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April 22, 1915 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1915-04-22

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. _

B. Hutchins
eritus JamesI


1 Express Approval of
Busrah Campaign
H. C. Adams, J. A. Hildner,
enderson, J. P. BIrd, and
School Men Approve
praiseworthy enterprise,
war does not interfere, our
o have started the work
ry it on." These words ex-

Map of Bus ra, Arabia, and vicinity.

*F '
D)r. Van Viack, operating.

Raymond 'Robins -who- will speak at
fill auditorium Sunday night.

the present Bus- ed out the strategic position of the

paign as given out by Pres-
ieritus James B. Angell, .who
i in close connection with the
s of Asia.
ent Harry B. Hutchins, Dean
. Vaughan, Dr. A. S. Warthin,
C. Adams, Registrar A. G.
of. J. A. Hildner,, Prof. C. H.
and Prof. James P. Bird, td-
with other university officers
ulty men have joined in ex-
favorable opinions on the
of the Busrah work.
ent Harry B. Hutchins when
ied on the question, stated,
judgment, the movement is a
one and should receive cordial
nerous support." President
s has. witnessed the five cam-
hat have been held on the
and from work done thus far
up his opinion.
eresting comment was that of
r Adams of the economics de-
t. Professor Adams has, for
year, been in China where
charge of the organization of
lroad system for the new
Republic. This work brought
> intimate touch with the mis-
work that is being done in
He said, "I shall be very wil-
hiave you quote me as saying
in China caused me to have
great respect and regard for
sionary work,-especially the
,al phase of it. The mis-
s seem to understandI what
ple want and need, and they
be able to get really closer
1 than any other class of
as for instance the business
heir work seems to be dictat-
ood common sense, and it is
by good results."
Vaughan, of the Medical
has from the very inception
Arabian work continued to
; interest. He has stated the
t Arabs were largely respon-
r the development of much of
medical science, and that they
.e lamp of science trimmed and
for which civilization owes
great debt. He has al-so point-

Arabian city.
"I, of course, have had Drs. Bennett,
Thoms and Van Vlack in my courses
here, and it was my privilege to know
especially well Dr. Thoms who was
killed by a fall from a telegraph pole
on which he was working in, an effort
to establish a line of communication
betwen two of the isolated cities over
there. He was here a couple' of years
before his death, and I was with him
to a considerable extent. It is a
great work that those men are doing
over there and of course they need
all the support we can give them."
This is the way that Dr. G. C. Huber,'
director of the histological laboratory,
expressed himself when asked for his
opinion on the Busrah work.
Dr. Warthin, director of the path-
ological laboratory, referred to the
fact that he was personally acquaint-
ed with the people who# have been
doing medical work in Arabia, espec-
ially Dr. Bennett and his wife, who
are now carrying on the red cross
work at the hospital in Busrah. He
remarked that Dr. Bennett had on
his last trip to Ann Arbor brought
with him from Arabia a collection
of valuable pathological specimens
and had given them to the collection
now maintained by the university.
The missionary movement from the
point of view of developing inter-
nationalism and making world citizens
of the mel who become interested in
it, was a favorite point of view with
many of the faculty. Professor
Reeves wh9 is giving several courses
this year in international law and in-
ternationalism said, "I think that any
movement which will cause the peo-
ples of these foreign lands to appre-
ciate the higher aspects of our wes-
tern civilization and cause them to
understand us, even in part, as mis-
sionary projects are certain to do, is
bound to produce a tendency towards
the internationalism which we need.
Professor Hildner is intimately fam-
familiar with the life of the foreign
students at the university through his
interest in the Cosmopolitan club.
(Continued on page 4.)


To support Dr. Van Vlack, '1011, *
Mrs. Van Vlack and Miss Minnie *
lolzhauser, nurse '13. *
To raise $3718.07 for this pur. *
pose during the next four days. *
To acquaint the entire univer- *
sity with the details and signifi- *
cance of the plan. * *
,** ** * * * * * *

City of Busrah Stands Near Tigris and
Euphrates, Near Persian Gulf and
On Bagdad Railway
Busrah lies in one of the most stra-
tegic positions of any city in the world,
and it was with this in view that the
founders of the mission chose the site
which they did. Busrah a city of
70,000 inhabitants lies at the head of
the Persian Gulf, just below the junc-
tion of the historic Tigris and Euphra-
tes rivers, at the southern end of the
Bagdad railway and, as some author-
ities call it, "at the crossroads of the
commerce of the world."
Articles from The London Times and
The Near East have recently empha-
sized the importance of Busrah notr
only for trade and for militaiy uses
but also for betttarment of civilization.,
Arabia is the seat of Christianity's
strongest opponent, Mohammedanism.!
Busrah is close to the boundaries of
Arabia, Persia and Turkey, where it,
may check the ambitions of Germany's
or Russia's aggressions when in the
hand of some other power. It was
with these ideas in view that the Brit-
ish toward the opening of the present
war with a force of some 20,000 troops,
occupied the city and the surrounding
The Arabian city is reputed for com-
mercial capacity as shown by the fol-
lowing facts: 10 shipping companies
compete for its ocean steamer service;
more than 200 vessels are entered and
cleared at its port yearly; 10,000,000

Soliciting of Busrah Funds Commenced
In 1910 Increases from $609, to
$3,357.13 for Last Year

Cosmopolitanism and Busrah Explained
"Supporters of the Busrah project
embody in their aims," states a Mich-
igan cosmopolite, "the highest ideals
of the cosmopolitan movement. The
cosmopolitan, or cordra fratres, ideal
is to join the members of all nations
as true 'brothers of the heart.' There-
fore, the cosmopolite forgets race and
color prejudice and endeavors to see

"Keep Michiganh i Arabia" Slogan for
Busrah Campaigners Composed
of 270 Student Men and .
Paul Ramsdell, '16, Heads General
Work; Blanshard and Robins
Address Meeting Sunday
"Keep Michigan in Arabia" is the
slogan of the S. C. A. committee which
is responsible for the proposed rais-
ing of $3718.07 required to continue
the medical work in Busrah through
another year. More than 200 men and
70 women are enrolled in the dual
task of securing the necessary funds
and thoroughly informing every stu-
dent on the campus about the move-
The men's organization, under the
leadership of Paul V. Ramsdell, '16,
chairman, and Philip C. Lovejoy, '16,
secretary, consists of 25 captains,
each of whom is enlisting around him-
self a team of from eight to 15 men.
Every team will then be responsible
for seeing its proportion of the cam-
pus, about 175 men, during the three
days of the campaign. The names of
the captains are as follows: C. C.
Bailey, '17, J. F. Blinn, '15H, -Paul
Buss, '15E, Aaron Chute, '16, M. C.
Carlton, '16L, H. L. Clark, '16M, E. T.
Cook, '17, Paul Doherty, '15L, W. J.
Goodwin, '16, George Hulbert, '17;
Waldo Hunt, '16, Dwight Jennings,
'16, W. o. R. Johnson, '17, Everett
Judson, '16E, J. L. Keddie, grad., C. R.
Osborn, '16, W. G. Payette, '15, W. A.
Pearl, '16, Frank Snyder, '15, W. R.
Vis, '15M, Paul Wagner, '16E, E. R.
Waite, '16, Wallace Watt, '17, C. R.
Webb, '17, and C. S. Wood, '16L.
The women have organized into
two large teams each having a cap-
tain and five lieutenants. These
teams will undertake to see the entire
faculty as well as -the women in the
university. The two captains are
Laura Feige, '15, and Annette Wood,
'17, while the following people will
serve as lieutenants: Grace Fletcher,
'16, Estell Hooper, '16, Marian Stowe,
'16, Nellie Hanna, '15, Geta Tucker,
'17, Josephine Randall,. '17, Amelia
Wood, '18M, Clara Sargent, '15M, Hul-
dah Bancroft, '15, and Edith Moiles,
Members of the entire committee
attended an "organization" supper
which was served in the Methodist
church parlor last evening. The final
check on all teams was carefully
made and every committeeman given
all necessary literature. Tonight,
Friday and Saturday night the entire
committee will again meet for sup-
per at 5:30 in the same -place, and
(Continued on page 4.)


Progress is the word, Busrah is the I the human being beneath the skin, beI

place. Five years ago it was thought
impossible to float such a missionary
campaign as was waged here in Ann
Arbor last year. Many remember the
big clock on State street that marked
the progress of that canvass.
The result of the campaign waged
here last year amounted to $4,380 in
pledges, of which $3,357.13 has already
been received. 'This unusual amount
was raised in but four days, showing
that Michigan stood behind the project.
The first campaign took place in 1910,
when $609.23 only was raised.
In spite of the many serious mis-
givings, the project has steadily grown.
This increasing approval shown to-
ward missionary activity is, as one
authority puts it, due to three factors:
the cause itself; the great yworld mbve-
ment of peace and war which has com-
pelled educated men to be interested
in world-wide affairs; and the heroic
spirit of self-sacrifice that has charac-
terized such missionaries as Dr. Arth-
ur K. Bennett and wife, both university,
graduates, Charles F. Shaw, '11E, Dr.
H. G. Van Vlack, '10M, and Mrs. Van
Vlack, and Mr. P. C. Hayes, 11E.
In 1910, the missionaries just men-
tioned, challenged the men of Michigan
to back them up. Later still, Miss Min-

it dusky or white, valuing the individ-
ual not because he has similar tastes
or exceptional virtues,- but because he,
is a brother.
"Such a capacity for sympathy," he
continues, "involves real world citizen-
ship, for those finer feelings of a man's
nature which are usually aroused only
by his own countrymen, must be made
strong enough to embrace the globe.
"Above all nations is humanity," the
cosmopolitan motto, implies world pat-
riotism, and patriotism involves more
than an intellectual conception. We
must stand ready to serve the world
in its needy places. It is not that we
should love 'Old Glory' the less, but
our world neighbors more.,
"Busrah is one of the sore spots of
the world. It is on the other side of
the world. It is peopled with the men
of many nations whose skins are dar-
ker than ours and who are living in a
state of civilization immeasurably be-
low our own. Truly sympathy with{
this cause calls for the exercise of all
those ideals and altruistic principles
which are found in cosmopolitanism.

date palms grow within a short radius nie Holzhauser, nurse.'13, who in the
and 75,000 tons of dates form the an- same fashion pledged her life to the
nual average shipped from the port; cause, called upon the women of Mich-
(Continued on page 4.) igan to support her liberally.

G. Van Vlack.

ers guardbnp the hIospitW.

. Dr. and Mrs. H.

Dr. and Mrs. A. K. Bennett.

Michigan hospital at Busrah.

rs- ._. iAp ,

emir x-. .g ..... ...-r ^- .




Who won every oratory and debating honor the University has to offer,
and also the National Peace Contest, will speak on


Appeal Adme



at the Hill Auditorium Union Service
Sunday, April 25, 7:00 P. M.


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