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March 07, 1915 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1915-03-07

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the turmoil of so many society wom-
en's souls, and showed what a hor-
rible disaster could occur through
the wish to keep up appearances.
It has long been a contention of
European writers, commenting on New
York life, that it was the heedless
extravagance of women that so often
drove their husbands to suicide and
ruin, but how frightful could be the
result of a reckless wife's love of
pretty clothes which she will do any-
thing to obtain, has never before been
shown. Therefore, it is no wonder
that this play has been recognized as
the most potent influence to deal with
this evil that has never been seen on
the stage.
"Today" is the combined produce of
George Broadhurst and Abraham
Schomer, and has been staged in a most
lavish manner by the Manuscript Pro-
duping Company, Mr. Harry Von Til-
zer, managing director. The cast
that has been selected is an admir-
able one, including such well-known
actors as Hallett Thompson, Eleanor
Miller, Marie Reichardt, Anton Asher,
Phoebe Bates, Arthur J. Wood, Marie
Dantes, Sara Hubbard and Frank

This clever playlet is full of hum-
or, action and color, and may be de-
scribed as a vivid picture of life at its
tensest in the underworld. Its excit-
ing and rapidly changing situations
center about the adroit attempts of
Joe Daniels to evade the police and
escape from their clutches with Kate,
the girl he loves. The dramatic coun-
terplot is furnished by the wiley ef-
forts of a cab driver, whom love makes
jealous, to frustrate Joe.
The scene is laid in the wine-room
of Mix, the saloon-keeper, whose kind-
ness of heart prompts him to aid Joe
and his girl.
Rex Adams will be seen as Joe Dan-
iels. He is adequately supported by
a company of players who have been
chosen on account of their wonderful
resemblance to type.
The act carries its own scenery and
electrical effects. '
Max and Mabel Ford who are two of
the original "Four Fords," and were
known throughout the world as vaude-
ville's best dancers, have a neat sing-
ing and dancing act. The girl is ex-
ceedingly good looking. Mason Wilbur
and Jordan will present an acrobatic
act which they style "A Soldier's
Dream," and it is said that this num-
ber is a sure-fire laugh getter. Grant
Gardner is a blackface monologist who
tells stories, sings and offers some in-
strumental music. The closing act on
the bill will be "Kluting's Animals,"
the most beautiful animal act in vaude-
ville and this act certainly has a group
of wonderful trained pigeons, rabbits,
cats, and dogs and appeals to both
children and grown-ups.


The feature act on the bill for the
first half of the week at the Majestic
is the "Night Hawks." It was written
by I. K. Friedman, the well known
newspaper man and author, whose
stories and articles have been ap-
pearing in the Saturday Evening Post
and other periodicals.

&n exciting incident in the big drama of N. Y. Life, "Today," at the Whitney theater, Monday night, March 8.

childen an grow-ups

>dern Home Life Drama Emphasizes
Danger of Wives' Extravagant
Desire for Finery

he extravagant tastes of women,
ch go far beyond anything that
r husbands' incomes can satisfy,
led to the destruction of many a
py home, but not until the sensa-
al appearance of "Today" had this
ace been brought home to the'
ts of fashionable New York so-
r. This striking drama which will
een at the Whitney theater, Mon-
March 8, ran for an entire sea-
at the 48th Street Theater, New
c, where throngs nightly laughed
cried at the moving spectacle of
ropolitan life, depicted before their
lbound eyes.
om its first presentation, "Today"
ted a furore of excitement be-
s of the fact that it broke through
rust of calm and peace that.masks,

Group from the World's greatest dancing chorus with McIntyre and Heath in the big musical success, "The Ham Tree," at the Whitney, Thursday, March 11.

McIntyre and Heath Booked to Appear
in Revival of Former
Vaudeville Hit
To remain partners for "40 years
without a falling out- of dissension is
doing rather well for any couple, mar-
ried or single. Yet the business rela-
tions of McIntyre and Heath have
continued for that length of time and
barring unforseen happenings will go
on much longer.
They begin an engagement in John
Cort's stupendous revival of "The
Ham Tree" at the Whitney theater,
Thursday night, March 11, and the
simple sketch with which the two
partners began has been amplified in-
to a whole show filled with modern
ideas. When "The Ham Tree' was
first started it was a brief vaudeville
sketch and this was long before the
present vaudeville scheme had been
originated. The pessimistic and opti-
mistic negroes who were stranded in
the backwoods and the failing spirits;
of one upheld by the visions of ham
and eggs growing on the trees, is,
still the central feature of the enter-.
tainment and it is as funny as of yore..
In the cast are some well known
musical comedy favorites, among
whom are Edward Wade, Arthur Bar-
ry, John Lorenz, Jack Crisp, Otto
Johnson, Winnie Crisp, Edward Hol-
den, Norman Woodward, Mildred
Beverly, Jack Bell and Mabel Elaine_


100 in John Cort's Stupendous Revival of the Musical Success, "The Ham Tree," Whitney Theater, Thur., March 11.

eath and their company of

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