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June 04, 1916 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1916-06-04

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Phones:--M:torIal 2414
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VOL. XXVI. No. 175.
WlIi 34 1-2 POINTS


L ande s Is High Individual
Winner With 21 Marks
on Ills String


The Landers-Loomis combination
i op;esenting Oregon, Ill., high school,
proed too speedy for the rest of the
field in yesterday's finals of the Inter-
scholastic, and this two-man team is
carrying home high honors, won with
a total of 34 1-2 points.
Scott High of Toledo, with 21 points,
followed the leaders in Class A, while
Grand Rapids Central finished third
with 19. Shelby High took the honors
in the class B competition, their 22
poigits giving them a seven-point lead
over Cass City, while St. Joseph fin-
ished in third position in this class.
Landers of Oregon, by taking first
in the century, the 220, and the pole
vault, and second in the high hurdles
and the broad jump, established him-
self as the high individual point win-
ner of the day, his afternoon's ef-
forts resulting in a total of 21 points.
Allman, of Urbana, Ill., high, won all
three weight events in which he was
entered, the shot, the hammer and the
discus, and his 15 points entitled him
to second phce. Loomis of Oregon
was third high man with 13 1-2 points.
Several New Michigan Interscholas-
tic records were creted yesterday,
some of those in the runs not being
allowed, however, on account of the
wind which blew down the track.
The complete summaries follow:
100-Yard Hash. Semi-Finals
1st heat-Dowding (Bowen), first;
Loomis (Oregon), second; Butler
(Shortridge), third. Time, 10 2-5
2nd heat-Landers (Oregon), first;
Hargreaves (Joliet), second; Moor-
head (Scott), third. Time, 10 1-5
Finals-Landers (Oregon), first;
Moorhead (Scott), second; Loomis
(Oregon), third; Hargreaves (Joliet),
fourth. Time, 10 1-5 seconds.
Mile Run
Heupell (Scott), first; Vandevisse
(Grand Rapids), second; Isbell (De-
(East Aurora), fourth. Time, 4:38
(East Auroro), fourth. Time, 4:388
1-5 seconds. Ties Michigan Interscho-
lastic record.
440-Yard Dash
Butler (Shortridge), first; Houston
(Grand Rapids), second; Jacobs (Jo-
liet), third; Gindich (Crane Tech.),
fourth. Time, 50 2-5 seconds. New
Michigan Interscholastic record.
120-Yard High Hurdles
Loomis (Oregon), first; Landers
(Oregon), second; MacKenzie (Grand
Rapids), third. No fourth. Time, 15
4-5 seconds.
220-Yard Dash. Send-Finals
1st heat-Rausch (West Waterloo).
first; Dowding (Bowen), second; An-
derson (Charleston), third. Time, 22
2-5 seconds.
2nd heat-Landers (Oregon), first;
Moorhead (Scott), second; Har-
greaves (Joliet), third. Time, 22 1-5
Finals-Landers (Oregon), first;
Moorhead (Scott), second; Rausch
(West Waterloo), third; Hargreaves
(Joliet), fourth. Time, 21 3-5 seconds.
880-Yard Run
Rees (East Aurora), first; Forbes
(Grand Rapids), second; Heupell
(Scott), third; D. Wright (Shaw).
fourth. Time, 2 minutes, 1 2-5 sec-
220-Yard Low Hurdles
Loomis (Oregon), first; MacKenzie
(Grand Rapids), second; Swift (D. U.
S.), and Smith (Shaw), tied for third.
Time, 24 3-5 seconds. Beats Michigan
Interscholastic record but is not offi-
cial because of wind.
Half-Mile Relay
Scott (Hall, Moorhead, Wetzell,
Sewall), first; Shaw second; Grand

Rapids third; Joliet fourth. Time,
1 minute. 34 1-5 seconds.

a i:1l ~ II ? IN 3.',a " [1
Who willtake the pa o 'rtey
in "Riders 6o the 1Ca-- ow o he Irish
plays to be given by the O'rn1oleA als-
sociaition 'edni sda.
Senior Recept O
T ickets on Slid
Aninal Event to 'kel(. Place i Ar-
mory on Evening of
Jude 26
Tomorrow at 12:00 o'clock, tickets
will go on sale for the senior recep-
tion to be held in the Armory on June
26. The tickets may be secured at U-
hall, the Union office, or Wahr's book
store, and the sale is limited to se-
niors. Law students may get their
tickets from Harry B. Sutter, '16L.
The reception is to be informal and
white trousers will be worn. The
programs are in the hands of Werner
-W. Schroder, '16L. As the number
of tickets is limited to 150 it is ex-
pected that they will all be sold
shortly after they are put on sale.
* School Points
'Oregon4............ 4 *
(,i.and Rapids............19
* Urbana..................15
* Shaw...................12
* Joliet.. 9 *
* East A -rora..............
* Lune *
* Shortridge*...............5
*' Iliantingtoi . .........5 *
* rane ................... ..31 *
* Detroit Nortqwes ein .... 2 *
11u keon -------------+---- 9
'r Bowen .........2
* Shelby...................2 *
* West Waterloo...........2 -
* Schoo~l Points
* 514lb3............22
* Cass1City ................15
St. Joseph.............1
Constantine............. . 7
* Rockford ...............
* Dundee...................4
p .rF . . .. . . . .. .. 2
e..phis.... ... ...
* ~:. * * ': * * * *
The nurses of the Homeopathic Medi-
cal school will hold their graduation
exercises Monday evening at 8:00
o'clock in Sarah Caswell Angell hall.
Rev. Lloyd Douglas of the Congrega-
tional church will make the presen-
tation and the exercises will be fol-
lowed by dancing in the hall below.
Dr. J. F. Breakey's Condition Improves
Dr. James F. Breakey, who has been
dangerously ill since last Monday with
pneumonia, was reported slightly bet-
ter at a late hour last night. Yes-
terday morning he had a decided turn
for the better, but as the day wore
on his condition was not so good. He
is still in a precarious condition, due
to his extendedrsickness and the debil-
ity which accompanies pneumonia.
Menorahi Society Meets
Members of the Menorah society will
meet tonight at 8:00 o'clock in New-
berry hall to elect officers for the
first semester of the coming year.

@st;r>.iC' A c iPio Pl'reseiit' ,l'1 Three
(;..Ac Dramas fromn Pens of
Synge and Yeats
W h some of the best talent in the
'a i ersily, under the direction of Prof.
. . '. ioll tor al Dr. Louis Eich,
and everyone working hard to make
the productions a success, the three
one-act Irish plays to be given under
the auspices of the Oratorical assocla-
tion next Wednesday, promise to be
the best ever presented by the stu-
dets of the class in play production.
All three plays rank high in the lit-
erary world. "Riders to the Sea," by
John M. Synge, is considered by critics
to Ie the most powerful tragedy in
the English language. It depicts the
losS by drowning of an old Irish wom-
an of her sixth and last son, Bartley,
the other five having met a similar
"The Shadow of the Glen," also by
Synge, is of a more humorous type.
It reveals the wily scheme of an old
Irish herdsman to test his young
wife's faithfulness. In the "Land of
Heart's Desire," W. B. Yeats clev-
erly pictures the longing of a young
Irish marrie bride to go to the land
of her heart's desire, the influence of
friends, religion and even her husband
not availing to make her stay at home.
Audience Shows Enthusiasm at Cheer-
ing, Speeches, and Presentation
of Letters
Michigan's "Farewell" mass meet-
ing jiutified its existence last night
by the size of the crowd and "pep"
displayed. From the time the Varsity
band filed upon the platform until the
last letter was presented and the au-
dience stood up to sing the "Yellow
and Blue," the crowd cheered, clapped1
and sang with the same spirit dis-
played in the old mass meetings of
last year.
After "Bob" Bennett, '18, had led thet
audience in a thundering locomotive,
and the stirring notes of "Varsity" had
quieted down, Prof. W. D. Henderson
of the physics department explained
to the Interscholastic visitors what
real Michigan spirit stood for.
Pictures of the Interscholastic stars
were thrown on the screen by Daimes
& Nickels, and after the presentation
of the cups and trophies to the win-
ners in the Interscholastic meet, Prof.
R. W. Aigler presented the M's to the
track and tennis teams.
Wilson Signs Army Bill
Washington, June 3.--President Wil-
son today signed the army bill pro-
viding for material increases in the
land defenses. The new law provides
a standing army of 206,000 regulars
and increases the strength of the mili-
tia to 424,000. The regular army is
"elastic" under the law. At the direc-
tion of the President it can be kept
below its maximum strength during
peace times, and in times of war it
can be increased to about 250,000.

"resh Tennis Team Wirs Again
Michigan's Fresh tennis squad won
the match with Toledo Scott High yes-
terday with a final score of 6 to 0.
Summaries: Knoche (M) d. Suther-
land (T), 6-4, 6-1; Steketee (M) C.
Hager (T), 6-4, 7-5; Strouse (M) d.
Bradley (T), 6-4, 6-0; Hicks (M) d
Scott (T), 6-3, 6-4; Hicks and Strouse
(M) d. Scott and Hager (T), 6-3, 6-0:
Knoche and Steketee (M) d. Bradley
and Sutherland (T), 7-9, 6-0, 6-2.

Sheehan, Pitching for Notre Dame,
Allows Varsity to Win;
Score 6-4
Mir. Sheehan. Esq., of the Notre
Dame (Ind.), baseball team, will
henceforth pitch no more baseball be-
fore the unseasonable hour of 10:00
A. M. He tried it yesterday and Michi-
gan won 6 to 4.
After the fateful hour of ten or
thereabouts, Sheehan recovered his
equilibrium and although Michigan
didn't go scoreless, still he was in
much better shape.
In the first inning Sheehan walked
two men, thumped a couple more in
the back with the ball, and cut loose
with a wild heave that raised havoc
with Notre Dame's aspirations. Three
men scored during this melee and not
a hitwas registered. It wasn't neces-
Joe Robins started for Michigan and
he disposed of the enemy in capital
style until the sixth. Four solid sin-
gles in this inning, however, shoved
three runners around and when the
first two men got on in the seventh,
"Shorty" Miller was rushed into the
breach, checking the onslaught. Bran-
dell and Harrington played well for
Michigan, while Wolf pulled several
(Continued on Page Three)
Fireworks Display, Water Carnival,
Swimnuing and Canoe Events
Will Feature Occasion
Many new innovations will mark the
regatta to be given next Saturday aft-
ernoon and evening under the auspices
of the Boat club. Entries for the swim-
ming and canoe events, which are to
be held in the afternoon, must be made
at Houston's or the Union. The diving
platform will be in readiness Wednes-
day for those wishing to practice.
An enormous fireworks display and
water caknival will be the big features
of the evening. The Varsity band
and Glee club will furnish music for
the occasion.
Students liust Apply for Seats in An-
ditorium Before Friday
Post cards have been mailed to
students who are to receive their de-
grees in June asking them to fill out
the two spaces with the names of the
guests they wish to have at the Com-
mencement Day exercises in Hill au-
ditorium, and to state the degree of
relationship the choices have to the'
All applications must be in the
hands of the secretaries of the various
colleges by closing time on Thursday.
It is owing to the increase in number
of the graduating class that these
steps have been deemed necessary.
Only one and one-half tickets could be
given to each student, and as a re-
sult the faculty committee will en-

deavor to discriminate as to which
students need the tickets most.
The students in the lit college must
apply to the Registrar for their tick-
ets. ' Prior to this year it has been
possible to accommodate each grad-
uate with two tickets and still have
sufficient room in the auditorium for
the alumni, special guests, and a re-
stricted number of members of the
faculty's families.

Sulzer to Spieak
On Prohibition
Ex-Governor of New Yfork Will Ad-
dress First Meeting of
Dry Campaign
At 3:30 o'clock this afternoon, Wil-
liam Sulzer, ex-governor of New York,
will deliver an address before the first
county meeting, of the Washtenaw dry
campaign to be held at the Presby-
terian church. The meeting will be
conducted especially for men, but
seats for women have been reserved
in the gallery.
In the evening at 7:45, Mr. Sulzer
will deliver his second speech before
the Methodist Union. Both Italks will
deal with phases of the prohibition
question, and will be open to the pub-
lic. The speaker comes at the invita-
tion of the Intercollegiate Prohibition
Jug Demand For
ick iganeS ian

All Orders Not Redeemed
WillIle Cancelled
Books Sold

by Monday

Sales of the 1916 Michiganensian
have exceeded the highest first day
sales of any previous year. From 8:00
to 5:00 o'clock yesterday 800 of the
books were sold in University hall.
All of the extra copies ordered above
the signed subscription list already
have been sold. Every remaining book
has been subscribed for. There , is
such a demand for the book that with-
out exception every subscription not
redeemed by Monday night will be
cancelled and the book placed on
general public sale.
Additional features of this year's
book account for the increase in sales.
The steel engraved dedication por-
trait of Dean Albeit A. Stanley of the
University School of Music will prob-
ably be the only steel engraved dedi-
cation plate in any of this year's col-
lege annuals. Never before has the
Michiganensian had work of this
quality. Last year a feature of the
book was 24 pages of views; this year
there are 32 pages of views and cam-
pus scenes, all printed in double-tone
ink. Five-color work for the heading
plates and three-color work for the
senior section are features possessed
by no previous Michigan year book.
This year's book cost $8000 to publish,
owing to the general use of the finet
material and the many new features.
Each book, which sells for $2.50, ac-
tually cost $4.00 to print, even in an
edition of 1500.
J-Engineers 'rim Medics 8 to u
Apparently beaten up to the fifth
inning, the junior engineers bunched
hits off Lewis of the Medics and nosed
out a victory by a score of 8 to 5.
The medics did all their scoring intthe
third inning, a circuit clout by Mar-
shall with the bases loaded netting
four runs.
Junior engs .. 0 1 0 0 4 1 2-8 11 2
Medics .... ...0 0 5 0 0 0 0-5 9 5
Batteries: Day, Martin and Moore;
Lewis and Cohen.
Weather forecast for Ann Arbor and
vicinity: Fair, with moderate south-
westerly winds.
.10::30 o'clock-Special service for
seniors at the Presbyterian church.
Rev. Leonard A. Barrett will speak on
"The Law of Obedience in Meeting
Life's Problems."
3:60 o'clock-Ex-Governor Sulzer of
New York speaks, Presbyterian
7:15 o'clock-Ex-Governor Sulzer of
New York speaks, Methodist Union.
7:30 o'clock - "Chuck" Webber
speaks, Miller avenue chapel.
9:00 o'clock - Menorah election,
Newberry hall
7:00 o'clock -Men's Educational
club meets, Tappan hall; Prof. W. A.
Frayer of the history department will

German Report Unconfirmed in Eng-
land Says Eight Teuton Vessels
Took Refuge in Danish Waters
London, June 3.-The receipt in
London of details of the naval battle
in the North Sea makes the result of
the engagement considerably more
comforting from the British stand-
point than was indicated by the earlier
Although the Admiralty declined to
make a specific announcement of the
destruction of German ships until def-
inite verification has been obtained,
it appears from the information now
available that the German loss was
considerably higher than was at first
It is also established that the main
British fleet was not engaged and
defeated as would appear from the
German reports received here, but
that when the battle fleet arrived In
response to Vice-Admiral Beatty's call,
the German fleet retired to its base,
leaving the North sea as firmly as
ever in the control of the British navy.
On the German side the German re-
ports received today announce that the
full German high seas fleet was en-
gaged. Another official report re-
ceived late this afternoon but *not
confirmed by the admiralty is to the
effect that eight German vessels which
took part in the battle were cut off
by the British ships and were com-
pelled to seek refuge in Danish waters.
According to this report the Danish
authorities "have given 24 hours in
which to make necessary repairs and
leave the territorial waters, with the
alternative of being interned. The
British vessels are waiting for them
should they decide to leave their,
The Admiralty issued an official
statement tonight explicitly denying
the reported loss of. the super-dread-
nought Warspite.
Justice Hughes President?
.Chicago, June 3.-Great leaders In
the Roosevelt party acknowledged to-
day that if it became evident'that Jus-,
tice Hughes would be acceptable to
Colonel Roosevelt and his Progressives
he probably would be named, but if
not a scramble in the Roosevelt con-
vention is ,predicted between the Pro-
gressives and the Old Guard leaders.
Separate Schedule for Homeopathic
Juniors and Seniors
The schedule for examinations in
the Medical schools has been an-
nounced and is as follows:
First year: Bacteriology laboratory,
2:00 o'clock, June 9; Bacteriology lec-
tures, 9:00 o'clock, June 10; Physiol-
ogy, 1:30 o'clock, June 12; Regional
Anatomy, 1:30 o'clock, June 13.
Second year: Hygiene, 9:00 o'clock,
June 10; Pharmacology, 9:00 o'clock,

June 12; Physical Diagnosis, 9:00
June 13; Surgical Anatomy, 9:00
o'clock, June 14; Pathology, 9:00
o'clock, June 15.
Third year: Pharmacology, 8:00
o'clock, June 3; Syphilology, 9:00
o'clock, June 5; Neurology, 1:30
o'clock, June 8; Pathology, 10:00
o'clock, June 9; Prescription Writing,
2:00 o'clock, June 9; Obstetrics, 9:00
o'clock, June 10; Surgery, 1:30
o'clock, June 12; Gynecology, 1:30
o'clock, June 13; Pediatrics, 1:30
o'clock, June 14; Medicine, 1:30
o'clock, June 15.
The examinations in the Homeopath-
ic department will come at the same
time for the underclassmen. The
schedule for the seniors and juniors
in this department is as follows:
Clinical Microscopy, 2:00 o'clock,
June 5; Surgery, 9:00 o'clock, June 6;
Obstetric. 9:00 o'elock, June 7' ,In-
ternal M Acine and M 'eica Jurispru-
dence. 9:0 n' h k.un ihrn fhtha.l

Presbyterian Church
Huron and Division Streets
Senior 'S ervice
A Special Service for Seniors wil be held
this morning at I0:30

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