VOL. XXVI. No. 106.
_1N <ATl'k3C~i, :'I('ji:(I;N TF iN i1.\Rlt lI7. 1916.
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"niincl.4iof t a:8>Pd Swat> Still0on Sale
at Box Office for Coso-
poltiui Spectacle
Everything is in readiness for the
first performancoe of the Al-ation Re-
vue, the impressive spectacle of hu-1
inanity which. Michigan's foreign stu-
(dnts will present in THilladitoriumi
at 8:00 o'clock tonight. The size of
the cast, the ability of the artists, se-
nic effects, costumes, an mui~c ,co-
blne to make the Revue the most stu-
pendous indoor production ever staged
by university students.
The presence of Albertia ascland
Dorothy Conger in the final dress re-
hearsal in the auditorium last night
gave Director Stauffer his first oppor-
tunity to witness the entire production
as -it will appear tonight, and at the,
close of the epilogue scene, when the
entire cast of 200 persons massd
onto the stage to sing the "Pilgrim's
Chorus" from ranhhalser the pro-
ducer declared himself highly satis-
fied with every act.
The novel lighting effects were tried
out for the irst time last night, and
promise to be one of the most pleas-
ing features of the whole performance.
The curtain is not used between acts,
one scene fading into the next with no
waits. Mirrors and screens are taken
advantage of to secure thNi, unusual
effects, while the black and Ithite stage
appointments server tO enhance the
beauty of the color scheme.
While there are still a number of
good seats to be had for both per-
formances, the financial success of the
productios is already assured.
C'oal Opwatrs Reach Wage Ageelent,
New ork, Mar. 6.-The bituminous
coal mriners and operators who are
meeting at the McA pin have reached a
tentative wage scale agreement but
were not able today to settle certain
other differences respecting working
conditions in the mines. They ad-
journed again until tomorrow morning
whenit is expected they will arrive at
a settlement.
$200 )Blaze at liappa BetP d ior c
dates Cance for't'est of
Ciy (Chemica
Fire in the Kappa Beta Psi ~ose ont
Fifth avenue at 5:80 o'clock last night,
caused by a defective flue gave the
Ann Arbor mire department its firt
opportunity to test out the new 1inot~i
equipment recently acquired.
The flanes started from the furia e.
and quickly spread through the firAi
floor before being discovered. After
the arrival of the company the fire a
quickly extinguished, but not before it
had burned its Way throgh two par-
titions and seriously daged hIe fur-
At a late hour last night it 'u ais
still impossible to determine th,
amount of loss, but a rouh estma e
places it at $200.
Chicago, March 6.-t took just 15
minutes for the grand jury oi Lal~e
county to bring an indictment against
William 1-. Orpet, Uiversity of Wis-
consin junior, for the murder of Ala-
rian Lambert. The jurors were said
to be unanimous in their opinion
when the first ballot was taken.
B. P.. . IXEndeavor for 1'ivrsit
Starting at C rued Rapids, Mid..i.
'ttooiem m isamong thelks,P, to start a u"nieKiy
nfor the society. It is likely that thel~
institu ion -will be Located at Gran
"Rapids. It is inendel t. the stul-
ehts to attend thi e1'.ovl 'will "a1l be
Elks, the lp uo~scof the mov-ement
being to give the E.l,; is an their fans-
Lhai],Ala. -i.The Spanish
.. j l}inicpe de Astrueias has
7e 1 s G f rliiw ofrock. It went
o7 te cewi1,i 5-pas-
:: < (vs e rough;lt to Santos by the
;< .. _ steaer Viva. A Spanish
steamer is standcing by.
iThe P rincipe de Astrulrias was enl-
C(AUtLWS, ZA NEL .A.. gagel ill the passenger service be-
Chle; ll 't'enor Whoe Will l~e ;hea:rd 131 tweenL? jarceeloia anti Brazil. Tile last
T'i'1lI114 Sdi t1~ repori~t of its movements are of its tle-
tlll IltIi l T)lg~ aiaeon its pl'ci0115 tip l)eastw.ardl.'
.. . _ It passedl Gibraltar Fbur 4 froum
Russian V rsh Beneeiresto Barce:ona.
it 1as a large anl(' CcomparativFely'
14reek s Cons 111 1 11nw ssl;Its gross tonnage xva
r,, 71,1gth460feet, beams feet,
iu1ihPno rbzldanddeti 29 feet. It was ibuilt at
t S ea P r; f e i P4 i n lt of1, C -' o .v i 1.914 anod .ow ned iy
!yea bjecive ointof the I'i, , 1o , I zlu icro Y Cia, ('a-
Lled ktc 1 41 Are i Os"t
Washington, Mar. .-The Amierican 1o Mr. ar. 6._-A\ Lloyd despaltci
consulate at Trebaizond, the great from inosays that 338 passeng er;
Turkish Black sea port, was wrecked I md 1I. of the crew, on the P'rine~ ie
when 'unssian warshliins ibomb ardeldestuisar-1-;7
the city onl March 1. lrebizond is the
obi-ective of the Russian Caucasus'
rniy which recently captured Erzerum P fII IIJSHED
Frenh ites1our CON',U 0E°N6E TO
Nursespat Frnt -
A u1loMakes Fly lilt Visit to
~'asle ad< oothle cele-
brated Italian bariton, paid lin
arbor a short visit Sunday aft-
ernoon, accom panuied by his
Signor Amato has just com-
pleted an extensive tour through
the west and is on his way back:
to his headquarters in New York
city. Ile spent an hour or so
z iding around the city and then
took a train for Detroit, where
he, s n ye terday afternoon.
Hold Coplete
Opera Practc
Lu I .a lelirmal and Finishied
i'i4I1( ilA ssured
irector ,lorgan sent hie east and
chrso f the Union Opera, "Tres
P~n't iug its first complete re-'
nea'sa lI u-Jht, both acts running
smoollily.The at ioities in charge
were ttire thani pleased with the way
I~ ~ h', hennhaeBeen progressing, and
loi no onthie* polishing process wih
i2 eve the most attention.
,lh e es for the entire show are
eiieady eunder way and- possess
V~ th th is eXY1ectedl to takewithC
I 0 aiporary Ar
rraluig])('l5ts fr Elgi -
Ron ior Woiit'ifor SeilBravery erni InIe~' 1ad; ~ o
He i, ' I'An~g at ~Odiehcj
F ollowing l~th isatrous oil
r a tio n at th e M ic hi a n A g ric u lt u r a
Par is, Mar. IL-Four women nurses
were cited in the general orders of the tlecary unymoigPs-
day today for special devotion to duty. dlent ,arr ;. Htchins yeserdayeti
ere neiber ofatelcgra"::,,oe condolence(,oto the Eas
"Three of the women weremeber o
asigCatholic orrs. They remained at La])sing o-tlicials,asuigte that
their posts (laring the terrible fighting the c ty0 A atgQ stands i
at Senilis. The fourth woman refused to I-pr. awe tothe totwt
to leave her post when a 15 1-2 inchl the allu~ioritky citheenine iigel-
shel burt wihin 0 fet ofher lege there, the buildings of which were
all pricg;a,,lly eonsumeti ins the big
Obendoirf Atay be a'.. hPssista.,ce might meane
f 7 oo ita, hestudents
I'ran sje r a {f¢ A. .C wudcompl eetheir work
at the u ni 7ersity i crc thLis yealr wa-is;
oper naicues.To those who have
watchd reuus operas, the one this
_.1- !scens Ito embody a variety of
n'asicand dacinigand an interesting
adumiosplot sc as no other
:b' a that this ye(ar's opera was
kritten by two, Gargoyle men lends a
hum ,oo<s airt o the show. Few local
1.llusins appear, which is in accord
; ,o s _'')I:.y adopted seveal years
'The ticet a will continue at the
Wieveat~ r hoo-office until the
tieof the showPm. The management
xA ;thes to1 announce that some good
s'eat,, still remain to be sold.
(';t9osiilai Cel-111an M1inister to Norw..ay the belief of mnany persons yesterday~ , ,l1LRI URIIL U
MayLP AU Ft Be Seat to stai, ite - but according to the authorities, it
gari, Report seems likely that the agricultural Coll-
eg. s emorryaranetletsfor Sa UINHSSN
Christiania, March b.----Reports haveegeuate orhar oua r a es ndts_
been received here that Count Alfred laborator'ies are already wvell u tnder t ih«on tV1'pQl Mt It~ 0.Mile all
Obendorff, German minister to Nvor- way. E i "rf(:ale; .Ah o F'eared
way, soon will he transferred to So- In addition to the president's tele- Submai 1110~i
ia, :iu.lgaria. Many Norwegians willj gram, Dean M. E. Cooley, of the Enl-
not be displeased if the reports are, ginteering college, yesterday wrote a . York' Alaccl 6.- With her wire-
true, because the minister has been letter to the AM. A. C. eingineering fac- s entirtely missing arid several of
criticized severely for his propa- siulty offering the. assistance and aid of hrprsbatrdI.th tasi
ganda work and his defense or the his college and colleagues in rendier- l.picud arril, ed here from Liverpool
sinking of the Lusitania. tuig whtatevri help is-needed.tt~~~d trip which Ca tai rad-
___Ta.hr {cO.ilinarzdcr, described as
1111 Q'ElY.P~ASThe fire, was fought by both volun. hernt -s f his career. She en-
1I f FSOCIETY APPERAA S LE" t eers frome.the student bod3T and Lans- cthyIcr~ aeo 0mlsa
ing firemen. lzct.
New Y"ork, March 6.--Resolutions, There_ was no insurance on the build?- Ace orisJvn. to the pay-c niers the
termed "an Irish declaration of inde- stuIgs, neithr the university of Michi- !Lapid detoured to the nori t of Ire-
pendence." .appealing for recogniition g an nor the M~. A. C. participating in lauJd aftier a submarine war-ning which
of Ireland as a nation by the world the staleinsurauc e fund. Although ;ause ,d he,-r.to drop anchor and" remain
pwrandl demnandling, that . nmeri- the actual loss was figured at approx- in ,,theierse river twenty-four hours,
t a_ b wan d ot o raelon shls nuately $240,000, it is believed that it clain her pier.
carn be nranndottoreavel er willtake about twice that amount to it as lreorted from the same
Siiimvx- hethel F riends'.ofcIish FV Iree- replace the burned structures. (('onrin nod enailPage Six)
Separates from Mtichigan Uion and
Perfects lReorgiaizatin tind~er
Faculty Guiiidanice
In order to facilitate the working out
of a new program and to relieve Un-
ion officials of a portion of their stren-
uotus duties, the Micigan Boat club
has be'en separated from 'association
with the 11nion and a new organization
perfected. This action was taken
early last fall under guidance of a
faculty committee , but no announce-
ment was made until last evening.
At a meting of the club held Sun-
day, plans for the annual Ispring re-
gatta were discussed. Inquiries have
already been received from crews in
Detroit and Grand Rapids in regard to
scheduling races here at that time. As
in former years, student races will be
staged and the usual awards be given.
In order to secure further additions
to, ~he Boat club fund, a series of Fi-
ay night dances under charge of Louis
A. Arentz, '17, has been planned to
take place at the Union. In addition,
a large dance will be given in the gym-
nasium sonic time in April.
[R. W. Collins, '17E is present com-
modore of the club, and a faculty com-
mittee consisting of Professors H. C.
{Sadler, W. J. [lale, and A. E. Boak, has
been appointed to act in the capacity
of an advisory board.
Zoology Journial C'I ab eets Wednesday
The Zoology Journal club will hold
its regular meeting at 7:15 o'clock to-
mnorrow night in room 231, new science
iuilding. The following special pro-
grami will be given:-
Review of "The Evolution of the
Cell," try Minchin--1W.'K. Bowen. The
Relation of Biology and Geology-Prof.
E. C. C'ase'. Review of "The Resistance
of Fresh Watser ish to Changes of
Osmotic and Chemical Conditions -
H. Cummins. Tire Birds of Argen-
tina-R. F. :Hussey. The Snakes of
India-P. A. Sherman. All interested
are invited to attend.
Weather for Ann Arbor and vicin-
ity-Sno w andt1 rain, with shifting
4:00 &rclok-F. B. Williams speaks,
natural scienc~e building auditorium.
6:00 o loek - Mathematics club din-
ner at Union.
7 :30 o'loci--Meeting of Ohio men at
Union to form Ohio club.
11:00( o'cloek----Al-Nat ion Revue, I-ill
4RAA It al ':0111s
Latter ?lahipes tiomi Need Never Fight
Blecause of Citizens W1ho Enter
I i 'p0 ii-°,joy Ride", Voyages
Washington, Mar. 6.-A homestead
bill provided the opportunity for a~
dlisc-ussion on the armed ship contro-
versy today and when the bars were
let down a score of representatives,
among them Leaders of both sides of
the chtambler hastened to declare them-
selves on the question of the hlour.
Among Democrats as xvell, as, among
* Republicans there were- conflicts of
opinion. Rtepresentativ'e Gardner stood
by thie President, while Representative
ann of Illinois, the minority leader,
lharacterized thec proposed vote of
c.onfidene as a rediculous proceeding.
J~emnoc rats also found - themselves at
0(1015s on the advisabilit'y of warning
Amnericans not Ito take passage on
armed ships on the special rule, on
the constitutional duty of the house
or on the many phases involved..
The' discussion was begun by Rep-
resentative_ Gardner, who, although a.
Republican, expressed what might be
rega~rded as: the administr'ation view.
"If we wish to retain the respect of
this country in this ;house," he said,
"''e must do either one of two things,.
We must' not longer delay a square
vote on the McLexmore res olutionm. It
we considler a substitute resolution
we must considerwa genuine- warning
"four aiction onm that resolution is to
be the, test showing what our atttitde,
is onm the question of supporting the
President or denying the President
our support. There is~ no parliament-
ary tangle.
"If we send out from this house a
confused action it is because we have
deliberately made it a confused actioni.
Unless we send out an action that is
as clear as crystal 'in its meaning it
is because we are trying to mislead
the people in actually doing."
Mr. Mannr began by saying thiat a
majority of the nienibers of the house
are of the opinion that at this time
American citizens ought not to com-
plicate the situation by traveling on
armed mnerchant vessels.,
"Do youa mean," asked Mr. Gard-.
ieh "That we should' abandon citi-
zens who disragerd the warning?
"I think," replied, Mr. Mann, "whenm
that question arises we ought to meet
it, b~ut I hope that 'our citizens maY
be so advised that we shall never b
put to the test-whether we have to
fight because some fool has entered
upo'n a "joy-ride", voy age.
dom, a national org aniz Ltion formeOd
here Saturday as the outgrowth of
a conference called to define the at-
titude which, it is contended, I risl,2e n t i c u t y h ul s uy-
towardl Great Britain.
1'Xp((4 1 1 , N luberof Buckeye
i tclestfo Be Present
Students from the state of Ohio will
Imeet in the Union at 7 :30 o'clock to-
night to organize an Ohio club. The,
needl for sucth an organization has been
a constant source of discussion among
stadusfrom the Bceesae n
it is thought that such a club will
reate a clus _r association among them.
P'lansfor the organization have
Sunday E'eni~ing 'Dormers' [landed
Hats as 'inkingLights hum O
At 9:45 o'clock Sunday evening, the 1 forth to procure candles to relieve the
still hush of Sabbath fussing was awxful dartkness that was about to de-
rudely disturbed at the Martha Cook seen(1 upon the helpless maidens. Gas
building, by the appearance of the ma- jets were lighted all over the build-
tron withi the sudden conmmand, "Send luig. Girls wjio had lessons to, get,
these men honme at once!" Breathless stopped at once, secure in a good ex-
she dashed through the Blue room, the a -~se to offer in the morning. The
Red room, the long corridlor, scatter-scn supply of candles was distribut-
ing quietly conversing couples as shze ad aong a few trustworthy upper-
went. "Get them out of here(ime- iasswcmnen, who tooks the terrified
L {
Health Sep vice head Prefers hlospitl
for All Students
A separate student hospital, accom-
nodlating both men and women, is bet-
ter fitted to p~resent needs than the
recent wornr's infirmary, according t,
a statement made by Dr. . 1-1. Cum.-
ruings, executive head of the univer-
sity health serv~ice, yesterday. "Two
hosp:itals would mean two utterly in-
adequate buildings and usdless dupli-
cation ot material, and nurshig force."
Plans for such a building hnave bee
in the mninds of the authorities for
seine time, but lack of funds has pre-
cluded definite action. A building
suited to this purpose would cost $50,-
000, while the present health service
allotment is but $6,000 a year. A cam-
p)aign for raising the required sure.
may be started later on, but until def-
inite plans aire evolved, Dr. Cummings
believes thtat any campaign is prema-
E lxpre!±s Co.'s Safe Relieied of $7,006)
New Yor, AMar. .-Following the
disappearance of $7,006 from the safe
1Si an Adams Express company's wagon
todiay on a WoePaw;ken ferry tho po-
lice were asked to send out an alarmh
for William Sherbut, a clerk for the
din tolv Th'lese Wien munist go!"
Frigl iened at they ke not w~iat
secret agr, the 1 ,- allantly
leape;d 1t) their filet, and (lemandled, to
kno w whtat awful fate was about to
descent upon them. "The lights!"°
becen drawn up by S. J. Slavens, ':17,4 gasped the matron, "They have just
and Leonard W. Mieter, ' 17, and will telephonedc us that in 10 minutes they
be submitted at this meeting. Inas- will go out all over the builoding. You
munch as there are a large number of . nmust leavtr at once!"~
students from this state, it is ex- Sclw l tey were driven out, seizingI
pected that a big collection will turn as tlie r;went thle first available ov'er-
i" slim_11r1nutl'er their wings.
lTen &ct)Ck cae. Ten-fifteen struck
frothe t .library ayclock. andl nothing
liapni.The suspense wras awful.
Thematonresolved to know the
wort. Calling the chief. engineer, she
(leaI~edthe truth. The chief engi-
ner asped, laughed and infornmed
t1he good lady that so far as he knew
the lights at time Martha Cook build-
ing might remain on all night. " Soee
young' fellow's been playinig a joke
4 :0411 ock-F. B. Williams, speaks,
natural science building auditorium.
7:1,) o'clock-Zoology club meets,
room 2231, new science building. -
.7:30 o>'clockb--Prescott club meets,
room 303, chemical building.'
7:30 o'clock---Adelp'hi Cup debate
prlinimamies, A'dolphi rooms, U-Hall.
SI :0)O'clock -All -Nation Revue, Hill