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November 24, 1915 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1915-11-24

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Review News of

Books Theatrical


1 1 A

What is princess really like?
Democratic peoples have been so
long of the opinion that kings and
nobles are of a lower grade of mental-
ity and humanity, that to find a prin-
cess alert, brilliant, "energetic and
almost socialistic in her tendencies,
is a decided shock. The hampered,
confined life of a court, more a prison
than a home, hedged in by the strict-
est etiquette, is not conducive to keen
and independent thinking; but at
least one royal personage escaped
from its deadening influence and made
a woman of herself.
Court Life From Within
Her Royal Highness, the Infanta
Eulalia of Spain, aunt of the present
king and cousin to half the royalty of
from Within," (Dodd, Mead and Co.)
Europe, has written a book, "Court Life
which attracted wide attention when it
appeared as a serial. The Infanta
was not of the conventional type of
princess, for had she been, any book,
especially so illuminating and refresh-
ing as this one, would have been total-
ly beyond her powers.
Her childhood, spent in the strict
seclusion of Spanish courts, was un-
bearably dull for the active young
princess who enjoyed neither the
formal empty conversation or the de-
votion to religion that made up the
entire occupation of the queen-moth-
er's circle. She shocked the prim
ladies, many of whom could neither
read or write, by her independence,
and won for herself by threats and
by force a few scanty bits of freedom.
"Until I was married", she says, "I
was scarcely let alone for a moment
to sit by myself in a room."
"Impressions of Wilhelm"
Her marriage for state reasons,
brought her no happiness, but a great
measure of freedom, which she em-

ployed in visiting the various courts!
of Europe. Her intimate, kindly, and,
sympathetic impressions of the rulers
of Europe are frankly critical, for at
all times she has placed truth be-
fore "loyality to class."
The German emporer impressed the
Infanta more strongly than any other
monarch. She says of her first meet-
ing, "One felt at once the vibrations
of a strong personality, an incessantly
active mind, a dynamic nervous en-
ergy, a Latin tempernanent, intellect-
ual and gay. In his private life he
is altogether charming, delightful and
unaffected. He rules under God, re-
sponsible only to God, and going chief-
ly to prayer for direction." The life
at the German court the Infanta
found to be oppressively cermonious
and mediaeval, although the Kaiser
himself saw to her personal comfort
and entertainment.
In Russia the Infanta was impress-
ed by the simple and happy family
life of the Tzar, and by the devotion
of the whole Russian people to frivol-
ous and gay social pleasures. English
and Scandinavian courts are far
simpler than those of other European,
countries, though in the last years the
English have developed a luxurious
and elegant strain. The Eng-
glish diplomat is the only real
diplomat of any importance in all
Europe, being above the petty acts of
intrigue. Scandianavian is the real
home of Democracy, for here the kings
are mere figure heads, and the people
actually rule.
added to Christmas vacation. We
Visited Anmey'e
The Infanta was the royal repre-
sentative from Spain to the World's
Fair in Chicago, and while not at-
tempting an analysis of American life
and character, she found Americans
chivalrous, affectionate and energetic.
"They liked me because I liked them,"
she naively explains.
Enthusiast~e Alumnus Uses Gable,
Cambridge, Nov. 23.-One enthusi-
astic Harvard alumnus, Frederick R.
Wilson, '13, reserved his seat for the
Yale-Harvard game by cable from
Madagascar. It cost him the sum of

Franco-Serbs, Italians and Dardan-
elles troops have predominated , in
headline space for the past week. In
embattled Serbia, the native troops:
seem to be making their last ditch
stands against the invaders, and the
recently arrived entente soldiers are
accomplishing little. The Italians are
meeting furious resistance around
Gorizia, the key to Trieste. The al-
lies are threatening Greece, while the
central powers are coaxing Rumania
for neutrality or alliance. Submarines
have cost several hundred French lives
in the Mediterranean.
Teuton-Bulgar Noose Tightens..
Bulgarians in Serbia have occupied
IBabuna pass and Monastir, and over-
ran numerous small stations along

many miles of fighting front. Austrians
in the north and west, report that they
have cornered the strongest section of
King Peter's forces, which are said to
be making their last stand. The
French, who have been pouring north
from Saloniki, have strengthened the
Serb line slightly, especially at Strum-
nitza. The new troops have even taken
the offensive in the attack upon Ku-
Italians Furiously Assail Corizia.
Italian troops have leveled many of
the works which, defend the strong
Austrian fortress at Gorizia, the key
to Trieste. Little can be concluded
from numerous contradictory reports
except that the Austrians are offering
furious resistance to the Latin in-
Diplomacy Looms Big Again.
Earl Kitchener, Denis Cochin, and
several other special representatives
are keeping busy the governments at
Athens and at the Rumanian capitol.j
The entente has apparently coerced'
Greece into offering the use of 500,000
Grecian soldiers. Germans have also
been busy in Rumania seeking first
of all to keep that country neutral
and ultimately to win her over to the
Submarines have sunk two or three
ships in the Mediterranean this week
including a French transport with 800
men on board, only 53 of whom are
known to be alive. A new entente of-'
fensive has opened at the Dardanelles.'
Germans seem to be taking the de-
fensive on most of the Russian ilnes.
Many Trains Used for Harvard Game.
New Haven, Nov. 23.--The Yale-
Harvard game occasioned the running

At The Theatres
T. Dwight Pepple's "Revue of 1915,"
a real novelty in entertainment, con-,
sisting of variety of "turns" worked
into "revue" form, Is at the Majestic,
The revue has musical comedy, min-
strelsy and vaudeville all interwoven
so that it not noticed where one leaves
off and the other begins. Some twen-
ty-two girls appear in "Thy All Girl
Revue." The list is headed by Frankie
Seigel, as principal commedienne. She
is one of the best known girl purveyors
of blackface comedy and melody. The
end opposite is handled by Izetta, who
is also a piano-accordian player of
some note. The interlocutor is Olga
De Baugh, well known as a singer and
violinist. Marie Gerare is a contor-
tionist, but succeeds in introducing
enough comedy in her work to bring.
it out of the ordinary.
Local theatrical interest is just now

Engneers Test Flo wing Water.
To determine, the co-efficient of fric-
tion, of the pressure loss due to fric-
tion, of flowing streams is the object
of perimental work that is being car-
ried on in the mechanical laboratories
of the engineering college. An elab-
orate set-up of the experiment is ne-
cessitated by the unusualness of the
A long container built of wood and
asbestos and the whole painted black
to cut down radiation losses surrounds
the pipe in which the flowing stream is
being tested. The experiment is also
designed to determine the co-efficient
of heat loss.
The students who are engaged i4 this
work are enrolled in the M. E. 22.
They are all senior mechanical engi-
neers and are as follows: M. S. Reed,
C. A. McKeeney, L. A. Sprague, W. A.
Warrick, W. E. Kurtz, . N. Cuthbert,
Horns Are Used for Signaling.
The automobile laboratories have
lately been equipped with electric auto

being concentrated on the engagement
lirsfrsgaln upss

of te noteU ac ress, ikiargare ingn ,
and her incomparable company in Paul
Kester's brilliant comedy of New York
life entitled "Beverly's Balance. The
date of the engagement here will be
Saturday, Nov. 27 at the Whitney The-
atre. Since the announcement of the
booking there has been a continuous
inquiry at the box office, and there is
every indication that the capacity of
the theater will be tested. The com-
edy will be presented here in exactly
the same manner as during its three
months' run in New York And recent-
ly during an extended stay in Chicago.
In the central character of the play
Miss Anglin has a role which has
again demonstrated her right to be
classed among the foremost comedi-
ennes on the American stage. In her
supporting company are such excel-
lent players as Donald Cameron, Sax-
one Morland, William Lunt, Howard
Lindsey and Mrs. Charles C. Craig.

culty has been in the past experienced
while testing the motors in overhear-
ing the signals as to when the read-
ngs and measurements are to be taken.
A common mouth whistle has been
used in the past.but with great diffi-
culty has, been encountered in hear-
ing the whistle over the roar of a bat-
tery of gasoline engines all running at
top speed.
The three new horns were donated
for the purpose by prominent horn
manufacturers. They are mounted at
poits in the laboratories so that every
corner is Peached by their signal.

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