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November 26, 1915 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1915-11-26

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1 i , ,mot. ''r , ":c.: '




Phones:-Editorial 2414
Business 964


VOL. XXVI. No. 46.

- _--_ _



Bands at Border
Toledo, O., Nov. 25.-Gov. Willis, of
shook hands over the boundary line
TH91N RG Mg T[H.between the two states, a few brief r
speeches were made by others repre- eu'iral Chairmn'Naes Sa iday for
snting the two states, and the for- Prosaec i e Writers to
WILL CONDUCT A STRAW BALLOT mal dedication of the monument which Appear.
ON TUESDAY TO LEARN WISH marks the completion of the remark-
OF STUDENT BODY. ing of the border line was over. MARL V. ;OOw R w S(!OOOL 0
.l -The ceremonies took place at Pointe 31 'rIC TO GWCT VE STATED
MATTER UP TO REGENTS DEC, 1 Place, a few miles from Toledo, Wed-
nesday afternoon . gstoiuary Plan of Excludinh Freh
---The markings of the boundary line en to -oed
Ballot Boxes to Be Placed in Many established in 1835 had become ob-
Buildings on the literated with the lapse of years, and
Campus the legislature of the two states de-f Theron D. Waver, '6F, general
-- cided two years ago to have the line
In an attempt to get the student remarked. This work, done by fed- chairman of this year's Union Opera,
opinion upon the quzsticn of compul- eral expert and paid for by the two announced yesterday that both the
sory military training, The Michigan states, has now been completed. lyrics and the scenarios for the pro-
Daily will hold a straw ballot on the duetion will be given out at the union
1rpsto 1tno.usa.Frn vi hIf TltrnStra morning. is
cp s it Macit,'o, of the student cou- VLILHllbGUI TO Ha1umber of students have
cs.a,1,ft sun onsignified their intentions of writig
cil, has consented to take charge of FmATsic, it is expected tat the call wll
th balct for The Daily. u bring out still more men who will be
The resolution to submit to the able to contribue to the scores in
regents a plan for compulsory drill Prominent Educator of Grinell College order to make the year's opera a su_
was passed by the university senate to Speak at Methodist Church cess.
at a meeting held November 8, and is Snuday Night Earl V. Moore, of the School ofl1u- t
to be considered by them at their _sic, and Weaver will both e on han
meeting December 1. It provides that Prof. Edward A. Steiner, of Grinell to explain just what is wanted so as
PtrY. dwad . Seinrof rinllto get the men started. The lyics
military training shall be required of college, Iowa, will speak Sunday even-
all first and second year male stu- ing at 7:3Q o'clock in the Methodist this year will receive more than ordin-
ary attention and wih a large number
dents in the literary, engineering, church under the auspices of the Wes- of writers to select from thle conmit
dental, architecture and pharmacy leyan Guild.tI
colleges, and that three one-hour per- The speaker will have for his sub-tee charge should be able to secure
The seakerwilla Amefrhicanub-some good material.
iods shall be devoted to the work ject "The Challenge of the American s e o dirtras .
each week. Spirit," which will be a modern treat- As yet no drector has been secured,
but the men in charge plan to secure
The Daily recently compiled and ise of the immigration problem con-bshmen in harpat o e-
sent out a questionaire in hopes of fronting the United States. Profes- mite statement has be t given out as
getting the nation-wide student opin- sor Steiner has always been keenly Yet as to the probable director for this
ion upon the merits and demerits of interested in this question and withy ,o
the plan. The answers vary from an the advent of war in Europe, he has year's opera.
enthusiastic support of the system to made a special study of the present aen will be eligible unless some un-
an uncertainty as to its value. and future possibilities of imnigra- usual talent should come forward, as
At the University of Washington, tion to this country. was the case last year, when Frank
the students have urged its abolition. Profesor Steiner has been on the W. Grover '18, stepped into one of the'
At the University of Iowa, the plan is faculty of Grinell college since 1893 leading roles, and proved to be one of
considered a success, although from and during the time of his connection the individual stars of the opera. The
the military standpoint the discipline with that institution, he has gained a management also requests that all
and attitude of the students is not reputation of being one of the Cil- those who intend to come out for the
desirable. The same condition exists try's foremost educators. He is alsopera this year take precauon that
recognizopera thisnyeartitgkenprecautionolhat
at Minnesota. At the Michigan Agri- recognized as an interesting and sin- their scholasc records are in geod
cultural college and Ohio State uni- cere speaker.stadig
versity, the plan seems entirely a suc- the eaddture of tess Sunday mnght wll e
cess. The reply from Purdue univer- vie atute ethostc h. sr
sity states that "at times it has been vices at the Methodist church. An
successful and at other times a rank appropriate musical program will be
failure, depending entirely upon the rendered by the choir and soloists. M
instructors and the support given by
The action of The Daily results from -RO METJIOIIST CONFERENCE
a desire' to allow the regents to know L . ;.-U h , y - - t
exactly how the students feel about Lexigton, Ky., Nov. 25.-Upon his e ya tiue A41inilra n fo
this question. In order that the bal- conviction by twelve members of his ii
lot may be representative, it is neces- own colleagues on charges of hadis-
sary that every student should vote. cretion, the Reverend D. F. Chatham,
"Women suffrage" is to be allowed a prominent minister of central Ken- TO ASK ('ANt9F iN INCOME TAX
and a special voting place will be al- tucky, was today expelled from the-
Toted to them. Kentucky Methodist conference and Washington, Nov. 25.-The first in-
ministry. timation of the program of legisatior
The ballot will be held from 12:30 -- - p--- that the administration will sugges
to 2:30 Tuesday afternoon. There D I HRT NA to the next Congress was given out
will be two ballot boxes in Univer- t 1 today by Secretary McAdon. Whic
sity Hall, one in the library, one in Nor. iMcAdoo's tatement. is an iten
the Law building, one in the Medical Later Reports Change the Number to merely in the forn of a personsl sug--
building, and two in the Engineering RKilled and 65 Injured gestion, it is considered hi hly pr -
buildig. The question will be, "Do - able that his statement was approved
you favor the establishment of com- Little Rock, Ark., Nov. 25.-The ofFi- by the President.
cers of the Rock Island railroad were The program includes the follv:-
igan? The list of men to act as tel- notified at 10 o'clock tonight that a ing: (1) an increase in the rate of
hers will be announced later. tornado struck Hot Springs, Arkan- taxation on individual and corporate
sas, late this afternoon. First reports incomes; (2) a reduction of the in-
were that five persons were killed and come tax from $3000 to $. 000 for a
150 injured. Wire communication has single person and from $4$,I: i
been cut off. $3,000 for married person: () the
nn R From Malvern information has been application of the srtax to JA.C inC
received that at least eight persons above $10,000 to $15,000 instead o
were killed and more than 65 persons $20,000, the amount fixed by the pres--
injured. ent law; (4) extension of the war tax
Attack American Troopers and Sue- ---to gasoline, crude and refined oils,,

ceed in Killing and Wounding PITTSBURG ASKS ADI)ISSI}N horse power automobiles and other
Several TO L A. A. A. OF A4MERICA internal combustion engines, the re-
-- enactment of the war revenue tax in
Nogales, Ariz., Nov. 25.-About six- Boston, Mass., Nov. 25.--According its present form. The repeal of the
ty Mexican soldiers made a raid to the changed rulesof the Intercol- gross assets in the pres:t tariff lawt
across the border today at Harrison's legiate Amateur Athletic Association which put sugar on the free list be-
ranch, and attacked six American of America, colleges will be allowed ginning with AMay 1 next, thus re-,
troopers. About twenty-five other to make unlimited entries for the an- taming this large item of revenue.
Americans, of the Tenth cavalry, fired nual indoor intercollegiate meet. The The statement follows: "In view of
on the Mexicans, and killed and progr n has been enlarged to in- the many inaccurate and misleading
wounded several. One of ' wound- elude a dash of 100 yards and a hurdle statements which are being made,
ed is now in custody. F(ollowing this race of 120 yards each for teams of either deliberately or ignorantly,
skirmish, General Funston ordered four men. about the condition of the treasuryr
two batteries. of the United States At the special meeting here at which and the finances of the government
Field Artillery and two regiments of these actions were determined upon, with respect to the current fiscal yar
infantry to go from Douglass to it was also decided that L. S. Litch- and the fiscal year 1917. 1 feel that a
Nogales. field of Brown, would not be allowed true and accurate analysis ofl the
General Villa, defeated again and to run on the cross country team be- situation may be of' service to the
again by Carranzistas, especially by cause he had not been enrolled in the public.
those under General Dbregon, is re- college.for a year. "With this in mind, I desire to sub-1
ported to be near Nogales. His forces The only other important consider- mit to the public the following in-
are widely scattered, and are await- ation to come up was the application formation:
ing the re-enforcements expected from of Pittsburg for admission. This ap- "We began the fiscal ye 14r 1910
General Rodriguez who recently es- plication was tabled, and will be taken (July 1, 1'!I) with a general fund,

3 Broders Give
France Wospital
WeatAhy New York Brothers (ntri-
War suifgerers. * * * * * *


Among the many things that Ameri-
c has sent to France since the out-
break of thie war, none is probably of
more use than the portable hospital
recently sent over through tle gener-
osiy of three Americans and costing
1 t,000.

it oa oltis hospital was first
conceived oi by American surgeons
d [ring the Indian warfare in the west
--Th continued for nearly a century
and wade any other kind of a hos-
ita than the one used impracticable.
The hospital is being used in con-
nection with the work of the Ameri-
can ambulance hospital, which has a
base near Paris, an advanced hospital
near Jouuily,~ and an ambulance serv-
ice maln etl by volunteer ;students
from111Air " ican colleges, which is com-
posed of more than 100 motor ambu-
lances. American surgeons and nurses
have been detailed to take care of it
an a section ci' fifteen motor ambu-
lances 11las been attached to it.
nhe hospital represents in full force
the sprit of hiumanitarism that has
pranipte: the Americans to send over
sapones and men to help care for the
\w m aed. and to mitigate the horrors
of the present war. It was given by
ihree brothers in New York who pur-
ch1sed it of the quartermaster of the
jilitedl Staes-army at a cost of $10,-
0 0
At 7:15 o'clock tonight the Mich-
i in Uion will house a big junior
ainer smok-r. The task of those
rescni will be to -at, smoke, and talk
and the motto of the committee in
'harge Ti; "something doing all the
:i e." Prof. .. C. Parker, new head
of the Flec rica I E:r;ineering depart-
mnent has taken for his subject "The
Entl Art of Letting One's Face
Pip," arid Vrof. i. E. Ware of the
(-hemch f-nigineering; department
i'rOmiiv sombthing big.
hlie ut wly m'ganized class orches-
e vs P make its debut and sweet
\a l elccs are to be dispensed by
- "a-5tr clia-, quartette. Tickets
are fc s::e o: the first floor of the
neiw' e~aain eriu ; building.



Cornell, 24; Penn
Brown, 39; Carli
Western Reserv
School, 13.
Columbia, 18; We
Lafayette, 27; Dic
Miami, 24; Univ
cinnati, 12.
Villa Nova, 33; F
Rutgers, 70; Univ
York, 0.
Holy Cross, 26; Jo
Lansing H. S., 6;2
S.., 0.
Detroit Central, 3
H. S., 7.
Notre Dame fresh
troit University

sylvania, 9. * STRIKE LONG-SOUGHT-
sle, 3. * FOR BLOW.
e, 26; Case *
kinson, 7. *
ersity of Cin- * Marked Ceangein Sentiment in
dlam, 3,vor' of thme Allis Is
)rdham, 3. * Noticed.
ersity of New *



-,hn,, Trnkins, '

Ann Arbor H.
9; Oak Park
men, 7; De-
School, 0.


Prominent Author to Appear in Hill
Auditorium One Week
From Today.
Norman Angell, prominent as the
author of "The Great Illusion," and
noted as a great English publicist,
speaks Friday, December 3, in Hill
auditorium under the auspices of the
Oratorical association.
It is to be noted that while Mr. An-
gell is known as an English publicist,
he passed his youtn and early man-
hood in the United States, and also ac-
quired citizenship here.'
That the interests of Americans are
inextricably, if indirectly, bound up3
with those of Europe, has become in-
creasingly clear, as can be proved by'
the barest investigation of the
trend of political thought in this coun-
try. It was this fact which led Mr.
Angell to write his famous book, "The
Great Illusion," which created a great
stir both in America and England. In
that .volume he describes the funda-
mental motives which explain the riv-
alry dc armaments of Europe, and re-
futes and challenges the whole doc-
trine of militarism, the doctrine which
asserts that advantage in the last re-
sort goes to the professor of prepond-
erant military force.
He shows that international finance
has become so interdependent and so
interwoven with trade and industry
that the intangibility of an enemy's
property extends to his trade. The
author points out that the war-like
nations do not inherit the earth; they
represent the decaying human element.
He is an urgent advocate of interna-
tional peace, and shows how a politi-
cal reformation is within the scope of
practical politics, and shows also the
methods which should be employed to
brng it about.
It is expected that Mr. Angell's talk
next week will deal especially with
European-American relations in re-
spect to the immigration question and
will contain further ideas and plans.
of the- author on the project of uni-
versal peace.
Alpha Nu Initiates Members Tonight
Alpha Nu literary society will ini-
tiate its new members tonight. Cider
and doughnuts will make up part of
the program.

Copenhagen, Nov. 25.-The partici-
patio4 by Russians in the Balkan cam-
paign is believed a result of the arriv-
al in southern Russia of troops also
many heavy field and sea cannon from
Japanese armament factories. Dis-
patches received in Berlin state that
large consignments of these cannon
are now at Odessa. This news has
caused deep impression in military
circles in Berlin.
German military authorities believe
that the Russians are about to strike
the blow that they have been prepar-
ing in the near east for the last two
The fact that Russian troops are
being concentrated at Odessa, the prin-
cipal Russian port on the Black sea,
has given rise to the conviction that
Russia will attack Bulgaria on two
points. One of the Czar's armies is
expected to march through Rumania
for a direct assault on the Bulgars,
while another is apt to reach a landing
place on the Bulgarian coast of the
Black sea.
Greece Yields Conditionally.
London, Nov. 25.-Although the re-
ply of the Greek government to the
entente powers is described as satis-
factory and is furnishing a basis for
the settlement of the questions at is-
sue, it appears that the situation has
not yet been entirely cleared.,
In reply to a question in the house
of commons today, Sir Edward Grey,
the foreign minister, said the govern-
ment was not yet in position to make
a statement regarding the situation of
Greece refuses to enter in favor of
(Continued on Page 3)
Dean Effinger and Professors Levi and
Canfield to Speak During
Varied and uncommon aspects of
French life and literature will be
treated of 'in the series of lectures for
the coming year just announced by
the Cercle Francais. The talks have
been planned to give an intimate idea
of the thought, spirit, and feelings of
the French people, and should possess
more than ordinary interest this year
when France is at the height of neces-

Iro (d;ay of Economics I)epartment
to neak; Concert Quartet to
be on land
Juicy and delicious -ill be the stcak
which is to feature the membership
dinner at the Union on Tuesday, Nov.
30, when the first steak dinner that
the Union has had for several years
v;ill be held at the clubhouse..
A siappy program has been arrang-
ed. Ceorge iMlcMaho1, '16, will be the
tostmser. Prof. David Friday of
the ecenomrics department and Wil-
liam C. t ulleadore, '16, will speak.
Efforts are also being made by Wal-
lace Reid, '16 , woo is managing the
affair, to secure ex-congressman F. G.
Denby as one of the speakers.
The Michi an Concert quartet coin-
hosed of ii. L. Davis, '17, F. W. Grov-
er. 13, Chase B. Sikes, '16, and Harry
Carlson, '17, and Leroy Scanlon, '16L,
will help make the musical part of the
prvogram a success. .
Alvin il. Bentley, '16, who is in
charge of the ticket selling announces
that only 200 tickets will be sold and
that nearly all of these have been
taken, the sale having started last
Denney, steward of the Union cafe,
has made strenuous efforts to secure
a pieitiful supply of the best steak
obtainable and assures us that the

Associate membership tickets go on
sale today, and my be had from the
French faculty, members of the Cercle
or by mail from the director, Mr.
Harry V. Wann.
The program for the year is as fol-
Nov. 30.-"La Russie en 1875," M.
Philip Bursley.
Dec. 14.--"La Litterature au Midi,"
M. Edward Adams.
Jan 11.-"La Vie a Paris," M, Mir-
itz Levi.
Jan. 22.-Soiree Musicale, Drama-
tique et Dansante.
Feb. 8.-"Aux Balkans," M. Harry
V. Wann.
Feb. 29.-"Jeanne d'Arc Dans les
Lettres et dans les Arts," Prof. Arthur
Mar. 7.-"La Civilisation Francaise,"
M. Hugo Thieme.
Mar. 21.-"Les Savants Francais
aux Iles Phillippines," M. Emerson
April 4.-"L'ecole des Beaux Arts
de Paris," M. J. A. Rousseau.
April 25.-Conference sur la Piece
Choisie, Prof. Robert Effinger.
April 27.-Representation Annuelle
Du Cercle Francais.




meal \vil remind its partaker of their
Tphanksgiviin. day feast.
Italians Hold Heights
Rome, Nov. 25--Holding the newly
conquered ,position on the summit of
Monte Calzario, the Italian troops are
now engaged in sweeping the Aug-
trians from the strong position they
occupy south of Gorizia, fighting day
and night. They have made further
important gains in the Monte San Mi-
chele zone, which for several days has
been the center of a. terrific struggle.

Football games, south Ferry Field,!
4:00 o'clock.
Soph lits vs. senior engineers.
Senior hits vs. senior laws.
Junior engineering smoker, Union,j
7:30 o'clock.
Jefferson society meets, Jeffersonian
hall, 7:30 o'clock.
Webster society meets, Webster
hall, 7:30 o'clock.
J lit indoor baseball men meet,
Waterman gym, 4:00 o'clock.
Alpha Nu meets, tAlpha Nu rooms,
7:00 o'clock.


* * * * * * * * * * * *
Ad. IV. Riter says:-
Mr. Merchant, profitable adver- *
tising may well be deemed one *
of your most valued assets, *
Michigan Daily advertising is *
profitable advertising.
** * * * * * * * * * .*

Michigan Union dance, 9:00 o'clock.

caped Carranza's traps. up at a later date. (Continued on Page 6)

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