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April 02, 1915 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1915-04-02

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TiPme for SprigToI
Our Spring Opening each Year Marks
-the Arrival of the Season of Sunshine
and Flowers
Iart, Schaffner Hart, Schaffner
&Marx )& Jix
Clothes Clothes
Varsity . The New
Fifty-Five Spring Shirts
Emery-Wilson Bros.
The Stylish Suit for _.,.
Young Men Nobby Soft Shirts made witk
the popular French cuffs. A
'he Varsity Fifty-Five will large variety of beautiful
e worn this season by more styles in plain color and fancy
rell dressed young men than stripe effects and plaids. All
ny other design in the coun- materials, including mercer-
y. Three button coit, two ized pongee silks and linen
) button; soft roll coat; five fabrics, pure s i l k s a n d

Prices $1.00 to $5.00
according to material

All the Newest-All the Time



Committee Designs Extension ]lousing
Swimming-Pool, Additional
Booms, Etc.
Plans for the proposed addition to
Waterman gymnasium, the prepara-
tion of which was referred to the
building and grounds committee of the
board of regents by that body last
Thursday, are now being drawn by the
building and grounds committee of the
university under the supervision of
Superintendent James H. Marks, '08E.
The present plans were first sketch-
ed by H. J. Weeks, '03-'06E, and call
for an addition of 112 feet to the length
of the present men's gym, No change
is to be made in the width of the
building. The department is consider-
ing two locations for the addition, and
will either place all of it at the west
end of the gyi or will add 64 feet on
the west and 48 feet on the east. The
latter plan is being favored. The pro-
posed addition will make the gym
floor proper 262 feet long by 90 feet
wide, and will add 13,500 square feet of
floor space to the present 150 x 90
floor. The increase will augment the
floor space by about.81 per cent, mak-
ing 23,580 square feet in all.
The entrance to the building will
face the south in the new plans, and
three floors of offices and rooms for
various purposes are to be built up
across the entire south side. The
rooms now occupied by the director
will not be materially changed, but
will occupy a part of the new block of
smaller rooms.
In the basement, the present locker
room, which has a capacity of 5,000
lockers, will i'emain practically the
same. On the west it is planned to
add a room 64 x 90, in which a swim-
ming pool 40 x 70 will be built, and
on the east a hand ball court 90 x 50
is to be put in. The smaller rooms
on the south side of the basment will
be fitted up for the various Varsity
teams, rubbing rooms, private show-
ers, and private rooms for the members
of visiting athletic teams. Fifty new
shower baths will be added to the
equipment, and a special room will be
built in the basement to accommodate
the showers. This will bring the pres-
ent number of baths up to 74.
* On the first floor, the gym floor prop-
er will occupy the largest space 262 x
90. On the south, offices will be ar-
ranged for the director of the gymnasi-
um, the various coaches, the trainer,
the director of the athletic association,
the student manager of varsity teams,
and examining rooms will set aside for
the university health service.
Level with the second floor a 10
lap running track will supplant the
present 14 lap track, while on the
south special rooms- will be fitted up
for minor sports. Here a lecture room
for football practice will be built, and
a 25 x 30 room for fencing, a 24 x 30
room for wrestling, an 18 x 30 .room
for private boxing, and a 25 x 30 room
for public boxing will be provided.
The. department computes the time
required. to complete the addition at
about six months, and believes that if
the operations go through without de-
lay the gymnasium will be ready for
occupation at the beginning of the
next college year.

Concert Here on Last Night of April
to Precede Out of Town
Michigan's combined musical clubs
will give a concert in Jackson on
May 8, according to an announcement
made yesterday by D. R. Ballentine,
'16, manager of the joint organization.
The clubs are to perform in Grand
Rapids on May 7, and from there will
journey to Jackson.
The date for the next concert in
Hill auditorium has been set for April
30, and arrangements are already un-
der way to present an unusually at-
tractive program.
All men wishing to enter the compe-
tition for the musical clubs' poster for
next year, are urged to communicate
with Manager Ballentine at once.
Copies of the eleventh annual Crease,
publication of the senior laws, of
which Harold Schardzki, '15L, is edi-
tor, will be handed out at the Crease
party, booked for 9:00 o'clock Mon-
day night, at G.ranger's.
Prof. R. E. Bunker and Mrs. Bunker
will chaperon the party. Only '15 laws
are eligible to attend, and opera music
will be one of the evening's features.

Window Cards
Davis & Ohlinger
Prompt Printers

Dance Programs and
Banquet Mnus

Phone 43a-J

ad. from:
- one of
s 4our own
Te carette
-~ or he 1BOX?
C rl
Do You prefer a fancy gold
- box or genuine qualitY i a
<Cgarette ?
en are sticklers for
++ {youpL1'men Ar ASPredor-
'T hat's why FATIMAS
nate arnong theur. Frats, and
In your Cluas,tyoua
clus, .s ;ek qut the
in your Ate
The glamour of outside appea-
ances does not feaze him.
a ~ he e REAL THING
sees it.
Setter make his acquaintance and
Smeet his best friends-
,rgKISI1F -T-N - ~
Sfor 15C
The $500 Prize
This ad. pub- "500 will be paid to the cHliege student who sends to us
lished in the $500 the best original advertisement for Fatima cigarettes
before June 1, 1915. In the meantime, for each ad. we
Fatima Advertis- publish we will pay the writer $5. Illustrate your ad. if
you can, but if you can't draw then use your kodak or
ing Contest, is the describe your idea.
Prize will be awarded by a committee of three prom-
work of Leighton i nent advertising men. L. B. Jones, Adv. Mgr. East-
man Kodak Co., F. R. Davis, Adv. Dept. General
Ve t er S Im i t , Electric Co., and J. George Frederick, Editcr of Adver-
Colubia Univer-Selling
.A2 Fifth Ave., ]ew York City
oT'E ' tR BLEN -

Canoes by the hour and storage for
private canoes. P. G. Tessmer.
Confectionary,cigars and soft drinks
and canoes for the Lakeland and Ypsi-
lanti trips. P. G. Tessmer.

University Ave. Pharmacy Mar
Washington Candy. Cigars, Cigare
and Tobacco.
Get the habit. The doctors or
it. Saddle horses. Phone 2028.
North Main.

Mr. E. A. Halsey, '77, of Chicago,
has completed arrangements with W.
W. Schroeder, '14-'17L, chairman of
the Union Sunday programs, for a talk
at the clubhouse, day after tomorrow,
on, "The Boy Scouts of America."
Mr. Halsey is a prominent lawyer
of the Windy City, being a member of
the famous Hamilton club, which is
composed of leading Illinois Repub-
licans. He is a volunteer worker in
the Boy Scout work, and though he
does not receive any salary, he has
been recently appointed Boy Scout
Commissioner for the city of Chicago,
and has several thousand boys under
his supervision.
The speaker is prominent among
Michigan alumni, especially at the Uni-
versity club in his home city. Mr. I. K.
Pond, who is the architect of the pro-
posed Michigan Union clubhouse, is
a close friend of the Chicago man, and
was largely influential insecuringnhis
promise for the talk at the Union
Rudolph J. Hofmann, '15, as chair-
man of the musical numbers arrange-
ments of the weekly get-togethers, has
obtained the consent of the Varsity
glee club to give selections, and ex-
pects one or twao other numbers.
Grading Begins On Composition Court
Work on grading and filling in has
been started on the new composition
tennis court which is to be erected on
Ferry field. The excavation has been
completed, and the foundation of sand.
and gravel is being laid, and graded
for draining. The unfortunate weath-
er conditions have prevented the ex-
pected progress on the court, but if it
is completed by the close of the Easter
holidays it will prove a boon to the
1915 team, enabling the men to get
outdoors two weeks earlier than last

masters' club, a record attendance
marked the last of the faculty concert
series, given .yesterday afternoon in
Hill auditorium. Over 2,000 people
were present.
Under the directorship of Mr. Samuel
P. Lockwood, the University Symphony
orchestra attained the highest point
of efficiency yet manifested for the
year. Their interpretation of the "Bal-
let Suite, La Source," by Delibes, was
entirely adequate, meriting warm ap-
Miss Thelma Newell, as soloist in
the Svendsen, "Romance," displayed
her ability to create a pure and virile
tone, and at the same time, to inter-
pret with convincing effect. Mr. Theo-
dore Harrison won much admiration
for his exquisite rendition of the ini-
mitable "Gloria" by Buzzi-Peccia.
It was a distinct pleasure to hear
Mr. H. J. Dotterweich, pianist, former-
ly a member of the music school facul-
ty, but now of Detroit. His playing is
markedrby abrilliantstechnique, and
a superb mastery of style. In the
playing of the long and intricate Bee-
thoven, "Concerto No. 5," both pianist
and orchestra achieved and ensemble
effect, that warranted genuine admir-
Contestants for championship hon-
ors in the various classes of the Chess
and Checkers club will bring the tour-
nament to a close Saturday night, when
the last rounds will be played, and
final standings compiled.
Owing to the fact that the Harvard-
Michigan correspondence games will
continue until the latter part of May,
it is probable that the club will con-
tinue to hold weekly meetings until
that time, instead of closing the sea-
son with the end of the club tourna-

Batavia, N. Y., School Adds to List of
Institutions From Out
of State
More interest has been displayed by
schools outside the state in the seven-
teenth annual interscholastic meet, to
be staged in Ann Arbor the latter part
of May, than in any previous meet.
The latest school to send in appli-
cation for entry blanks is the high
school at Batavia, New York. This
school won the state championship in
track last year, and now are looking
for bigger worlds to conquer. If ar-
rangements with the local officials can
be made, the Empire state school plans
to send a team of 20 men in an effort
to land first place at the meet.
As applications have been received
from schools in California, Pennsylva-
nia, Ohio, Illinois, Indiana, Wisconsin
and Louisiana, in addition to the ma-
jority of state high schools, more sec-
tions of the country will be represent-
ad at the coming meet than in any of
the 16 already staged.
Detroit University school is planning
to send men to compete in both A and
B class of competition, and expects to
take back several of the cups and med-
als offered as prizes.
In an endeavor to interest the small
schools of the state which have not
sent teams to former interscholastic
meets, Manager Frank G. Millard
called a meeting of nearly 50 men yes-
terday afternoon in the athletic associa-
tion office. The men were chosen from
the various small town which would be
eligible to enter teams in the new
class B ,competition. The new class-
ification was explained. to the men, and
the scope of the meet shown. The
officials expect that these men will
attempt to interest their home schools
in the meet during the spring vaca-
President-Emeritus Angell to Speak
President-Emeritus James B. Angell
will address the junior honor students
of the Ann Arbor high school next
Tuesday morning at their chapel ser-






41The best way to boost
2The strongest pulling
power in the College



ENews of the Campus,
its doings and pleas-


LNo matter how hard
a freshman intends to
study,he always likes
to look at the pleasant
side of College life.


The Michigan ;Daily

Mailed or Local
For the balance of the year
Across from the Majestic


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