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April 20, 1915 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1915-04-20

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Smoker for Union Boat club member-
ship campaign committeemen, 17 iion,
7 :30 o'clock.

TRY FOR $ 3700 IN
S.C.A. Will Launch Annual Canvass at
Organization Dinner Tomorrow
W1hich 300 Workers
Will Attend
Maps Showing Daily Progress to Take
Place of Big Clock; Bluebook
Gives Information

Michigan's Baseball Team Captures
Five of Six Contests before
Yesterday's Fray at
Notre Dame
Virginia Succeeds in Taking Measure
of Wolverines in
Fifth Game
(By Chester H. Lang)
STAUNTON, W. VA., April 17.-
Showing good form in both batting and


Hopes to Reach 175 Pound Mark
before Next Football
Season Comes


Game Goes to 10 Innings Whei
Timely Triple Followed
Benton's Single Bring


1, A'AN) The Rev. C;. D. Wilder speaks at Con
TO LIT gregational church, 7:30 o'clock.

; Hopesl

. April 17.--
ay team, the
es have ever
good enough
.nation which
Drake Relays'
ll's men lost
most gruel-
eaking finish

Annaual meeting of American Associa-
tion of Collegiate Registrars, Memo-
rial hall.
Choral Union rehearsal, 7:00 o'clock.
Organization dinner for Busrah cam-
paign, Methodist church, 5:30
Annual meeting of American Associa-
tion of Collegiate Registrars.
Varsity band rehearses in University
hall, 7:00 o'clock.
All-Fresh tennis meeting in room 348
new engineering building, 7:30

in the big
vhich Far-
vas picked
the race,
erine run-
under the
this judg-
,tion. The
on to be
nd Chica-
D the Wol-

Nearly 100 University Officials
All Over Country Will
Assemble Today


tour seconds fas-t
.ne tean' had ever
even during the
Michigan was su-
iate four-mile re-
to beat by three-
he mark made by
artette which beat
ear, in what was
'andest race ever
uce in Harvey, the
onsin, a man who
he Michigan soph-
mile in four min-
who started out
andicap and who
cap inside of the
et the pace all the

onderful four-mile team
a still more wonderful
Coach Farrell, in a
nquet given tonight by
nni as a compliment to
>aches and managers,
he Badger coach on the
men. He said he had
offer, affirming that it
am which beat his ath-
ernoon. But he did ex-
that Wisconsin would
i games on the coming
r Farrell will take this
team down to Philadel-
and will enter them in
event at the eastern

Plans are now complete for the an-
nual convention of the American Asso-
ciation of Collegiate Registrars, which
convenes this morning in the large
room on the second floor of Alumni
Memorial hall. The sessions are to
extend through Thursday, and will
consist, for the most part, of round ta-
ble discusions of questions that are of
interest to registrars. Nearly 100 reg-
istrars are expected to attend.
A meeting of the executive committee
was held last night, at which final
plans for the convention were made.
This committee is made up of Regis-
trars George O. Foster, of the Univer-
sity of Kansas, president of the asso-
ciation, Ezra Gillis, of Kentucky State
University, secretary-treasurer, Wal-
ter Humphreys, of the Massachusetts
Institute of Techonology, first vice-
president, and Frank A. Dickey, sec-
ond vice-president of the association.
Among the features planned for the
entertainment of the visiting regis-
trars, will be the organ recital given
in Hill auditorium at 3:15 o'clock to-
morrow afternoon, to which the gener-
al public will be admitted. Following
the organ recital, an informal recep-
tion will be tendered the guests by
President Harry B. Hutchins and Mrs.
Hutchins, the board of regents, and'
the members of the university senate
and their wives.
Miss Marion Goodrich will give a
luncheon at Foster's tea room Thurs-
day noon, in honor of the women regis-
trars, several of whom will be in at-
tendance at the convention. A side
trip has also been planned to Niagara
Falls, the train leaving Ann Arbor late
Thursday night, after the last meeting
of the convention.
Two Engineers Join Benedicts' Ranks
Harold Lyman Ballard, '12E, was
married last Thursday to Miss Aline
Morley Smith, of Detroit. The cere-
mony was solemnized at the church of
the Messiah in Detroit, and a number
of Ann Arbor people attended the ser-
vice. The couple will make their home
at Berwyn, a suburb of Chicago. Bal-
lard is at present associated with the
Western Electric Co., of Chicago.
Announcement has been made~of the
marriage of Charles E. Firestone, '14E,
and Miss Mary C. Blair, of Ypsilanti.
The couple will make their future
home in Detroit.

With the entire committee of ap-
proximately 300 captains and privates
at an organization dinner to be held
at 5:30 o'clock tomorrow night in the
Methodist church, the annual Busrah
campaign of the S.C.A. will be launch-
ed on the campus. The committee,
which will be organized into teams,
will conduct a canvass of practically
every Michigan student in an effort to
raise $3700. The canvass will be con-
ducted on Thursday, Friday and Sat-
urday of this week.
Paul V. Ramsdell, '16, who as gen-
eral chairman is in charge of the ar
rangements 'for the campaign, has
planned a series of dinners to be held
at 5:30 o'clock each night of the cam-
paign at the Methodist church, and ef-
forts will be made to have a special
speaker at each of these dinners. In
addition, a report of the progress of
the canvass will be made at each din-
ner by the captains of the respective
A special feature of the campaign
this year will be three maps, which
will be placed in various places about
the campus. A ribbon divided accord-
ing to a scale will extend on each map
from Ann Arbor to Busrah, and a sil-
ver dollar on a movable standard will
be moved from day to day, denoting
the proportion of the money to be
raised already subscribed. This fea-
ture will take the place of the mam-
moth clock, which was exhibited on
State street last year, the lands of
which advertised the progress which
was being made in the campaign.
The general plan of the canvass this
year will differ from that followed
last year, in that no special effort will
be made in the canvass of individual
fraternities, sororities and house clubs.
All the names in the Student Directory,
regardless of their residence, will be
assigned to the privates, and after each
private has seen the students assigned
to him, his work will be through.
The goal set for this year's canvass
is $3,700, approximately $1,000 less
than the amount subscribed last year.
This smaller sum is occasioned by the
fact that in the campaign last year,
more than $1,000 had to be raised to
take care of deficits, which had been
accumulating for several years in the
A "bluebook" of general information
regarding the details of the Busrah
project, a financial statement, and the
details of the present campaign has
been received from the printers, and
this will be distributed around the
campus today and tomorrow.
Will Prepare for Spring Practice at
Once Unless Delayed
Varsity Coach Fielding H. Yost will
probably arrive in Ann Arbor some-
time today, and will issue the first call
for football candidates immediately. In
a recent letter to the athletic associa-
tion,*the coach made known the fact
that he was to be expected on April 20,
unless something unexpected delayed
him, and as no word to the contrary
has -been received, it is believed that
he will be ready for the spring work
tomorrow providing the weather per-,
All suits and outfits can be obtained
by reporting to the new athletic offices
at Ferry field.

fielding, Michigan's Varsity baseball
team invades South Bend for its Notre
Dame game with a record of five gam-
es won out of six played on its south-
ern trip, and an excellent start on the
1915 season. Handicapped by insuffi-
cient outdoor practice, . and playing
against teams which had several weeks
additional practice, the showing of the
Wolverines exceeded the expectations
of the coach and the players.
Michigan won the first game on
April 10, from Kentucky State. David-
son pitched an exeellent game for
Michigan, and the game was cinched
by Michigan's heavy hitting. The Wol-
verines made but a single slip in the
field during this game.
Although only one of the two games
scheduled with Marshall College was
played, Michigan had no trouble win-
ning the single contest, 6 to 3. Michi-
gan made 11 hits, while the Michigan
pitchers, Nichols sand McNamara, al-
though rather wild, held the Marshall
men to three bingles. Both teams field-
ed loosely.
Hitting the ball at will, the Michigan
aggregation pounded out two victories
over Washington and Lee. In the
two games, the Wolverines made 35
hits. The second game proved the
best-played game of the trip for Mich-
igan, not an error being scored against
the team.
Virginia, with Gammon pitching,
proved a stumbling block for theMaize
and Blue athletes. Although Michigan
made six hits, they were kept well scat-
tered by the Virginia star, and with
erro ess fielding behind him, he was
scored on but once. Meanwhile, the
Virginians, with only four hits, but as-
sisted by wildness on the part of Mc-
Namara and three costly 'errors by his
teammates, put six runs over the plate.
Today's game with Staunton proved
an easy Michigan victry, 6 to 2. Mich-
igan played good ball, while Caswell
showed an excellent brand of pitching.
The hitting stars of the trip were
veterans Sisler and Benton, and Bran-
dell, playing his first season at short-
The summaries of the games follow:
(Continued on page 3)
About 200 freshmen will gather in
room 348 of the new engineering
building at 7:30 o'clock tomorrow
night, for the first neeting of candi-
dates for the 1918 All-Fresh tennis
team. From the men who enter the
spring tournament, the All-Fresh team
will be picked. Entries for the tour-
nament open and close with the ses-
sion tomorrow night and the results
of the drawings will be posted at the
athletic association offices at Ferry
field, and will be issued in The Michi-
gan Daily.
Describes Relief Work for Belgians1
Copies of pamphlets outlining the,
work of the International Belgian Re-
lief commission have been received byj
the university library, and may be ob-1
tained by inquiry at the delivery desk.
Among the contributors to these pam-
phlets are Arnold Bennett, John Gals-1
worthy, Anthony Hope and other noted
English authors.

"Johnny" Maulbetsch, who under-
went an operation for chronic appendi-
citis last Monday at St. Joseph's Sani-
tarium, Is .recovering rapidly. The op-
eration was successful, and it is said
that the patient will be able to leave
the hospital in about two weeks.
While in the local high school, Maul-
betsch weighed in the neighborhood of
175 pounds, but since his enrollment
in the university he has not been able
to reach this weight, and the cause
seem's to have been the bad condition
of his stomach. He believes'that with
this trouble removed, he will be able to
put on more flesh, and hopes to reach
his old weight before another football
season rolls around.
During his sojourn in the hospital,'
"Johnny" has received great quantities
of flowers from students and clubs in
Ann Arbor, which have made his stay
much more pleasant than it otherwise
would have been and he expressed his
appreciation for this thoughtfulness
and kindness.
Colleges of Engineering and Architec-
ture Take Lead with Increase
of 104 Students
Michigan enrollment figures for the
present year total 6854, including sum-
mer session and extension classes,
showing an increase of 354 over last
year's totals. The net totals, exclusive
of both summer session and extension
classes, is 5,760, with a gain of 240 over
the 1913-14 figures. R
The Colleges of Engineering and Ar-
chitecture have made the greatest ad-
vance in the matter of attendance, with
an increase of 104. The College of,
Literature, Science and the Arts com-
es second, with a gain of 103 students,
while all of the other schools and col-
leges show' smaller increases with the
exception of the Law School, which
shows a dropping off from 612 to 538,
and the Homeopathic Medical School,
which has the same enrollment for
both years.
The 1914 summer session showed an
enrollment of 1,600 students, as com-
pared with the 1,403 who registered in
1913. The extension classes operating
under the credit plan total 274, as
against 242 last year.
The figures compiled by Registrar
A G. Hall are especially interesting in
showing the number of foreign stu-
dents enrolled in the university. China
leads in the number of students com-
ing to Michigan from foreign countries,
with 72 students registered, Canada
comes next with 30 names, while Southi
Africa stands fourth with 13. India
and Japan are tied with seven each,
while England, Turkey, Germany, Aus-
tria, Australia and Chile follow in the
order named.
In the comparison by states, Michi-
gan of course takes the lead, the native
sons enrolled for the present year
numbering 3,950. Next in order come
Ohio, with 500, New York with 394, Ill-
inois, with 314, Pennsylvania, with
243, and Indiana, with 220..
Advertising Contest Closes Saturday
All drawings, essays and other ma-
.terial for the advertising contest must
be handed in before Saturday of this
week. The money for the prizes, con-
sisting of $300 for first prize and $200
for second, is now in the treasury, but
the name of the donor is not disclosed.

The prizes will be awarded within one
month of the closing of the competi-
tion, but the judges reserve the right
to withhpld either or both of the prizes,
or to reduce the amounts of either.

4,000 Rooters Watch Wolverines Play
Best Game of Snccessful
Southern Trip
(By T. Hawley Tapping)
SOUTH BEND, IND., April 19.-For
six innings this afternoon, nine Notre
Dame ball players tried strenuously
to win a baseball game from Michigan.
They succeeded fairly well, the sum
total of their efforts being a 3 to 3
Then one George Sisler mounted the
mound for the Wolverines. Straight-
way Coach Harper began packing up
his paraphernalia, and the above men-
tioned ball tossers became, docile as
lambs. In the seventh inning, Sisler
fanned three batters on 10 pitched
balls. In the eighth, he whiffed a
couple more. In the ninth, not a sin-
gle Catholic even caught a glimpse of
first base.
It was getting dark in the tenth,
when Mr. Sisler came to bat. So 3e
laced out a three-bagger. For a few
moments he hesitated there, and then
came home when Jack Benton, about
as good a catcher and batter as Mich-
igan has seen in some time, produced
a timely single.
Following.which he went out to the
mound again and fanned three Notre
Dame batters. The game was over,
with Michigan on the big end of a 4
to 3 score in the first big game of the
Wolverine schedule, and the last of the
most successful spring training trip
in many years.
.It was about as madly exciting a
battle as has been staged on the Notre
Dame field in many a moon. Over 3,000
Catholic rooters were on hand and
they had plenty to stir their wild en-
thusiasm. Nearly 1,000 loyal Michigan
men were also present, and they were
not disappointed. When "Bill" David-
son left the box at the end of the sixth
all was not well with Michigan., But
when George Sisler came in from the
left field garden, which he had been
occupying all during the southern tour,
Notre Dame hopes faded into thin air,
and broad grins of ill-suppressed mer-
riment took the place of worried ap-
prehension for the Michigan fans.
To fill in the period before George
Sisler became the whole works, a team'
of thoroughly worn out Wolverine ball
tossers performed valiant services In
outplaying a Notre Dame team which
persisted in tieing up the score at ev-
ery opportunity. Davidson was the
cause of much trouble for himself
while he was in the box, by reason of
his tendency to a wildness, which con-
tinually put him in a hole. But in spite
of this, he held the, slugging Catholics
to a brace of hits. And in the mean-
time he pounded out an equal number
of sound wallops himself..
Jack Benton, the find of the southern
trip, who has. earned the title. of
"Fighting Jack" by reason of his con-
tinual scrappiness, was the pivot
around which the Wolverine defense
worked. Sheehy, Bonton, Sisler and
Maltby made up the scoring machine,
which shoved over a run whenever it
was needed. But after they had done
their best, it remained for the Wolver-
ine idol to come back into his own, and
save the tussle.
The Wolverines left here tonight at
7:00 o'clock, with their schedule put-
ting them in Ann Arbor at 11:45
o'clock, for the finale of the southern
The score follows:
Sheehycf.........5 1 1 1 00
(Continued on page 4.)

ir-mile relay was
a meet which saw
ozen records fall,
nning the feature
>ped no less than
iark made by the
r. Coach Farrell
he race that the
at Michigan would
s off the old mark.
.way a 32-second

from ninth position on
i meant 10 extra yards
ut Wisconsin ran from
le also. Donnelly ran
n, starting out in fifth
it to third, and then
and starting Fox out
handicap. Fox jumped
ied on page 4.)

Civen by the
Under ausploes of
Drama League,
Women's League
and Masques




at .New Whitney Theatre

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