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March 02, 1916 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1916-03-02

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Icn's Clothliug Sale

This Grafonola
Cabinet and 12 Selections

Divided into three lots

1/4 ----/3- -/2 OFF
Spring Hats and Caps
are now on display





Spring Motor

Absolute tone+

control Double
Call at Columbia Headquarters

Wadhams & Co.'s Corner.
Main &. Washington Sts.


Shows over the coat in back;
low sharp, smart curveaway
front; good knot andslidespace
?.for 2c
CLUETT, PEABODY & CO., Inc.. Makers. TROY. N.Y.

and gain the admiration of all
by having your next suit
Custom Tailored
Campus Tailor
516 East William St. Phone 1422-3

(The Traveling Man)
The Traveling Man pushes open the
smudgy plate-glass door of the "best
hotel in town" and strides into the
smoky lobby. He drops his bags be-
fore the high counter of the desk,
takes his cigar from his mouth and
leans over to slap the clerk genially
on the back.
"Hello, Bill!" says he. "How's the
little old burg anyway? Cabbage
crop comin' on .fin'e, I suppose?"
He jabs his cigar back into his
mouth as he reaches for the register.
"Gimme the best you have, you
know! Nothin's too good for Willie
when he's in a roaring little town like
this, eh, George? Take 'em up; (he
jerks his thumb at the bags). I'm for
a little grub."
The screen doors of the dining room
swing behind him and a half dozen
people look up from the dingy-linened
tables to see the head waitress hurry
forward to meet him.
"Same little lady, eh?" says he as
she leads him to a seat. "Lots of ex-
citement when a real man like me
comes along, eh? Same old menu.
Just like comin' home, eh? Make it
the usual thing, you know, and don't
let 'em burn the flap-jacks. Tell the
rook yourself, won't you, girlie? It's
for me, remember."
"Some little queen," he confides to
the man as the next table as he tips
back in his chair.
The waitress returns with a dish of
well-stirred prunes.
"Always takes care of uncle, doesn't
she? Didn't scratch those cute little
hands hunting for the eggs, eh?"
Etc., etc., etc.
The Traveling Man's idea of Savoir
Faire is to josh easily with the wait-
Q. E. D.

A Chicago paper has
the best college bred
from the top.

observed that
doesn't rise

This an' That

l- ! 9

First Showing'
of the 1916
Spring Styles
Spring Fashions in Tailored
MillinerySuits,Coats, Gowns
and other Outer Apparel,
direct from New York, are
being Exhibited this week in
the second Floor Salons. You
are Invited to Inspect the
Charming Di plays.
(Cent inuied from Paag'e Eonr)
and established a kind of base of sup-
plies, and thei started off to find
some embankments and gulches and
bad weather for a story we were work-
ing out. We were only going to be
gone about three days, but at the end
of that time, the guides came up to
Kendrick with the interesting informa-
tion that they were lost. By good luck,
Kendrick had provisioned the outfit
with enough to last us for a while, if
we dealt out the rations carefully.
B3ut there were five women in the
party, and we were afraid to tell them
what had happened. I had used up
all the film I had brought along, but
Kendrick told them that he was filming
two or three stories that had come
to him on the trail. and that we would
go back when he had finished. So
every lay he put them through their
paces and made me turn the crank of
an empty camera to soothe them. It
might have been soothing for them
but it was anything but that for me.
With my camera braced against the
head wind, and my furs padded out
with every piece. of paper and rag I
could lay my hands on, I sure must
have been a funny sight. I wished I
was back in my little old studio in
New York telling somebody's brat to
"watch the little birdie come out,"
while I squeezed the bulb.
Did I see any Esquimaux? Well, I

122 L. Liberty Street

should say so. Funny little fellows.
they were, dark,- with long, black,
straight hair. They were greasy all
over from having washed their faces
wita the chunks of whale fat before
they would decide to eat it. Pah! I
tried some, but nix and no more. Most
oi them were as ugly as they make
them, with their teeth and jaws either
sticking way out or way in, and never'
where they ought to be. But they
would do anything they saw us do.
I. never will forget the time one of
them begged me for a. chew of to-
bacco, and started in to masticate it.
i suppose he tried to swallow it in-
stead, of only Fletcherizing, for he
suddenly gave us an example of how
sick a sick Esquimaux could be. he
wealthiest John D. of the bunch was
the man that had the most fish-hooks
of steel, or the most axes, and jack-
h-mves. The most- shiftless loafer in
the village wore about $600 worth of
sealskins on his person. Which he
was ready to trade for an Ingersoll
watch or a fountain pen.
Six days we were lost, and on the
seienth, the guides found a trail in
the snow which they said had been
made by the mail-sled, and that it
was about four hours old. How they
could tell the age of a bunch of marks
in the snow I don't know, but they
could do this in a way to make a stop
watch jealous. So we hit that trail
for civilization, or as much of it as
there is to be found in that half-fin-
ished part of the world. We had to
get a few mining scenes and camps,
Those big fellows certainly gave tone
to the scene, but we could never teach
them to look away from the camera.
At last Kendrick had Porter grind an
3mpty at them, while I was concealed
somewhere getting in the real stuft,
with our people well up in the fore-
ground registering away as per di-
rections. -
Our work lasted until March of 1t12,
and you can take it from me, 1 didn't
start in to bawl when Kendrick gave
the word to pack up our duds and
hike south. I had seen the fac-similes
of the Esquimaux, and the polar bears,
and the gold mines, and the dog-
slt'cde which you used to pore over in
the geography book, back in Squeer's
Lolow, Me sachusetts, with the ther-
mometer at 94 in the shade, and teach-
er's voice a-droning in your ears. You
wished you were there, didn't you?
So did I. But from now on I mean
to stick to civilization and newspapers
and veal cutlet and two-fers and po-
Ker chips.
(The Movie-Man tells about sword-
tishir~g in the Atlantic next week.)

A bta

Allmendinger Music Shop

Taking it into consideration still
seems to be a polite way of refusing.
Now that bluebook seaso is safely
past we seriously doubt whether a pro-
fessor's residence can longer be called
a house of correction.
.How glad we are that Doe failed to
make his rounds during that recent
warm spell.
Or else, you know-we might have
been tempted-well, that overcoat still
comes in handy.
Ans. to Sporty Guy.-No, we are
unable to tell you just what will the
All-Nation Revue. Ask A. R.'s press
Eveline.-Take the spots sout with
cucumber lotion. (2) Hydro-chloric
acid, is very good for the complexion.
Percival.-We are under the im-
pression that Hava'd is located some
where in Massachuchetts.
(Now for a communication in The
Daily deploring our lack of ignorance
with a government survey map show-
ing the exact spot.)
The Daily needs more good, strong,
husky sophomores on the staff.. The
janitor has given notice.
Scratched off those suit-case labels
"'Tis very little differece there is,"
observed Mr. Hogan, "betune a drunk-
en than and a movin' picture operator.
Both go reeling around."
It is almost a pleasure to have your
house burn these days. Since you
may then observe Ann Arbor's new
fire truck in operation.
Advice to Track Managers-Tabu-
late all disbursements under the head
of rmnning expenses.
Not ,a bit too early to apply for that
summer position. Only jobs will re-
main if you delay.
He has been discovered. The man
who wished to lead a "Yea Team!
Fight 'em!" when the Major-General
and the Rear-Admiral appeared on the
stage of Hill Auditorium.
Gotten on to friend roomy's ways
yet? Cheer up, there's nearly a whole
semester left.
Profs are beginning to seat their
classes for the semester. Several in-
teresting houis ought to be taken up
in this way.
Round-Up Club to Initiate on March 12
New men will be taken into the
Round-up club and initiated on Sun-
day, March, 12. This was decided at
the combined smoker and business
meeting held last night at the Union.
It was definitely decided to have the
club's formal party at the armory on
March 24. The program will include
several very novel forms of entertain-
ment, some of them being put on by
professionals. Chairmen of commit-
tees for the dance were appointed as
follows: Decoration and entertain-
ment, C. L. M. Fordney; refreshment,
G. 0. Williams; program and music,.
W. W. Jenkins.


. -



AnArmy Fights on Its Stomach
-and the same holds true of an athletic team'
When strength and ,ertress xe fighting it
out ,it is good condition that turns the battle.
As a regular daily diet there is no better body
builder than
A sound, healthy stomach is the basis of spe.d ard
endurance-this is a reason for the use of Shredded
Wheat. It contains those food elements that notrish
the blood and strengthen the body. To last through
the game and come out strong make this whole wheat
food a regular part of your training. It is healthful
and at all times fresh and good.
Served with fruit and berries or alone with milk
or cream.
"There is health and strength in every shred"


Oft on a Sunday morn
'Ere roomy's threats have brought me
To consciousness and armed defense
'Gainst dangers near, though half pre-
I've listened to the chimes at
Back in my freshman days,
n Sunday morning's leisure,
I'd listen to those solemn peals
Until that which my blood congeals;
Would chase way those illusions
Of beauty.
But then I tried to think,
I lacked appreciation,
I fain would cultivate a taste
As freshmen can, to save from waste
That Memnon's 'wak'ning symphony at
Surely I've tried to be,
Through many weeks of struggle,
Right up till now of open nWind
To keep myself from being blind,
To melody in all those chimes at
Confess it now I must,
E'en my imagination
Can conjure up but harsh discord
In that one clang that heavenward
Projects itself when all the rest
Is beauty.
Call Lyndon for a good flashlight.
Our Service
is always Gentlemanly, Courteous
and Prompt. Stark 2255. tf

Made only by
The Shredded Wheat Company,

Niagara Falls, N. Y.


, _

Conservation o Energy

What Elw etricity Means
to You in Your Home

Electric Flat Irons
They save many steps in the kitchen


U I -

Electric Toasters
Make the finest toast for breakfast without any fuss or
trouble, and they are always ready;
Electric Heaters
Take the chill off the room, and do it quickly.
Why use a cold room when it can be easily avoided?
Electric Chafing Dishes
Are the very best things for the long winter evenlngs.
Think of the Welsh rarebits and other delicacies.
The Detroit Edison Company
Eastern Michigan Division
Mixie Club to Hold Smoker at Union spoke of the purpose of the smoker
A feature of the combined get-to- be given at the'Union next Thursd
gether and business meeting of the where all new men from the south w
Dixie club at the Union last night was be welcomed and will be given spec
the large attendance of southern men opportunity to join the club. Seve
in thu university. Secretary Tom Owen new members were taken in last nig

lLeave copy
Quarry's and
The Delta


a I

Leave Copy
Supply Store





Owners of Victor Victrolas
Can have a selection of ten to a dozen
Latest Up-to-Date Records
Sent to their home on our
Twenty-four Hour Approval Plan
Call us up-PHONE 1707-or mail list of numbers

i .qmmmw


FOR SALE CH EAP-I ammond vis-
ible typewriter good as new, four
sets of type, writes many languages.
^l i' A"- - ^ ^r o

The Michigan Daily the rest of the
year--$1.O0 **

Grinnell Bros.

116 South Main- St.


Patronize Daily Adverti'ers.





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