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Route goes through "The Switzer-
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Trains all-steel, comfortable and safe.
Excellent a la carte dining car serv-
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Connection protected at Buffalo for Student Special,
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For Further Particulars
Phone 2005 ANN ARBOR
Gifts at all Prices
.rif Neet Fre I I (sh E'.ngineers;
'16 1ngiikeers IDoped to l~in from
Three more indoor baseball games
will be played before the holidays
when tonight's schedule is run off at
Waterman gymnasium between 7:00
and 9:00 o'clock. The pharmics and
the senior engineers follow during the
second period, and the J-laws play
the soph engineers in the last period
of the time allowed in the gymnasium.
From ail appearances the architects
have the odds in the first game to-
night when they meet the fresh en-
gineers. The former have won two
out of three games while their pros-
pective opponents have played two
games and have annexed only one of
them. The architects have been put-
ting up an extraordinarily good brand
of ball and have a strong combination
in their batteries, Davenport and Cam-
A good game should result when
the senior engineers and the pharmics
mix things during the second period
tonight. The engineers have won all
their games so far and are expected
to put in a strong bid for the indoor
championship at the end of the sea-
son. They boast the safest catcher
in the league, Trelfa, who rarely drops
the ball on the last strike and who
can be relied upon to slam the ball
for his share of the bases.
The pharmics have a good, well
balanced team with a couple of good
pitchers and are strong with the stick.
They are expected to give the engi-
neers a hot battle.
Both the soph engineers and J-laws,
the two teams that provide the excite-
ment during the last period of play,
have a .500 average and evidently are
pretty well matched. The J-laws have
forfeited one of the games, and so
have not been seen in action often
enough to enable a Just estimate to be
formed as to their strength. The
soph engineers rose to prominence
Thursday night when they tied the
J-engineers and almost made their
opponents take the little end of the
score. They have one of the best
balanced combinations in the league
and are equally strong at the bat and
in- the field. Their teamwork is good
and they lend splendid support to the
man in the box.
Notre Dame May Book Eastern Games
South Bend, Ind., Dec. 17.-Notre
Dame will probably have three east-
ern schools as opponents next sea-
son and at least one of the contests
will be played in Indianapolis. The
Catholics will meet the Army again
at West Point on November 4aand
there is a strong probability that
either Dartmouth or Syracuse will
be played, the former at the Hoosier
capital. Yale may also meet the In-.
diana team.
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Cuff Buttons
Signet Rings
Cigarette Cases
Tie Clasps
Watch Fobs and
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Leather Goods
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Hand Bags
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Cut Glass
Brass & Copper Novelties
Bar Pins
Lack of Finances Obstacle That [ustr
be Overcome as No Funds Are
Available For Project
During the past few days there has
been some talk at Waterman gym-
nasium about sending a representa-
tive of the wrestling squad to the
Central A. A. U. championship meet
to be held in Chicago some time afterr
the first of the year. Dr. May was
reluctant to make any definite state-
ment on the subject, as Ithe matter
has not yet been decided.-
The difficulty that the prospective
promoters of the movement have to
overcome is the lack of finances for
sending a man to such a meet.
Wrestling has never been considered;
a major sport at Michigan and no
provision was ever made for obtain-
ing funds for such a project by the
athletic board.
If this idea can be carried out by
Dr. May and Mr. Westerman, it is
probable that Anthony E. Amtsbuech-
ler, '16, will be the man sent to the
meet to represent the university. In
the opinion of Mr. Westerman, Amts-
buechler is the best of the many
wrestlers now practicing at the gym-
nasium. Last year he won the mid-
dleweight championship of the uni-
versity without any difficulty and hasi
shown more knowledge of the game
than anybody who has taken work
under the present instructor.
Last year the question of sending
a man to the meet came up, but as is
now the case, funds for the undertak-
ing were not obtainable. However, it
is hoped by Mr. Westerman that suf-
ficient money may be secured this
season, even if through the medium
of popular donations by men inter-
ested in the project.-
The fact that a man may be sent to
Chicago this year should prove an
added incentive to those who have
been contemplating going out for:
wrestling but have not yet done so.
There is a chance for anyone to be
chosen for the trip who shows suffi-
cient ability.
iedics and Dents Given Use of Gym
Routine business was transacted at
a short meeting of the Student Coun-1
cil Thursday evening. President T.
P. Soddy, '16E, reported that medic
and dent students might have the use
of the gymnasium for exercise from
5:00 until 6:30 o'clock each evening.
The Ann Arbor Prss-P'hone No. L
Track Candidates Turning Out for
Regular Training; Smith and
Murphy Work
Waterman gymnasium has been the
scene of considerable activity lately,
as track candidates are turning out in
larger numbers for regular 'training.
Coach Farrell, of the varsity track
squad, divided his time -etween the
various branches yesterday afternoon,
and not only watched the perform-
ances of his special charges, but also
found time to give some of Director
May's freshmen gym classes a little
sprinting practice.
"Pat" Smith was out heaving the
shot yesterday and showed that he
has not forgotten how to get behind
a 16-pound ball as well as a football
line. Cross has been working regu-
larly for some time and is doped to
show considerable improvement over
his work of last year, which will mean
several points for the Michigan team
this winter and spring.
"Cap" Murphy was out doing the
half mile yesterday and from the
pleased expression on "Steve's" fea-
tures we deduce that "Cap" is another
valuable man for the squad, which
impression was borne out when the
middle-distance man was seen in ac-
tion. Among the dash men who were
out, Schofield was especially distin-
guished by his work against the fresh-
men from the gym classes. Even
though handicapped, this stellar
sprinter invariably flashed by the
bunch of runners before they had
reached the 35-yard mark.
One of the features of the afternoon
was a heavyweight race between "Pat"
Smith and "Jimmy" Raynsford. "Pat"
demonstrated hid ability as a sprinter
when he beat his opponent from handi-
cap. However, it was a hard-fought
race all the way and both runners
showed the effects of exertion after
it was over.
Carnegie 'Tech to Play Yale Football
Pittsburgh, Pa., Dec. 17.-An-
nouncement was made last night that
the football team at the Carnegie In-
stitute of Technology had accepted an
invitation to play Yale university in
New Haven on September 30.
We can do your papering, painting
tinting, etc., at once. C. H. Major A
Co. Phone 237. edtdec2l
GoOad Printing-Tihe Ann Arbor Press
Several years ago Michigan's four-
mile relay teams were perpetual
Of late it has begun to look as
though Michigan might be able to
claim this same title for her sprint-
A few years ago, whenever Michi-
gan entered a four-mile relay team
in the Penn relays or elsewhere,
the big interest for the other col-
leges used to be in seeing who
could finish second. Michigan's
particular interest used to center
over speculation as to whether the
team could clip a few more seconds
off their previous record, and who
could run the fastest lap, and in sev-
eral other matters of a more or less
personal nature.
Last year's four-mile team looked
so good that many track followers
are beginning to suspect that per-
haps the "old days" are returning,
but in the meantime the record and
future of the Maize and Blue sprint-.
ers will bear pretty close scrutiny.
In his day, Archie Hahn was un-
beatable. Later Ralph Craig began
to flirt with the various sprint rec-
ords. At the Olympic games in
Sweden, Craig won both dashes and
for two years at the eastern inter-,
collegiates the Detroiter was away
from the field like an agitated rab-
bit. In fact one afternoon Ralph
became so excited he tied the world's
record in the 220-yard dash, covering
the distance in 211-5. He is also
credited with 9 4-5 in the hundred.
Then came "Chink" Bond, and
"Howdy" Seward. In 1913 these
boys hadn't come into their own as
yet, and they failed to win the two
dashes in thie intercollegiate, al-
though both of them were among the
leaders. In 1914 Bond captured the
100 and "Howdy" finished third with
Hal Smith fifth. Seward evened up
by winning the 220, with Smith run-
ning second and Bond tieing for
-fourth. Heats always killed "Chink,"
and "Steve" Farrell still insists that
for a single 220-yard dash, Bond can
beat anything that moves with the
possible exceyption of a bullet or a
beam of sunlight.
Last year Captain Smith won both
the 100 and 220, and he led every
step of the distance in both events.
Harold O'Brien qualified in the 100,
but he failed to place in athe finals.
This year Michigan will have Smith,
O'Brien and Al Robinson, if "Steve"
starts last year's freshman captain
in the dashes instead of the quarter.
Robinson is sure to finish among the
leaders, and Michigan ought to make
a big killing in the dashes.
In the freshman class this year are
the two crack sprinters. Zoellin, the
Lewis institute lad, who performed
so acceptably in the Michigan inter-
scolastic last year, is out for the
1919 team, while Macrae, an east-
ern youth who won a big reputa-
tion in the dashes, will be available.
Macrae was compelled to leave
school because of appendicitis, but
he is expected to return.
Oregon Aggies to Come East Next Year
Portland, Ore., Dec. 17.--Indications
point to an invasion of the East by
the Oregon Aggies next season. They
are slated to meet Syracuse in a re-
turn engagement at Syracuse on Octo-
ber 21. The New York team defeated
the far westerners 28-0 and the Aggies
are after a chance for revenge against
the heavy Orange eleven.
Barrett AcceptI Baseball Contract
Ithaca, N. Y., Dec. 17.--Charles Bar-
rett, leader of the Cornell champion-
ship football team during the past
season, who has been chosen on al-
most every All-American team this
year, has accepted a contract with the
Cleveland American League baseball
team and will be among the hurlers
who will endeavor to pitch the Indians
out of the cellar next season.
Dr. Gleason to Speak at Laurence
Dr. Henry A. Gleason, of the botany
department, will deliver an extension
lecture on "The Philippine Islands,"
at Laurence Monday.
In future all cars stop at Goodyear's
Drug Store. tf
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