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February 06, 1915 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1915-02-06

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_ ____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-

History repeats itself. This, in three
words, is the story of last night's Hop
as far as fashions are concerned. The
tight fitting gowns, the sheath skirts
and the hobble, so noticeable at the
1913 festival are a thing of the past.
The ghosts of Dolly Madison and the
belles of 1815, had they suddenly ap-
peared in Waterman Gymnasium last
night, would have felt quite at home,
for the gowns worn by Michigan's
guests were almost an exact replica
of those worn in the days of the sec-
end revolution. Short full skirts, a
plentiful use of tulle and bunches of
rose buds, scattered here and there
on the gowns, and garlands of the
same flower on the bodices, were the
predominant features. The century old
idea was further carried out by the
big tight chiuz bodices, which, unlike
former fashions, displayed very dis-
tinctly and effectively the waist line.
In the Kaledioscope of colour there
was almost a dominant note of pink-
not the delicate pink of the past four
years-but the deep rose pink-and,
perhaps because they favored the deep
pink associated with the rose, many
of the skirts of these same gowns
were frilled like a rose blossom. Light
blue underskirts with silver blue over
dresses were also quite prominent.
The pebble skirt in all the shades of
the rainbow-golden yellow, cherry
red, pea green, sky and baby blue,
lavenders and violets-in satins, laces
and silks, decollete whites and many
more converted the brilliant, but at
the same time softly dimmed gym-
nasium into a veritable Italian garden.
Blacks-velvets and satins-were no-
ticeable principally for their absence.
Dignity and grave reserve were
thrown to the winds by this year's cos-
tumierres. Colour, gayety and more
colour were the much sought for ef-
fects, and never before in the history
of Michigan society did Dame Fashion
succeed so well in giving the final note
necessary to the enjoyment of the
dancers and the decorative success of
the ball room as last night.
Various Fraternities Prepare for Two
Days of Merrymaking
In the two days which were given
up to the J-Hop this year, many social
functions have been arranged for the
entertainment of the guests. Frater-
nities and clubs which had sufficient
number of guests held house parties
and some combined their numbers,
holding the week end party together.
Most of the visitors had arrived by
Friday noon and activities began at
once. Realizing the need of getting
acquainted, Friday afternoon was set
aside for teas at the several frater-
nities and clubs. The musical clubs'
concert was held at 4:00 o'clock and
nearly all of those attending the J-Hop
were present. In compliance with the
request of the faculty no dances were
held at the fraternity houses ater the
dance at the gym.
Glee and Mandolin Club Program Gives
Afternoon Entertainment
Although the rain and slush of the
inclement weather yesterday afternoon
hindered the J-Hoppers in their prog-
ress to the Glee and Mandolin club
concert, the audience that did collect
showed every sign of pleasure in being
in the whirl of a gay life. Frequent
applause interrupted the program and
the Michigan songs in particular were
appreciated by the visitors.

The illness of S. T. Alden, '17E, pre-'
vented the Midnight Sons' quartet
from giving its selection and the skit,
"When Salome Danced before the
King" was displaced by an impersona-
tion by H. L. Nutting, '15L.
522 Holmes Taxicab Co. 522
The Black Sheep-A Two-Part
Kalem Drama. Hearst-Selig
News. Also a. Vitagraph Com-
edy, and Others.
Monday, February 8
Till Death Do Us Part-Two-
Part Selig Drama. A Matter
of Court. Biograph Comedy,
and Others.
Tuesday, February 9
Comrade Kitty-Two-Part Lubin
Drama. The Tale of a Coat-
Lubin Comedy. In Quest of a
Story-Vitagraph J)rana,. and
Wednesday, February 10
"Mrs. Wiggs of the Cabbage '
Patch," with Beatriz Michelena j
as Lovely Mary-Produced by
the Liebler Company.

(Continued from page 1)
les, hailed from Houghton in the
Northern Peninsula, and two others'
rode in from Kansas City.
The Theta Delta Chi party included'
Helen Burnell of Hartford, Conn.,
Julia Barksdale of Portsmouth, Va.,
Martha Calhoun of Windsor, Jean
Milliken of New York City, Helen Pat-
terson from Portland, Maine. The first
four of these guests rolled up nearly
8,000 miles in going and coming.
About 68 per cent of the guests were
from Detroit, Chicago and Ann Arbor.
D)etroit, which contributed 64 at the
hop two years ago, sent only 57 this
year. Chicago sent only eight repre-
sentatives, whereas it sent 10 to the
last affair. Ann Arbor gained a big
stride by climbing from 30 guests two
years ago, to 45 for last night. Nearly
80 per cent were from Michigan.
The approximate number of railroad
miles, exclusive of the return trip,
traveled by occupants of the various
booths are: Psi Omega, 1,000 miles;
Sigma Phi, 840; Kappa Beta Psi, 1,665;
Phi Delta Theta, 4,850; Delta Kappa
Epsilon, 770; Chi Psi, 2,002; Theta
Delta Chi, 4,981; Acacia, 1,010; Alpha
Delta Phi, 2,700; Alpha Sigma Phi,
3,050; Beta Theta Pi, 3,090; Phi Delta
Chi, 800; Sigma Chi, 2,600; Psi Upsi-
lon, 575; Zeta Psi, 2,250; Sigma Chi,
475; Trigons, 2,200; Eremites, 2,500;
Pylons, 2,100; Sigma Phi Epsilon,
The chaperons and guests in the
various booths were as follows:
Booth 1
Chaperons - President Harry B.
Hutchins and Mrs. Hutchins, Dean J.
R. Effinger and Mrs. Effinger, Dean
W. H. Butts and Mrs. Butts, Dean H.
M. Bates and Mrs. Bates, Prof. A. H.
Lloyd and Mrs. Lloyd, and Prof. A. G.
Hall and Mrs. Hall.
Booths 2 and 3
Sigma Phi Epsilon, Eremites and Py-
lon. Chaperon-Mrs. N. E. Cross, Ann
Arbor; guests-The Misses Martha
Volland, Ann Arbor; Lavine Cappon,
Holland; Arda Strong, Homer; Anna
Rutherford, Jackson; Helen Blair,
Ann Arbor; Mary Angel, Oakfield, N.
Y.; Alice Wiard, Detroit; Blanche
Kneeland, Battle Creek; Clarissa
Davis, Detroit; Kathleen Gunn, Mus-
kegon; Leonore Haimbaugh, Denver,
Col.; Vera Burridge, Chicago, Ill.;
Louise Densmor, St. Ignace; Honor
Gaines, Ann Arbor;Gladys Buser, Chi..
cago, Ill.; Clara Jones, Toledo, O.;
Helen McDonald, Detroit; Hazel
Hayes, Detroit; Elizabeth Mason, De-
troit; Nena McIntyre, Battle Creek;
Juanita Kerr, Cleveland, O.; and Eliz-
abeth Engle, Chautauqua, Md.
Booth 4
Trigon. Chaperon-Mrs. Benjamin
Douglass, Grosse Isle. Guests-The
Misses Helen Oppermann, Saginaw;
Gertrude Schoeder, Chicago, Ill.; Flor-
ence Braun, Saginaw; Margaret Foote,
Muskegon; Fanny Manwarring, Ann
Arbor, Ann Arbor; Susanna Copland,
Detroit; Fanny Hogan, Ann Arbor;
Martha Wilcox, Detroit; Cherry Lane,
Detroit; Dorothy Patterson, Cleve-
land, 0.; Margaret Hoag, Port Huron,
and Marion Scott, Ann Arbor.
Booth 5
Chaperon--Mrs. Burlingham, Olean,
New York. Guests-The Misses Es-
ther Holmes, Chicago; Lucy Armbrus-
ter, Chicago; Gwendolyn Killets, Buf-
falo; Jane Hicks, Detroit; Hilda
Schultz, Saginaw; Helen Sadler,
Flint; Helen Birlingham, Olean, New
York; Marian Hatch, Ann Arbor; Lu-
cile Richards, Detroit; Beatrice Gir-
vin, Buffalo; Marie Pipp, Ann Arbor;
Elaine Herbert, Saginaw; Constance
Germain, Mabel Averill, Helen Part-

low, Beatrice Merriam, all of Detroit.
Booth 6
Acacia. Chaperon-Mrs. L. C. Good-
rich, Ann Arbor. Guests-The Misses
E. Loehr, Chicago, Ill.; D. M. Burbank,
1ubbel; Ilma Murray, Oberlin, O.;
Ada Heath, Ionia; Anna Goff, Ann Ar-
bor; Frieda McLennan, Port Huron;
Geneva Dickerson, Oberlin, O.; Jessie
Spence, Cass City; and -lildegarde
Spiei', Detroit.
Booth 7
Kappa Beta Psi. Chaperons-Mr.
and Mrs. R. A.' Wyerington, Ann Ar-.
bor. Guests-The Misses Bertha Hoh-
eisel, Ann Arbor; Frances Hickok,
Plainwell; Alice Fish, Grand Rapids;
Bess Gills, Buchanan, Va.; Marie
Boos, Battle Creek; Lonnetta Kuhn,
Gregory; Kathrin Schmidt, Miles;
Margaret Long, Detroit; Lillian Car-
negie, Detroit; Margaret Cresswell,
Grand Rapids; Etta Burch, Hubbards-
ton; and Bella Kameron, Central
Hootf Ii
Psi Omega. Chapcrons--Dr. and
Mrs. 1O. 0. Barnes, Ann Arbor. Guests
--The Misses Esther Genung, Ypsilan-
ti; Louise Bellows, Ypsilanti; MaeI
Bird, Dearborn; Emily Sayre, Mason;
Ruth Krueger, Wyandotte; Fay. Lob-
dell, Muir; Betty Gordon, Fort Madi-
son, Ia.; Rita Lee, Port Huron; and
Elizabeth Kennedy, Naugatuck. Conn.

Booth 9
Delta Kappa Epsilon. Chaperons-
Mrs. Alexis Angell, Detroit; and Mrs.
Duffield, Detroit. Guests-The Miss-
es Clara Hodges, Josephine Clay, Win-
nifred Dodge, Margaret Saunders, Hel-
en Whirl, Margaret Longyea, Marion
Jones and Constance Blaucelt, all of
Detroit; Florence Smith, Port Huron;
Louise Pallin, Grand Rapids; and M.
McCann, Dayton, .
Booth 10
Sigma Phi. Chaperon-Mrs. John
Brodhead, Detroit. Guests-The Miss-
es Eleanor Clay, Tracy Lyon and Mar-
garet Holmes, all of Detroit; Louise
Kimbark, Evanston, Ill.; Anna Mc-
Hugh, Saginaw; Dorothy Millen, Ann
Arbor; Frances Way, Battle Creek;
and Helen Hodges, Pontiac.
Booth 11
The Misses Blanche Wall, Detroit;
Marie Maas, Houghton; Fatia York,
Royal Oak; Elizabeth Pond, Pasadena,
Cal.; Mary Callaghan, Chicago, Ill.;
Enid Hanson, Toledo; Irma Arnold,
Lucille Feiner, Stella Roth, Helen
Hanson, Della Laubengayer and Mar-
guerite Andrews, all of Ann Arbor.
Booth 12
Chi Psi. Chaperons-Mrs. James
Duffy, Bay City, and Mrs. Waldo Ab-
bott, Ann Arbor. Guests-The Misses
Margaret Ward, Battle Creek; Joseph-
ine Painter, Kittanning, Pa.; Dorothy
Detchen, Chicago, Ill.; Josephine Feir-
lein, Chicago, Ill.; Ruth Caldwell, Fort
Wayne, Ind.; Marie Morse, Lansing;
Sally Andrews, Chicago, Ill.; Marga-
ret Backus, Louise Holmes and Mar-
garet Roehm, all of Detroit.
' Booth 1
Theta Delta Chi. Chaperons-Mrs.
Hackley Butler, Ann Arbor; Mrs. Carl
Green, Detroit; and Mrs. A.M. Bentley,
Owosso. Guests-The Misses Norma
Dee, Houghton; Helen Purnell, Hart-
ford, Conn.; Dorothea Heafield, Chica-
go, Ill.; Herminne Henze, Detroit;
Helen Patterson, Portland, Me.; Mar-
tha Colburn, Windsor, Canada; Julia
Barksdale, Portsmouth, Va.; Jean Mil-
liken, New York, N. Y.; Marjory Kee-
na, Detroit; Marjory Patterson, De-
troit; and Lorraine Brandt, Saginaw.
Booth 14
The Misses Louise Avery, Detroit;
Adele R. Westbrook, Battle Creek;
Helen Lange, Detroit; Irene Green-
baum, Boise, Idaho; Mary Wells, Ann
Arbor; Helen Gibson, Ann Arbor;
Gladys Schaumwecker, Cleveland, O.;
Helen Ely, Tarrytown, N. Y.; Edith
Sast, Paulding, O.; Edith McCormick,
Chicago, Ill.; Muriel Paton, Detroit,;
and Ruth Cavanaugh, Ann Arbor.
Booth 15
Phi Gamma Delta. Chaperons--
Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Biddlecombe, De-
troit. Guests-The Misses Blanche
Jerome, Mary I. Elliot, Fanny R. Kan-
ter, Caroline Barnard, Elizabeth Baker
and Jennie Rys, all of Detroit.
Booth 16 (not occupied) "
Booth 17
The Misses Laura M. Murdock, Min-
nie Muskatt, M. Almendinger and
Dorothy E. Patton, all of Ann Arbor;
Stella Zuckermann, Detroit; and Maud
Robinson, Ypsilanti.
Booth 18
Phi Delta Theta. Chaperons-Prof
G. W. Patterson and Mrs. Patterson,
Ann Arbor; Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Barton,
Louisville, Ky. Guests-The Misses
Gertrude Reid, Connellsville, Pa.;
Margaret Gale, St. Louis, Mo.; Hele
Yoder, Kansas City, Mo.; Flora Mark-
ley, Kansas City, Mo.; Gertrude Down-
ing, Macomb, Ill.; Keithe Bolles,
Houghton; Mary Mead, Erie, Pa.;
Frances Montgomery, Evanston, Ill.;
Helen Snyder, Dayton, O. Roy Chapin
'06E, and Mrs. Chapin will also be
guests at the fraternity house party.
Booth 19
Sigma Delta Chi, Sinfonia and Si-
ma Nu. Guests-The Misses Ruth M

Bosca, Beatrice Hansey, Ruth Miller
Genevieve Riggs, Mae Patterson, Iva
McKenzie and Nettie Zoble, all of Anr
Arbor; Pauline Marbold, Petersburg
Ill.; Mae Teeple, Pinckney; Janet
Marker, Eloise; Muriel Teel, Morenci
and Helen Hayes, Lansing.
Booth 20
Sigma Chi. Chaperons-Mr. and
Mrs. O. B. Tayfor, Detroit. Guests--
The Misses Ethel Gene Marshall, Hel-
en Wodsworth, Evangeline Schreiter
Lelia Reilly, Helen Bennet and Hehlr
Reid, all of Detroit; Helen Duffy, To
ledo, 0.; and Ruth Dow, Midland.
Booth 21
Alpha Delta Phi. Chaperons-Mrs
Frederick Wurzberger, Grand Rapid;
and Mrs. Robbins, Grand Haven
Guests-The Misses Josephine Kirt
land, Grand Haven; D. A. Peck, Grand
Rapids; Margaret Watson, Grand Ha
ven; R. Rose, Des Moines, ia.; Ebba
Clark, Holland; L. Beal, Ann Arbor
Gladys Watermann, Detroit; M. Small
Battle Creek; R. Kaiser, Detroit; ZUe
Standish, Detroit; R. Wilkinson, De-
troit; Gertrude Roos, Manistique;
Josephine Smith, Minneapolis, Vinn.;
Gladys Britton, Lansing; M. Wood'
ward, Detroit; L. Ferguson, Granc
Rapids; and M. Bradin, Detroit.
Booth 22
Psi Upsilon. Chaperons-Mrs. The-
odore Harrison, Ann Arbor, and Mrs

Walter Hill, Saginaw. Guests-The1
Misses Margaret Coryell, Bay City;
Geraldine Love, Riverside, Ill.; Flor-
ence Mack, Ann Arbor; Leonore Allen,
Decatur, Ill.; Elizabeth Thurber, De-
troit; Doris Langlois, Sycamore, Ind.;1
Anna Belle MacMaster, Newark, N. J.;j
Margaret Sherman, Cornelia Bissel,j
Adelaide Bissel and Eleanor Kinsey,
all of Toledo, O.
Booth 23
Phi Delta Chi, Monks and Hermit-
age. Chaperons-Mr. and Mrs. K. W.'
Tracy, Detroit. Guests-The Misses
Margaret Gutmann, Monroe; Veranaz
Wagner, Monroe; Irene Isbell, Jack-
son; Margaret Basset, Toledo, O.;'
Mary Burnett, Ann Arbor; M. Bos-
worth, Kansas City, Kan.; Fay Brunn,
St. Joseph; Gertrude Holmes, Detroit;
Helen Hamilton, Ann Arbor; Ada
Hamilton, Ann Arbor; Marguerite
Denfield, Saginaw; Rosalind Magnan,
Cheboygan; Vera Marsh, Detroit; Amy
Nelson, Omaha, Neb.; and Leila
Wheeler, Long Point, Ill.
Booth 24
Alpha Sigma Phi. Chaperons-Prof.
T. E. Rankin and Mrs. Rankin, and
Mr. and Mrs. R. WV. Hamilton, Ann
Arbor. Guests-The Misses Margaret
Armstrong, Springfield, Ill.; Gladys
Trombley, Springfield, Mass.; Mae
Casey, Detroit; Ruth Goddard, De-
troit; Helen Stevens, Muskegon; Jos-
ephine Warner, Muskegon; Margaret
Walsh, Bartlesville, Okla.; Genevieve
Corkell, Chicago, Ill.; Olive Donovan,
Lansing; Marion Payne, Saginaw;
I-helen Loveland, Saginaw; Mae Car-
ney, Jackson; Myrtle Auger, Detroit;
and Vera Auger, Detroit.
Booths 25 and 26
Beta Theta Pi and Delta Chi. Chap-
erons--Mrs. John Steen, Allegan; Mrs.
E. E. Hawkes, Keokuk, Ia.; Mrs.
Ralph J. Wood, Chicago, Ill. Guests
-The Misses Louise Ware, Kenil-
worth, Ill.; Alice Kratzet, Detroit;
Marion May, Elizabeth Muir, Teresa
Blakeslee, Lucy Kelley, Florence Cal-
kins, all of Detroit; Kathrin Steen,
Allegan; Florence Johnson, Kalama-
zoo; Katherine Arns, Grand Rapids;
Marie McCallam, Midland; Alethe
Baldwin, St. Louis; Frances Parsons,
Port Huron; Helen Moore, Port Hur-
on; and Hannah Hawkes, Keokuk, Ia.;
Eloise McCoy, Elizabeth Arthur and
Helen Restrick, all of Detroit; Mary
True, Ann Arbor; Jean Davidson,
Hubbell; and Hazel McCauley, Iron-

YOU MEET 'EM EVERY DAY Shows that played Jeremiah's station
gave the natives Their only Glimpses
By Harold R. Schradzki of Dress Shirts. And it Was always
Once there was a Bale of Hay named
Jeremiah Squiggins, which left the the Villain who Wore them. Now
Farm when it Weighed 200 Pounds. Jerentiiah had absorbed Some of Old
It was sent to College. Jeremiah's man Squiggins' gray dope, and was
folks Were bound to have a Colleger no Slouch at getting Wise to his
in the Family. They could Do it, Too, Own Drawbacks. He knew he was
for Old man Squiggins was the Tight-
est mortgagee in Polk County. here- a Boob on the Social Lion stuff, and
miali, being Built like a Truck, was Always would be, therefore he had a
Seized by the Football coach, who, IHunch and was Democratic. Down in
Because he was a Good Coach, made his Fatty heart, he envied T. Brook-
a Good football Player out of the lyn Suburbs, who knew the Small
Two Hundred pounds. From then On,'paints that Distinguish the (entle-
it wasn't Long before Jeremiah be- ints th mitngi. the Gt
came the Idol of his College. When ans from the Imitator. But e got
lie leapt Nineten yards across the Har- ip in Class maeeting and Proached
democracy, waved c the flag and wore
yard Goal Line for the Winning touch- the Only Suit his Chilly bosomed old
down, he was Made president of his
Class. After running the Length of ran Would come across with. His
the Field a few Times through thev warped and Narrow Soul began to be-
Yale and Princeton Teams, he was al- lieve in it, and many the Good man
lowed to Plunk Down his five Bucks there was Who was Knocked out on
lowd t Plnk ownhisfiv Buksthe Final round, because Jeremiah
to seven Honor Societies. The day knew he could use a Salad Fork.
he Stood on One hand, and Kicked a i oon the o lddstorySradeatrd
Field Goal with his Feet crossed, in itself, and the Heir to the Squiggins'
the Teeth of a 78-mile an our gale, Ifortune fell for a clever Woman, who
he was asked to address the Student had Looked Jeremiah tp in Brad-
body at the Next convocation. When had Looked Jeia up in Ba-
,__,__,_ ,_. ,, .,_ . .,._.. ,,., ,,,;s treet first. Being a wise little W e-

he broke the Backs of Two Cornell
tacklers and fatally Chewed up an-
other, his Name was placed in Nomin-
ation for the presidencies of the Union,
Council, Comedy Club, and Cercle'
Francais. Ihe was a Good football
Since Jeremiah's immediate family
Drank cut of inch-thick Cups, it Pre-
cluded any Fancy Stuff with the little
Finger extended. He was always Too
Busy grappling with the Cup, anyway.
Years of toil Around Old Man Squig-
gins' stable had not Tended to popu-
larize him with the Elite at the Polk

County Dances.

The one-night stand

inan, she gave Jeremiah a lot of what
he would Have sold his Soul for. She
talked it over With her Male Progeni-
tor, and he Eagerly Footed the Bills.
Party cloaks and Paquin things were
hers, and she Broke a record by being
the First co-ed on the Campus to spend
over Three Dollars for a pair of
Shoes. It needn't be said that Jere-
iniah liked it. iHe Ate it Up. He
sprained his Teeth chewing on the
,1look, and didn't even Feel the sinker
Slide down his Trhroat. Jeremiah read
looks on "How to Say the Unexpected
in the Right Way," and "Polite Con-
versation and Rules for the Use of
Sharp Knives." He took Dancing les-
Izons and wore White Collars. He
laid a Nickel for a Shine without a
Tpwinge, and Lied to Old Man Squig-
gins with the Artistry of a better
But hie was really such a Rough
1 lick, and the Pungent odor of the
Farm clung so Tightly to him, That
the Wise Woman gave it Up and mar-
ried a Bridge Fiend.
Moral: Oh what's the use; most of
you wouldn't get it, anyway.
522 "Always on time" 522

ton, 0.;

and Agnes Pease, Kenilwvorth,

Booth 27
Zeta Psi. Chaperons-Mrs.
Towar, Detroit. Guests-The


Meta Schimmer, Saginaw; Helen Mil-
ler, Saginaw; Marion Tower, Detroit;
Blanche Day, Detroit; Eleanor Ander-
son, Newcastle, Pa.; Helen McCrack-
en, New Castle, Pa.; Johanna Remer,I
Saginaw; Jean Marshall, Duluth,
Minn.; Edessa Warner, Farmington;
Edith Russell, Ann Arbor; and Helen
Sadborn, Lansing.







New Michigan Song Book
"Victors" and "Varsity"
On a double Victor Record
All Music Played at the Hop



i H-oue



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