germans
London, Mar. 13.-Securities valued
at $10,000,000 and suspected of being
of German ownership seized from the
mails in transit are now in possession
of the prize court, according to an-
nouncements made today by the for-
eign office. It is possible securities
soon will be placed on the contraband
Reports Say American Forces Will Not
Cross from El Paso Into
El Paso, Tex., Mar. 13-General
John J. Pershing left El Paso this
afternoon for the west 'somewhere on
the Mexican border,"'to lead the Amer-
ican forces into Mexico. His plans are
to make a prisoner of Francisco Villa,
the Mexican bandit leader. , Though
silent to the last regarding his move-
ments and keeping his going a se-
cret until the train was ready to leave,
General Pershing is understood to
have entrained for Columbus, New
Mexico, and it is reported that the ex-
pedition will go into Mexico from that
point sometime tomorrow.
At dusk tonight it was known that
no troops had yet crossed into Mexico.
It was also known that the re-enforce-
monts en route to the border from
other points would not reach Colum-
i.; or El Paso in time for entering be-
fore tomorrow. It also became known
that there is no intenthn at present
of taking troops across at El Paso into
Juarez at this time, if at all.
Cavalry Delays Departure
General Pershing left here with the
16th Infantry regiment, following the
Sixth Infantry which entrained this
morning. The Eighth Cavalry, under
orders to Join the expedition into Mexi-
co, did not leave during the day, al-
though in readiness. It was the report
tonight that this regiment was await-
ing the arrival of the 23rd Infantry
in El Paso from Galveston before leav-
ing here.
With the arival of the 23rd Infan-
try, that regiment and the Seventh In-
fantry, one-half of the Twentieth In-
fantry, and a light battery of four guns
of the Fifth Field Artillery, will be
left in El Paso to protect the city in
case of trouble when the Eighth Cav-
alry leaves here.
Mountain Batteries Leave
A battalion of light mountain bat-
teries left here for the west last night,
detraining at Columbus. The signal
corps stationed here did not get under
way for the west today but goes as
soon as the railroad equipment is se-
The Hospital Corps from San An-
tonio, consisting of nine fiat cars with
army ambulances, three Pullman
coaches, and six box cars, passed
through El Paso this afternoon, bound
west. he coaches were filled with
men and upon the fat cars were
Prominent Philadelphian Dies
Philadelphia, Mar. 13.-William C.
Supplee, partner of the big Phila-
delphia Milk Distributing firm found-
ed by his father, died at his home in
this city this afternoon of pneumonia
following an attack of grippe. He
was 49 years old and was born in
Louisburg, Pennsylvania.
Two Mexican Cabinet Men Appointed
Mexico City, Mar. 13.-General Al-
varo has been appointed Minister of
War, and General Candido Admilar
Minister of Foreign Affairs in the
new Mexican cabinet. Many foreign-
ers are leaving the city and there is
an undercurrent of excitement among
all classes.
French Newspaper Suspends Issues
Paris, Mar. 13. - The newspaper
L'Eclair has been suspended for four
days. It was seized this morning.
Plan New Attack
on Verdun Defense
Paris, Mar. 13.-The first day of the
fourth week in the battle of Verdun
was ushered in by greatly increased
artillery fire both on the part of the
Britains and France. At nightfall the
big guns were stll vieing with one
another without pause or abatement.
The day was moniiopolized by artillery,
the clear weather being utilized by
both sides for aerial reconnaisance
work which resulted in anumber of
battles. each side claiming to have
brought down three machines.
Today's activities had all the signs
of a prelude to a new phase in the
contest for the great French barrier
fortress. The German guns kept
battering the French defenses north
of the stronghold and on both sides
of the Meuse. New infantry attacks
are looked for tomorrow and the fact
that for the first time since the battle
began the German artillery was di-
rected simultaneously and continu-
ously from all three sides gives rise
to the expectation that the Crown
Prince will attempt to strike simul-
taneous blows by his infantry in a
frontal and two flank attack.
There were, however, also signs of
French intention to launch a huge
counter attack particularly in the
Woevre plain where the French ar-
tillery displayed unusual activity
throughout the day. A new German
infantry drive on the western bank of
the Meuse is foreshadowed by a
statement in the French official night
communication reporting the bom-
bardment of German groups forming
between Forges and the Bois des Cor-
Prof. David Friday to Address Buck-
eye Students Tonight
Ohio students will hold their "Get
Acquainted" smoker at' 7:30 o'clock
this evening at the Union, for the pur-
pose of forming a closer association
among all students from the Buckeye
state. Ohio smokes, drinks, talks and
eats will be the order of the evening.
Prof. David Friday, of the economics
department, will represent the fac-
ulty, with Dean J. DeButts, '18E, and
Halstead Cottington, '19, featuring the
entertainment with a new piano and
banjorine novelty. The "Buckeye or-
chestra," composed entirely of stu-
dents from Ohio, will furnish music
throughout the evening.
"Miquelt et Sa Mere" Product of Team
of Playwrights
Tryouts for "Miquette et Sa Mere,"
the French comedy which will be giv-
en on April 27 by the members of the
Cercle Francais, have begun, and the
cast will be selected within a few
days. The staging of the play is un-
der the direction of Mr. Harry Wann,
of the French department and direc-
tor of the Cercle.'
Flers and Caillavet, the authors who
collaborated in producing this com-
edy, are among France's best known
writers of comedy, and the one which
the Cercle will produce is one of the
most humorous of the long list which
these men wrote. Unfortunately for
French literature M. Caillavet died
recently, thus breaking up a famous
comedy-writing combination.
German Naval Minister Sick
London, Mar. 13.-Admiral Albert
von Tirpitz, German naval minister,
has been seriously ill for several days,
according to a dispatch announced to-
Artiillery Fire Injdicates A ssilult
Fortress fromnTh'~ree
For the convenience of the cani-
pus, The Michigan. Daily has
placed a box in the west en-
trance of the library in which all
communications and notices of
events may be placed.
The notices should be written
on white paper, preferably with
E xpect Trouble Between Carranz
and Administration in
ad Movement
a typewriter with the day and Washington, Mar. 13.-Secretary c
date of the event at the top of State Lansing this afternoon notifie
the page. At the bottom of the the Carranza government that th,
slip the time of the event, the ;!nited States has agreed to permi
event itself and the place. For Carranza forces to enter America
example: territory in pursuit of bandits wh
Tuesday, March. 15. might cross the border into Mexic
7:30 o'clock, Y. M. C. A. meets, to eomnmit depredation there and re
Y. M. C. A. building, turn to the United States. In retur:
The box will be open till 7:15 for this privilege, the communicatio
o'clock every night and all no- sets- fofth that the United States ur
tices in accordance with require- derstands that Carranza has no ob
ments will be run. jection to the American expeditio:
All notices of sufficient im- which has been organized for the pur
portance will be run in the suit of Villa and that this governmen
"What's Going On" column and is now prepared to exercise this righ
all others as U-Notices. ' without further exchange of views.
____________________________ With the formal note which wa
addressed to Acuna, Carranza's secre
tary for foreign affairs, and forward
ednby telegraph through United State
ANIIULII5U10 oily AFTER Consul Silliman at Guadaljara, was
stateme nt by Mr. Lansing setting fort
tat the American expedition will b
UI Uscrup ullously confined to the pursui
and capture. of Villa.
Ironwood Student's Relatives Arrive Funston to Start at Once
Before Death Takes With the receipt of copies of th
correspondence, General Funston i
Patient expected to lose no time in getting hi
expedition under way. It is predicte
Edward R. Anderson, '18, who was that by tomorrow morning he wil
operated on last week for appendici- have put his troops across the borde
into Mexico. Secretary of War Bake
tis, died in the hosptal yesterday after- went to the White House at 8:00 o'cloc
noon. Anderson was in a critical con- tonight, remaining with the presider
dition when he came to the physicians' about an hour. When he left he rn
notice, having ruptured his appendix. fused to make any comments exce;
His father and brother-in-law came to say that if the troops had crosse
from Ironwood several days ago, when the border he had not been advise
it was felt that there was little hope fol the fact.
for his recovery. His sister arrived
here yesterday morning and left with benen lessced by the publication c
her father in the afternoon. Ander- aunoe to trr a z a phile the be
son's brother-in-law remained behind lief is somewhat prevalent in officia
to look after the body, which will be circles that II may serve to placat
sent to Ironwood for burial. him, all plans of the War Departmer
Beside his father and sister who have been drawn with the possibilit
visited him here, the young man leaves in view that the entry of troops int
three sisters, two brothers, and his Mexico will be the signal for Cat
mother. One brother attends high
school-in Ironwood and the other is a
teacher there. One sister teaches high
school in Seattle and another in Pe-
toskey.dThe married sister resides in
ranzistas and Villistas in northern
Mexico to unite in opposition to the
Villa Cuts Railroad Line
The State Department was advised
tonight that the Villa bandits located
in the vicinity of Casas -randes had
cut the railroad line somewhere be-
tween Casas Grandes and, El Paso
Although appearing to extend to Car-
ranza the reciprocal privilege asked
in the American note, officials do not
admit suih to be the case.
in the first place it is pointed ou
Weather for
ity: Rain or
Ann Arbor and vicin-
snow, with moderate
it assumes that Carranza has already
TODAY consented to permnit the American
< rerss the line whereas Car-
2:00 to 4:00 o'clock--Girls' Pageant ranza (proposed) rather with future
tryouts, room 208, old Engineering depredations which the Villa bandits
building. mi'ght commit on American soil. In
7:14 o'clock - Freshman Mandolin the second place it was shown that
club meets, McMillan hall. communication while assuming the
7:3{) o'clock-Health Service repre- right -to proceed with the American
sentatives meet, west amphitheatre, exedniion against Villa limits the
Medical building. crossing of Mexican troops into the
United States to pursuit of lawless
7:30 o'clock- Ohio club smoker, bandits that might originate in this
Michigan Union. country, cross into Mexico and shoot
8:00 o'clock-Men's section of the 'up down there, and. then return to
Deutscher Verein meets, 305 U-hall. the United States. It does not give
Carranza the right to pursue Villa or
UNIVERSITY NOTICE other Mexican bandits nor political
Tryouts for the position of assistant offenders into American territory.
college manager meet this afternoon Expect Trouble With Carranza
at the Intramural office, 3:00 to 4:00 All indications in Washington to-
o'clock. . (Continued on Page Six)
M SAlbert Lindquests,"t $
March i17
'ice $1.00
'.25, $1.50