H - op
P*res, Harry B. Hutchins Expresses jAl Pasteboards for Early Interurban
Wish That Every Student Will Are Sold, and But Few Remain
Take Part on Other Lines
Organ recital, Hill auditorium, 4:15
Illini club smoker, Michigan Union,,
7:30 o'clock.
C. H. Hirshfeldt speaks on "The Con-
nor's Creek Power Station," room
3 4 8, engineering building, 7:30
Red Cross mass meeting, Hill audito-
rium, 8:00 o'clock..'
ng by the
d veti r-
Convocation, classes meet at 3:001
i Keystone State club smoker, Michigan
he first Union, 7:45 o'clock.
unters Senate reception, Barbour gymnasium,
8:00 o'clock.
Vaudeville Entertainment and Concert
hard, Combined Are Planned to
e after- Meet Expenses
the Var-
al tack- Send Michigan's Varsity band to
was in- That is the plea of the Michigan Uni-
who fell versity club of New Englartd, the ambi-
two big- tion of the band, and the purpose of
ch gave the combined band concert and vaude-
ugh for ville entertainment, which will be stag-
ed in Hill auditorium on. Thursday
e coach- night, October 22.
g signal The income of the band; derived
s out for from stipends furnished by the board
nd Bas- of regents and the athletic association,
ple now is subject to the conditions that it shall
ng una- be used to defray expenses of salary
,sses. and equipment. No more tag days,
Varsity such as the one used to send the band
today to Cornell last year, are allowed, so
who are the entertainment plan of raising mon-
ry com- ey has been adopted.
line. Special vaudeville features have
follows been secured to supplement the musi-
Rehor, cal program, and it is expected that
eimann. these will serve to draw a large audi-
number of purses,
the D. U. R. for a
urday. The round
.stead of $2.48. The
.nn Arbor interur-
o'clock, and inter-
guaranteed that
e in two hours and
gineers wishing to go
Iruce Woodbury, 436-
tickets may be purchas-
heir names on the list
bulletin board located
al entrance of the sec-
new engineering build-
>dations for 60 persons
Arrangements for selling tickets and
for handling publicity will be made to-
mprrow afternoon. S. J. Hoexter, man-
ager of the band, requests that at least
50 men ,.report to him on the second
floor of the engineering shops building
at 3:00 o'clock. Plans of the commit-
tee for doing this work wilt be ex-
plained, and all who can help are urg-
ed to attend.
Issue Contains Articles on Secieties,
Dormitories and Awarding
of Degrees
October number of the Michigan
Alumnus is now being sent out to the
members of the Alumni association.
The cover this month is of much
lighter weight than usual, and gives
the magazine a greatly improved ap-
pearance. Under the Event and Com-
ment section, is discussed the signifi-
cance of the old A.B. degree, which
many believe to be losing its former
significance in the vast numbner of new
vocational subjects, which have in
many universities replaced the pure
sciences, with their rigid mental disci-
plining. In this matter, it is .believed
that Michigan has not gone as far as
some other colleges, but still retains
some of its old prestige,
The dormitory question is also dis-
cussed, as one of the pressing prob-
lems of the present time, and the halls
of residence for freshmen women are
hailed as a solution of the rooming
house question. But it also states that
the need of the freshman is almost s
insistent, particularly now that fresh-
men are not permitted in the fraternity
Much space is given to the compara-
tive standing of the fraternities and.
the house clubs, and mention is made
of the noticeable upward movement
on the part of the general fraternities..
Arrangements for the Pennsylvania
and the Cornell games are explained,
and directions for the accommodation
"Convocation Day is the one time in
the entire year when the president, the
board of regents, the members of the
several faculties and the student body
can assemble under one roof, and it is
my earnest hope that every student in
the university will attend the assem-
blage," said President Harry B. Hutch-
ins yesterday.
In event of fair weather the follow-
ing are the places for the meeting of
the various classes and the faculties at
3:00 o'clock tomorrow:
President Hutchins, the board of re-
gents and the orator of the day, in the
office of President Hutchins.
Faculty members, in main corridor
of University hall.
Members of graduate department,
along main walk in front of University
Degree students not in graduate de-
partment, along east walk of State
street, ;outh of main walk.{
Senior and juniormedics not hold-
ing degrees, in rear of degree students.
Undergraduate seniors, on lawn west
of law building.
Juniors, on North University avenue,
west of Thayer street.
Sophomores, on lawn west of north
wing, University hall.
Freshmen, on North University ave-
nue, east of Thayer street.
Plans for Fraternity Canvass Almost
Completed and Active Work
Begins Soon
Instructions for the campaign to se-
cure every faculty man as a member
of the Union were given to the com-
mitteemen last night, and the active
canvass will be started today. All of
the members of the faculty who are
not already members of the Union will,
be approached and it is expected that
practically everyone will be secured,
a large number already being on the
membership roll.
The committee consists of L. K.
Friedman, '15, chairman, A. E. Stoll,
I. W. Thompson, '16, R. S. Collins, '16,
E. W. Hoffman, '16L, R. W. Harbert,
'17, S. T. Steen, '16E, H. H. Phillips,
S. M. Abrams, '17, W. J. Goodwin, '16L,
D. R. Ballentine, '16, E. A. Bartelme,
'17E, J. B. Smiley, '15E, Enos Bradner,
'15, J. W. Langs, S. L. Thomas, T. W.
Rea, '17E, W. E. Talcott, L. H. Dunton,
'16L, R. W. Hicks, '16, Russell E. Dean,
'15, and Howard A. Lang, '15E..
Work on the fraternity and house
club canvass has been started, and re-
ports on the progress will be received
within a few days. A representative
has been appointed to take charge in
each house.
President Hutchins on Program That
Will Welcome Freshmen to
Pres. Harry B. Hutchins will be the
principal speaker at the "All-Fresh"
dinner, to be given by the Union Wed-
nesday, October 21. This is the first
of the membership dinners to be given
by the Union this year, and is limited
to freshmen of all departments.
It is planned to have some particu-
lar feature predominate in each of the
dinners this year, and the first one is
devoted to interests of the first year
men. The Union will welcome them,
and take this opportunity, through its
speakers to impress upon them the ad-
vantage of getting started right, as
well as to show them what the right
start is. Besides President Hutchins,
there will be other speakers and a pro-
gram of music.
Tickets will be put on sale tomor-
row by members of the ticket commit-
tee, and, later, at the Union desk, at
50 cents each.
Philosophy I Meets in Seven Sections
On account of an increase of nearly
Mi per cent in the enrollment, in Phil-
osophy I, given by Prof: Robert -M.
Wenley, the philosophy department has
found it necessary to make seven quiz
sections in this course.
Michigan will be able to out-root M.
A. C., Saturday, if the advance ticket
sale may be taken as an indication,
for, before the first rush was over last
night, every ticket for the 8:46 o'clock
sections on the interurban line had
been sold, and the company had been
compelled to refuse to allow any more
special cars to be chartered. Some
tickets good on the 10:46 o'clock sec-
tions remain, as well as on the Michi-
gan Central and the Ann Arbor rail-
road specials, but these tickets were
going rapidly at a late hour last night.
While it was - impossible to ascer-
tain just how many special cars had
been chartered last night, it is known
that more than ten were secured be-
fore the company was compelled to call
a halt. The band, the senior engineers,
and many fraternities and clubs have
arranged for their own cars. The Ann
Arbor railroad will not put tickets on
sale until Friday, but it is expected
that a great number will choose this
route, as the team is planning to re-
turn on the Ann Arbor special.
The Michigan Central train is sched-
uled to leave Ann Arbor at 7:45 o'clock
Saturday morning, returning at 8:00
o'clock Saurday night. The Ann Arbor
special will leave this city at 7:30
o'clock Saturday morning, returning at
8:30 o'clock Saturday night. The team
will leave for M.A.C. on Friday after-
noon, and will return on the Ann Ar-
bor rooters' train, Saturday evening.'
Desirous of enlisting all large room-
ing houses in the movement for the
betterment of the standards of health
among the student body, Dr. H. H.
Cummings, of the university health
service staff, has requested that all
unorganized rooming houses send a
representative to meet with the dele-
gates from the organization houses in
the medical building Wednesday night,
October 21.
These delegates, styled, "Health Ser-,
vice Representatives," will elect offi-
cers for the coming year, and also one
doctor, to serve on the staff with Dr.
Cummings. Following this, there will
be an outline of th year's work by
Dr. Cummings.
Want Student to Work on Nearby Farm
Student desiring to work for room
and board on a farm, 15 minutes' walk
from the campus, may obtain informa-
tion at the university 'Y" employment
Twe Members of Former Track Teams
and Men Who Ran LastY ear
Are Tryouts
That cross-country running is to
become a leading sport at Michigan
was further proven yesterday, when
two Varsity track men reported for the
daily jaunt with Captain Trelfa's
squad. Floyd B. Murphy, '16, Coach
Farrell's best bet in the half mile last
year, and H. Cliff Carver, '15E, mem-
ber of the 1913 track team, being the
latest additions.
Samuel Shapiro, 'lL, and Lyon Ter-
ry, '15E, both members of the 1913
cross-country squad, also helped to
augment the large band of aspiring
road runners, with their initial appear-
anoe for work yesterday.
An attempt is being made now to
have Clarence Ufer, '16, miler on the
1914 Varsity, come out for cross-coun-
try work, but despite his willingness,
it is feared that Coach Farrell will ob-
ject to his taking part.
In order to encourage the new men
who have been increasing the squad
regularly, Captain Trelfa has divided
his candidates into two divisions, plac-
ing the slower contingent in charge of
Pres. S. L. Young, who engages in the
daily practice. Young has had three
years of competition, yet it is expected
that he will be able to establish his
eligibility and take part in the coming
events. In this case, the team chosen
will stand a splendid chance of com-
peting in the intercollegiate race to be
held at Yale late this fall.
The appearance of these track men
together with older road speeders will
make the selection of a varsity team
this year quite difficult. Indications
point toward the most successful sea-
son in cross-country running.
President Young has called a meet-
ing for 5:00 o'clock this evening in the
trophy room of the Waterman gymna-
sium, for officers and board of direc-
tors only. At this session, the presi-
dent expects to discuss plans for a
match with the Michigan State Normal
school of Ypsilanti.
"On to Ha'va'd" will be the title of the
first number of the 1914-1915 Gargoyle,
which will be placed on sale Saturday
morning at all news stands, and on the
Michigan Central trains bound for M.
A. C.
A "Ha'va'd" story, by W. A. P. John,
and several contributions by new artis-
tic talent, which is predicted to be of
Teams' Representing Each Year
Be Chosen to Run Between
Halves of Penn Game
Complete plans for the interclass re-
lay races, to be staged between halves
of the Penn football game, have been
announced by Trainer Farrell and Cap-
tain Smith of the Varsity track team.
These races were inaugurated two
years go by Farrell, and have proven
popular with the class athletes.
This year there will be only one
team for each class. Tryouts for the
team will begin this week, and a week
before the time of the race, that team
of each of the fresh, soph, junior, and
senior classes which will have made
the best time, will be chosen to repre-
sent the whole class. Men who intend
to try for the team are urged to report
to Trainer Farrell at once.
At Wednesday afternoon's Varsity
track practice, more than 15 men ap-
peared on Ferry field, to loosen the
kinks in their legs. This is considered
a fair number for so early in the sea-
son. Several more men have signified
their intentions of reporting this week.
Three Squads Have Light Signal Work
on Third Day Out
Having had two days in which to
limber up, about fifty aspirants for
class teams turned out yesterday af-
ternoon for the first big day of football
practice under Coach Crawford.
Cool weather seems to be drawing
the interest of class athletes to the fall
sport, as is testified by the increasing
number which turns out each day.
Three classes had enough men to en-
able a slightly curtailed squad to run
up and down south Ferry field in light
signal practice and simple formation.
The fortunate classes were the senior
laws, senior lits and soph lits.
In order to stimulate interest in the
class football team, the senior engi-
neers are planning a mass meeting in
room 311 of the engineering building
at 4:30 o'clock today.
W. H. Tinker Away on Fund Campaign
Wellington H. Tinker, religious di-
rector of the university Y. ;M. C. A.,
left Tuesday for Grand Rapids, whefe
he will carry on the campaign for
funds for the new Y. M. C. A. build-
ing project. For the present, the cam-
paign is being confined to people other
than the alumni of the university. A
total of $70,000 of the required $120,-
000 has already been pledged.
M any
Big Mass Meeting in Hill Au
to Be Held For Purpose
Aiding Countries Ove
the Seas
Local Societies an
Organizations Coo:
in Program
Ann Arbor, represented both by
student and civic bodies, will have
opportunity to lend its hearty supj
to the American Red Cross society
the mammoth mass meeting, to be 1
in Hill auditorium, tonight. E
organization in the city-student,
ligious and civic, has contribute
make the Red Cross conclave a hj
success. Whether it will be a finan
success, or not, will be determined
the kind of response with which
plea for funds is met.
President-Emeritus James B. An
will preside over the meeting.
principal speaker of the evening
be Dr. Alfred W. Wishart of Gr
Rapids, who is widely known as
advocate of universal peace. Dr. N
hart was In Europe when the
started, and made a minute stud3
conditions on the continent.
Among the student organizati
which have co-operated in arran
the meeting are: the school of m
the Michigan Union, the Students
M. C. A. and the Cosmopolitan c
Prof. A. A. Stanley of the school
music has arranged a musical p
gram, while the Cosmopolitan club'-
present a tableau.
Word has been received' from W
ington that the Red Cross society
vides funds impartially among
warring nations, unless other
specified by the individual donors.
who have a preference as to theA
their contributions be distributed
asked to designate, at the time t
make their contributions.
It is hoped by Red Cross wor
that the meeting will stimulate inte:
in the international work of the Am
can Red Cross and the humanta
work it is conducting at present in
war-swept nations of Europe. In ti
of great international calamities, in
past, the Red Cross has responde
calls for aid, as it has in the pre
situation. At the time of the Chic
fire in 1873, that organization cont
uted $300,000 for the alleviation of I
fering. Since its re-organization
1905, the society has spent $10,000
for like purposes.
Plan of Monthly Meeting of studi
to Be Taken up By V, "cm
Directors of the Michiga- Unio
a meeting yesterday provi'ed fo
committee to consider the proposa
a "College Hour," or monthly mee
of the entire student body in Hill a'
torium. The plan was advocated
Frank W. Murphy, '14L, on Cap N:
last spring, and has since been u
tioned by members of the student c
cil. The action by the Union ofie
is the first definite step that has b
taken thus far. P. D. Koontz, '14-':
president of the Union, will 'ii
three other men to act with himsel
the committee.
The directors also voted that
committeemen and those assisting
the entertainment at the annual f
ball smoker, shall be given free
mission. In the past such men
to pay their way in.
'ge Moritz, '15, was discharged
t. Joseph's sanitarium last Sun-
here he has been suffering from
ocated knee, for the past three
. Moritz in ured his knee this
er and was confined in bed, as a
for three weeks before coming
o school. He is now able to at-
lasses with the aid of crutches.
itz was in the 1913 Michigan
opera, and was also to have ap-
. in last year's production but an
to his other knee kept him from!
pating, at the last moment.
ary Smith Confined to His Home
etary Shirley Smith, of the uni-
, has been confined to his home
ast Friday, with an attack of La
Mr. Smith probably will be
excellent grade, are among the fea- Plans for a house-to-house campa
tures of the initial issue. The cover to sell tickets to the course of lectt
design in yellow and blue, was con- and debates of the oratorical assoc
tributed by L. K. Kishler, '17E. tion, were decided upon by the bo
yesterday. The number of tickets s
Thieves Enter and Rob Chi Psi Lodge is not known, but more than 500 are
Chi Psi fraternity house was the the hands of the ticket sellers.
scene of a robbery Tuesday night. The persons selling tickets will meet
thief succeeded in making away with room 302 north wing, at 4:30 o'cl
some property of the members of the today".
fraternity, but the nature or amount W. C. Goodwin, '16L, was elee
of the losses could not be ascertained, treasurer of the oratorical board,
as the fraternity desired news of the succeed L. V. Bybee, '17L, who
event to be suppressed, and refused to recently left the university on acca
give any information concerning it. l of sickness.