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November 25, 1915 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1915-11-25

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University Y.M.C.A.


Humanistic Series Report

I q

IROF YE MGE fit The Theatres
luFpqc lAST Fil 0-

A circular schedule of the univer-
sity Y. M. C. A. activities has been
drawn up which gives in the accom-
panying tabloid form the summaries
for the different branches of work
which this organization undertakes.
Employment for students has been
especially successful this season. Up
to date 1603 men have been given
work, of which number 128 are bring-
ing in a steady cash aid, 116 pay for
board, 45 for room, 3 are permanent
positions, while 1311 have been odd
About 40 per cent of Michigan stu-
dents are helping themselves through
college, according to the statistics of
the Y. M. C. A. officials. This average
stands very high in' a comparison
with other universities and colleges.
Last year's total of money earned
here by students was $125,000, an in-
crease of $18,000 over that done by
men attending Harvard.- So far this
year the financial total is $25,000:
The All 'Round schedule is form-
ed about an inner circle which servesf
as a nucleus for the other activities.
In this circle there are three divi-
sions. The conferences refer to those'
held in connection with the general
Y. M. C. A. work, such as the Older

Margaret Anglin's engagement inf
Paul Kester's comedy, "Beverly's Bal-
ance," at the Whitney Theatre, Nov.
27, bids fair to be of record-breaking
popularity. It is a comedy based on
the divorce question which makes
you laugh incessantly during three
acts without blushing. Miss Anglin's
art shines brilliantly throughout the
action and her supporting company
is perfect.
It is evident that no one is going to
miss this comedy hit of the season,
if box-office reservations are any in-
A vaudeville bill'of more than usual
moment will succeed the "All Girl
Revue" this afternoon at the Majestic
headed by the Gus Edwards' original
"School Days." There are nine clever
youngsters in the cast, all of whom
sing and dance. The comedy is clean
and full of humor.
King Sauls is one of vaudeville's
real artists. His high class painting
number will prove very entertaining.
A comedy act that always "get
across" is Newhoff and Phelps.
Their latest effort, "In Care of Gen-
eral Delivery," comprises a merry
jumble of singing, dancing and com-
"The Cinderella of Vaudeville" is
the title bestowed on dainty Violet
'MacMillan. She is a real Cinderella
in. that she wears a size 121 child's
Corr, Amore and Corr are three
men who will be seen in a Trampolin
novelty. Their work is fast and full of

Volume five of the Humanistic Ser-
es of University of Michigan studies,
'which has recently come from the
press, bears the title "Sources of the
Synoptic Gospels." The author, the
Reverend Carl S. Patton, is remem-
bared by older students and by all
residents of Ann Arbor as the able
pastor of the Congregational church,
which he left in 1911 to assume charge
of the First Congregational church of'
Columbus, Ohio, a position made
famous by the ministry of Dr. Wash-
ington Gladden. In 1913 Mr. Patton
received the degree of Ph.D. from the
University of Michigan, presenting as
his doctoral dissertation certain
studies in the text of the Gospels,
which have grown into the present
volume. 6
In part 1 of this work Dr. Patton
presents a critical discussion of some
generally accepted results of the study
of the Synoptic Gospels, namely Mark,
Matthew, and Luke. Starting with
the now universally accepted fact that
both Matthew and Luke used the Gos-
pel of Mark and depended on it for
much of their material, Dr. Patton,
compares the three Gospels in great
detail, showing what the later writ-
ers omitted in using Mark's narrative,
and in what respects their arrange-
ment of it is different. In an im-
portant chapter the author discusses
the theory proposed by distinguished
foreign scholars to the effect that Mat-
thew and Luke did not use the form of
Mark that we now have, but an earl-
ier version of it-a primitive Mark.
He decides, after a careful examina-
tion of the evidence, that the later
writers used Mark's narrative in sub-
stantially the same form in which we
now have it and shows that the hy--
pothesis of a primitive Mark is not

the * view, now generany new , ay
in those parts of the text where Mat-.
thew and Luke do not agree with
Mark, they made use of another docu-
ment, now lost, which New Testament
scholars designate by the symbol "Q.
This lost document was a collection
of the sayings of Jesus, and the author
believes that it was originally written
in the Aramaic language. This chapt-
er forms a transition to part two in
which Dr. Patton sets forth the re-
searches which are peculiarly his
own. Here he makes an analysis of
"Q" into two different recensions, or
translations, one used by Matthew
and the other by Luke. The
greater part of the remainder of the
work is occupied by a detailed study
of the Gospels of Matthew' and Luke
in the effort to trace out the influ-
ence of the "Q" document-where the
two writers agree in their use of it
and where they differ and thus indi-
cate the presence of two recesions
of "Q."
The whole investigation is conduct-
ed in the spirit of scientific candor
and its results are presented in a lucid
and perspicuous manner in spite of
technical character of the evidence.
No scholar working in the textual
history of the Gospels can overlook
the importance of this work.
The printing, which was done by
the University of Chicago press, is
excellent. Very few typographical er-
rors can be detected and the reviewer
has noted no serious ones. The
volume is published by the MacMil-
lan Company of New York.
The thanks of the university are
due to those of its friends whose
generosity has made possible the
publication of works " of this sort.
Among them the author in his pre-
face makes special mention of Mr.
William H. Murphy, of Detroit.
Albert J. Westerhead, a student in
Harvard, has been picked as the
"strong man" for 1915. He is a mem-
ber of the Harvard football squad.

necssryto explain the relations cx- A4t Ot h er Collegises
isting among the three narratives.
The last chapter of part one states
th,%i o V n , iOxxr aa1In ly h i L th t

Ring Lardner Admits Professionalism
Ring Lardner, '00, admits that he
is now and long has been a profes-
sional. Writing in the Chicago Tri-
bune he says, "1 once was given $1.25
with which to buy myself ei medal
for finishing second in a high. school
tennis tournament, at Decatur, Mich.'
and I forgot to get the metal."
--The Michigander, Detroit
Dean of California to, Visit Europe.
Berkeley, Nov. 24.-Dr. David P.
Barrows, dean of the University of
California, has asked for a six months'
leave of absence. He expects to leave
soon for Europe, where he will study
political and economic conditions.
Celebrate Ohio Stat Day at Frisco.
Columbus, Nov. 24.-Some of Ohio
State's songs will be played on the,
chimes, and transmitted across the
continent to the Panama Exposition
next Friday at 10 in the evening,
eastern time. Friday is Ohio State
Day at the fair, and a number of
alumni are planning to celebrate the
event at Frisco.
Galvin of Wisconsin to Go to Cubs.
Madison, Nov. 24.-Fullback Gal-
vin, who was forced to retire from
football at Wisconsin in the middle
of the season under a cloud' of pro-
fessionalism, is said to have signed
a contract for the coming year with
the Chicago National League club.
He is six fet tall, weighs 190 and is
reported to be a find.
President Nichols Leaves Dartmouth.
Boston, Nov. 24.-The retirement
of Dr. Ernest Fox Nichols from the
presidency of Dartmouth college at
the close of the present college year
was announced by the board of trus-
tees today. Doctor Nichols has been
appointed to the chair of physics at
Shirts made to order.-G. H. Wild
Company. State St. Tailors.

'A general survey of all the organized
houses on the campus is now being
carried on by the Universit, Health
Service, for the purpose of improving
and bettering the sanitary conditions
of the different houses.
The inspector who looks through the
houses has two report blanks, one of
which is kept at the Health Service,
while the other is sent to the house
which was inspected.
Everything in and around the house
is inspected. The exposure, i. e., the
air, the dust from the streets and the
sunlight. A report is then made as to
the house proper; the structure, the
material used for roofing, the number
of rooms, the kind of floors, the con-
dition of the house, i. e., whether it
is dry, damp, or wet. The method of
heating is next examined, and the con-
dition of the plumbing. Then follows
the survey of the food; the condition
of the store rooms, the way in which
the fdod is served, and the method by
which the rubbish is discarded. The
odor around the house is next looked
Then follows a minute examination
of the separate rooms, the servant
quarters, the chapter -room, and the
toilet facilities. A survey of the sep-
arate floors is then made, "this survey,
carries with it an examination of each
room and the uses made of the rooms.
The method employed in cleaning the
rooms is next looked after. The light-
ing of the various rooms is examined,
and the cloak room. The rugs, car-
pets, and curtains next come under
the eye of the inspectors.
The dining room and the kitchen are
given the strictest examination. The
number at a table, the napkin arrange-
ment, and the decorations are looked
(Continued on Page Five.)

2000 Letters
>bretq n cuartY 20b0 and
Students sent to More men
ItsQecially ISafr gss(3ted
CtWc gsstisted Freshmen kg 2358
Investigation Pall Work Pay )Ots
Rnh -Saloon given
QOc Lions n 8tudints Sex
Relt94ou.S Wt6klY
st"As 13GtlSS{O.R Theatre tli/CSiBne
All st dots Groups Mect nps lttstructtons
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VvgftrtnuS flew mtn
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Prayer Omuta, Q 3610
Carnpayw gkven by
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Vocational Commtttee eSocial thru Assocta.tkon
Conferences Caafertnce. Stua 191q-1915
Perxnallrlorh Cla?.U3
wetve s oc tats
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Student Aook Soya PlaYgrokLi Vacattor<
lutat otts Exchange Ctvlrs WorK
Qreat savirip Engitah of catp
Fos stadetits cc to dkrec tton
' {Ortl9nerS

Boys' conference this week at Kala-
mazoo and the conference to be held
at Lansing on December 3. The pray-
er groups are held in the temporary
"Y" building and are considered of the
utmost importance. Under the head-
ing of campaigns comes the work for
a new Y. M. C. A. building and the
Busrah campaign for missionary work
in Arabia.
Among the activities included in the
inner ring, probably the weekly theat-
er meeting is best known. These
meetings are being held this year inUn-
iverstiy Hall. At the next one, to be
held, November 28, James Austin
Richards will be the speaker. The
personal work referred to is chiefly
composed of attempts to cheer de-
spondent and lonely freshmen. On
the committees last year at least 700
Last year the students of the Uni-
versity donated $3670 for the univer-
sity mission work at Busrah, Arabia,
through the medium of the "Y." Es-
pecial assistance is given to foreign
students, chiefly of a social nature.
This branch of the work is being rap-
men found an opportunity to be of
aid in the Y. M. C. A. work. Waldo
R. Hunt, '16, has charge of the re-
ligious discussion groups, which are
chiefly concerned with Bible study.
Under the division of social study,
classes are trained in the discussion
of social problems.
idly built up.
During the Christmas vacation so-
cials will be given every evening as a
means of cheering those who cannot
return to their homes for that season.
The book exchange did a business
of $550 this fall through direct barter,
making sales for 'students at one-half
and two-thirds value. Nearly 2,000
letters have been sent to sub-fresh-
men to interest them in Michigan and
in this connection 40 speakers are
making trips through the state, speak-
ing to audiences concerning this uni-

versity. Already 18 towns have beer
Close attention has been given to the
social conditions in Ann Arbor. Vo-
cational conferences for men not yet
sure of what their life work is to be
are gladly given and a branch of the
"Y's" work is to record opportunities
for seniors to get work after gradua-
Playground work is restricted to
the city, but is under the auspices of
the university organization. The boys
clubs also apply to this branch of the
Business T"pics
New York, Nov. 24.-Stock trad-
ing here was dull yesterday, sales
falling to 338,000 shares. A steadi-
ness was evident throughout the
trading, but this was. due more to an
absence of pressure than to actual de-
Automobile shares gained a iew
points, as did certain war issues.
Copper remained steady, not making
any further response to the increas-
ing demand for the metal.
Further large shipments of gold
were received and the Bank of Eng-
land is releasing other amounts of
the metal for shipment to this coun-
try in payment of war munitions.
Trading in bonds was moderate, but
some increase in the investment line
was shown.
New York, Nov. 24 - London ex-
change has worked back to the highest
point in weeks, the rate now being
4.70. This points to a steadiness i
English finance.
In future all cars stop at Goodyear's
Drug Store. tf
2255 2255 2255 2255

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