EW 10
'Brien Leave
Will Compete
nts were completed y
noon for the entrance
th and O'Brien in the7
tMadison Square Gard
City tomorrow night.
sprinters will leave A
afternoon, and will r
e of the fastest men
ey will wait there for t
which are scheduled
n the week, and will ta
elays at Madison Squa
Saturday. Owing to t
ese events are not r,
collegecompetition, ei
eastern athletic clubsa
rominently in the resul
ain Smith and O'Bri
rorking out twice a d
be in shape for tomorro
O'Brien is rapidly roun
despite the bad fall th
irday in the relay ra
Dame, and he should1
o give a good accountc
st the easterners. Spike
d in the Madison Squa
board floor, and the tw
inters have been workin
rd floor of an Ann Arbo
for TODAY First Year Doctors Defeat Upper Class 'Receives Ovation Greater Than That Ln
N All-society dinner at Union, 6:00 Crew by 20 to 14 Score; Homeops Accorded to Any Pre-Festival
o'clock. Lose Listless Game to Artist since Recital by
Dr. Harry W. Laidler of New York Architects , Paderewski
speaks on "Christianity and Social-
k ism" at McMillan hall, 7:30 o'clock. EXPECT KEEN STRUGGLE WHEN FOREIGN CRITICS ASSERT H11 EN
Totem club meets at roam 103 N. W.
ay :30 o'clock. If Junior Arts Men Win, More Games Misplays Superb Technique; Power of Coa
May Be Necessary in Interpretation Mature and
TOMORROW Group Scholarly
Forum meets at Union at 7:30 o'clock.
es- University Oratorical contest in Uni- "Bob" Watson beat the combined up- Inimitability is the only word which C
ofy at
of versity Hall, 8:00 o'clock. perclass medic five unaided in the first satisfactorily characterizes the play-
game played last night in the inter- ing of Ferrucio Benvenuto Busoni, tern
Rev. W. 0. Raymond to Speak Tonight class series, the Varsity lineman reg- who appeared in piano recital last wer
tin "Types of Religious Experience,-The istering six field goals and four tosses 'evening in Hill auditorium. Perhaps for
un Wiseman" is the subject of a talk -to be from the foul line, making the final {no greater ovation has been given to
in given by the .Rev, William 0. Rayinortd CNRSMNA .GRNR and
hnie n the Es deament Ratm7:30score of the game 20 to 14, with the san individual pre-festival artist since CONGRESSMAN A. P. GARDNER a
the of the' English department, at 7:34 Chief Advocate of "national prepared- was
to o'clock tonight, at St. Andrews church. fresh medics on the long end. The Paderewski's appearance last year. So ness," who is to speak on "Safety cat
ke This is the third of, a series of Lenten architects overwhelmed the homeops, great was the enthusiasm displayed First-Is Ame 'ca Prepared Against It
re~ addresses being given on Wednesday 3 to 10, in the only other contest that the audience refused to leave at War?" at the Whitne theater, Mon- emp
he evenings by Mr. Raymond, and al- played. the end of the program, in spite of day evening, March 15. Special ref- time
e t tofh addresses arethe devlo- The work of Watson was the one re- 'Busoni's extreme reluctance to re- erence will be made to the introduc- the
aj- plete in itself. All students are in- deeming feature of the games last spond to the continuous applause. tion of military drill in universities, of tih
ts, vited to hear them. night, the football man furnishing a Having made his debut as pianist at it is said, by Mr. Gardner. tery
en fine exhibition of basket shooting, sev- Vienna at the age of eight, Busoni's layi
ay sprogress has been wholesomely slow, at t
fwd., n but certain; until at present, by the secu
d- consensus of opinion of the foreign
at the freshmen, was the only other man 'critics, he is unrivalled. Busoni dis- W
ce to break into the scoring, the pivot plays extreme versatility, for he has vote
be garnering two field goals and one free not only attained the foremost place noon
of ahry t among pianists, but excels as a com- _ _ond
ed The lineup and summary of the poser, arranger and author on musical Inaugurate Plan Tonight to Foster man
re Forum to Discuss Whether Student medic game follows: subjects. Closer Relation of Papils and linn
Fo Legislators Are Fulti lingsOne of the interesting features ofrt
ng Functiones ed the program was the sincere apprecia- thro
or, .-medics (20) medics (14) . nero
tor . C. MIJLLENDORE TO PRESIDE Watson (C.) ....... Jones, Hamil ti n B chart applause gent WILL HOLD WEEKLY SESSIONS part
to; he Bach "Capriccio on the Depart- ___
Smit . ....., Saatz(C.)ure of a Well-Beloved Brother." Bu-.ovr
h Because of the amount of discus- Dunlap ..........C... Currier, Gonne s i an authoBit u Bch, Michigan will inaugurate her first Th
2s sion around the campus concerning Brainard ........G... Straith, Larson whose works he has made many re- faculty night when a number of the Kra
Van Valkenberg, faut fthtClegShep
-nvlkobegnarkable arrangements, and in the faculty of the College of Engineering
d the lack of efficiency of the student Traub.........G...........Fort execution of which he is naturally un- will gather at the Union at 7:30 o'clock thes
council, the third session of the For- Field goals-Watson 6, Dunlap 2, texcelled.BeethovensoSonata, Op. tonight to meet wtudents. Thepur-
is -mheld at "7:30 o'cloc tomorro Staatz 1, Currier, 9, Gonne 2. Fouls- exeld etoe' SntO.'oih ome tdns h u-thouV
, d'irs, r , n-111," the last one which he wrote, pose of the meetings is to foster a
Wd ght at the Union, will consider, "Is Watson 4, Currier 2. Referee-Craw- 'grand and symphonic in character, closer relaonship between the stud- with
le the Student Council :Fulfilling Its f i of halves-i5 mintes.the as played in a broad, masterly style. ents and faculty, the lack of which is sito:
in FuncWys ebergt' as cthoer big noe t , 'eAlthough Beethoven's sonatas are food often cited as a disadvantage of the
y F ,. s.frfor ,the greatest executants, and dilet- large college and university.
tion to the Councl Satisfactory?" W. the bg center scoring enough points ,E0S
d C. Mullendore, '16L, will p:ieslde. It in the second game to win the contest tnes aieusoni eisbite th ,T fo win facl. H. E. beg 0
poetic grandeur that lies back of this it tonights session:Pf H E. Riggs,
d. is expected that a 'larger c owd than single-handed. Seven field goals went emphatically master-work. Prof. C. T. Johnston, Prof. H W. King, Sho
ly r1as attended any of the to thehcredit of the pivot man, while In the Schumann, "Fantasiestucke," Prof. W. C. Hoad, Prof. L. M. Gram,
pelu snes'h hlbepta olna.rthe genius of a lyrical imagination be- Prof. A. J. Decker, Prof. H. B. Mer-
e- . but our came evident. The "Grillen," "Auf- frick, Prof. H. H. Atwell, Prof. H. G.
At the last meeting of the organiza- The homeop aggregation could not sohwung," and "Ende vom Lied," per- !Raschbacher, Prot. A. R. Bailey, Mr. W
tion, the discussion at times' dragged, 'locate the baskets, though their for- fect in balance as between the emo- 'J. J. Cox, Mr. J. H. Bringhurst, Mr. allo
and to ."obviate this trouble, several wards had enough chances to try for ional and intellectual content, were Hugh Brodie and Mr. C. 0. Carey coll
minor questions have been prepared, goals. The game was slow and unin- treated with exceptional charm. The These men represent the civil engin- urda
which may be brought up at any meet- teresting, owing to the fact that the final group of Liszt's compositions eering and surveying departments, but asso
ing if the talk lags. Among these are homeops did not furnish the archi- 'gave the program a brilliant climax. all students are invited, not only en- If
the following: "Is the GeneraL Elimi- tects with sufficient opposition. The "Rhapsodie XIX," with its mel- gineers from all departments, but as on t
Snation of Student Drinking Desir- The lineup and summary follows: odic charm, and velvety scales, trills well students from all colleges and be g
a- able?" and "What Should be :Done to Architects (38) Homeops (10) and cadenzas, was a phenomenal per- schools on the campus. ber <
e Stop the Exit of Talented Facuty Men Hickey .'... .F......Mandeville, formance. The tremendously brilliant It is planned to continue these meet- athl
to Other Universities?" Easterbrook "Polonaise in E" was a marvel, both as sings every week, and thus bring to- thei
At the session of the Forum last Jameson (C) .... F...... Maggio (C.) to technique and interpretation. In re- ,gether faculty and students from a R assi
tn week, it was generally agreed that Mesberger......C..........Closz s onse to the long-continued applause colleges and schools on the bampus.
some change should be made in regard Cohagen.......G........Wolcott . .______u__,_.______a*
to the existing conditions relating to Preiskel, Holt ... G......Cady, Mead .lentedtoplayingCBoninATT
the playing. of summer baseball by Field goals-Hickey 4, Jameson 4, ne to pay h "No-r."COMMITTAEMEN IN A
Varsity men. n 'e in F sharp major." CLUB .REGATTA G IVEN IN MA
Vrsity men. Meiberger 7, Mandeville, Maggio r. Busoni is a highly gifted and ac-
Closz 2. Fouls-Jameson 3, Maggio 2. complished pianist of the romantic Committeemen have been appointed r
NOTRE DAME CONTEST ALLOWS Referee-Applegate. Time of halves 'school; his technique is superb, and to assist Harold J, Smith, '16E, gener-
r UNUSUAL NUMBER OF LETTERS -15 minutes. 'his power of poetical interpretation al chairman of the Michigan Union
war 1 INigniaBE R OLEn TDo E- mi t ss p w rfThree games are scheduled for to- n iture and scholarly. Boat club regatta, which will be held
Award 19, Insigna, Even Doaen ofnight. The junior engineers play the _thrnrrnth__e__ts
Which Pass to Second Yea' soph engineers, senior engineers op- MECHANICAL ENGINEERS MAKE of May. The three assistant chairmen s
in Men pose fresh engineers, and senior lits. PLANS FOR SPRING ITINERARY are: Wallace E. Reid, '1E, Louis
Not for years have so many athletic The lit contest should prove the Mechanical engineers and others who yde '16E, and David Rallenti NV
association "M's" been awarded for a most interesting of the three, for theMaitestines alteho C'1t r acIN s
N single track meet, as resulted from junior engineers should have no areinterested in the annual mehan- Chairmen of the regatta co.,i, ;ees As
Satudays dal ven wih Ntreical engineers' spring tour, met yes- are: Program, E. W. Bisbee, 161vsell, A
Saturday's dual event with Notre trouble in trouncing the second year ra for this race, Louis A. Arentz, '17; swimming cans
b- Dame. , Of the men entered in the boilermakers, while the first and terday tfternoon to lay plansdfotaeiA. Aen, W.L; Watg' chos
d meet, every one except Leach in the fourth year engineers have each lost a year's trip,ing the coming Easter vack- son, '17E; finance, Howard H. Plit at t
weight event, and Laslev in the p 'it crir
e .tion. About 20 men have signified 'iiE; publicity, Verne Burnett, '17;
e dashes, scored against the Catholic If the senior lits win tonight's game,6 Br' chan
school, and so is entitled to insignia, they will put the first year lits out of their intention of making the trip, and judges and prizes, Sidney T. Steen, Th
Lapsley had.already earned'his letter, the race for the championship of the those who have not done so may give '16E, and Willis Nance, '17. Members draw
so that 20 of the 21 Michigan men in lit group. Should the yearling five their names to Prof John R. Allen, of this committee will hold an import- been
1 the contests are entitled to wear the win out, however, they might still go who is at present in charge. ant meeting at 7:00 o'clock tonight at head
athletic "M." into a tie for first honors. While the The route will include Pittsburg, the Union. prob
Of the 19 letters awarded by the ath- soph lits have not yet lost a game, Washington, Baltimore, Philadelphia, direc
- letic association, an even dozen went they will be forced to extend them- New York City, Schenectady and Niag- Opposing Coaches Studied at Michigan T
to sophomores. This is the earliest in selves to defeat the juniors tomorrow ara Falls, and will last the entire 10 Coaches of the Wisconsin and Illi- the
the track season that so large a num- night, and in the case of a victory for days ef the vacation. nois teams for the mid-west debates the
ber of second year men have ever been the third year men, additional games Electrical engineers, who are also to be held the latter part of March the
e privileged to wear the insignia, would have to be played to determine planning to hold their spring tour have both taken degrees at the Uni- ter.
e Measurements have been taken of the winners of the group. during the vacation, may join with the versity of Michigan. Mr. H. G. Hough- ball
w the men ho are entitled to the let- mechanical party in visiting several ton, who directs the Wisconsin team, chos
ters, and it is expected that every man Y. M. C. A. Bureau Offers Several Jobs points of interest, as the itinerary of was an assistant in oratory, while chan
e entered in the eastern intercollegiate Among the opportunities now listed both tours is similar. earning his master's degree. He had being
i- indoor meet at Madison Square Gar- at the university Y. M. C. A. employ- charge of the public speaking at the Th
s, den 'will wear an athletic "M" track ment bureau for students to earn WILLIAM R. RATHVON TO GIVE University of Heidelberg, Ohio, before recor
9 shirt. At the Pennsylvania relay con- money at odd jobs is a position for a TALK ON CHRISTIAN SCIENCE going to Wisconsin. these
0 test at Buffalo last month, Captain student and his wife to earn their Mr. C. H. Wolbert, head of the de- inves
'n Smith was the only man on the Michi- board and room. There are also a William R. Rathvon, C. S. B., will partment of oratory at the University made
11 gan team who possessed a letter, while number of spring house cleaning give a free lecture on Christian Sci- of Illinois, took his degree under the It
:t at the Princeton contest 'two of the openings, and a number of students ence, at 8:00 o'clock tomorrow even- supervision of Prof. T. C. Trueblood. prev
n members of the MVichigan relay squad who have their afternoons free may se- ing in the church edifice, 409 South He coached the teams of Albion col- bein
n had received no recognition in the ,cure work by applying at the bureau Division street. Mr Rathvon's home is lege before accepting his present po- next
form of letters, at the regular office hours. in Denver, Colo. sition. whi
in Dnve, Co. stion whc
ndgren TPuts Candidates Th
Usual Battery Cage Work
during First of
ch Spends Time in Training
in Nabbing Runners
off Second
oach Lundgren's proteges re;
Waterman gymnasium yesterd:
noon for the usual practice
e put to work in the batting
the early part of the day, f
an, Nichols, Lee, Toles, McNa
Soddy. The latter part of th
spent in throwing practice f(
is the aim of the Varsity coa
hasize as much as possible a
of the year the catching e
game. "Jack" Enzenroth, ca
he 1910 Varsity nine, aids the
is work with that end of the
, and for this reason the coa
ng especial stress on the cat,
his stage of the game, so they
re the benefit' of the r
uer's advice.
ith this idea in mind, the coac
d the last half hour of the i
n's workout .to catchers' and
basemen's practice, a second
, a pitcher, a batter and a ca'
*g up on the gym floor, and r
ugh the forms of catching a
off second base. Enzenroth
Acular attention to the str
.head throw for catchers.
he catchers who worked out v
uss, Gardener, McGraw, Stall
pard and Gee. The last name
e seemed to be in better shal
uld Pi
her or not
t to enter fu
te meets, w
A. Thi
ne Date
from Fir
a result of the recen-
ed by the ineligibility of
en for athletic associati<
the last election, the 1
ctors is advocating s
nges in the mode of ballc
ie committee from the b
g engineering exhib
yen for the secon
robably will not b
xt year, unless th
senior and junio
llege of Engineerin
contrary to the ir
who had charge ,o
mhiit was pro
ended the dean
faculty men
io took activ
mnselves at th
king te shin
ey, of the Colleg
. O. W iall, presi
engineering class
I the last of th
an will return t
ably be adopted officiall
ctors of the athletic assoc
he plans call for the post
date of the winter elect
atter part of the first sei
second week of the secoi
Tn this way, the .secret
ma. :.er and treasurer,
en a, this time, will have
ice of being made inelig
g after the June examina
ae committee advocates
rds of every man nomi:
e offices and the assistan
stigated before their n-
e known on the.campus.
is expected that this s
enting ineligible candida
g elected will be follow
athletic association
h occurs early in May,