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The Corn City Novelty Co.
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kditor, .The Michigan Daily:-
The Ann Arbor Times News in an
rtcle Monday entitled "To Settle
ate of Junior Hop" makes a state-
tent to which I take exception. Near
he end of the article is the following,
he music was fast, the dance was
xtreme and the gowns!" Also that
ese extreme dances and gowns had
o place in a democratic state univer-
ty and caused the riot. This is ac-
>rding to the story current at the
me, which was sent to the Detroit
opers by a university man attend-
ig the hop. If reference be made
the files of the Michigan Daily of
Iiat date, statements will be found,
ade by the chaperones of the hop,
mying the alleged extreme dancing
id dresses. Indeed, the dresses were
o more extreme than could be found
t any formal dance at that time, and
LO "pandalous" dances were tangoes
hich were just being introduced here,
ad hed been danced for months at
her places. Does anyone hold up
.s hands in horror now-a-days when
e tango is danced? The "J" Hop
ould probably not have been put
it, had not the cause of the riot been
irposely misconstrued. Such a story
ade excellent newspaper material,
id in its perverted form was spread
oadcast through the state and other
ates. Such notoriety was fine for
.e university, and lent a beautiful
ipression of the morals of the stu-
nt body in general. We want only
.e best class of men at Michigan,
it the university cannot be held re-
onsible for the acts of rowdies who
casionally slip in, and yet their acts
ways reflect on the university. There
ere quite a few townspeople standing
ound outside the gymnasium, and I
as told by one of them afterwards
at the crowd had no desire to get
because of the extreme dancing
id dressing, but merely because they
ere incensed at not being allowed to
ter after 12:00 o'clock, as had been
e custom of former years. This
as done because it began to be a
bit of those getting in free to pass
erring and profane remarks in an
idible tone about those attending the
nce, and it was desired to do away
th this annoyance. That this was
e correct thing to do was shown by
e rowdyism displayed by the nob
len they finally understood they
uld not get in without paying.
rowds are few and far between, in
lich some leaders with mob instincts
ill not appear on an occasion such
this, and once getting the crowd in
e right mood and believing they had
grievance, they ceased to think of
ght and wrong and the ultimate con-
quences of what they were doing.
R. E. Amos, '13.
ermess Proceeds Reach $600 to Date
Kermess proceeds to date amount
nearly $600, but many bills are still
ipaid and all the money has not been
,rned in and so the exact sum will
t be known until after the meeting
the combined committees on Mon-
Early Student Publications Antedate
Civil War; Year Book Called
"Palladium;" Forerunner
of MichiganensIan
Establish Michigan Tecnic in 1888;
Gargoyle Founded in 198 and
Directory in 1910
With their establishment in new and
modern offices at the beginning of the
present school year,.the student pub-
lications at Michigan may be said to
have reached a new epoch in their
.history. The new and centralized
quarters of the various publications
have been pronounced by many as
among the finest and best equipped
in the country. The organizations lo-
cated in the new offices are: The
Michigan Daily, established in 1890 as
the "U. of M. Daily"; the Michigenen-
sian, organized in 1897; the Gargoyle,
which published its first number in
1908; and the Students' Directory, es-
tablished in '1910.
These organizations are compara-
tively young in the history of the stu-
dent publications, for many of the
original organizations date back to
civil war times, or earlier. The earl-
iest student publication of any kind:
was the Palladium, which was found-
ed in 1858. This was published in
the form of an annual by represen-
tatives of the secret societies in the
senior classes. At first it merely con-
tamed membership lists of the secret
societies, and of the college classes,
but beginning with the Issue for 1865,
material of general campus interest
was introduced.
Another early publication was the
University Chronicle which appeared
for the first time, March 2, 1867. This
ran as a bi-weekly magazine for two
years. In 1869 it was combined with
the Michigan University magazine, a
monthly publication which was also
in the third year of its existence. The;
new organization, called the Chronicle,
was published bi-weekly and weekly
until 1890, when it combined with the
Argonaut. The University, a semi-
monthly publication, was established
in 1879 as an organ of the students
of the professional schools, but re-
mained in existence only two years.
Argonaut Predicts Present Movement
A publication similar to the Chron-
icle, The Michigan Argonaut, was
founded October 7, 1882, a a bi-
weekly magazine. In 1884 It was made
a weekly, with the usual new head-
ings, and new cuts. The purpose of
the Argonaut, as set forth in its first
editorial, is significant in its similar-
i.ty to the present movement for a
new gymnasium: "With this issue a
new Argo is launched, and a new
band of Argonauts grasp the oar. Our
crew is not composed of gods and
heroes, but merely of statesmen, phil-
osophers, chroniclers, essayists and
orators; our quest is not a piece of,
sheep's wool, but college news and a
In the fall of 1890, the Chronicle and
the Argonaut combined, forming the
Chronicle-Argonaut. This publication
ran only one year, 1890-'91, but on its
board of editors were men who have
achieved distinction in literary, or in
other fields. In the list are: Louis
V. DeFoe, '91, dramatic critic of the
New York World; Edward S. Beck,
'93, managing editor of the Chicago
Tribune; H. C. Bulkley, '92, regent of
the university; and John R. Effinger,
'91, dean of the literary department.
A. new year book, the University
Castalian, was founded in the spring
of 1886, by the independents of the
university. The matter it contained
was similar to that which appeared in
the Palladium,-faculty and class lists,
lists of officers and members of the
Various literary societies, and of the
other student organizations. In addi-
tion to this matter which was common
to both publications, considerable
space was given to a defense of the
independents in their organized oppo-
sition to the secret societies. A de-
partment was also devoted to histor-
ical and statistical information con-
cerning leading universities and col-
leges. Prof. J. A. C. Hildner, '90, of
the German department, was a mem-
ber of the board of editors for the
1890 Castalian.
Sophomores Establish Annual
The Oracle was established in 1867,
as the annual publication of the soph-
omore class. Its aim, as put forth in
the first issue, was to provide "a med-
ium through which successive genera-
tions of sophomores will act the role
of teachers and reformers." In later
years the annual "purported rather to
represent the ingenuity, enterprise
and literary ability of its class." The
Oracle suspended publication in 1902.
In December, 1890, arrangements
were completed for, the publication of
a new magazine, the Inlander. It was
organized by non-fraternity men and
made a senior publication, but later
fraternity men were invited to join
in the management. At the head of its
board of editors were Prof. F. N. Scott
and Prof. John Dewey. Prof. Andrew
C. McLaughlin, son-in-law of Presi-
dent-Emeritus James B. Angell, and.
formerly of the history department of
the .university, was represented on the
first board of editors of the Inlander.
The magazine was well-known for the
high order of its literary contribu-
tions. It was published continuously
until 1907.
A new staff and more efficient man-
agement put the paper back on its
feet again. In the fall of 1900, the
Daily increased its circulation and its
fame by appearing Sunday morning
instead of Monday, thus publ4shing
the football news on time. Chicago
newspapers hailed the first Sunday
college newspaper with delight, de-
voting pages to the radical departure
of the students, and asserting that
the conservatives of Ann Arbor were
The Daily's success invited competi-
tion, and in 1900 a small group of stu-
dents started the 'Varsity News, which
however, never appeard on the cam-
pus. Soon after this the Daily. was
incorporated as the Michigan Daily
News Publishing Co., and bought out
its competitor. It appeared in the fall
of 1901, as the Michigan Daily-News.
The name was held until 1903, when
it was changed back to the U. of M.
Daily. The same year, the faculty de-
cided to purchase the Daily from its
student owners, and the university
senate paid the stockholders $2,200
for the paper. In June, 1903, a board
of faculty men and students was or-
ganized to supervise the management
of the paper. This was the origin of
the present board in control of student
publications. Under the new regime,
the name of the paper was changed
to the Michigan Daily. In' 1905 the
paper was enlarged to five columns,
and in 1911 it was increased to its
present size.
Famous Men on Magazine's Staff
A humor magazine, the Wrinkle,
was founded in 1893. Among its early
editors were: Robert Wagner, '95, a
prominent California artist, Hal Smith,
'95, of Detroit, and Karl Harriman, '98,
now managing editor of the Ladies'
Home Journal. In 1903-'04, the sheet
was edited by. Wilfred B. Shaw, '04,
secretary of the Alumni association.
The last issue of the Wrinkle appear-
ed in June, 1905.
In the fall of 1897, the two senior
annuals, the Palladium and the Cas-
talian, were combined to form the
Michiganensian. In 1905 a board for
control of the Michiganensian was
created by the committee on non-ath-
letic organizations. In December,
1908, by action of the university sen-
ate, the control of all university stu-
dent publications, past, present, and
future, was put in the hands of the
board in control.
Lee White First Editor of Gargoyle
The Gargoyle, the present humor
magazine, was founded in 1908 by Lee'
White, '10, who edited it during its
Tobacco ThatisGo
For Your Nerves
TUXEDO actually soothes the
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Tuxedo is widelyimitated-but no
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Convenient pou i, Famous green tin, A
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Send us 2 cents in stamps for post-
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"Txdo is a god nve.
some loboc, u a a
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own.IITIs an1, c
tos rn pipe pleesr.!tls
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m aintain d a high rt pu .n iou
for superiority. Its'r.o;nesa
mildness, and genu. ne,,sooth-
ing qualities are v.ritW 'd
:,.r -. F:- -
The Michigan Technic, was founded
in the spring of 1888, as the official
publication of the Engineering society,
The Technic board, one of the stand-'
ing committees of the society, was
made the editorial board. Each num-
ber of the Technic is usually prefaced
by a portrait and biographical sketch
of a professor- in engineering. The
rest of the magazine is taken up with
technical papers and editorial notes.
Daily Founded by Independents
The Michigan Daily was founded in
October, 1890, as the U. of M. Daily,
by the Independent association. Its
original location was over a fruit
stand, on the second floor of a build-
ing now opposite the post-offlce, In
1893, departmental 'representation on
the Daily staff was inaugurated; each
department elected three reporters to
hand in its news, For five years the
Daily was published in an irregular
manner. One morning the paper would
appear at 9:00 o'clock, while the next
day it might not be printed until 3:00
o'clock in the afternoon, all depend-
ing on the mood of the staff, and the
amount of copy at hand. As a result
of this kind of management, the Daily
nearly died a premature death in 1895,
the ill,.rator
r e t y
oThere ;s zetand encocr-
ctgement in ee ry pifefui of
!Tuxedo~. fThe s. L'P.h , .".st
soothng soke Iknc7
first two year's of existence. The
Students' Directory was established in
1910, and its first issue contained the
names of the faculties and, students for
the college year, 1910-'11.
The Painted Window, a magazine
for literary contributions of a serious
nature, was founded in the fall of
1911, by a group of 12 students. The
aim of tjie publication was to repre-
sent the campus in short story, poetry,
and essay. The Painted Window sus-
pended publication in May, 1913.
Order your seats now for the big
sack of flour at the "Country Store"
Night at the Majestic, Thursday, Dec.
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