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November 23, 1915 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1915-11-23

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Contest May Decide Which Class Will
Receive Third Set of
Senior its versus the senior engine-
ers is thegame in the inter-class foot-
ball series scheduled to be played at
3:30 o'clck today on south Ferry
Field. Tie game will come off rain
or shine. This contest practically de-
cides wh> will receive the third set
of numeals, if the dope is reliable.
However thire is a chance that one
of these two teams may not receive
any insinia at all, as the losers are
scheduld to play the soph lits on
Friday tr the fourth set of numerals,
accordig to the original plan that the
lowest ?am in the first division must
play th highest team in the second di-
vision or the fourth set of class in-
signia. The lowest team in the
first tvision will be the losers of
today':game and the highest team in
the s(ond division is the soph lit
teain, )y virtue of that aggregation's
defeaof the J-lits.
Anther game on Friday will be be-
tweeithe senior laws and the winners
of th game today, for the second set
of rierals. In case either team
lose that losing team will receive the
thirset of numerals and the winning
reiwill get the second set, while as
hasbeen stated before, the fourth
setwill be contested between the
soj lits and the losers of the game
beeen the senior lits and the
seor engineers.
o avoid mistakes, the schedule for
tr-week is given below:
'pday, senior lits vs. the senior en-
1'riday, Nov. 25, senior laws vs. the
-nners of today's game, and soph
,b vs. losers of today's game.
These games must be played on the
)te set, and no postponements are to
e allowed.
Ilichigg' Competes With Detroit "Y,"
fW. A. C., and Albion

Big Cormnpetition Atbletic Eoard to Consider Taking on
lWalkerville Team for
A new organization has risen to
There is a bare possibility of a soc-

fame by its performance on one oc-
casion, said musical organization be-#
ing the senior law band, and the afore-f
mentioned occasion being the game be-
tveen the senior laws and the dents for
the campus championship last Satur-
That Varsity band never created4
quite the sensation that this newer
aggregation of assorted instruments
caused when it marched down State
street Saturday at the head of a hund-
red legal rooters. Nothing could sur-
pass the address with which Drum-
major Nickles led the band, the fact
that he carried a broom in lieu of a
baton was in no wise a handicap, in
fact he handled the broom with more
skill and ease than might possibly have
been the case if he had used a regula-
tion, silver-knobbed staff.
While the game was in progress se-
lections were ably rendered from the
stand with a view to general effect.
Director I. Lash Thomas appeared to
understand just how to get out of his
band all they had and he certainly
got it all, at least according to the
judgment of the bystanders. The
personnel of the organization em-
braced such artists as "Rooster"
Johnson who persuaded his baritone
horn to coin several notes especially
for the occasion, Paul H. Rogers, who
comprised the whole of the cornet sec-
tion and ably held his own against
great odds. Leroy Scanlon mhaintained
his reputation as a musician by his
extraordinary technique in handling
the bass drum stick.
Between halves the band marched
out on the field and played the "Vic-
tors" with great execution. Followed
by the entire law rooting contingent,
Drum-major Nickles led his charges
through divers evolutions ending with
a cheer under'the goal post followed
by the singing of "How Dry I Am"
with bared heads. Whether this is the
law natiohal anthem or not has not
been decided, the dents claim that it is
their funeral hymn,
After the game, nothing daunted by
defeat, the band cranked up and imi-
tating lockstep courageously marched
off the field. At this point the dents
took the signal for a snake dance and
forthwith began to coil along behind

cer game being scheduled with a fac-
tory team from Walkerville, Ontario.
for the Varsity team, to be played here
in the near future.
At present the proposition is before
the Board of Control of Athletics as to
whether the game may be arranged. In
case the board acts favorably on the
proposal, it is possible that the game
will be arranged. No overtures have

been made by either team as yet, and
none will be made until the board has
had an opportunity to act.
It is hoped that the game can be
arranged, since the schedule has been
extremely short and the Ontario team
is possessed of an excellent reputa-
tion. .Members of the local squad are
desirous of playing another game this
season if for no other reason than
to round out the schedule.
Shoes repaired while you wait. 0.
G. Andres, 222 S. State. oct14-eod-tuoes

Ma ullie Joins
Rifle Club
Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! and
"Johnny" Maulbetsch, latest acquis-
ition of the Rifle club missed the tar-
get, splintered the ceiling, and sent a
leaden missle sizzling past the ear of
Pres. Wood. Four clean misses! Then
things began to happen. Crouching
low, with brows knit, and muscles
tense, Maully charged for the bull's-
eye. The building shook with the
terrific impact of the German bullet.
Breaking through the half-hearted de-
fense offered by the back-stop of two-
inch planking, Johnny charged. The
concrete bleachers finally stopped
him, but John had won! He had made
a bull's-eye. All this, in view of the
fact that "Johnny" has joined the Rifle

May Says Game Is Fine Conditioner,
Especially for Men Who Play

2255 2255 2255 2255

- _ --



The following reached this column
yesterday from Boston. It was sentc
by one of the members of the C. C. C.
squad, although by whom we are un-
able to ascertain. However, we ven-k
ture the assertion that it wasn't "Red"'"
Donnelly. Any of the others may bec
You who are acquainted with rhum,f
please note:c
"The C. C. C. team is playing rhum.
Kuivinen leaves to get his hat, and1
leaves "Red" Donnelly to play his
hand, which consists of the ace of4
spades, ready to be played on a run
of spades, starting with the deuce.
Kuivinen returns five minutes later, to
find "Red" still holding the ace at the
end of the game. Kuivinen asks "Red"i
why he didn't play the ace and win the
hand, whereupon "Red" replies: 'Well,1
I have to pick one up every time.'",
Those meeting "Red" on the campus
today are hereby cautioned that any
mention of spades, and the ace in par-1
ticular, is similar to courting a sure'
Detroit Central has one of the great-
est football teams she has ever had.
This is saying considerable in itself,
and Michigan men are now wondering
just how many of these young athletes
will come to Ann Arbor.
Michigan has Detroit right under
her nose, so to speak, and yet every
year a startingly big proportion of
Central footballers rush clear down
east to play with some of the eastern
Michigan does not pay her athletes,
and since several of the bigger uni-
versities in other parts of the coun-
try are said to, the Maize and Blue is
confronted by a perplexing problem.
This does not mean to imply in the
least that Michigan should, and no one
institution on the campus is more
strongly against this than the Daily,
but facts are facts for all that.
Hendrian and Straw are headed to-
wards Brown, according to ' rumors,
which institution dragged "Les" Clark
down east and away from Michigan,
Brown's policy concerning the reim-
bursement of athletes is not the pur-
port of this article. We are uninter-
ested, but the big fact remains that

Ann Arbor is not drawing as many
of the Detroit athletes as she should.
Thus the duty descends upon the
shoulders of the student body and the
alumni. If certain men have been of-
fered inducements to go east, our
only recourse is to make Michigan
appear so attractive that they will
still come here in spite of their east-
ern offers. The entertainment of these
youngsters while they are in Ann Ar-
bor counts for a lot, and a "boost
Michigan" spirit when out of town is
equally as valuable.
Coach Yost stated just . before the
Cornell game that "Michigan needs
more athletes, if she wants to con-
tinue to win football games," and the
only way to get them is through mak-
ing this university as attractive to
them as possible.
Captain Barrett of Cornell has
scored more touchdowns than the en-
tire Michigan, Yale, Princeton or
Pennsylvania team, has made. In
fact Barrett has scored over twice as
many as Yale.
As some one remarked, "The Har-
vard of the species is more deadly
than the Yale." Slightly, Adolph.

New Men Expected to Show Up Well
in Tests at Waterman
There will be no tryouts for official
strong man of the university until at
least the first of the year, according
to a statement made by Dr. George A.
May, director of the Waterman gym-
nasium. Dr. May does not wish to
subject the men who are intending to
enter the trials to such a severe strain
without first giving them an oppor-
tunity to train for the event. Also he
expects much better records to be
made if the contestants indulge in a
little preliminary practice.
Roy W. Johnson, '18, who last year
made such a fine record as a college
Hercules, is out this year practicing
the events on which he was weakest
last season. He nearly equaled the
intercollegiate record last winter with
no preliminary practice and this sea-
son it is hoped that he will come
much closer to the coveted, mark, if
he does not pass it.
There should be some good material
among the men entering the university
this year. Willard Peach, '18, Elton E.
Wieman, 19, and Shelton Jones, '19,
should all be able to lift the weights
to good advantage. Peach, Wieman
and Jones passed the best physical ex-
aminations of those which went on
record at the Waterman Gymnasium
this fall, rising high above the aver-
age -in every measurement. If they
enter the strong man contest the ques-
tion as to whether they can make their
size tell to good advantage will be de-
Pennsylvania Club to Hold Smoker
Pennsylvania club will hold a "get-
together smoker" at the Union at 7:30
o'clock this evening. Mr. R. O. Boni-
steel, '12L, LeRoy J. Scanlon, '16L,
and Russel D. Kilborn, Grad, are on
the program and a general good time
is assured. All members of the fac-
ulty who are from Pennsylvania and
all Pennsylvania students are urged
to attend.

In spite of the fact that no steps
have been taken toward organizing
a handball squad more than a dozen
men were out practicing that game this
afternoon. The courts were crowded
all the time and there were always
several men waiting for a chance to
play. From the good games put up
by several of the players it is evident
that the tournament this year will be
closely contested and marked by better
playing than that of last season.
Dr. George A. May, director of the
Waterman Gymnasium, is highly grati-
fied over the fact that the men are
taking such an interest in the sport.
"It is a fine game," he said, "one which
will develop both wind and endurance.
Men who play handball have to think
and act quickly, and continual practice
tends to produce co-ordination be-
tween the brain and muscles. A per-
son gets so he does the right thing at
the right time practically without any
conscious thought on the subject. I
really believe that it would help a
football man inestimably if he were
to take up handball for he would gain
in co-ordination, and would be much
less liable to pull a "boner" at a criti-
cal moment in a close game where
everything depends on quick thinking
and action."
As any incentive to'the players the
athletic association is again offering
silver cups to the winners of the
singles and doubles in the coming tour-
nament, the trophies to be the per-
manent property of the persons win-
ning them.
Dr. May desires that some man in-
terested in handball will report to
him and take charge of the organiza-
tion of the tournament. Nothing can
be done along that line until some one
is found who will devote a little time to
it and make out a schedule of play.
Exhibit Mawson Antarctic Photos.
Douglas Mawson's Antarctic expedi-
tion will be shown in Alumni Memorial
hall Tuesday and Wednesday. These
pictures are the same as those put on
the screen here last year. They in-
clude beautiful views of the wonder-
ful snow and ice of the arctic regions,
as well as a number of excellent
photographs of the bird and animal
life of the far north.
Learn the new fox trot at the
Packard Academy. Nov. 20-tf
In future all cars stop at Goodyear's
Drug Store. tf

in Meet. I the laws.
In preparation for the cross coun- When the procession had made its
try meet to be held at Detroit next way as far as the hill on State street
Thursday, cross country men will meet the laws appeared to realize that their
at Ferry Field today for a short work sacred rights were being infringed
out. They will leave Ferry Field at'upon by their victorious opponents and
4:15 o'clock, probably coursing the. immediately a mass formation, headed
-new boulevard and returning by Ged- by Jack Benton and Frank McHale,
ides avenue. was directed toward the offending
Michigan, M. A. C., Albion, and the dents. From here on the records are
Detroit "Y" will be entered in the meet incomplete and vague, but it may be
Thursday, and will take the 3V-mile inferred that the band forgot that
course around Belle Isle. Individuals "music hath charms." It was at this
also may enter this meet. point that the present scribe became
exceedingly scarce.

While all eyes are focused in the
direction of Walter Camp and his All-
American eleven, The Daily, after deep
thought and thorough consideration,
has picked America's All-Animal
squad. These men have been picked
because of their animal spirits, though
many gay old birds, also because of
their spirits, Old Crow, for example,
have been considered because of their
ability to put the opponents away for
good, especially when backed up
against the bar. The following men
have been picked:;
L. E..........Buck, Wisconsin, Capt.
L. T... ............. Fox, Oregon
L. G . ..............Katt, Lake Forest
C. .......... Squirrell, Wis. Aggies
R. G.................. Hart, W. and J.
R. T.................Ox, Purdue
R. E . ............. Panther, Indiana
Q . .................. Lamb, Chicago
L. H........... .. . Wolff, Colgate
R, H. .................. Monk, Maine
iF. B . ................... Deer, Penn.

Junior Lits to 1old ElectIon Today
The junior literary class will meet
in Room 101, Economics building, at
4:00 o'clock this afternoon, An elec-
tion will be held to fill the vacancy in
the representation of the class on the!
J-Hop committee. The chairman of
the social committee will probably{
give a report on last night's smoker.I

M1apdolin Club Tryouts Tomorrow
I Mandoplin club will hold tryouts for
all aspirants in Room 205 University
Haul at 7;00 o'clock tomorrow even-
ing. All persons who can play mando-
lins, guitars, hellos or banjorines are
l urged to attend,


Illinois Quarter Wears Mask on Jaw the downs, the yards to go, the player
Champaign, III., Nov. 22. - "Potsy" making the touchdown, and the play-
Clark, star quarter of the Illinois team, er kicking the goal, are shown.
went into Saturday's game wearing a
specially constructd aluminum mask Want Early Rising Bell Abolished
to protect his broken jaw. Cambridge, Mass., Nov. 22--arvard
* senilrs have requested the faculty to
Wisconsin Gets New Stadium For 1916 abolish the early rising bell, since
Madison, Wis., Nov. 22.-The Minne- chapel is no longer compulsory, Their
sota-Wisconsin game Saturday was the contention is that it breaks in upon
last to be played in old Camp Randall the sleep considered necessary for men
the Wisconsin football field. A new of their age.
stadium seating 10,000 will be ready
for the 1916 games. Minnesota and Illinois Tie for Lead
Chicago, Ill., Nov. 23.-With the sea-
California Has Complete Score Board son over in the conference the elev-
Berkeley, Cal., Nov. 22-The Univer- ens stand as follows: Tie for first,
sity of California now has the most Minnesota and Illinois; third, Chicago;
complete scoreboard ever used for a fourth, Wisconsin; fifth, Ohio; sith,
football game. The score, the quarter, Purdue; seventh, Indiana; eighth,
the minutes to play, who has the ball Iowa; ninth, Northwestern,

They're goin' to have turkey 'n' pumpkin pie 'n' everything Thanksgivingy at
the special home dinner for folks what can't go home Thursday, at





The youthful enthusiast was right-if your cook is off duty, call 834 for reservation, and take dinner
with us. This is going to be a mighty good dinner, and I honestly believe you'll like the place.




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