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May 07, 1915 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1915-05-07

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Your Eyes

Yost's Hard Problems Seem to Center
on Kicker's and Quarterback

Expense of Revision Makes Directory
Seciion of iEnginleering
Book Costly

Varsity Fifty Five

It's the suit youtre going to wear if you
want style that's out of the ordinary.


George McCauley and Milton Sparks,
principals in the Sigma Nu fraternity
house robbery, which occurred on the
night of March 3, were found guilty
Wednesday in the circuit court. McCau-
ley was sentenced to serve from five to
15 years in Marquette state's prison,
while a sentence of from one to five
years was imposed upon Sparks by
Judge E. D. Kinne.
There will be a meeting of members
of the Michigan Union, for the pur-'
pose of amending the constitution,
May 12, in Hill auditorium.
FOR RENT-Concert Grand Piano $5
per month; Ceceilian Piano player
for sale with 30 rolls in fine shape.
$40.00. $312 S. Division. Phone 212-J

Drop in after 'ie game or after ph
ig tennis and try a 5e soda. V
P)oren's Pluirmacy, 703 Packard St.
Necessities for that
Canoe Paint oil Glue
Padlocks Chains
Thermo Bolies Folding Cups
Lunch Baskets Hunting Knives
Fishing Tackle Flashlights
Shells and Cartridges
Sce our handy
Wire Camp Broiler
205 s. Main Street


Hart Schaffner & Marx

have backed this suit design with high
quality fabrics and skilful workmanship.
It's a sure winner, and youtre going to
catch the idea the minute you see the

In the newest fabrics
and style variations
at $18.00 and up.

With the departure of Coach Yost
last week, and the approaching end of
the spring training season, football
dopesters have started picking teams
and squads for 1915.
The biggest problem seems to lie
in whether the 1915 season will devel-
op a kicker, both a punter and goal-
booter, who will compare with "Larry"
Splawn. If such a man appears, Yost
will be able to cease worrying about
his team. That the coach is thinking
considerably about this question could
be seen in the extraordinary interest
which he displayed in any of the can-
didates who appeared able to even
raise his foot to the ball.
On his departure, the coach assigned
certain men to continue the booting
practice throughout the spring prac-
tice period, and it is more than likely
that one of these will be the man to go
back on the fourth down next year.
The list includes: Hildner, Raymond,
Harry Schultz, Sharpe, Bixler and one
or two others.
Hildner is a 1914 Varsity squad man,
who was picked by some to make the
"M" grade. last year. He often was
able to punt as far as Splawn in prac-
tice, but was rather inconsistent. He
played both at an end and in the back-
field. Raymond is an All-Fresh play-
er, and did most of the kicking for
that aggregation. Harry Schultz is
another star from the ranks of Coach
Douglas' team and it is predicted that
these two will bear watching next fall.
The squad of kickers will probably
continue work until June.
The filling of "Tommy" Hughitt's
shoes will tax the coach, according to
some. "Jack" Dunn, quarter on the
All-Freqh, is a strongly touted candi-
date, with McNamara, Roehm, Calvin
and Zieger of the reserves picked by
many. "Rummy" Roehm is probably
the most experienced man and Mich-

Lutz Clothng Store
For thirteen years at the same old stand

Because of the increased cost of
printing, the register of alumni, which
has been a part of the Announcement
of the Colleges of Engineering and
Architecture for a number of years,
will not appear in future issues of the
book. This decision was reached at
the last meeting of the board of re-
gents of the university.
An ever-increasing number of alum-
ni and the necessity for revision each
year has made the cost of this part of
the book prohibitive. In the 1915-16
issue of the book, just issued, the en-
tire register was reset by the printers,
bringing the cost of printing to over
$500. The last number of the book
contains 474 pages, of which 270
pages are devoted to the register.
Preparatory to issuing each number,
letter* are sent out from Secretary
J. P. Bird's office to each of the alumni
in order that the history may be cor-
rected and brought up to date. In the
letters sent out this last time the fol-
lowing sentence appeared. "The re-
gents are thinking of cutting out the
register of alumni. What do you think
about it?" Over 2,000 replies were re-
ceived, among which was not a single
dissenting voice. The following re-
plies are from some graduates
who are among the leading men of
the profession.
"The only way I have of keeping
track of my classmates," says W. W.,
Campbell, '86, director of the Lick Ob-
servatory, Calif., and president of the
American Association for the Advance-
ment of Science. "Missed if discon-
tinued, of great interest to the alumni,"
says T. H. Hinchman, '93, of Smith,
Hinchman and Grylls, Architects, De-
troit. Howard E. Coffin, '03, Vice-
president Hudson Motor Car Co., De-
troit, expresses himself as follows, "Of
interest to alumni and a good adver-
tisement." "Keep it up" is the comment
which comes from H. B. Keeney, '03,
Board of Water Commissioners, De-
A portion of the register in which
geographical distribution of the alum-
ni is shown is especially commended
by graduates located in foreign coun-
tries. The value of this section cannot
be overestimated, is the -consensus of
opinion of this class of writers.

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are jte'loo " oess
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Editor, The Michigan Daily:-
I hereby withdraw my name as a
candidate for president of the Mich-
igan Union.
Editor, The Michigan Daily:-
As I shall not be in the university
next year, it is necessary that I with-
draw my name as candidate for secre-
tary of the Oratorical association.
J. R. COTTON, '16.

Editor, The Michigan Daily:-
Cheating in examinations, when it is
generally practiced, is prima facie evi-
dence that there is something radically
wrong with the system of teaching.
And while the introduction of the hon-
or system will undoubtedly help mat-
ters, it cannot affect certain conditions
which make cheating necessary and
entirely justifiable in the eyes of the
student. Most men do not deliberately
commit a breach of the moral code;
they simply consider the code outlaw-
ed by the conditions under' which they
are forced to act and over which they
have no control. Until these condi-
tions are changed and the student is
made to feel that he is being fairly'
treated, ethics will go hang and addi-
tional espionage will only inspire
greater ingenuity.
As soon as the student gets well
started in his freshman year he learns
that he must maintain a more or less
indefinite degree of assimilative power.
And although what a student learns
is as much a function of the instruct-
or's ability to teach as his own to
learn, the burden of proof is always
on the student. Where the method
used, for testing the student is frequent
recitations and problems, the instruct-
or has a fair check on each individual
student and, viewing the work of the
class as a whole, on his own teaching
ability. Under this system a final ex-
amination may serve as a check on
doubtful students, but for the majority
it is simply a test of their ability to
think and write under a tremendous
handicap. Realizing that often the
final is given a weight of fifty per cent
in determining the student's grade for
the entire semester, it is not difficult
to understand the nervous strain that
even the best men are put under. Add
to this the uncertainty as to what will
be asked, as to what one is expected to
be able to reproduce, and the thing
becomes a nightmare. Probably the
greatest justification in cheating is in-
spired by this abnormal and uneces-
sary emphasis thrown upon the final
Resentment toward an instructor is
another consideration. Some men go
through a quiz propounding questions
without giving any indication whether
the answers given are right or wrong,
in the effort to catch as many victims
as possible. This kind of quizzing is
only justified on the assumption that
students are competing for grades, not
seeking an education. The resentment

against the men who practice this sys-
tem is not calculated to inspire con-
fidence in their students. A student
who feels he is being imposed upon
soon justifies himself in using any pos-
sible means of satisfying arbitrary re-
A system of teaching that permits
a student to slide along through a se-
mester and pass the final and the
course on the strength of one night's
cramming is a complete failure as a
means of education. Only as a means
toward acquiring a degree has it any
advantages. Under our present scheme,
however, the diploma is held up as the
sole object of our endeavors. It is
only after the student has attempted
to hold a job on the strength of his
degree that he discovers how greatly
its value has been overemphasized.
Here and there among our faculty
are men who candidly admit the futil-
ity of the final examination. These men
set an empirical standard at the out-
set of their courses, toward which
their students are to work. Those who
meet the standard are excused from
the final; those who do not, are given
in the final, a chance to redeem them-
s'elves.' Such a system puts a premium
on daily work and in this manner raises
the scholarship of the students. But
more than that it inspires confidence
and fairness on the part of both wu-
dents and instructors.
Many engineering subjects do not
readily lend themselves to classroom
exposition. This is especially apparent
when the instructor, being trained as
a practical engineer, is quite innocent
of any knowledge of pedagogy. Goodt
engineers are not necessarily good
teachers. The man who knows his
specialty thoroughly is often unable to
grasp the student's viewpoint and
needs; his young assistant, whose un-
dergraduate difficulties are still fresh.
in his mind, is often the better peda-
gogue. The real exponents of the fine,
art of teaching are rare in the engin-
eering faculty. Perhaps that is why
the engineering course in the Univer-
sity of Michigan is to many men a dis-
tinct disappointment..


gan rooters may see him playing quar-
terback at the blowing of the first.
'One other backfield post will be filled
by Maulbetsch, and Bastian, Catlett,
Schultz, and Smith are all in line for
the other jobs. The problem of the
punter enters here also, as the coach
may place his kicker in the line, draw-
ing him back, or one of the backfield
men may assume the booting task.
The number of veterans back for
line and end positions would indicate
that the selection there will be hard.
Captain Cochran, Reimann, Watson,
Millard, Skinner, Norton, Rehor, Fink-
beiner and Cohen will all be in the
race for the line jobs. Pobanz and
Ewert look best from the 1918 squad.
The difficulty exists in placing these
men in the right positions.
The ends of the line will be well
taken care of as Dunne, Benton and
Staatz, all 'M' men, will be on hand.
Benton may be used in the backfield,
because he is a possibility as a kicker.'
Among the other candidates are: Rob-
ins, Romans, Fullenweider and Whal-
en, who played this position in the
Syracuse game last year.
Varsity bandmen will give an open
air concert at the campus band stand
at 7:00 o'clock tonight. A special pro-
gram of light opera music has been
prepared, and from the success of the
rehearsal in University Hall Wednes-
day night, it is likely that the Varsity
musicians will offer an excellent enter-
The feature of the evening will be a
cornet solo by Lisle Cortwright, '17,
this taking the place of the quartet
number at the last concert. More
special numbers are being planned and
each concert will be characterized by
some feature.
The program for tonight is as fol-
lows: Selection from "The Firefly,"
Cornet solo, "Paraphrase, Silver
Threads Among the Gold," "Adele,"
selections from "The Sunshine Girl,"
and "Yellow and Blue."
Encores will consist of popular song
hits, and marches. The band will as-


",n. -y

No 'Rbber
j in Leg Band

Organization to Select 12 from
of Candidates to Appear


ONE LOOK tells you why
wear NEVER BIND. It can't
always lifts on the socks just
them smooth.

Real Year
Round Comfort
you're going to
choke your leg-
enough to keep

All students who reported at the
meeting of the Comedy club last week
and received parts to learn and all
others who desire membership in the
club will meet at 8:00 o'clock today in
the Cercle Francais rooms.
Those who did not report at the last
meeting are requested to select some
piece to their own liking, which will
not take more than three minutes to
recite. The selection may be comedy,
heavy, or a character role. Those who
come out for the first time today may
be asked to give something extem-
At the meeting held for instruction
of tryouts last week, more than 65
reported and it is expected this number
will be doubled at today's meeting. At
least 12 new members will be chosen
from the list of candidates. All new
members will probably be given a
chance to display their ability in one
of the smaller plays which will be
given next year. Freshmen are eligible
for the competition.
A meeting of Comedy club members
will be held next Tuesday to fill the
office of president, made vacant by the
resignation of Francis McKinney, '16L.
Penzotti, '1811, Chosen Vice-President
At a recent meeting of the State In-
tercollegiate Prohibition association at
Adrian, R. B. Penzotti, '18H, was chos-
en vice-president, while F. Harrison
Goodrich, of Albion, was chosen pres-
ident of the association. Penzotti rep-
resented Michigan in the state contest
held at Adrian Qn April 22.

Mercerized, 25c; double grip, 35c; silk, 50c:
At your dealer's
GEORGE FROST CO., Makers, Boston, Mass.

Chicago Man to Speak on Social Subject
In the furtherance of a social uplift
movement Harry F. Ward, of Chicago,
will speak at 8:00 o'clock tonight in
the Methodist church on the subject
"The Challenge of Socialism to Chris-
tianity." The address will be open to
the general public, and after the meet-
ing is dismissed, any of the audience
interested in questions of social re-
form, social Christianity and kindred
subjects are invited to remain for a
public forum.
Deputation Teams to Make Four Trips
Arrangements have been completed
by the "Y" deputation team committee
for four additional trips, one of which
is to be to Birmingham this week end.
The men who will make up the team
that is to leave sometime today are:
Wallace Hall, '15, Phil. Hall, '15,
Everett Judson, '16E, and Phil. C.
Loveihy, '16.
In addition, trips will be made to the
following cities in the near future:
Morenci, :Marlette, and Sandusky, 0. 4

7 c

a - fro8
- one of
s of r O6E CW
-O T T
She's lighting his
Fatima e "GOdbye Kiss will make this a " ig
Day" at his office.
Not the "Once in a while" kind but the daily smoke of a
million men.
There's a perfect blend there that akes the flavor linger.
Jutsay po,
FATIMA,~2O for
Ci theTobaccoTaste
T eCigaretew h
Made in America None so Goad.
Sold Everywhere.
The $500 Prize
Th is a d. pUb.. t0awilJ 1 e ° axd to ihe c-l ege student who sends to us
lished in the $500 the x toziginal awvertisement for Fatima ciaret s
Fatima Advertis- publish we wllay the writer $S. I:Sustr or ad. i
you cantt?ifY eou can't draw then use your kodak or
ing Contest, is the decrib e yOur idea.
Pr ize P16e :x varded by a committee of three prom.
work of Geras inent edde tisi, g men. L. f.Jones, Adv. Algr. East
man Kodak Co., F. R. Davis, Ado. Dept. General
Conl1 n eandmJ. George Frederick, Editor ofAdver.
of Michiga:.
? V!212 4Fie thz 1e":dcwy ork City

semble at 1:30 o'clock tomorrow in
front of University hall and march to
the ball game.
{ricket Will Not Be Played This Year
Cricket will not be an organized
sport at the University of Michigan
this year, according to present indi-
cations. Nothing has been done to pro-
mote the game and it is extremely
doubtful that a start will be made. The
English sport flourished for some time
last season and equipment was pur-

Guild To Give "Springfest" Tonight
Baptist guild will hold its annual
"springfest" at 7:30 o'clock tonight at
the Baptist guild hall. An elaborate
program of social stunts has been pre-
pared, and speeches, music, and ban-
quet refreshments are included. All
members of the guild and their friends
are requested to attend the social.
Skate at Weinberg's Roller Rink
Friday Night.


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