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k1l"Uternit 'ies
from Fraternities
C O N T IN U E D T O D AYk' .1 P~ N T ',l T .I B T S
Iddles Are Entertained; Sorority
Will Help Aged Inmates of
Old Ladies' Home
"An unqualified success," is the ex-
ression used by the Good Fellow
dibor of The Daily, in speaking of
ae results attained by the fraternity'
anvass for clothes, books and other
seful articles yesterday. In all, about
) houses were visited, and as one of
ie collectors puts it, "about enough
othes were gathered to dress the
hole population of Ann Arbor for a
arty." The canvass will be continued
day and any organizations which
specially desire the auto men to call
re asked to get into communication
ith the Good Fellows at 1132.
One fraternity has taken a novel
ay to spread Good Fellow cheer. The
ife of the house porter has been sick
r a long time and word was re-
Mved recently by her husband that
ae would have to undergo an opera-
on if she hoped to get well. The
hapter took up a collection yester-
ay and with the even hundred dol-
.rs realized the operation will be
ade possible for the invalid.
Still another type of Good Fellow
ork yesterday was in the form of
nners, clothes and toys given to two
'oups of boys by two other local fra-
rnities. The "kiddies" were enter-
ined at a turkey dinner and, after
,ing fitted out with clothes, they were
ien a real Christmas around an
tonest torgoodness"mtree. Several
her organizations will entertain
'oups of boys in a like manner to-
A sorority, in a letter to the Good
,llotr Editor yesterday, offered. to
ovide a Christmas for all the aged
mates of the Old Ladies' Home. This
stitution, which is one of the most
'rthy in the city, has a group of old
ntle-women as its inmates and the
iristmas which will be made pos-
ble for them will be more than ap-]
H ~erEducation,
Balks At History
Students il lI.rench Make Wild
(uesses in Identifying
Jeffries, Joppe and Jefra are com-
manders-in-chief of the French
armies. Von Bethmann-Hollweg is
the head of the German navy, ambas-
sador to the United States, German
Minister of Finance, Iron Chancellor
of Germany and the leader of the
Reichstag. The Prime Minister of
England is Lord George, a one-armed
general of France, Winston Churchill,
and Lord North. Montenegro is bound-
.ed by Austria, Germany, France, Italy,
the Bulgarian states and "perhaps"
Belgium. Salonika is in Russia, Tur-
key and Asia Minor. The capital of
Bulgaria is Bucharest, Budapest and
These are only a few of the answers
received by Mr. Phillip Bursley, of the
French department, Jin reply to a
series of questions given to his
French classes. Only one student out
of 87 enrolled in Mr. Bursley's courses
turrf in a paper with a mark as high
as 80 per cent. The average for the
entire number was only 38.4 per cent.
The men surpassed the women in
every class, in one class the men av-
eraging 53 per cent and the women
only 26.8. Venezelos was a "brain-,
wracker" for the majority. He was.
named as being an Austrian general,'
President of Mexico, President of
Spain, and President of Cuba. Field
Marshal von Hindenburg came next
on the list. According to a number
of papers he is ruler of Canada, an
English earl, and commander of the
German armies in the West. Field
Marshal French is a Dutch painter,r
Emperor of Germany and an officer
in the French arnly. Vivant was de-
scribed as being Viceroy of Canada,t
English ambassador to Greece, a poet,
and the English chancellor. Salandra
is a Frenchman, a Turk, and a city
in Serbia.
However the climax to this apal-
ling display of ignorance came in the
request to answer the question con-
cerning the rulers of the belligerent
nations.' Wilhelm III and Frederick
II are Emperors of Germany. Greece
is ruled by King George, Constantine
II and III and Christianus. The sov-
ereign of Servia is Peter the Great
and Ferdinand. The King of Italy is
Manuel, Alphonse, and Frederick IV..
Ignace Paderewski, the distinguished
Polish pianist, will give the fourth of
the pre-festival concerts in Hill audi-
torium Thursday night, January 20.
Owing to his patriotic spirit and sin-
cere feeling for his countrymen,
Paderewski is devoting his energies
almost exclusively to relieving the
terrible conditions in Poland. Con-
sequentlyl, he will be heard in only a
few of the large cities in this country
and his engagement here will un-
doubtedly be his only appearance in
This remarkable pianist has visited
Ann Arbor several times in the past
and upon each occasion has left no
doubt in the minds of his local ad-
mirers that he is the one master
Bossi's "Paradise Lost," and "Sam-
son and Delilah," by Saint Saens, are
the choral works for this year's May
festival, according to ,n announce-
ment by Prof. Albert A. Stanley, of
the School of Music. The children's
chorus will also give Pierne's "Chil-
dren of Bethlehem" this year.
"Elijah" has been dropped from the
original program and "Paradise Lost"
substituted, this latter work having
been given but once in this country t
J. R. Bibbins and Supt. James R.
Marks Contribute Articles
to Number
'One of the most ambitious numbers
of the Michigan Technic ever issued
went on sale yesterday in the engi-
neering corridors, Economics building
and the bookstores. Not only does it
approach perfection in the selection
of material, but also in its makeup,
which is excellent. This December
number was featured as- an "All-
Campus" issue and the slogan is jus-
tified by the quality of the contribu-
Especially of interest to all students
will be an article entitled, "Engineer-
ing Ethics and Opportunity," by James
R. Bibbins. This consists of extracts
from an address delivered by Mr.
Bibbins at the annual banquet of Tau
Bea Pi, honorary engineering frater-
nity, at-Chicago. This scholarly ef-
fort lays stress on the need of per-
sonal idealism on the part of the
Prof. David Friday, of the economics
department,. contributes "Some Ne-
glected Factors in Determining a Rea-
sonable Rate of Return for. Public
Utilities," in which he points out the
importance of securing eflicient man-
agement and gives figures which bear
out his contention.
"Qualities That Make an Executive,"
by James H. Marks, '08E, superintend-
ent of buildingstand grounds, is a
very readable article and is also ably:
Prof. John C. Parker, '01E, head of
the electrical engineering department,
contributes an article on "Automatic
Power Control."
"The Observatory of La Plata," by
Prof. W. J. Hussey, director of the
observatory, is quite 'an interesting'
account of the work done by Prof.
H-ussey in the Argentine observatory.
Among the otherarticles which go
to make up this excellent issue are:
"The Necessity for Military Prepara-
tion," by F. H. Atlee, '18E; "Turbino
Tests at the Barton Dan," from the1
office of Gardner S. Williams, '89;
"Alfred Noble," also by Gardner S.
Williams, '89; "Discussion on 'Ri-
parian Rights,'" by Prof. C. T. Johns-
ton. '95, of the surveying department;
and "The Honor System of Examina-
tions," by F. H. Sweet, '18E, a forcible
argument for theinstallation of the
honor system in the College of Engi-
Covered with bruises and scratches,
and with his left cheek badly swollen,
Enar lasier, aged 10, was brought
from his home near Dexte', and his
step-father, Fred Glasier, placed un-
der arrest by the sheri f for mistreat-
ing the boy.
Enar told bow he had been mis-
treated by his stepfather for little of-
fenses and that on one occasion his
father had hit him with his clenched
fist, knocking him clear across the
room. le exhibited a badly lacerated
cheek and mouth to prove his state-
ment. Mrs. E.V. Lodmer, the truant offi-
cer who brought the boy in from Dex-
ter, told the sheriff that the cuts on
the boy's head had bled profusely and
that he was in a very serious condi-
Glasier, the boy's stepfather, ap-
poared before Justice W. G. Doty yes-
terday morning, and pleaded guilty to
the charge against him. He told a
tale so revolting in nacure that it is
unfit to publish. Before imposing sen-
tence Justice Doty gave Glasier a se-
vere reprimand, stating that he could
hardly conceive of a man being so
brutal and inhuman to a defenseless
child. The court se'ntenced the pris-
over to pay a fine of $50.00 and costs,
amounting to $4.25, in default of which
he was commit'ed to the county jail
for 60 days.
Mrs. Augusta Steinke died at the
home of her son, Herman Steinke,'
Thursday eveniiig. The circumstances
of her death were unusual, since
she was stricken with apoplexy while
driving to the Forest Hill cemetery in
the afternoon with the procession at-
tending the remains of her husband,
CUristian Steinke, who I died at his
home Tuesday morning.
The aged lady was taken to the home
o' her son, 711 West Jefferson street,
where she passed away at 9:00 o'clock
in the evening. She was 76 years old
and is survived by two sons and three
The funeral services will be held
Sunday at 1:00 o'clock, from the resi-
dance of the deceased. Rev. A. L.
Nicklas will officiate.
I ill Do Work on Life Tables During
Christmas yacation
"Th so camps have now been in
operation for three successive sum-
iers. In their growth and admirable
management during the past two sum-
mers of 1914 and 1915 they have
more than fulfilled the expectations
of those endorsing them, based on the
first year's experience in the summer
of 1913. The camps of 1913 and 1914
were held before the breaking out
of the great war abroad, which has
brought into greater prominence than
before their value to the nation.
"We repeat the hearty endorsement
given in our reports on the camps
held in 1913 and 1914. This year they
were visited by a number of the mem-
bers of our committee, and the com
mittee as a whole has given atten-
tion and thought to their educational
usefulness in the summer season.
"The students attending are under
careful oversight. The excellence of
good sanitation and medical care has
been well maintained. The students
have an ideal five weeks' outing,
pleasurable and beneficial to them,
and the instruction, drill, cavalry
exercises, field maneuvres, field sur-
veying and field work. generally, give
them in the continuous five weeks
training an insight into military mat-
ters. They are, in addition to this
regular work, given ample time for
recreation and rest.
""e commend the camps to the
authorities and students of the Uni-
versities and Colleges of the country.
We believe that the training and in-
struction which the students attend-
ing receive not only emphasize the
dangers and losses of wars lightly
and unpreparedly entered into, but
we also believe that ;the training
given is excellent, and a great bene-
fit, mental and physical, to the stu-
President John C. Hibben, Chair-
man, Princeton University.
President A. Lawrenco Lowell,
Harvard University.
President Arthur Twining Hadley,
Yale University.
President John H. Finley, Univer-
sity of the State of New York and
Commissioner of Education.
President -H. B. Hutchins, Univer-
sity of Michigan.
President George H. Denny, Uni-
versity of Alabama.
Superintendent E. W. Nichols, Vir-
(Continued on Page Six)
. N O13 I{L3-i ENT TO SUI- ER
P4 L 1" 11Id"W'd's I ON a1
T'rining Empni n'ies Dangers and
I;osses of Wars Lightly Entered
liito, They Assert
The report of the Advisory Commit-
tee of the University Presidents on the
summer military instruction camps for
students was given out yesterday by
university authorities. The report is
All fraternities, sororities and clubs
at have trees and toys which they
e willing to give to the hospital cele-
ations are requested to place them
tside of their houses from which
,ces they will be collected next
esday morning. Furthermore, such
ganizations are asked to communi-
.e with Mrs. Vernou at 1435, giving
name of the organization where
tree is to be called for.
rhe Good Fellow movement has
ne much .to relieve conditions in
n Arbor, according to the officials
the Federated Charities, and it is
ped that during the remaining few
s before the holiday recess it may
e none of the impetus it has gained
s far.
)d Printing--The Ann Arbor Press.
The cold, bleak steppes of far-off Rus- Fresh Law Committees Are Selected
sia are ufder the sway of Peter and The selection of committees as an-
Nicholas V. But England gets the nounced by W. E. Mathews, president
cream of the collection. His Majesty, of the freshman law class, is as fol-
the ruler of the British Isles, India, lows:
Australia, and otier possessions far Social Committee-R. M. Allan,
too numerous to mention, is George chairman; C. M. Coulter, W. C. Allee,
VIII, George III, Henry V, Edward,
VII, and most horrible of all-Will- D. A. Finkbeiner.
iam the Conqueror. Financial Committee-R. A. Hall,
chairman; L. E. Burke, J. W. Thomas.
Fellowship For Women is Available:
Constitution Committee - G. F.
The Sarah Berliner Research Fel- Hurley, chairman; D. A. Graham, A.
lowship for = women, the value of P. Bogue, C. L. Straus.
which is $1,000, is available for study Advisory Committee-F. . S. Baer,
and research in physics, chemistry or chairman; A. J. Hutton, J. E. Ryan,
biology in either Europe or America. I G. D. Clapperton, C. H. Heath, H. B.
Those who wish to apply for this fel-"I Goblentz.
lowship are asked to consult Dean Good Fellowship Committee-H. C.
Myra B. Jordan, as applications must Hart, chairman; J. P. Golden, A. P.
be handed to the committee before Bogue, E .J. Goreman, E. O. Snethen.
January 1. E D. Crumpacker.
William W. Bishop, librarian. willf
represent the university at the Coun-
cil of the American Library associa-
tion; which is to be held in Chicago
December 29-31.
In conjunction with Mr. Windsor,
librarian of the University of Illinois,
Mr. Bishop will speak on "Plans for
New Library Buildings." At this time
the plans for Michigan's new library
will be exhibited and explained.
Mr. Windsor will probably exhibit
the plans for the University of Illi-
nois' inw million dollar library which
is about to be built.
Prof. James W. Glover, of the math-
ematics department, will spend the
greater part of his Christmas vaca-
tian in Washington, D. C., working on
the new life tables that are being pre-
pared by the Federal government.
The life tables bear upon vital sta-
tistics of the various classes of pop-
ulation in the United States. Prof.
Glover is in charge of a special vol-
ume on this subject which will be
issued by the Bureau of Census some
time this year.
The tables are used to a great ex-
tent by life insurance companies.
They are compiled from thousands of
cases and estimate to a day the life
of the average citizen from the time
he is one month old till he reaches
the half century mark.
The Ann Arbor Press-Phone No. 1.
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