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January 10, 1915 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1915-01-10

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Daring of Howe's Photographer
Secures Him Berth in Hospital
The 130-ton gun in the 12-inch tur- The romance of industry as express-
ret was ready to hurl an 850-pound ed in the making of a National cash
shell 10 miles, and even at that dis- register constitutes another feature of
tance put it through a nine-in h ar- the program. Howe selected this par-
mor plate. ticular plant not alone because it is
The adventurous photographer sta- typical of American skill, enterprise
tioned so near it was sorry now that and organization but because it is
he came. ecognized the world over as the model
He was about to receive a shock- manufacturing plant. a monumental
that much he knew. He knew, too, realization of an idea and an ideal.
that he would experience a new sen- The variety of the scenes may be im-
sation, and one that in all probability agined when it is remembered that 90
would be so new that he could not trades and professions are engaged
imagine it. here in manufacturing machines from
He became nervous. 8,800 different kinds of raw material,
But there was no escape now. coming from all quarters of the globe.
Moreover he told himself he was not The registers are shipped to 75 differ-
"quitter". ent countries and protect 33 different
So his professional self got the mas- coinages of money.

Jorwin Girls in A Novelty Wire Act, Majestic theatre, Mon-Tues-
" Wed., daily matinee.

films SH"OWN
aken on bloody battlefields
pe by staff photographer
f Chicago Tribune.
aderful progress of the mo-
e art will enable the people
y to see some of the most
vents in the great Euro-
just as they occurred. They
ble to. see the Burning of
he destruction of Termonde,
s of Alost, of Aerschot and
le Flooding of Lierre, the
es of the allied powers, and
of other vital scenes.
thrills of genuine warfare,
rors of modern fighting by
s engaged in the great Euro-
lict, all the incidents and
t have been told and retold
ess of the country for the
months, are vividly por-
he Chicago Tribune motion
f the Belgian battlefields.
ures were taken by Edwin
staff photographer of the
aly, and are the only au-
ctures of the war yet se-

cured. The Chicago Tribune entered
into a contract by the Belgian gov-
ernment to turn over one-half of its
proceeds from the films to the Bel-
gian Red Cross society, and its pho-
tographer was given permission to
accompany the allied armies. The
pictures have created a sensation, and
will be shown at the Whitney theatre

Although he hadA braced his camera
well he forgot to brace himself, and
after it was all over the gun crew had
to pick up, a rather crippled pho-.
tographer. After two weeks in the
hospital, he recovered sufficiently well
to tell what little he remembered, but
he could 'not tell it nearly as well as
the pictures he secured for Lyman H.
Howe which will be shown in Ann
Arbor, at the Whitney theatre on
Thursday, Jan. 28.

The Philippines of today and yester-
day-the past and the present cus-
toms, costumes, dances, habits, etc.,
of a strange people, forms another
noteworthy subject of vital and ab-
sorbing interest, besides many other
features of rare charm and beauty,
not to mention entirely new animated
cartoons which always form such a
welcome and pleasant diversion.



She is Coming - dear .little
miss - "September Morn" - but
she's clothed in the form of a
three-act musical comedy this time,
with jokes, scenery, songs and girls,
and lots of them. Leo Greenwood
is the star of the play, which Is pre-
sented by Rowland & Clifford's spe-
cially selected musical comedy comp-
any of 50. Many new tango and hesi-
tation dances have been staged and
the latest foreign creation, called
"Shark Swish Dip"-very popular in
London, England, goes with a rush.
Besides Mr. Greenwood, the comp-
any contains "The American Gaby
Deslys,-Hazel Shannon, who is a
wonderful dancer and clever other-
wise, and thatsplendid actress and
singer, Adelyn Estee, who is also-seen
in a prominent role. The company
contains many entertainers out of the
ordinary, besides a big chorus of pret-
ty girls.
This company recently finished a
highly successful engagement at the
LaSalle Opera House, of Chicago.
The engagement of "September
Morn" will be for one day only, mat-
inee and night Friday, February 12.

"Now for the Dutch" is how the
merry German dialect comedian, Al. H.
Wilson announces his appearance at
the .Whitney theatre-Saturday, Feb-
ruary 13, in a revival of his pictur-
esque song-adorned comedy "When
Old New York Was Dutch", those who
love good clean wholesome entertain-
ment may prepare for an enjoyable
The story of those olden days in the
metropolis is overflowing with diver-
sified novelty throughout, and those
,who have laughed at Mr. Wilson's unc-
tious humor and listened to his sweet
songs in the past, can well imagine
how entertaining his performance
must be when the best romantic play
of his career is now being presented.
Mr. Wilson, as Metz Von Frieburg an
adventurous young German, who sud-
denly finds himself embroiled in a
feud between the English and Dutch
when in search of his young , wife
from whom he was separated in child-
hood, brings into play that dashing
rollicking devil-may-care personality
for which he is noted and when du-
ring the action he sings a number of
new melodious songs, his charm is
The new songs are entitled "When
I First Met You", "When the Roses
in Spring Bloom Again", "Moon-Moon
-Moon", "Mr. Bear".
Majestic t h e a t r e management
announces that the football pictures
of the Yale-Harvard game, played at
the new bowl in New Haven where
70,000 people were seated, will be
shown on the screen at the Majestic
in connection with the musical comedy
"My Cinderella Girl" Mondday, Tues-
day, Wednesday, January 18-19-20,
with a daily matinee. '+

What is conceded to be the biggest
and best novelty of the entire season
will be at the Majestic theatre starting
Monday matinee January 11. It is
the "ALL GIRL SHOW", which is
five acts of vaudeville and which con-
sists of all girl performers. All of
them have an arra of offerings that
should please the most fastidious.
The headline act is styled "The Four
Seasons", which is a spectacular one
and has beautiful scenery and electri-
cal effects. Each girl gives her in-
terpretation of the season which she
represents, Spring, Summer, Fall and
Winter, and the quick changes they
make are a big feature. The MNeil
Trio who open the show are three girls
who have a high class musical act,
playing several musical instruments
in a highly acceptable manner. Their
number on the.French horn is above
the ordinary on this difficult instru-
ment. Doyle and Elaine are two girls
who are as good eccentric come-
diennes as has appeared at the Majes-
tic this season, and they offer as a
finish to their act a dancing specialty.
Mary Gray a real star who has been
featured from coast to coast as "The
Waltz Girl in Miles of Smiles", is not
only a clever commedienne but is
really pretty and she seems to have
a never ending suply of new and
brilliant comedy. She holds down, the
fourth position, which is always the
most important one on any five act
bill, in a very satisfactory manner.
The closing act is by the "Three Jor-
dan Girls", who do a little singing and
dancing and then for a close, offer a
wire novelty that is not surpassed by
even "Bird Millman" herself. The
two girls are assisted in their act by
their mother, who was at one time
the most celebrated wire performer
in the country. Once in a while when
she feels like working, she dons the
spangles and shows her two girls what
wire walking really was in the days
of the old one ring circus.
The three McNeil girls, who are a
feature of the ALL-GIRL Show at the
Majestic Monday, Jan. 11, are the only
trio of feminine musicians, on the
stage who play the French horn.
This is one of the most difficult in-
struments to play, and even male
players of the French horn are few
and far between. This instrument
forth beautiful melody, and an enter-
taining quarter-hour may be looked
forward to from the McNeil Trio.
"My Cinderella Girl", with 17 people,
15 of whom are principals, will appear
at the Majestic theatre soon. "My
Cinderella Girl" is a college play with
music and specialties. The cast is
extraordinarily good, being composed
of Guy Voyer, Harriet Lee, Stewart
and Earle, Ralston and Craig, the
Siwash Four, Dorothy Ellis, Minnie
Pillard, and others. The 2 musical
numbers and specialties are said to
be exceptionally fine.

"The Misleading Lady", by Paul
Dickey, ex-'06, which will be seen here
shortly, is a splendidly blended mix-
ture of farce and melodrama, whose
plot principallyeconcernsathe love
affairs of a society belle and a hard
headed, practical young business man.
Helen Steele, fancy free and a flirt,
advises Jack Craigen that from his
declarations the only woman who will
ever make him happy is one that he
will capture and keep under a bell
glass. The advice is no sooner given
than she is seized, bound, hooded and
carried presto away in the said gen-
tleman's auto. His Adirondack lodge
is none too inviting, and- to make sure
that his fair captive will remain for
awhile he anchors her by the ankle
with the chain that has held his pet
hunting dog. Complications,.are many
and give opportunity for delightful
crossfire, despite the hysterical con-
dition of his charge. A blow from
a telephone transmitter knocks out
the said Mr. Graigen, enables the cap-
ive to secure the tiny key and effect
her release. And what she does is
but natural with the sex. She rushes
out in the storm in ballroom garb-
to find medical assistance and finds
the man who tames her.
The theatre-loving public of Amer-
ica admire romantic themes for their
diversion and when presented with an
artist like Al H. Wilson who is gifted
vocally, mentally and physically for
the portrayal of such characters, the
entertainment takes an additional in-
terest, especially is this true of this
gifted German dialect comedian's per-
formance in the song adorned roman-
tic play "When Old New York Was
Dutch' which he is presenting this
season with all its wealth of pic-
turesque surroundings and detail. Mr.
Wilson introduuces a number of new
songs that are perfect gems of melody.
Mr. Wilson will appear at the Whitney

Mary Gray, the "Waltz Girl in Miles
of Smiles," who is one of the stars of
the ALL-GIRL vaudeville show at the
Majestic next Monday, recently re-
ceived the following poetic effusion
from an unknown but evidently
stricken admirer:
"Oh, Mary Gray, I rue the day
I first set eyes upon you;
For Mary Gray, since that same day,
I'm dreaming that I won you.
"At night I sleep not, Mary Gray,
My brain with you is teeming;,
I cannot even eat by day,
But sit, of you a-dreaming.
"My work lies idle, Mary Gray,
Since you my heart inspired;
And I received just yesterday,
A pink slip saying 'Fired!'
"B mt job and sleep and appetite,
For them I snap a finger,
If, Mary Gray, just once to-day,
I see your sweet smile linger."
Professor Guerlac, of the French de-
partment at Cornell, now.a member of
the 89th regiment of the French army,
on leave of absence, has brought som
interesting information from the scene
of action. In speaking of the univer-
sities on the continent, Professor
Guerlac said that most all the pro-
pessors are at the front, and practi-
cally all the students, with the ex-
ception of women and men physically
unfit for the army.
The University of Lille is practi-
cally closed, and at Nancy, conditions
are even worse. The secondary
schools, however, are carrying on their
work as usual, in spite of the fact
that the number of professors and in-
structors is greatly diminished.

Not since the days of theatregoers,
having their first taste of the delights
which modern vaudeville offers, has
there been the prospect of such splen-
did entertainment as that which will
be provided by the artists who are
to make their first appearance at
the Majestic theatre, Thursday mat-
inee January 14. Miss Winona Winter,
who has established herself as a star
of the "Golden Girl" and "Leading
Lady" with Sam Bernard & Julian
Eltinge, and other famous Comedi-
ans, also with Charles Frohman's at-
tractions "The Little Cherub" and "The
Dairy Maids" returns to vaudeville
for a limited engagement prior to
her starring tour in a musical comedy
drama now in preparation.
Miss Winter possesses a charming
personality and fascinating nianner
which has made her a prime favorite
from Maine to California. Aside from
the ingenious captivation of her ap-
pearance, Miss Winter is bubbling over
with talent, and in addition to her
beautiful rendition of beautiful songs,
recitations, and imitations, she intro-
duces as a novelty in her offering, one
of the cleverest bits= of ventriloquism
ever seen or heard on any stage.
"Quaker Girl" to be Seen Here Soon.
"The Quaker Girl", the English
musical success as played for two
years at the Royal Adelphi theatre,
London, and for one year at the Park
theatre, New York, with the complete
production and well-known cast of
principals, together with a beauty cho-
rus magnificently gowned, will be the
attraction at the "Whitney", Saturday,
January 23.

Marie McNeil, World's Greatest Lady Cornetist, Majestic, Mon-Tues-Wed.,
daily matinee.

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z Girl", in
tic, Mon.

"Army on the March," As shown in the Chicago Daily Tribune War Pictures f or the benefit of the Belgian Red Cross
Society at the Whitney theatre Today.

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