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November 24, 1915 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1915-11-24

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I' r Ttackled 10 yards behind the line, but
I N N THE LASThe shook the tacklers off, and dodging
g the whole engineer team on the slip-
pery field, made his way between the
post for the lone touchdown of theY OH
---game. Brandell also kicked goal. Fin- " s "

Brandell Carries Ball 30 Yards for
To uchdown, 1)efeatiig the
By one of the most skillful exhibi-
tions of open field running, seen on
south Ferry Field this year, Brandell,
playing at left half for the senior lits,
carried the ball for 30 yards and a
touchdown in the last half minute of
play and defeated the senior engineers
in the semi-finals by the score of 7-0.
By this victory the lits are assured -of
their numerals. They will meet the
senior laws next Friday to fight it out
for, second place in the league stand-
Throughout the first half the game
ran along evenly, until the last part
when the' lits began to show up a
little better than their opponents. Us-
ing a series of end play formations,
the lits fought their way down the field
and for a time it looked as though
they would slip a tally across before
the whistle sounded. However, the
engineers got in and smashed up a
couple of attempts at forward passes,
putting the kibosh on a score in the
first period.
In the second half the engineers op-
ened up with plays around the end,
and got away with several good
passes, but when they neared the lits'
goal, there was nothing doing, and
they got were forced to punt, after
being held for three downs. For a
time an exchange was carried on, and
neither side appeared to make much
ground. Toward the lastpart of the
period, the lits got possession of the
ball, and in plays around the corners
in which Brandelt, and Martens fea-
tured, they started the ball on its fin-
al jaunt toward the engineers' goal.
On a fierce line plunge, Martens ad-
vanced the ball for 12 yards, bringing
it to the 30-yard line. On the next
play Brandell took the ball and was

al score 7-0.
Besides the contest Friday between
the senior laws and the senior lits
for second place, the fight between the
senior engineers and the soph lits for
fourth honors occurs.



Road Runners to Close Season With
Run at Belle Isle
With their return to Ann Arbor
from Franklin, Mass., where they
came in tenth in a field of 14 in the
Eastern Intercollegiate cross country
run, the Michigan road runners will
call toa a close the season with the
exception of running in the Belle Isle
race in Detroit tomorrow morning.
Tle make-up of the aggregation
which will go into Detroit to take
part in the Turkey Day event will
probably be identical with that of the
.team: which went east, Captain .Car-
roll, Kuivinen, Donnelly, Fox, Wal-
ters, and Trelfa, running under the
Maize and Blue colors.
From their showing at Lansing the
Michigan men are conceded first place
in the run tomorrow, although the
difference in- distance may cause an.
upset in the dope. The teams which
compete against the Wolverines are:
M. A. C., Albion and the Detroit Young
Men's Christian Association, all of
which aggregations the Ann Arbor
lads have already beaten.
Ilariard Likely to Lose Haughton
Ne York, N. Y., Nov. 23.-Harvard,
may lose Head Coach Percy Haugh-
ton, acording to a rumor afloat in
the Crimson camp. The coach of the
Cambridge eleven has a contract with
the Harvard athletic authorities, which
expires this year, and it is reported
that he has recommended Charles
Daly, former Crimson quarterback
and at present coach of the Army, as
his successor.



To the Sportoscope.,
Dear Hal:--
I was greatly disappointed not to
see the picture of a Flint boy making
a touchdown in Saturday's game
against Saginaw. I am not quite sure
whether it was your inability to get a
picture, or whether there wasn't space
in The Daily for one. However, I
hope that you will not promise us
anything iA the future that you can
not get for us.
Dear, Put
You have probably saw the above
letter which has just came, and I will
try and explain to our friend just why
I did not get no picture of some Flint
boy for scoring a touchdown.
You se, Put, it was like this. I
was rite there by the goal line all
aft. but the closest the Flint h.s. got
to where I was standing was some 20
yds. anway, and I leave it to you, Put,
how could I take a picture of some
thing what never happened, as not
even 1 of the Flint boys scored a
single touchdown all during the game.
They was too busy chasing the other
team and did not have no time, I
- I took 1 picture, a time exposure,
and all the sag. team was merely
blurs they was moving around so fast
while the Flint team all stood outl
prominent and plain, so you can easi-
ly see I done my best and not even
a man from Saginaw can do more. <
I will try and not promise anythingI
in the future that I will not make1
good on, and that is the main reason,
I have not come rite out and prom-
ised definitely to get a descripshunl
of the Cook dorm. I hope to get it
some day but will make no promises
and if I am' successful I will tell all
the boys if there girls over to Cooks
are good looking or if they are not
and also how they act.1
By the way, Put, I ain't saying noth-
ing about Mike McKinney and he is1
a swell fellow and all that sort oft
stuff, but he sure did come a bum

trick on I and Lee Joslyn. In the
editorial columns of this paper there
is a woman's name between I and Lee,
and Lee is 1 of my very best friends
and I nevet dreampt before that a
girl would come between us. I dasn't
speak to Mike about it myself, but
will you please do it, so I and Lee
will not have no woman between us,
for he is a grate pal of mine.
I see my friend down to Harvard
did not send you nothing about the
game, but maybe he was celebrating
on account of his team won, and so
was under the weather, but say, Put,
how could a guy get in that state on
nothing but tea. Either they must
have a different brand of tea down to
Harvard from what we get out here,
or else he must of drunk 1 cup for
each score, and I guess 41 cups of
even nothing but tea is suffishunt to
put any 1 under all rite.
I was talking to Howdy Warner the
other day and he said he was sore be-
cause he did not g% down to Yale to
college instead of to mich. as from
the looks of the Yale team it would
be a cinch to get your letter all rite.
Howdy is rite, Put, and if he had of
gone to Yale instead of mich. he
would probubly be on the all-amer-
ican team two, as Camp always put
some yale guys on no matter what
happens as he is from Yale his self,
and Howdy would probably have been
the star of the team so he would make
all-american guard or tackle or cen-
ter or something. It would not mat-
ter much to Camp just what posishun
or to Howdy either, I guess.
Well, Put, speak to Mike about that
little matter, please and oblige,
Yrs. truly,
P. S.-My girl has gone to Washing-
ton and do' you not think the mich.
daily ought to have some 1 down to
the capital to tell all about Wilson
and Walter Johnson and other famous
people like that? If so, I would like
the job.
H. F.


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