T1INI, DAILY NEWS W FTID.WORLI A N 1) TH~E CA PITS VOL. XXVI. No. 106. _1N E (Hamlt E IHOUSE DEBATES ARM ED SHIP VOTE; SMANY COFIT FOPINION AMONG I R EPR6ESENTATIVES OF BOTH PARTIES _ ., ; '. 1 A i' iSin a, iS FINANCIAL SUCCESS ASSURED "niincl.4iof t a:8>Pd Swat> Still0on Sale at Box Office for Coso- poltiui Spectacle Everything is in readiness for the first performancoe of the Al-ation Re- vue, the impressive spectacle of hu-1 inanity which. Michigan's foreign stu- (dnts will present in THilladitoriumi at 8:00 o'clock tonight. The size of the cast, the ability of the artists, se- nic effects, costumes, an mui~c ,co- blne to make the Revue the most stu- pendous indoor production ever staged by university students. The presence of Albertia ascland Dorothy Conger in the final dress re- hearsal in the auditorium last night gave Director Stauffer his first oppor- tunity to witness the entire production as -it will appear tonight, and at the, close of the epilogue scene, when the entire cast of 200 persons massd onto the stage to sing the "Pilgrim's Chorus" from ranhhalser the pro- ducer declared himself highly satis- fied with every act. The novel lighting effects were tried out for the irst time last night, and promise to be one of the most pleas- ing features of the whole performance. The curtain is not used between acts, one scene fading into the next with no waits. Mirrors and screens are taken advantage of to secure thNi, unusual effects, while the black and Ithite stage appointments server tO enhance the beauty of the color scheme. While there are still a number of good seats to be had for both per- formances, the financial success of the productios is already assured. C'oal Opwatrs Reach Wage Ageelent, New ork, Mar. 6.-The bituminous coal mriners and operators who are meeting at the McA pin have reached a tentative wage scale agreement but were not able today to settle certain other differences respecting working conditions in the mines. They ad- journed again until tomorrow morning whenit is expected they will arrive at a settlement. NEW MOTOR FIRE TRUCK USED $200 )Blaze at liappa BetP d ior c dates Cance for't'est of Ciy (Chemica Fire in the Kappa Beta Psi ~ose ont Fifth avenue at 5:80 o'clock last night, caused by a defective flue gave the Ann Arbor mire department its firt opportunity to test out the new 1inot~i equipment recently acquired. The flanes started from the furia e. and quickly spread through the firAi floor before being discovered. After the arrival of the company the fire a quickly extinguished, but not before it had burned its Way throgh two par- titions and seriously daged hIe fur- nishings. At a late hour last night it 'u ais still impossible to determine th, amount of loss, but a rouh estma e places it at $200. ORPET IS INDICITED) BY JURY Fo ItITUI DEllOF MHISS LA01{R Chicago, March 6.-t took just 15 minutes for the grand jury oi Lal~e county to bring an indictment against William 1-. Orpet, Uiversity of Wis- consin junior, for the murder of Ala- rian Lambert. The jurors were said to be unanimous in their opinion when the first ballot was taken. B. P.. . IXEndeavor for 1'ivrsit Starting at C rued Rapids, Mid..i. 'ttooiem m isamong thelks,P, to start a u"nieKiy nfor the society. It is likely that thel~ institu ion -will be Located at Gran "Rapids. It is inendel t. the stul- ehts to attend thi e1'.ovl 'will "a1l be Elks, the lp uo~scof the mov-ement being to give the E.l,; is an their fans- Lhai],Ala. -i.The Spanish .. j l}inicpe de Astrueias has 7e 1 s G f rliiw ofrock. It went o7 te cewi1,i 5-pas- :: < (vs e rough;lt to Santos by the ;< .. _ steaer Viva. A Spanish steamer is standcing by. iThe P rincipe de Astrulrias was enl- C(AUtLWS, ZA NEL .A.. gagel ill the passenger service be- Chle; ll 't'enor Whoe Will l~e ;hea:rd 131 tweenL? jarceeloia anti Brazil. Tile last T'i'1lI114 Sdi t1~ repori~t of its movements are of its tle- tlll IltIi l T)lg~ aiaeon its pl'ci0115 tip l)eastw.ardl.' .. . _ It passedl Gibraltar Fbur 4 froum Russian V rsh Beneeiresto Barce:ona. it 1as a large anl(' CcomparativFely' 14reek s Cons 111 1 11nw ssl;Its gross tonnage xva r,, 71,1gth460feet, beams feet, iu1ihPno rbzldanddeti 29 feet. It was ibuilt at t S ea P r; f e i P4 i n lt of1, C -' o .v i 1.914 anod .ow ned iy !yea bjecive ointof the I'i, , 1o , I zlu icro Y Cia, ('a- Lled ktc 1 41 Are i Os"t Washington, Mar. .-The Amierican 1o Mr. ar. 6._-A\ Lloyd despaltci consulate at Trebaizond, the great from inosays that 338 passeng er; Turkish Black sea port, was wrecked I md 1I. of the crew, on the P'rine~ ie when 'unssian warshliins ibomb ardeldestuisar-1-;7 the city onl March 1. lrebizond is the obi-ective of the Russian Caucasus' rniy which recently captured Erzerum P fII IIJSHED Frenh ites1our CON',U 0E°N6E TO Nursespat Frnt - A u1loMakes Fly lilt Visit to ~'asle ad< oothle cele- brated Italian bariton, paid lin arbor a short visit Sunday aft- ernoon, accom panuied by his wife. Signor Amato has just com- pleted an extensive tour through the west and is on his way back: to his headquarters in New York city. Ile spent an hour or so z iding around the city and then took a train for Detroit, where he, s n ye terday afternoon. Hold Coplete Opera Practc Lu I .a lelirmal and Finishied i'i4I1( ilA ssured irector ,lorgan sent hie east and chrso f the Union Opera, "Tres P~n't iug its first complete re-' nea'sa lI u-Jht, both acts running smoollily.The at ioities in charge were ttire thani pleased with the way I~ ~ h', hennhaeBeen progressing, and loi no onthie* polishing process wih i2 eve the most attention. ,lh e es for the entire show are eiieady eunder way and- possess V~ th th is eXY1ectedl to takewithC I 0 aiporary Ar rraluig])('l5ts fr Elgi - Ron ior Woiit'ifor SeilBravery erni InIe~' 1ad; ~ o He i, ' I'An~g at ~Odiehcj F ollowing l~th isatrous oil r a tio n at th e M ic hi a n A g ric u lt u r a Par is, Mar. IL-Four women nurses were cited in the general orders of the tlecary unymoigPs- day today for special devotion to duty. dlent ,arr ;. Htchins yeserdayeti ere neiber ofatelcgra"::,,oe condolence(,oto the Eas "Three of the women weremeber o asigCatholic orrs. They remained at La])sing o-tlicials,asuigte that their posts (laring the terrible fighting the c ty0 A atgQ stands i at Senilis. The fourth woman refused to I-pr. awe tothe totwt to leave her post when a 15 1-2 inchl the allu~ioritky citheenine iigel- shel burt wihin 0 fet ofher lege there, the buildings of which were all pricg;a,,lly eonsumeti ins the big Obendoirf Atay be a'.. hPssista.,ce might meane f 7 oo ita, hestudents I'ran sje r a {f¢ A. .C wudcompl eetheir work at the u ni 7ersity i crc thLis yealr wa-is; oper naicues.To those who have watchd reuus operas, the one this _.1- !scens Ito embody a variety of n'asicand dacinigand an interesting adumiosplot sc as no other :b' a that this ye(ar's opera was kritten by two, Gargoyle men lends a hum ,oo'clockb--Prescott club meets, room 303, chemical building.' 7:30 o'clock---Adelp'hi Cup debate prlinimamies, A'dolphi rooms, U-Hall. SI :0)O'clock -All -Nation Revue, Hill