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December 08, 1915 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1915-12-08

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Latest reports from the various
Michigan Union campaign fund com-
mittees show that the total of $662,-
188.75 has been reached, the amount
representing but little more than half
of the entire alumni body. Prospects
are that the $1,000,000 mark will be
surpassed by the time the entire field
has been covered.
Reports from 15 of the leading cities
in the campaign show that Detroit
leads them all by a big margin, with
Minneapolis and Chicago following in
second and third places. The follow-
ing figures were given out by Homer
L. Heath, '07, of the Michigan Union,
Detroit ...............$179,862
Minneapolis ........... 85,505
New York............. 30;683.
Ann Arbor ............23,916
Cleveland ........p... 12,428
Grand Rapids..........10,920
Cincinnati .............8,810
Toledo .................8,713
Kansas City........... 7,442
Los Angeles............ 7,295
Lansing'............... 6,818
Bay City..............6,050
Boston. ........ 6,005
A lull in the campaign will be ex-
pected during the holiday season, but
active work will be resumed with the
beginning of the new year. The vari-
ous committee chairmen in the cities
of the country as well as those men
working under them, are mostly men
who are engaged with business mat-
ters, and reports show that some of
them have not yet been able to come
in contact with the alumni they have
on their lists.
The campaign will be pushed to the
finish and will not be ended as soon
as the $1,000,000 mark has been
reached. The faculty campaign is still
on, but the absence of Prof. H. E
Riggs, chairman of the campaign, has
caused a little delay.
Members of the ticket-selling or-
ganization for the Novelty Concert
held an enthusiastic smoker at the
Delta Cafe Monday night. Over 150
ticket sellers were present, music,
"pep" talks, cider and sinkers, and
smokes constituting the program.
. R. W. Collins, '17E, general chair-
man of the sales committee, opened
the meeting with an outline of the
system to be used in the work. He
was followed by William K. Niemann,
'17, campus sales manager, and David
R. Ballentine, '16, manager of the
musical clubs.
The Midnight Sons quartet present-
ed several songs which were enthusi-
astically received. Morrison C. Wood,
'17, sang a few Scotch ballads. He was
accompanied by A. J. Gornetzky, '17.
At the conclusion of the program,
tickets were issued to the members
present and the active selling cam-
paign was begun yesterday.

At The Theatres
Sir Johnston Forbes-Roberston, the
foremost English-speaking actor, will
make his last appearance on the
American stage in Sander's theater ',
Harvard university, on Monday night;
April 24. The president of the uni-
versity and the chairman of the de-
partment of English have formally in-
vited Sir Johnstion to present "Ham-
let" on the old Elizabethan stage of
that theater to celebrate the three
hundredth annivemary of the death of
Shakespeare and to mark the final ap-
pearance in this county of the dis-
tinguished English actor. ,Sir John-
ston will make his farewell appear-
ance in this city shortly.
David Belasco will present the bril-
liant young artiste, Frances Starr, at
the Whitney theater on Thursday,
December 9, in Edward Knoblauch's
latest play, "Marie-Odile." In this
play she is said to have recorded one
of the most positive triumps of her
entire career. The same cast and
production that marked her engage-
mnt of 150 nights at the Belasco the-
ater, New York, will be brought here
The advice of the Droessors in the
medical department of the university
that all students see "Damaged
Goods" filled the Majestic theater yes-
Tonight is the last chance to see
this play in photo form. Dr. Mae H.
Cardwell of Portland, Ore., state
chairman of the American Medical
association, says, "The deepest im-
pression -made by 'Damaged Goods'
lies not in the heritage to the infant,
but in the sins of society against the
young husband. It is not alone the
sin against the child-it 'is the sin
against the man. It is like a battle
cry. To arms! To arms! 0, Ignor-
ance! Ignorance! Ignorance! Arch
enemy to man!"
Owing to the funeral of Mayor Sauer
today, the matinee will not start un-
til 3:30 o'clock.
When William Friedlander collab-
orated with Will M. Hough, author of
"A Stubborn Cindrella," "A Modern
Eve," and others, they turned out
what was conceded in vaudeville cir-
cles to be the best musical show that
was ever produced in, abbreviated
The show is composed of 25 peo-
ple, 18 of them girls. The scenery
is new and the costumes elaborate.
The musical numbers are catchy and
the comedy worth while. There is a
plot and the ensemble members are
unique and original.
The show will open at the Majestic
tomorrow night and remain until Sat-
Noted Author Will Lecture on "The
Economic Problem and Its
Spiritual Implication."
John Spargo of Chicago, one of
the leaders in the socialist movement
has been engaged to speak at the big
"Y" meeting in University hall Sun-
day evening, Dec. 12.
Mr. Spargo, who is a noted econo-
mist and author, will speak on "The
Economic Problem and Its Spiritual
Implication." The lecturer is well-

known in Ann Arbor and his friends
and acquaintances eagerly await his
corning to the campus..
By obtaining Mr. Spargo, the "Y"
has complied with its endeavor to se-
cure the big men in the different
fields of activity.
David R. Porter, Y. M. C. A. work-
er, Rev. James Austin Richards, fa-
mous Boston pastor, and Dr. C. A.
Barbour, president of Rochester The-
ological seminary, have already ad-1
dressed the Sunday night meetings.
The special musical program gained
such favor Sunday evening that the1
committee promises additional fea-;
tures for the next meeting.





Most of the last seven days has
been occupied by rumors about peace,
rumors of a Rumanian campaign, and
the indictment of pro-German agita-
tors in the United States. Drilling
in the use of hand grenades and aero-
plane reconnoitering have been the
chief characteristics of the various
fighting fronts in Europe.
In Serbia the Bulgarians, Austrians
and Germans are in supreme control
except for two small strips, one back-
ing against Albania and the other
northward from 'Saloniki, at which
point the entente is strongly en-
trenched. The main interest seems to
center in the next action in Rumania.
German soldiers have been rushed to
Rustchuk to counterbalance the Ru-
manian concentration about that
point. It is fairly certain that about
100,000 Russians are on the verge of
passing through Rumania to make a
flank attack on the Bulgars, especi-
ally south of the Danubian delta.
Among numerous events in diplo-
matic circles, are the actions of the
German government and Reichstag
which are apparently anticipating an
early peace. Freedom of discussion
on the ceasing of strife is now the rule
in the Reichstag and in the German
press which is practically unanimous
in favor of peace. The Italians have
agreed, however, not to make a sepa-
rate peace, and King Peter has vowed
to fight until every Serb is sabered,
Hindenberg also discredits the possi-
bility of peace by making a declara-
tion ysterday that the entente is de-
termined to fight the struggle out
and that Germany should plan on this
fact. Reports have just been con-
firmed, however, that a $100,000,000
order has been lodged with America;
i!ealers for the rehabilitation of Ger-
mnany immediately after the war. This
is translated as a German desire to
stop hostilities.
Several ships have been victimized
by submarines and mines during the
s ee, England bein the primary suf-
ferer. The most active submarin
the Turk U-boat, Arkissar, was sunk
yesterday in the waters near Galli-
In the Asiatic situation, England is
somewhat suffering, especially south
of Bagdad, where the Turks have
driven back the Anglo-Saxon invad-
ers for perhaps 100 miles. The en-
tente is somewhat reconciled, how-
ever, by the highly favorable attitudE
of China.
In the United States, warlike agi-
tation has been kept hot by several
incidents, including stringent actions
in Canada,. the statements of Admiral
Dewey, advising munition stations.
several hundred miles from either
coast, and the convicitions in federal
courts of Dr. Karl Buenz and four
associates, and the demands for re-
moal of Boy-Ed and von Papen.
1iihig.n Women Have Place of Hon
or in Parade as Escorts to
Pacific Envoy.

"We are working under most ad-
mirable conditions at the American
Academy in Rome," writes Prof. Henry
A. Sanders, of the Latin department,
who last year accepted the position of
acting director of the School of Clas-
sical Studies, a branch of the acad-
emy. "The new home is well fitted
to its purpose and we have more than
the usual number of students."
Professor Sanders is lecturing on
manuscripts and will later direct work
in the Vatican library, the resources
of which are freely available to mem-
bers of the Academy. The consolida-
tion of the Classical School with the
School of Fine Arts took place in 1912.
since that time post-graduates of
American colleges and universities
who by special work gain admission
to the Academy, are thrown into con-
tact with the leading architects and
painters of the country.
The Academy is not a school in the
sense that it furnishes technical train-
ing or the teaching of any rudiments.
It is rather an institution of ideal
location where students selected for
their obrilliancy are encouraged in the
elevation of American art and letters.
Eight Fellowships are awarded each
year, following competitions held both
in the United States and in Paris, the
latter for those whose standing in
the Ecole des Beaux-Arts renders
them eligible. By this plan 24 Fel-
lows are always in residence.
In the words of the director the pri-
mary object of each school is "to af-
ford -persons of advanced training an
opportinity for residence and study
in Rome and Europe, generally under
conditions such that while they are
given every freedom for individual de-
velopment, each member is brought
into contact with other members work-
ing in the various allied arts." It is
believed that by throwing these chosen
men together for sufficient lengths of
time, in close personal association dur-
ing their formative period, that a rich
era for American art and literature
will arise in which collaborative work
will play a great part.
The privileges of the Academy are
extended without charge of tuition to
graduates of certain cofllges and uni-
versities which make a payment each
year for its support. TheUniversity of
Michigan is a contributor and has had
as many representatives as any other
American university. At present H. J.
Bassett, a graduate student in Latin,
is enrolled in the Classical School.
At Other Colleges
Brown Trains for Washington State
Providence, Dec. 7-The Brown Uni-
versity football squad has resume,
.raining for the Washington state
game to be played at Pasadena on
January 1. The Brown players will
leave December 22.
Montana Executive Asked to Resign
Missoula, Mont., Dec. 7.-Students
at the University of Montana have cir-
culated a petition demanding the res-
ignation of a certain member of the
executive board of the university on

The report of the coroner's jury in
the inquest to determinetthe respon-
sibility for the death of the late Jay
Bradford Draper, formerly superin-
tendent of the University hospital, was
submitted to the city council at theirt
meeting Monday night, by Coroner
Sam W. Burchfield.
The report exonerates the motormanE
of the car of all blame for the accident
which resulted in Mr. Draper's death.
The jury also stated that the portion
of North University avenue where the1
accident occurred is poorly lighted,
and recommended that the councili
take some action to remedy the con-i
- *y
At the Monday night's session of;
the city council, a claim for $2,5001
damages was filed against the city by,
Miss Harriet Kelsy Fay of this city,i
and given over to the city attorney
for investigation.
Miss Fay is engaged in lecture
writing and educational work. On the
evening of November 8 she was walk-
ing along the sidewalk on the south
side of Monroe street, between South
Ingalls and South Thayer streets, and
caught her foot under and against
a protruding shelf of concrete at one
of the crossings. In the resulting fall
she sustained permanent injuries, she
asserts, and for this she asks to be
awarded the sum of $2,500.
Breaks Neck in Traction Engine
Max Rooepcke, an employee of Henry
and Davis Stierle, of Undilla, fell
against the wheel of a traction engine
about 7:30 o'clock yesterday morning
and broke his neck, dying instantly.
Rooepcke was assisting in moving a
traction engine on the road two miles
west of Ypsilanti, near the Country
club, and was carrying a large block
of wood. In passing the machine
which was standing still, he tripped
and fell, his head going through one
of the wheels, and his neck catching
on one of the spokes. He was dead
when picked up, and Coroner Sam ,W:
Burchfield was called from this city.
The coroner viewed the body, and
came to the conclusion that Rooepcke
came to his death by accident.
Object to Closing Fire Station No. 2
At the meeting of the city council
Monday night, considerable opposition
was shown to the proposed plan of
that body to close fire station No. 2.
Alderman John McGregor presented a
petition signed by 43 property holders
of that district, remonstrating against
the abolition of that station, which is
located on East University avenue,
until provision is made for its replace-
ment in the same locality. Without
discussion it was referred to the fire
committee for investigation.

(Continued from Page One.)
quate national defense, the president
"At least so much by way of prepar-
ation for defense seems to me to be
absolutely imperative now. We can
not do less."
Practically all the recommenda-
tions were connected with the central
eral fraternities and sorities have a-
idea of strengthening the national de-
fenses. Included in the list were:
Legislation for government-owned
merchant marine ships; a law giving
federal aid to industrial and voca-
tional education; the creation Cf a
commission to inquire into the trans-
portation problem; the passing ci
the Philippine and Porto Rico bills
which fell short of final passage a
the last session; conservation legis-
lation and a rural credit law.
Suggests Tax on Naptha
To defray the addei expenses of
the army, the president sn-gested thac
a tax of one cent per ga.loa be aixed
to gasoline and naptha; a tax of :C
cents per horse jov, er to automobiles,
and internal explosion engines; a
stamp tax on bank cheeqtues; one of
25 cents per ton on pig iron and one
of 50 cents per ton on fabricated irou
and steel.
Moreover, the present taxes would
be continued, including %he one cent
tax on sugar, and the income tax
would be spread to cover small in-
Enthuses Over Pian-Americaishm
Upon the suiject of the republics of
North and South America, and their
relation to each other, President Wi-
son became enthusiastic. He painted
a glowing picture of what he termed
"There is, I venture to point out,
he said, "an especial significanc just
now attaching to this whole nratter o
drawing the Americas together in
bonds of honorable partnership an=
mutual advantage because of the eco-
nomic readjustments which the world
must inevitably witness within the
next generation when peace shall
have at last resumed its healthful
tasks. In the performance of these
tasks I believe the Americas to be
destined to play their parts together."
"The states of America are not
hostile rivals but co-operating
friends," he also declared, "and their
growing sense of community of in-
terest, alike in matters political and
in matters economic, is likely to give
them a new significance as factors in
international affairs and in the po-
litical history of the world. It pre-
sentsathem as in a very deep and true
sense a unit in world affairs, spiritual
partners, standing together because
thinking together, quick with common
sympathies and common ideals. Sep-
arated they are subject to all the cross
currents of the confused politics of a
world of hostile rivalries; united in
spirit and purpose they cannot be
disapp~ointed of their peaceful de-



The forty-third session of Michigan
State Grange will meet in Ann Arbor
from December 14 to 17 inclusive. The
program for the various days is:
Tuesday, 10:00 a. m.-Opening; 2:00
p. m., Master's address; evening, pub-
lic program tendered by city and uni-
Wednesday, 2:00 p. m.-Lecturers'
open program, 3:00 to 5:00 p. m.;
Dean Jordan serves tea to women at
Barbour gymnasium; evening, reports
from Co-operative associations in the
Thursday, 4:30 p. m.-Reception by
President Hutchins and others, in
Alumni Memorial hall; 5:45 p. m., lec-
turers' banquet at Congregational
church; 8:00 p. m., conferring fifth
and sixth degrees.
No Definite J-Hop Plans Made
Reports from the various sub-com-
mittees on arrangements occupied a
session of the J-Hop committee Sun-
day, but no definite plans were con-
cluded. The committee will meet
again at 3:00 o'clock, next Sunday aft-
ernoon at the Union. -


Washington, Dec. 7.-The first na- the grounds that this member is out
tional convention of the Congressional of harmony with faculty and students
Union for Woman Suffrage is in ses- and that he expressed contempt for
sion this week in this city, its pur- the undergraduates of the institution.
pose being to present to the national
congress the Susan B. Anthony suf- No Outside Talent at Illinois Smoker
frage amendment which would give Champaign, Dec. 7.-The council of
the vote to women all over the coun- administration at the University of
try, regardless of state legislature. Illinois has passed a rule barring all
A petition 18,000 feet long and having outside talent from the entertainment
the names of 500,000 voters in the program of the annual smoker. The
western suffrage states was to have cabaret stunts of former times will be
been carried in the great suffrage no more.
parade, but was lost by the express --
company in transmission. Another Want Orange Subscription Compulsory
petition was substituted, however, and Syracuse, N. Y., Dec. 7.-The man-
was presented to Representative Mon- aging board of the Syracuse Daily
dell of Wyoming, on the steps of the Orange is circulating a petition asking
capitol. ' the Board of Trustees to make the
A delegation of 25 Michigan women taking of the Daily Orange compulsory
had the place of honor in the parade to every student, the subscription fee
as the personal escorts to the trans- of $1.25 to be collected with the uni-
continental envoys from the Pacific versity dues at the beginning of the
coast. term. Hitherto it has been published
------ _-by the Athletic association, and has
Offers Edison Million to Join Party been losing money.
New York, Dec. 7.-Before the Os-
car If. left the - dock last Saturday Always see The Ann Arbor Press
Henry Ford offered Thomas A. Edi- for your printing if you want quality.
son $1,000,000 if he would accompany Press Bldg.. Maynard street. Phone
the peace ship. No. 1. (*)

Arrest One a Day in November
According to the report submitted
by Chief of Police Frank Pardon, 32
arrests were made by the police de-
partment during the month of Novem-
ber. Of this number, 17 were charged
with drunkenness, one with vagrancy,
and the remaining 14 with violations
of the city ordinances.
Bishop Kelley speaks to Catholic
Study club at the K. of C. parlors at
7:30 this evening.
Archons, junior law honor society
will meet at the Delta for their regu.
lar monthly dinner tonight at 6:00
Junior laws who are interested in
indoor baseball will meet in room z
-of the law building- at 10:00 o'clock
this morning.
Senator Foresters meet at Rentsch-
ler's at 12:30 Friday for Michiganen-
sian picture.
A meeting of the J-Laws interested
in indoor baseball will be held this
morning at 10:00 o'clock in room D
of the Law building.
Intercollegiate Socialists club meet-
ing, Newberry hall, 7:30 o'clock.
Penn Eleven Elects Matthews Captain
Philadelphia, Dev. 7.-Nielson Mat-
thews, '17, was elected captain of the
University of Pennsylvania football
team for 1916. He played a stellar
game at tackle last season, and was
mentioned as an All-American choice
by several prominent critics.

Flays Non-Neutral Americans,
With indignation the President re-
ferred to the Americans who have
been planning to disturb the nation's
"I am sorry to say that the gravest
threats against our national peace and
safety have been uttered within our
own boundaries," he declared. "There
are citizens of the United States, I
blush to admit, born under other flags
but welcomed under our generous na-
turalization laws to the full freedom
and opportunity of America, who
have poured the poison of disloyalty
into the very arteries of our national
life; who have sought to bring the
authority and good name of our gov-
ernment into contempt, to destroy our
industries wherever they thought it
effective for their vindictive purposes
to strike at them,. and to debase our
politics to the uses of foreign in-
Continuing in this vein, President
Wilson stated that there were no
adequate federal laws for the punish-
ment of such cases and suggested
that this deficiency be rectified.
This message was the longest that
has yet been given by Mr. Wilson and
he informed the congress that he
might feel it necessary to supplement
this address by another later on in
this session concerning the commer-
cial conditions which are so rapidly
changing, owing to the war.

Archiie McDonald Taken to Hospital
Archie D. McDonald, '19, was taken
to the surgical ward of the University
hospital yesterday. The exact na-
ture of his illness has not yet been
fully determined.
Arthur Lowry, 112D, Married
News has been received here of the
marriage of Arthur T. Lowry, '12D,.
and Agnes A. Platt, in Detroit on Nov.
and Agnes Platt, in Detroit on Nov. 29.

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