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March 04, 1916 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1916-03-04

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Follow Today's
e; May


ing practice will be the order
day for the Michigan baseball
according to an announcement
by Coach Lundgren last night.
ing this afternoon's activities
i the gym, a cut will be made in
second day of batting practice
has been held this year is sche-
for this afternoon in the gym.,
cording to Coach Lundgren's
ent yesterday everyone on the


expected to put in an

appearance. This is contrary to the
procedure which was in vogue last
time, when only such individuals as
the coach enumerated beforehand were
to report. Everyone who survived
the. first cut will be on hand today,
and when the coach calls a halt the
squad will be reduced again.
The customary hour for practice will
be observed this afternoon, although
there is a slight chance that work for
the day will not terminate abruptly at
3:00 o'clock as the majority of the
members of the track team are busily
striving against the' elite of the east
clear down in Gotham.
Several of the pitchers are going at
a'pretty good clip, and the ,batters are
likely to find hitting a trifle more dif-
ficult this afternoon. Coach Lundgren
has moved very cautiously this year in
his reductions of the size of the squad.
Everyone has had an equal opportunity
and the coach has done his best to
overlook no one.
Michigan claims the greatest base-
ball coach in America, and one of the
squarest men that ever donned a pair
of spiked shoes. Every man that has
reported this year has been given due
consideration, something that is ex-
ceedingly difficult considering the size
of the squad.
New York, Mar, 3.-Profiting by the
mistakes it made on its first attempt
last year to promote an indoor relay
carnival, the Intercollegiate Associa-
tion of Amateur Athletes of America
has this year arranged one of the
most promising meets of the board
floor season, to be held tomorrow
night in Madison Square Garden. It
was only natural last year that mis-
takes would be made in the promoting
of the college sports. The men who
handled the games were all tackling a
problem that they had never faced be-
fore. The Intercollegiate association
called on few persons outside its own
ranks to assist in conducting the meet,
and did the best it could under the
Many lessons were learned and will
be put into effect in the coming meet.
There should be no mishandling of the
relays, for arrangements have been
perfected to a high degree. The au-
thorities have looked after minute de-
tails, and everybody connected with
the games expresses confidence in their
success. They should be muchmore
successful than last year, and, next to
the great meet promoted by the Mill-
rose A. A., promises to be the most
successful indoor games of the sea-
son. The best college athletes from
the east and as far west as Michigan
will be brought into competition. There
will be stars. in action that New York-
ers have never before seen. Dart-
mouth's strong team, coached by Harry
Hillman; will be missing, in all proba-
bility, because of lack of funds, but
the Hanoverians' absence will be made
up by the addition of other teams.
Dartmouth Enters McG ill ie Carnival
Hanover, N. H., Ma r. 3.-Dartmouth
will be represented by three men in
the ice carnival at Montreal tomor-
row. They will compete in a dual
jump with McGill and will also en-
ter the open events. McGill will en-
ter approximately the same team that
competed here recently. Two years
ago, a Dartmouth team was entered
which won the relay but was defeated

Dates for Varsity Baseball, rack and
Tennis iAggregations to
Be Ratified
Baseball. track and tennis schedules
are to be ratified at today's meeting
of the Board in Control of Athletics,
and will be publicly announced tomor-
The early date of' spring vacation'
this year and the lateness of com-
mencement have combined to delay
the framing of the baseball schedule,
while the fact that the athletic author-
ities have decided to hold no inter-
collegiate track meets in Waterman
gymnasium has played hob with the
track dates. .
Dates for both the All-Fresh base-
ball and track teams ' will be an-
Aounced at the same time as the
Varsity schedule.
Coach "Steve" Farrell Takes Seventeen
Men to Classic at Madison
Square Gardens
Michigan's representatives at the
I. C. A. A. A. A. Indoor meet to be
held at Madison Square Garden, New
York, tonight, left Ann Arbor at 2:42
o'clock yesterday afternoon over the
Michigan Central, and will arrive in
New York at 9:00 o'clock this morn-
Coach "Steve" Farrell was accom-
panied by the 14 men who are en-
tered in the meet and by Track Mana-
ger Finkenstaedt. The total number
making the trip was swelled to 17 by
the presence of Clarence, the rubber.
Before boarding the train the coach
counted his chicks, and pronounced
them all present and in perfect shape
for the keen competition which they
will meet tonight.
While in New York the Michigan
runners and shot men will stay at the
Prince George Hotel, which is con-
veniently situated with regard to the
place of the meet, and the men will
get a chance totry outthe track on
the Madison Square Garden before the
actual competition of the evening.
The annual meeting of the I C.
A. A. A. A. will be held at 2:00 o'clock
at the Waldorf-Astoria this afternoon,
and the managers of the colleges rep-
resented in the organization will be
present. The most important question
to come up for settlement is the decid-
ing upon the whereabouts of the East-,
ern Intercollegiate meet.
Indiana and Minnesota Victories
Alone Fail to Follow
Madison, Wis., Mar. 3.-The results
of last week's basketball. games pro-
duced but minor changes in the re-
spective standings. With the excep-
tion of Indiana's win over Ohio State
and Minnesota's defeat of Iowa, who
had beaten the Gophers earlier in the
season, the favorites won their games.
Illinois climbed up a notch by win-
nini from Minnesota and Chicago.
Purdue dropped two contests, one to
Wisconsin and the other to Minne-
Ilinois, 27; Minnesota, 22.
Indiana, 29; Ohio State, 26.

Minnesota. 21; Iowa, 13.
Wisconsin, 35; Purdue, 22.
Minnesota, 29; Purdue, 18.
Illinois, 31; Chicago, 13.
Big Nine Standing
Won. Lost. Pct.

But one game was played in the in-
terclass basketball league last night,
the soph lits nosing out the junior lits,
11 to 8. The sophomores, picked as
easy winners by the dopesters, were
carried off their feet by the rush of
the third-year men during the early
part of the battle. They succeeded in
stemming the tide, however, but the
junior lead was too much for them and
the half ended with erstwhile cham-
pions on the short end of a 5 to 3
The second period started off with
the'whoop, but this time it was the
second-year men who did the scintillat-
ing. Time after time they carried the
ball down the floor by perfect team-
work, only to lose it under the basket
to the fighting juniors. But the strain
was beginning to tell on the wearers
of the white toque, and the sophomores
forged into the lead. A goal by Mil-
ler, followed by one by Bothe as the
gong clanged, cinched the laurel-leaves
for the sophs.
The teamwork of the second-year
men was wonderful, but their shoot-
ing was decidedly off color. Miller;
and Brown were the twinklers for
the winners while the work of Fraser
and Davidson, the Junior guards, was
especially commendable.
The line-up and summaries follow:
sophs (11) Position Juniors (8)
Gariepy........L. F. ... ..Talbot
Bothe... ...R. F .Kessler, WaltonI
Miller ...,.. . . C. ........... Petrie
Brown....... ...R. G. ......Davidson
Boyd .... . ..L. G. .......Fraser
Field goals--Bothe 2, Miller 2, Brown
1, Kessler 1, Talbot 1.
Foul throws-Fraser, 4 in 6; Brown,
1 in 5.
The scheduled game between the
pharmics and the senior lits was for-
feited by the former. As this is the
third game that the pill-mixers have
forfeited, they will, under the rules of
the league, be forced to withdraw
their team from competition.
New York, Mar. 3.-Plans for the
organization of the 1916 football team
at Columbia will begin to develop
after the first meeting of the candi-
dates on Tuesday afternoon. Coach
T. Nelson Metcalf yesterday called out
about 130 students, who were members
of last year's Varsity and freshman
squads, and others who have since
signified their intention of trying for
a place next fall.
A short session of spring practice
may be held during April, although
this matter has not been decided defin-
itely. South Field is Columbia's only
athletic ground, and with the baseball
squad occupying it after March 20, the
eleven would be forced to hold foot-
ball practice elsewhere.

Pharmic Basketball Five Forfeits
Senior Lits, Losing the
Right to Play

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OR '

"OUTITG" EDITORIAL SCORES man in sport. Furthi
:anything valuable to I
:Practice Degrades Sport and Fails to the game: Football
YMNASIUM FACILITIES Establish Supremacy of qped mainly in institi
Different Styles played consistent sche
usses Regents' Appropriation for : year in their own to
aternanImpovemnt;Expcts Says a recent editorial in "Outing:" natural opponents.
atermaP Improvement; Expectseraysitisac
"nla fn.allla alPhhteI;"ehp ti arg3


ued that

Future Changes

"The $50,000 appropriation for the
gymnasium is but the opening gun of
a campaign for better Michigan ath-
letics," said Dr. George A. May, di-
rector of Waterman gymnasium, in
commenting on the recent action of-
the regents.
"We have been immensely handi-
capped in the past by a lack of proper
facilities. We have about half enough
shower - baths. In the matter of
lockers, after the athletic teams and
the regular gym classes are provided
for, there are very faw left for the rest
of the students. We should have from
1,000 to 1,500 more. We need greater
floor-space in the gym proper. We are
one of America's few large universities
unequipped with a plunge.Michigan's
facilities for minor sports are far be-
hind those of any other institution of
its size in the country. Our accommo-
dations for boxing, wrestling and fenc-
ing are practically nil. Handball is'
proving an extremely popular sport
and we should have three times the
number of courts we now possess.
"All these things, of course, cannot
be bought with $50,000. But we hope
that by continued appropriation we
can in two or three years have our
gymnasium large enough to give every
Michigan man all the exercise he wants
and at his favorite .sport."
Columbia Swimmers Defeat Princeton
Princeton, N. J., Mar. 3.-Columbia's
swimming team defeated Princeton
here, 28 to 25. In winning the 220-
yard relay, the Princeton quartet,
Selby, Lester, Delacy and Burchenal,
broke the intercollegiate record. The
time was 1 minute 44 2-5 seconds,
three-fifths of a second better than
the former record held by Yale.

one regrettable tendency which has
been growing in recent years. At
least three teams made transcontin-
ental trips, playing teams with which
they had no natural alliance or friendly
antagonisu. The Oregon Aggies came
as far east as Michigan early in the
season and both Brown and Syracuse
1visited the coast for post-season games.
This looks like innocent interchange of
athletic courtesies, but is it? What
sound reason is there for Oregon play-
ing Michigan or Washington playing
Syracuse? Is there any spirit of
friendly rivalry between these insti-
tutions on which to base the game? Is
there any tradition of previous games?
I3 there any forward look to contin-
uing association and rivalry that shall
make for good feeling and understand-
ing and all the other elements of good
sport? These questions answer them-
melves. The whole business is a
rather irritating barnstorming cam-
paign without sound sense or reason.
It is argued that such games settle
the question -of sectional superiority.
Is there any such question? If there
is, is it worth answering? Michigan
has been playing Cornell and Penn-
sylvania for some years now and still
the. Middle West is as sure as ever
that it plays as good football as the
East and the East is as sure that
it does not.
"The one thing sure about football
is that it settles nothing except that
one team won and another lost. In
other words, it is a game and not a
straw vote or a mimic war. This pol-
icy of barnstorming is akin to the big-
game hunting in which certain of our
eastern colleges engage annually.
Sooner or later the team that goes:
across country seeking victims will
find itself playing men who have no
business to play and using methods
that are unworthy of college gentle-

trips help advertise the colleges
ing them. They do, undoubtedl
in the worst possible way. The
nounce that the college auth
think so little of the game of fr
as a manly sport for the develo
of character and clean ideals
their students that they are c
to see it sink to the level of a mi:
show. They publish the fact
that the college exiats for footbs
not football for the college.
declare that they are.persisting
insane endeavor to make the py
stand on its apex instead of its
And worst offence of all, they d&
and besmirch a noble sport b
level of a hippodrome perform
Work Will Begin Not Later Than
of June; Gym Floor Lengthe
Nearly 50 Feet
The plans for the remodeling
terman gymnasium will be sent
the contractors in a day or two.
plans, with the estimates of th
frate contractors, are to be i
hands of the regents April 6. Alt
the work will not be started t
will probably be started not late
June 1.
The plans as they are now p
for the lengthening of the floor
to the east and west 48 feet, mi
the length of the entire floor 24
As the result of this enlarging
floor space the running track '
10 laps to the mile instead of 14
The Michigan Daily for the i
t4e year, $1.00.
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Northwestern .......... 7
Illinois ................ .... . 6
Kinnesota ............. 5
Indiana . ............. 2
Iowa ................... 2
Ohio State ............. 2




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Postpone Craftsman Meeting One Week
Although tonight is the date for the
regular meeting of Craftsman, Mason-
ic student society, it has been post-
poned until next Saturday evening,
March 11.

cx iL

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