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March 03, 1915 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1915-03-03

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who value their personal appearance who



as an asset--- have



the highest
R Mari





Wili v a 1%1UM o b 0 is EI E UE1Em WEW EUWEE IL WW LEEĀ®
Our high regard for these Smart Clothes is shown by our immense displays, by our wide choosing of these carefully
tailored clothes that fit the personality of a man. We will be pleased to show you the clever patterns and choice
fabrios for Spring. Let us show you young men the new Varsity Fifty Five, one of the best styles you've seen.



Clothing Store -The Home of Hrt, S--.f-ner-- Marx"


Flying at a measured speed of 81
miles an hour, the establishment of a
new American climbing record, an es-
timated speed of 110 miles an hour on
the downward swoop and a view of
several counties at once, is the exper-
fence of a Cornell Daily Sun reporter.

Will Receive Consideration
w Next 1Vekwslasn


RS DIVIDED ON QUESTION John Hopkins Denison.
(322.579 N7 N5 D4)
on will be taken by the senior Despite its rather melodramatic title,
furtherance of the theater this newest picture of the slums of
A until after the class mneeting New York is a valuable addition to the
eld sometime next week, ac- literature of sociology. The volume,
to Harry G. Gault, president which is written by a former pastor of
lass. The class seems to be a bowery church, describes the expe-
renly divided on the question riences of Eliza Rockwell on the lower
advisability of the memorial

Congressman Says We Follow De-
mented Policy of Building War-
ships for Cold Storage

class team race, in which the sopho- the tumbling of Captain
mores beat the juniors by 15 yards, the Penn team, was the fe
furnished the closest competition of hf
any of the events. The best perform-the fencing meet, Columbi
ance was made in the pole vault, in: to win out by the narrow
which M. L. Greeley, '15, cleared the one match. The final scor
bar at 12 feet. bouts to four. Both the e
--0=--part of Columbia's Washing
--o-day athletic carnival, whit]
Pennsylvania secured a tie and a d aletini whk
defeat in the dual gymnastic and fenc- Chuded a wrestling match w
ing meet held recently with Colum-
bia. In the dual gym meet, a tie score Remember-Vaudeville n
resulted after a close contest in which Bijou Thater.

tking this form. Many, how-
io favor the idea, believe that
>t be accomplished for some
er H. Lang, '15, when inter-
said he thought it would be
ble to raise the money for such
re at the present time among-
ni or from other sources, for
on that the new Michigan Un-
[ding had first consideration.-
n of $500 or $600 which the
in a position to contribute
e but a small item, and the
vould probably not be used forj

East Side.
Utterly unlike the average work on
sociology, this volume is made up of
a series of sketches, short stories in
fact. With something, of the skill of
an O. Henry, and with a mastery of
detail and technique that i astonish-
ing, the author presents a volume of
stories that thrill, fascinate and hold
our interest to the end. There is noth-
ing of the dry, purely didactic and
technical elenent in this book. To
some this will appear as a fault, for,
charmed by the fascination of the

GLGV 11i j y 0U IUV 4G.
. If we had gone to war in August He has described his sensations and
with the rest of the first class powers, ikressions as a rushigFalls corin
at least nine of our battleships would with the riding comfort and smooth-
not be ready to fight. We are dawd- ness of the Pullman car.
ling. We have been following the de- --o---
mented policy of building warships for Yale's second annual alumni Uni-
cold storage." versity Day was recently celebrated
The above statement was made in by graduates from New York and New
Congress on Dec. 18 of last year by I England. The celebration was heldin
Congressman A. P. Gardner, of Massa- accordance with a custom inaugurated
chusetts, who is to lecture here on last year on Washington's birthday,
March 15 on "Safety First-How and is given under the auspices of the
About Our Army and Navy?" Mr. Associated New England-Yale clubs.
Gardner in this declaration has sum- For years, Washington's birthday has
med up the situation in our navy. not been a university holiday, and this
He charges that 80 vessels of our now gives the graduates about their
navy are not available for an emer- only chance to see the university in
gency. He claims that the navy is running order. The committee in
short 18,000 enlisted men, and brings charge has decided on a policy of em-
forth competent authority to sub- phasizing each year some particular
stantiate his claims. [feature of the university's activities, in
Realizing the value and absolute ne- addition to giving the graduates ai
cessity of barbed wire in modern war- opportunity of seeing the students i
fare, Mr. Gardner is authority for the their regular class-room work. Thi
statement that there is not a strand of year the emphasis was placed on th
wire to impede an attack on our forts Yale art and science collections.
in the rear. "Not even a rat trap to
catch an unguarded soldier's toe," he
says. Delaware college at Newark, wil
In explaining to Congress the need soon have an endowment fund of $1,
for stronger coast defenses, Congress- 000,000, according to an announcemen
man Gardner said, "Our present sea- to this effect recently issued by Henr3
coast guns can't help us repel a land B. Thompson, a trustee of the institu.
attack, for we have 'so arranged it that tion.
only three out of the entire 1,100 are --~
mounted so as to shoot in any direc- Dr. Sharpe, coach of the Cornell base-
tion. There can be no doubt that ball team, has picked a tentative first
troops convoyed and landed by a suc- and second team squad, and will hold
cessful foreign nation could readily regular indoor games in the cage at
take our coast fortifications from the Bacon practice hall. The outfielders
rear." will not play when their side is in the

'The Wise Rube Ind the Actress'
'The Holland [ango'



M-. 4-
'Il t&UI
comedy Jugj
Harmony 5
The Chinese

f0 LOOP'
'That Sfutterlag Kountry Kid'
'The Komicoal KuW.

Complete change of pictures-Prices I Oc-Matinees 2:30; ehenings,

story, we are apt to forget the purpose
use the money in the of the writer.
proposed to use the That the tenement dweller is not the
larship fund for some ignorant foreigner we usually think of,
s, and as the loans are but nearly always a drink-hardened,
y each applicant after despairing New Englander or old time
e, the fund would be New Yorker who has fallen on evil
- intact. It is thought ways, is a fact little known to the
ne, it will be possible general reader. To these people mere
e theater, and in that religion has no appeal. They shun the
fund can be converted virtuous, condescending, better-than-
ion. thou slumworker when he comes
edman, '15, expressed among them. To be helpful, the soc-
aany in favor of the ologist must be hugiane, sympathetic,
hen he said yesterday, kind and cheerful. Such was The Lady
r university dramatics of Good Cheer, Eliza Rockwell.
e a campus or an amat- -F. A. K.


liii i: :
' ":

' 1 l i ! } I
{ 1 + ! -
., 4{, i v i
.:I 4- i .'s.
J .J

tI I'E
!v> j I k .: -
A '',


K. Fri
of m
Lan, w
ace fo


t is encouraged, and profes-
in the productions is not de-
t Saxophone Trio Party, Mich-
on, Friday, March 5th. For
all 236 or 374-
'reatment and Good Service
, makes a satisfied customer.
yours by calling 15. tf

Receive Sample Covers for Invitations
Samples of the covers for the senior
engineer graduation invitations have
been received, and orders are now be-
ing taken. The inside pages of the
book will be printed within a short
time, and all seniors who wish to have
their names in the booklets should
give their orders to the committee be-
fore Saturday. The covers are of olive
green leather, and bear the seal of the
university and the words, "Engineer-
ing, 1915" on the front.

now at the

Miss Belle Chamberlain, a student
of the Russian ballet master, Chalif, is
to begin a series of tea dances in Ann
Arbor soon. Miss Chamberlain has had
prominent parts in many of the theaL-
rical productions of late years, appe-
ing in leading roles in "Madame 'Mo-
diste," with Fritzi Scheff, in "The
Chocolate Soldier" and others. She is
equipped to teach eurhythmics, the-
newest development of the dancing art,
which the colleges of Europe and
America are more and more coming
to include in their course of study.
Miss Chamberlain's tea dances will
be devoted largely to the modern ball-
room dances, but she will give in-'
structions in every form of dancing.



field, but will bat against the threc
pitchers, which Coach Sharpe will use
on each side. A cut is. expected soon.
and only those will be retained whc
will be considered for the southern
Princeton dropped 66 undergradu-
ates as a result of the midyear exam-
inations. This is 22 more than a year
ago, and three more than the average
for the last 10 years. The sophomores,
with 25 failures, suffered the greatest
loss, while the freshmen had 19. 'The
seniors had the least number of
"flunks," having only five, with the
juniors close above with seven lost
Yale's dramatic association gave
four short plays in New York City re-
cently, appearing at the Waldorf both
afternoon and evening. These are the.
same four plays with which the asso-
ciation has entertained audiences at
Brooklyn, Boston, Montclair, Washing-
ton and a few other cities during the
past two or three months. Their .en-
tertainment was along the lines of the
Princess theater, the plays ranging
from farce to tragedy.
Harvard's midwinter athletic carni-
val was held on Soldier's Field, and
although given in the rain, furnished
much excitement. The finals of the

S Smokcrs of experience and discimintion t
over obtain4 year-'round, daily eijoyment fro:
Durham tobacco. Men prominent in the sociwl
and public life of many nations find supreme tol
isfaction in the deliciously fresh, mild cigarettes o
savor they roll for themselves, to their individr
from this wonderfully pure, mellow tobacco. I
tinguished example has made it correct, smart, fas
to "Roll Your Own" upon every occasion.
There is no purer, milder tobacco in the w
"Bull" Durham---none other with such a sweet
irresistible fragrance. This rare, balmy aroma is a
and elusive as it is distinctive F
and pleasing, and can only be ;Askf"orjF
retained and enjoyed in thefresh- with each scs
rolled cigarette.
"Bull" Durham hand-made
cigarettes afford wholesome en-
joyment and lasting satisfaction
to more millions of men than all
other high-grade smoking tobac-
cos combined.
t.a Illustrated Booklet,
FREIE- showing correct
Own" Cigarettes, and a Package
of cigarette papers will both be
mailed free, to any address in
United states on 'postal request.
Address "Bull" Durham, Dur-
ham, N.C. Room.1400.


* * *
x 5c boxes f
ply Store. Ma

* * * $ *1
or 15c. Hoags *
in St. *



Coats that look like the dollar
kind. Our price 75c. Hoag Home.
Supply Store. Main St.


K *
We are
rin' Goi

nd B]
ne 3

* * * *
ig orders for *
louses. C & F. *I
eman, 608 E. *
92. *
* * * *

** * * * * *

* * *

Blind Minister to Lecture , Friday
"How the Blind Man Saw the Ele-
phant" is the title of a lecture to be
given by the Rev. John Hayes in New-
berry hall at 7:30 o'clock Friday even-
ing. Reverend Hayes is a Baptist
minister who was born blind, and was
compelled to give up his active church
work because of his inability to study.
He is now touring the country deliv-
ering lectures to make his living. The
tickets for the talk sell for 10 cents,
and may be had at the Y. M. C. A.


Early Spring Arrivals of the *
latest creations in Suits and Coats, *
in distinctive styles. C. & F. Shop, *
Florence Freeman, 608 E. Liberty *
St., Phone 392. *
* * * * * * * * *

't go to the Hop, and nothing to do. We sympathize with you, but CHEER UP. There's one bright spot on earth. Drop in a







r.lr A '_

Tables Upstairs and on the Main Floor

312 So. State

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