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December 15, 1915 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1915-12-15

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Special for the
rest of the
college year..


Michigan Daily


offer any opposition to the men fro
the mountains, and Hughitt led a vi
torious team off the field after t
clash with the Vermonters, Mai
winning by a 21 to 0 count. The ne
three gamds were the ones which w
the state title for the Maine team, a
in each of these Hu'hitt's team h:
to tackle a stiff proposition. Bat
ost" the first of the three by a 28
14 score, and this victory was fc
lowed by the defeat of Colby, 31 to
Bowdoin lost in the final game for tb
state championship series by a 24 t
13 score, and following this the col-
lege was not very much downcast
when the Army won the last game or
the year by a score of 24 to 0.
Maine is more than satisfied with
theirYost-coached coach, and follow-
ing this season, which is considered
one of the best in their athletic' his-
..ory, the authorities want Hughitt'
'ack on the job in 1916. The Yost sys-{
:emi is the most popular that any
Maine team has ever worked under,
and for Maine has produced the best #
In 1912 and 1913 Tom Riley turned
out championship teams for Maine.
Following his departure the eleven
was coached by a Wisconsin man,
who, contrary to former custom, fail-
ed to win the championship. With
the return of a Yost-coached coach in
"Tommy" Hughitt the Maine team has
again won the state championship,
and the feeling at that university is in
favor of Yost-coached coaches and
the Yost sysem.


. t rr ,- ._',/ 4-





HNETHER you give it to Jim'16 or James '76
- -this de luxe gift-package of 100 Fatima
Cigarettes will "hit him right where he lives."
A Sen-sible Ggifr-Package
IF 0
A Sensible Cigarette



I just received 150 Calendars for dxio Vertical Picture
Inserts by mistake in shipping, and 'by an arrangement with
the manufacturer I can close them out at only 33c each the
regular price is 5oc. They are beautiful sepia, separatly boxed, and just
the thing to use with an enlargement, or we have some choice views of the
river and boulevard at only 25c. Don't wait--they will soon be gone.
- L YN D ON --

E. 11. BUGIITT, '15E,
Formew YiirsUy Quarterbick, Now
coah of Un versity of Maine.
Under Yost Coaching, University of
Maine Eleven Wins State

It may be used either as a Ciga-
rette Container or as a Jewel Box
for studs and stick-pins.
It is extremely handsome in its
severelyplain design; will keep its
lustre likesterling; lined through-
out with Royal blue velvet. Free
from advertising of any kind ex-
cept a removable ribbon bearing
the one word "Fatima."

Drop in at your tobacconist's-now
in order to insure prompt delivery
in time for Christmas. Or sen~t,
charges prepaid, if your dealer
cannot supply you. Price $2.50
complete with its 100 Fatima
212 Fifth Avenue, NewYork City





f {
jr +

hind the plate. In addition to a few
other feats with the bat he whaled
the ball for six bases during the
course of the evening. He regards
the game as incomplete unless he can
go all the way round the bases with-
out stopping.
Engineers to Hear President Hutchins

At the first meeting of the Grand
Rapids club held Saturday afternoon
at the Union, Standish W. Robinson,
'16, was elected president of the club
for the ensuing year.
The club plans to make efforts to
secure the Michigan Union Opera for



Junior Engineers Hand
Worst Trouncing


Four indoor baseball games were to
have been played last night in Wa-
terman gymnasium, but out of all
those scheduled only one was actually
played off. The J-medics forfeited to
the senior engineers. The soph fits
were defeated by the J-engineers,
21-1. The fresh engineers forfeited to
the J-laws, and although the fresh
lits and the senior laws were slated
to mix things, nothing could be seen
or heard of either, team.
Evidently -the Christmas spirit
which is pervading the campus along-
side the Good Fellow movement, has
penetrated as far as the class indoor
baseball teams. They're all giving to
their neighbor, while those teams who
received the forfeits are unanimous
on the point that it is more blessed
to give than to receive,, provided al-
ways that the other fellow is doing
the giving.
Perhaps the best example of this
sort of charity was shown in the game
between the soph lits and the J-engi-
neers when th'e lits out of the kind-
ness of their hearts, presented the
engineers with the largest score yet
made in the indoor league and re-
ceived the crepe in return. In the
first inning the lits took the bat and
after a formal procedure, and after
Braude had scored the only run made
by the lits, relinquished the stick and
went onto the floor. They stayed
there until the 'engineers had batted
around five times and each man on
that team had scored at least once,
and most of them twice. In the sec-
ond inning the lit, played consistent-
ly, made no runs, no hits and no er-
rors until they again took the floor.
When the electric rays of the carbon
burners dazzled the eyes of the out-
field and thereby caused the fielders
to drop the ball a few times, the engi,
peers seized the opportunity and an-
nexed the remainder of their runs, to-
taling 21 tallies.
"Tommy" Trelfa, erstwhile of the
cross country team, has been conced-
ed to be the indoor Jimmy Archer. lie
pegs to second from any position
known to science and has the faculty
of grabbing anything that comes be-

With President Harry B. Hutchins
as the principle speaker, members of
the 1917 engineering class will hold
their December assembly at 11:00
o'clock Thursday morning in room,
348 of the new Engineering building.
This is the first time that President,
Hutchins has ever addressed an engi-
neering class in their regular as-
The Michiganensiau will buy excep-
tional pictures of foot-ball, base-ball,
and track athletics, if brought to the
offices in Press building between 4:00
and 6:00 p. m. Tuesday and Wednes-
day. dec14,15
No roller skating at Weinberg's onr
Monday, Wednesday and Thursday
evenings. Ice skaters can then enjoy
the music. dect5
frm the House of uppenheinero n
gal, by N. F. Allen .& Co., Mai
Amet. wed-**a
House party time is drawing nigh.
See us for party Taxi Service. We
have the equipment. We are prepared
to take care of you efficiently. tark
Taxicab Co. Phone 2255. ovl6tf
Call Lyndon for good picture.
Polish your floors with Old English
Floor Wax. C. H. Major & Co. Phone
l37. edtdec2l

Under the guidance of "Tommy" an engagement at Grand *Rapids dur-
lHughitt, the University of Maine foot- ing their tour this year.
ball team ran away with its state ._
championship during the past season. Barristers Hold Bi-Monthly Luncheon
By virtue of defeating the Bowdoin, Barristers, senior law honorary so-
Bates and Colby elevens, the Hughitt- ciety, will take their regular bi-
coached aggregation established an monthly luncheon at the Delta this
unassailable claim to the title. noon at 12:15 o'clock. Dean Henry
Due to poor prep school coaching, M. Bates, of the law department, will
Hughitt had to face the handicap of be present, and Prof. C. H. Van Tyne
developing a team from a bunch of ? of the history department, will give a
green material, and in Maine's first talk on "Preparedness."
two games the odds were all against
them. Yale defeated Hughitt's men THE CHOICEST
by a 37 to 0 score, and the next week of Christmas gifts are to be found at
saw the Maine men go down to a de- the Palais Royal, 304 South Main
feat at the hands of the Dartmouth street. dec15to19
eleven, 34 to 0.
These two stiff contests were just CHRISTMAS
what was needed to put the fight into Everything in Christmas presents
the team, and to season the green for men. N. F. Allen Co., Clothiers.
men, and in the next six games Maine Main St. eodFri
was on the long end of the score. Fort}
McKinley was the first victim of For papering, tinting or decorating
Coach Hughitt's machine, losing by a of any kind, go to C. H. Major & Co.,
7 to 0 score. This victory for Maine 203 E. Washington St. edtdec21
was followed by another when Bos-i
ton College lost by a 14 to 0 score. Df future allears sp at Gooyear's
The University of Vermont failed to Drug Store. tt


I seen a headline in the daily this
a. m. what said McNamara was Ca-
ruso's pupil, and it went on to tell
how Caruso was going to learn him
how to sing, but honest Put, this Mc-
Namara has not got no more of a voice
than I or some cow and it is onely
about 1-2 so good as mine, and if I
was him I'd stick to pitching base-
ball for the mich. b. b. team. It re-
ferred to the guy that pitches all rite,
Put, I am sure, for it said he was a
Irish baritone, and any 1 who has.
ever saw McNamara would not make
no mistake and think he was some
french man or maybe a german.
If Caruso can learn this guy to
sing, why then nothing is impossible
and I guess I will learn how to play
right guard by mail and then next
yr. the ft. ball team will not have a
weak line like was the case this yr.'
I guess McNamara is takeing his les-
sons by mail too, Put, for if Caruso
was ever to hear him sing, onely 1
time, well, I ain't saying what would

Tuesday nite.'

Dear Put:--

happen, because maybe Caruso
not swear, but if not I bet he w
learn how the very next day, so
could say what was really in
Walt. camp did not put Maulbe
on his all-American team but the
a reason, and I will give you the
side dope. Last yr. Maullie ga
more ground against Harvard hi
than the whole Yale team has ga
in the last 5 or 6 yrs. and (
thought that any guy what was
good should make all-America,
this yr. the mich. team did not
no game with Harvard, so Ma
could not show up against a yale
ponent, so walt. left him off.
then anyway, Put, judgeing from
teams, and the fact walt comes
yale hisself, something that Yale
what was wrong in some rest
would not be typical of yale,
camp always has his team typica
Well, so long, Put. Yrs.

2255 2255 2255 2255



Is a hobby of ours and we ride it consistently because we love the game and incidently it serves
to raise our job above the dead level of the Quick Lunch House.

Everything in Christmas presents
for men. N. F. Allen Co., Clothiers.
Main St. eodFri
Just glance over that Reule, Coin
Lin & Fegel ad, and the come tpo
the store and look ovr the suits.
Skis, $2.25 to $4.00 at 9witzer's, 810
Statfa A^^+^e !





Because all members of the staff from the bosses to the dish washers, take their
and dignify the service they daily render by striving to do each thing a little better
We all take pride in making. "Renellen Serbice" mean something.

work seriously
every day.


l alpe, vuLueu4,L

We set glass. C. H. Major & Co,
Phone 237. edtdec3l
.as rain coats from the Hous. of
.4uppenheimer, a sale by K. F. Aelle i
Co,, Main street. oct~sod-wed

oi&a iL'




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