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December 11, 1915 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1915-12-11

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Junior Lit-'Pharlnic Match to Furnish
Hard Battle; Architects
Appear Strong
Three games in the race for indoor
baseball championship now in full
swing are scheduled to be played to-
night in Waterman gymnasium. The
first game begins at 7:00 o'clock
promptly, the second game at . 7:40'
o'clock and the third at 8:20 o'clock.
In the first period the J-lits meet the
pharmics, in the second the archi-
tects and the J-engineers clash, while
in the third the soph engineers battle
the soph lits.
All advance dope must be well salt-
ed before swallowing, but even though
no reliable prophet can be found to
give well-grounded tips, yet up to a
certain point the opposing teams can.
be compared. The game between the
J-lits and the pharmics should be a
hard fought contest. The pharmict
have been showing up well in prac-
tice and even though the lits have
been defeated recently they are deter-
mined to come back and win a fev,
just to bring up the average. It be
hooves the juniors to do something
pretty quick in order to keep in the
running, and they claim that they are
going to do the damage in tonight':
As regards the architect-junior en-
gineer mix-up, only a one-sided line o'
dope can be examined. The J-engi.
neers are more or less an unknowr
quantity, and have yet to prove thei
prowess on the floor of Waterman gyn.
but their opponents of tonight are a
well balanced team and have beer
doing consistent work all season
Practice should be a large factor ir.
deciding the issue of this game.
A hot battle is anticipated in th(
last period of the evening, when
soph ieets, soph. It is held by some
critics that such a clash is mudl
worse even than when soph meets
fresh. Spectators are advised to use
the running track for purposes of cas-
ual looking on. Both teams are in the
best of condition and are confidently
expecting victory.
Intramural Director Rowe said yes-
terday that he expects the question of
Indoor baseball insignia to be brought
up before the Board of Directors of
athletics next Wednesday. Whether
the board will act favorably or not is
still open to conjecture, but it was the
opinion of the interclass promoter that
the body in authority would delay ac-
tion until later on in the season.

Girls Mih t Make
Capable Nimnrods
A new prospect has been found for
the rifle club. Thursday F. H. Atlee,
a member of that organization, walked
into the indoor range and close be-
'ind him was a girl. She was not a
'it afraid of the horrid poise made by
the guns but rather seemed to enjoy
what every one thought was to her
the novelty of the occasion. But was
it a novelty?
The fair visitor asked for a chance
to try her skill and was handed one
of the club rifles. A number of the
marksmen prepared a place for her
by imitating the historically famous
character, Sir Walter Raleigh, by
placing their coats on the platform,;
when much to the surprise of all, the.
*ate arrival began to place bullet af-
'er bullet in the bull's eye. Conster-
aation reigned among the ranks of the
Aien already on the squad. Was she
;o beat thema out for a place on the
.eam? Could she keep up hitting the
black with every shot? At last their
suspense was relieved when the ex-
pert rifleman announced that it was
tot her intention to try for a place
>n the team, but that she was only
rying to see if she could still shoot
is well as when she used to hit a
iquirrel in the eye at 30 yards. The
;lub unanimously voted that she could.
There is still another mystery to be
olved by the Rifle club. Every Satur-
'ay several members of the fair sex
>urchase a large quantity of .22 cali-
>er ammunition at Van Doren's drug
store, where the members of the or-
anization are accustomed to buy their
artridges. Are there others. who are
rying to attain a perfection in marks-
aanship with the intention of entering
he club and taking away the hard
.arned places form the present mem-
)ers of the team? If so it is the hearty
'esire of the men that the girls will
'eclare their intentions ,and practice
it the range where every man can
earn his doom before the day pre-
,eding the first intercollegiate match,
'he time that these fair sharpshooters
are expected by all to make their tri-
imphant entry into the limelight of
Michigan's rifle stage.
Walls Makes Season's Appearance in
Track Costume'

DDI Disas tious 1915 Foo tball Season
Proves Incentive to Sportsmanship
rm RA lnlt IAI AR l O Michigan's football team for the body as in former years, but a rare

ionthly Diniters to Be Held to Keep
Alen in Fighting Spirits
During jWinter
Work on next year's football eam
begins in earnest next week, when the
Lootball men chosen by Coach Yot to
make up the "gym" squad, will tart
o'f on the actual work of conditioing
themselves for the coming seasot of
The first step in the program for te-
veloping a championship team in 116
was taken when the 42 men who wre
picked to work in the gym were died
at the Union as the guests of the "I"
clu ast Thursday. This dinner us
the first of a series to be given mont-
ly for the men who are spending thr
precious hours in systematic work t
the gym.%
The gym work, which is schedul(
to start next week, will be carried i
under the direction of the assista:
coaches, Raynsford, McGinnis and Al
mendinger presiding over the differei
;ections. Systematic drill in apparat'

season of 1916 may expect to be a
world beater if it receives as much
support from the student body as did
the 1915 eleven. In spite of the fact
that the only record broken by the
1915 Michigan team was that for los-
ing by bigger scores than any other
Michigan team has ever done, there
is one aspect in which this eleven was
a record-breaker, and that was in stu-
dent support.
Even as early in the season as the
opening week of college, guards had
to be stationed at the gates to keep
the enthusiastic followers of the Yost-
men from thronging on the field and
prohibiting practice. The attendance
at practice when the general student
body was admitted, was the largest
that it has ever been.
Later on when the mass meetingj
season was in full swing, the students
were no less enthusiastic in their sup-J
port of the eleven. Before the M. A.
C. contest the men turned out in a

sight to behold was the entire first
balcony of Hill auditorium filled with
the femalesupporters of the team, led
in separate cheers for their college's
representatives, and upholding their
own in the realm of cheering.
All this was a distinct novelty in
the way of support for a team, but It
took the stinging defeat at the hands
of M. A. C. to bring out the best of
sportsmanship that lay in the Michi-
gan student. It was the "comeback"
meeting at Hill auditorium which
showed the real support that the team
was getting. And it is when we com-
pare the 3.000 students who turned
out at Ferry Field one (afternoon to
watch practice and to cheer, with the
crowd of 300 which put in an appear-
ance at Franklin Field for the same
purpose, that we realize the size and
power to which Michigan spirit and
sportsmanship has grown in the past

Funds for a picture of the class of-
ficers, and a page in the Michiganen.
sian were voted at a meeting of the
first year law class which met in room
B of the law building yesterday after-
noon. A committee was also appoint-
ed to draw up a constitution, consist-
ing of George Hurley, chairman, A. P.
Bogue, D. A. Graham, C. L. Strause.
Galvin Ruled Out of College Athletics
Madison, Wis., Dec. 10.-Malcolm
tGalvin was ruled out of further par-
ticipation in all college athletics dur-
ing the remainder of his course, in an
action which the athletic authorities
decided was final. Although they did
not find him guilty of professionalism,
the faculty members ruled that Galvin
misrepresented his eligibility sheets,
having ignored filling out blanks ask-
ing whether candidates had ever par-
ticipated in summer baseball.
Ann Arbor High Player Is Ineligible
Osborne, the local lad who played
one of the guard positions on the Ann
Arbor high school football team, has
been declared ineligible by the high
school authorities because he is over
the age limit of 21 years. This is
against the state association rules,
and the local authorities have in-
formed the heads of the various
schools against which Osborne played
of this fact in order that they may
have the games thrown out.



work, coupledt witn practice in LI WHEREIN WE ARE CENSORED such narrow minded, opinionated and
minor sports and finished off with The author of this column has just contumacious individuals as Mr. Lang.
jaunt around the track, will consti received a letter from "Chet" Lang,: We expect to see this young feller
tute the usual program for the men. who was manager of last year's base- Christmas time at which date we shall
The monthly dinners are each sup ball team, prominent at The Daily express ourself more freely upon the
posed to serve as a means for keepingnd in several other student activities matter.
alive the fighting spirit and the deter-luring his brilliant and sparkling col-
mination of the men, as it was uin-hge career. And "Chet" isn't the only one that's
stilled into them this season. "Gin- "Chet's" college days terminated! kicking.
ger up" talks will be the main fea- st June when he proudly lugged a At a banquet Thursday night Georg
ture .n th e program of each of thep y ggda AabnqeThrayihtGoe
reep-skin away from Ann Arbor,1 Caron spent the first four courses (it
oinners, and w'l be delivered by m -m aving the poor old campus flat ,on looks well in print) in a verbal tirade
bers or the different teams that Mich- 's back. directed against this column because
gan has put into the field. We quote the opening paragraph ot of the fact that we overlooked him in
Coach Yost has promised one thing, s letter: selecting our All-Campus team.
conditioned on the carrying out of )ear Genevieve: George triumphantly cites the fact
two provisos. The first of these is 'There has. been growing upon one that he used to play upon the same
that each man will conscientiously do Herm Lang for some weeks, a de. team as "Rummy" Roehn, as suff-
the work which is asked of him by the e to turn a fire extinguisher upon cently cniiy ed , to prove
assistant coaches. The second pro- olumn known to the gullible col- his point.
vision is that each man will keep up ?rs as the Daily Sportoscope, or
the scholastic end of his work. If better a fire hose upon its an- After this disclosure, our embar-
these two conditions are lived up to, t. But be that as it may, the rassment and confusion was awful to
the Michigan mentor promises as suc- ver of this scintillating bit of sar- I see, as one can Imagine!
cessful a season for the 1916 football ct would like to inquire whether' "Dutch" said he played center.
eleven as any that a Michigan team Yare paying display rates for the I Therefore, he is hereby elevated to
has ever had. mpolization of this space or 1 the exalted ranks of first substitute
- ---wier the managing editor of the for "Jimmy" Angell on the All-Camp-
Naval Academy Changes Award pi is donating it out of the good- us team.
Custom at the Naval *Academy in nof his heart." | The campus may learn with consid-
former years has decreed that cups evieve r'eally isn't our name at erable surprise that "Dutch" used to
should be given as tokens of athletic alnt's Harold, you know. play upon a team that claimed
ability. These prizes have been award- boss of this column sought im- "Rummy" Roehm. In truth, knowing
ed for excellence in baseball, football me audience with "Dear Put," Roehm, we never even suspected that
and track, as well as for general ex- an'ter considerable reflection, Mr. "Rummy" could have played quite so
pertness in sports. This custom of La mental agitation and pertur poorly-even in his youth. ~
years is now a thing of the past, re- baiwas attributed to our failure tof
cent action having been taken to plaim on either our All-American Princeton Team Eleets New Captain
change the athletic awards from cups or Campus football teams. P
to trophies which shall be the work In see no other reason, and are Trevor Hogg, of Pittsburgh, Pa., was t
of leading American sculptors, both gri to learn that such a glorious ter ec, o leaduhe Ti., w
men and women. inseon as Michigan can graduate foeday elected to lead the Tiger
on s Mchian an radatefootball team forte
men the1916 season.

Agges and Notre Dame Tay Play
East Lansing, Mich., Dec. 10.-Pros-
pects for the resumption of football
relations between the Aggies and
Notre Dame have become increasingly
favorable as a result of overtures
made by the Catholic school to the
Farmers for a contest in -1916. The
game will likely take place the Sat-
urday before Thanksgiving if the
contest is arranged.
Indiana Gets Former Nebraska Coach
Indiana wins by the loss of the Uni-
versity of Nebraska, and has secured
E. 0. Stiehm, the former Nebraska
coach, to act as coach and athletic di-
rector for a period of three years.
Stiehm has had a successful- stay at
Nebraska, the Corn Huskers having
won the football championship of the
Missouri Valley in each of the five
years that he has been with them. In
these five years the basketball title
has been captured twice.
Cleveland Club Plais for Dinner
At a smoker held last. night by the
Cleveland club, a committee consist-
ing of J. H. Schmidt, '16, chairman,
Edward J Murphy, '17, and Robert
Kimberly, '18, was elected to arrange
for a dinner in Cleveland on Decem-
ber 27.
A special car has been chartered for
he homeward trip and all who wish
o make reservations should call K.
M. Millhoff at the,Union as soon as

Candidates for the polt vault on
Michigan's track team will make theit
appearance this afternoon over in
Waterman gymnasium, where they
swill be given special instruction by
.oach Farrell in this particular
branch. The reason for the Saturday
afternoon turnout is because the gym
floor is practically deserted and the
coach thinks that he can give his
proteges better individual instruction
than would be possible at ?ther times.
9s there is at present more open com-
petition in this department of the cin-
der sport than in any other branch, a
large number of men are expected to
put in an appearance before the coach.
Walls, one of the .mainstays of last
spring's All-Fresh track team, made
his initial appearance yesterday, and
took a few whirls with the 16-pound
lead ball.

Harvard will attempt its longest
and hardest schedule since the ar-
rival of Coach Percy D. Haughton
next year. Ten games will be played
by the Crimson, and none of the teams
scheduled for the contests are counted
as easy marks.
The season will open with Colby on
September 23, and Maine, Tufts and
the Massachusetts Aggies will play on
the succeeding Saturdays. Harvard
will probably go to the Plains on Oc-
tober 21 to meet West Point. Cornell
and Virginia are the next two games
scheduled, the Crimson meeting the,
Big Red on October 28 at Cambridge,
and playing Virginia the next Satur-
Princeton, Brown and Yale will com-
plete the schedule for Haughton's
men. With this prospect before them
the Harvard football men are keeping
themselves in shape, and are working
under systematic training in the gym
in preparation for the spring practice
with Coach Haughton.

...v v aapv.



Uncle Sam's Naval Academy stu-
dents will be kept busy next year
playing football, along 'with learning
to be sailors. The schedule for 1916
4has been partially made out. The dates
which have been arranged are as fol-

Did you eveuse long enough in your headlong rush, to take stock of the mental and phsi-
cal wrecks who everything worth while on their way to fame and fortune?hs
gettng her br inheath nd ith e o t rr ay o fme nd ortune ? What is the use of
getting therebry in health and with no hope of enjoying what you have struggled to attain?
Eat regularly





11--Maryland Agricultural Col-
14-University of Pittsburgh.
18-Catholic University.
28-University of Georgia.


Nov. 4-Washington and Lee.
Lawrence, Kans., Dec. 10.-Students Nov. 11-North Carolina A. and M.
in the Department of Journalism in Further games are tentatively ar-
the University of Kansas have agreed ranged with Pennsylvania, Rutgers
to wear corduroys as a distinguishing and Swarthmore. The Army game has
mark. been set for November 25, and will be
played in Philadelphia.
Powdered wax for dancing floor, in
perforated- top cans. C. H. Major & Ice and roller skating at Wein-
Co. Phone 237. edtdec21 berg's Rink now. dec10,11,12

Guard your h as your most precious possession-nourish your body and strengthen your
brain -eat food t4 carefully and properly prepared - abas the doubtful sandwich,gthe soggy
sinker and the mi bean brew.
I am personalterested in making you well-and keeping you strong.

a ., ,



Atdverf: cv

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