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November 04, 1914 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1914-11-04

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i n t



.. 32.



.. , Proposed Archway
meeting of the senior lits yesterday.
Open Field Running of Western Star TODAY Arrange Program For "Pep" Session Annual Eient Will Be Held 14 Gym The class voted to have a course of
Responsible for Three of Cosmopolitan club round-up, Newber- at Auditorium Friday Night on November 7, After Election four dinners, and discussed other so-
Four Tallies Made ry hail, 7:30 o'clock. Before Game With of Captain For Next cial plans. A committee on the pro-
Against Scrubs Jackson club smoker, Michigan Union, Penn Season posed student archway was authoriz-
6:00 o'clock. --ed, and several minor offices were fill-
GALT APPEARS AT SCRIMMAGE Indiana club smoker, Michigan Union, PROF. C. H. VAN TYNE WILL JAMES SCHERMERHORN, EDITOR ed by election.
to consider the probable cost of the
Put First Team Through Signal Drills TOMORROW Band to Duplicate Performances at Appoint H. R. Marsh, '6, General archway, which has been suggested
With Bastian at Right Meeting of the Comedy club in the so- Harvard; "Hap" Haf to Chairman For Gigantic for the northwest corner of the cam-
Halfback ciety rooms at 4:30 o'clock. Lead Yells Affair pus. The committee will also consult
Pharmic smoker, Michigan Union, 7:30 with other committees that may be
"Buzz" Catlett's open field running o'clock, Rafter-rocking cheers and rousing Preparations are under way for the appointed from the other senior class-
featured the football practice yester- Triangle dinner, Michigan Union, 8:15 speeches mingled with the strains of annual football smoker, to be held at es.
day afternoon,thewesternerscori o'clock. The social committee consists of H.
scoring Forestry club meeting, 7:30 o'clock Michigan's battle songs will be the Waterman gymnasium Tuesday even- R. Marsh, L. K. Friedman, J. O'Hara,
three out of four touchdowns made tonight, room 407 engineering build- program which will greet the students ing, November 17, under the auspices C. H. Lang, Marion McPherson, Mar-
by the second Varsity team against ing. at 7:30 o'clock Friday, when they as- of the Michigan Union. Committee- jorie Delavan, and Fannie Hogan.
the Reserves. Faculty concert, Hill auditorium, 4:15 semble at Hill auditorium in an en- men have been appointed, and after Russell Dean was elected basketball
One of the scores was made after a o'clock, deavor to create "pep" for the coming a meeting of all the committees, active manage. a
40 yard gain, while several other long Union membership dinner, Michigan struggle with the Quakers, work will begin. Chester H. Lang, Howard Marsh,
runs from scrimmage and kickoff went Union, 6:00 o'clock. "Jimmy" Watkins, '09, has been se- At the smoker, which will take place and Margaret Foote were elected as-
to Catlett's credit. The other score Fresh lit el etions, 203 Tappan hall, cured to preside at the function by after the election of Captain for next sociate editors of the Michiganensian.
was made on a forward pass over the 2:00 to 5:00 o'clock. the program committee, composed of year's team, "M's" will be distributed
_ollinfrm______toQual_;C. H. Lang, '15, and. H. G. Gault, '15- to the players. Several speakers,
ob" "uHuebel plntinQgwas the '17L Prof. C. H. Van Tyne will be among whom will be James Schermer-
other feature of the day's pracifel the faculty speaker, and Frank Mur- horn, editor of the Detroit Times, andE
other feature of the day'sprack. phy, '12-'14L, has promised to "let faculty and student representatives
frtalm as odsoig hl h loose the dogs of war." will be an the program, and the Glee
also made a good sho wing, while thelllI
s g The band -will be present to show and Mandolin clubs will give selec-
dir1s witl Bastian at right half. sia B T O I 1 the students how they did it for the tions. Quantities of sweet cider and
Gait, the veteran right halfback, was WIULeasterners, while "Hap" Haff will tobacco will be on hand for refresh-
on the field for the first time in many wield the' megaphone. As a fitting con- ments. The admission will be 25 Big rd Team> and Coaches Hold Hard
i aned and Blue Confident of Avenging clusion to the evening's affair, Selden cents, and any man in the university Practice For Contest With
weeks, although he was not in his suit, 1-0 Defeat Suffered Dickinson, '13-'15L, will play the ac- will be welcome. .Wolverines
as he has just gotten out of bed. There Last Year companiment for "The Yellow and Committees have been appointed,
i& a possibility that Gait may play in HV 'tN UNN T'C
ts, a ornllt ame bt Git ismaydly ex-Blue" on the pipe organ. and all members are expected to at- HAVE STRONG RUNNINO ATTACK
the Cornell game, but it is hardly ex- MANY ROOTERS TO HELP TEAM W. B. Palmer, '15, and J. S. Leonard, tend an important meeting at the Un-
pectted that he will. Seilt h ihgnDiy
Fe0ted thase w e rt.e'16L, have charge of the distribution ion at 7:15 o'clock tonight. H. R. (Special to The Michigan Daily)
Forward passes were rather fre- (Special to The Michigan Daily.) of the tickets. They announce that Marsh, '15, is general chairman of the Ithaca, N. Y., November 3.-With the
qiuent inl the scrimmage yeserdaone bs eodmd yayo h i
of :them frommHebel toyDunenetting PHILADELPHIA, PA., Nov. 3.-Old the pasteboards may be procured at smoker committee, which consists of best record made by any of the Big
los te forty b t yards. en nonthe Michigan Union, on presentation four sub-divisions. Red Teams of recent years, the Cor-
of student coupon books, during any The comimttee on arrangements is nell football team and coaches have
Saturday, and the Quakers are con- of the following periods:-Thursday, Paul Thompson, 'l6L, (chairman), Pat- already begun the ground work for
3a + lL+f V AUTDEILLE thete intersectional-hursay;conflictson 1withcairic},Pi-
T 10W L ATAITORVU D EgC.I fident that they will avenge the 13 to :00 to 5:30 o'clock; Friday, 9:00 to rick C. Graney, '16E, Thatcher W. Rea, the intersectional conflict withMichi-'
"A A I U .10 defeat of last season, when the re- 12:15 o'clock and from 12:45 to 7:00 '17E, Sidney J. Shipman, '17, Delos A. gan at Ann Arbor. - Cornell has one'
o'clock. Tickets to the first balcony Smith, '17, Leslie Alexander, '17L, more game to play here, but the team
Remaining tCommttees For 191 Opera vitalized Wolverines triumphed over will be reserved for the women until Dale R. Maltby, '16E, Meade W. Pat- is awaiting the Wolverine game with'
A o lie Chosen; Body Plans the crippled Red and Blue. 4:00 o'clock Friday afternoon, when terson, '17E, Herbert C. Garrison, '17E, eagerness for revenge of the game last
-r -Trainer Dwyer is taking careful they will be given out to the men. O. D. Swartz, Staats Abrams, '17, Har- year, when Yost's men won 17 to 0 omi
pains with the squad this week, and ry W. Kerr, '16, Harold R. Leslie, '17, Percy field. -
Michgn , the o rganiaty omi t h 't a - solitary cripple on the list. APPOINTMENT COMMITTEE WILL' J. K. Robinson, '17D, L. J. Whitmire, Cornell has already scored 179 pints
14lihi C qnthe "a~gniza# :to 24 for her opponents, and has de-
wichstages the annual iperae- All season aoach Brooke has been REGISTER CANDIDATES MONDAY '1D, and John S. Cooper, '17.
idedc at its annualfall banquetlast hampered with injuries to his stars Members of the program committee veloped one of the most powerful run-
ight to pts a vaudvllb et hwo but the veterans are now all back in Registration of, all candidates wih are . H. Phillips, '16E, (chairman), ning attacks in local gridiron history.
ihday night, December 1, nHill, shape, and Pennsylvania will have her expect to teach, as well as all persons Norman M. James, '16E, Robert E. Off to a slow start, the Red team has
atrium. Tghe prgram will con-strongest battle front ready for the who wish, the services of the appoint- Haskett, '15D, C. B. Stuart, '15, and been coming fast, and should be at its
sit of six 'big acts and the usual ac- Maize and Blue. ment committee at any time through H. G. Tait, '15A. John Switzer, '16, is best against Mtchiga; with ar easy
compnig "movies." tvery act will Harvard and Syracuse both having the year, will be held in University chairman of the publicity division and game the coming Saturday.
be made up of local talent. defeated Michigan, the Quakers are out hall at 4:00 o'clock next Monday af- the other members are Verne E. Bur- Scouts from the Harvard-Michigan
Itis ae to tag te prod to keep up the good work, and leave ternoon. A charge of $1.00 is made nett, '17, Theron D. Weaver, '16E, and game reported to the coaches Monday,
in as nearlydatprofessionalpmannerias the eastern slate a clean one for the for late registration, and it is urgent E. Rodger Sylvester, '17. The finance and the local strategists are already
possible. C. L. Kendrick, '15, was ap season. Last fall Notre Dame and the that all persons register at this time, ommitteemen. are Ward D. Peck, '15L, laying plans for the Wolverines. The
pointedgeneal crm , Trouts Wolverines won all the intersectional The committee states it is more con- (chairman), William L. Kemp, '18, E. team was gea rst Mondy, ex
for the various acts, which may be of conflicts, the count standing 5 to 0 for venient for all parties, if the candi- -C., Peabody, '15D, W. E. Fitch, 17, R. Astor a hal tal. rule, ad
any nature whatever, will be held in the West. This season, however, it dates enroll this fall and then later IL. Thorsch, '16, L. E. Crossman, grad. though Captain O'Hearn, Hill and Bar-
the near future. Any student in the looks to local critics as if the west withdraw their names, if they see fit to
university is eligible to try out, would draw a goose egg. do so, rather than to defer enrollment Comedy Club To Hear Prof. Strauss rett are all badly"bruised up.
Admission will be free to all mem- Coach Brooke, who saw the Har- at the present time, and then seek At the meeting of the Comedy club The squad all reported for work to-
hers of the Union, and others will be yard-Michigan game, was greatly sur- registration later in the season. to be held tomorrow in the rooms of day, however, and Coach Sharpe got
charged. . prised at the showing of the Wolver- The services of the appointment the society, definite decision will be down to hrd practice this afternoon
Edward Haislip, '14L, and C. L. ines, and despite the reports from Ann committee are extended not only to the made as to the play which will be forthe first game before the contest
Kendrick, '15, were chosen as the com- Arbor, ranks the Maize and Blue elev- members of the graduating class of produced by the club this year. Prof. with Michigan. In order to get the
mittee on committees from the Mimes en of this fall as one of the strongest this year, but to graduate students, L. A. Strauss will address the club on squad in fine shape for the Wolverines,
to meet with the manager and presi- he has ever seen, and he will work the undergraduates and any others who "Galsworthy on the Drama," this be- the coaches named a number of the
dent of the Union and the president of Varsity hard this week to prepare for have had, or now have, any connection ing the first of a series of faculty lec- Varsity stars, and this probably means
the Mimes, in choosing the remainder the big intersectional game on the with the university, tures to be given each month through- that they will be given a rest for the
of the committees for the 1915 opera. Quaker schedule. out the year. The rest of the men, who did not
It was also decided to reorganize the A special train, bearing 200 rooters Students in "M" Must Come for Flagseres rthmenwodi not
Mimes in regard to the manner of and the university band, will make the Athletic authorities state that if the Jackson Club Holds Meeting At Union enter the, scrimmage today, included
choosing men. - western trip, and the team will be well big block "M" at the Pennsylvania At a meeting of the Jackson club at Barrett, quarterback, and huer, left
supported on Ferry field next Satur- football game on Saturday is to be a the Union last evening, it was- decided half, the two greatest runnigbacks
WILLHOLD) FIRST MEMBERSHIP day, success, it is necessary for all stu- to establish a branch at M. A. C., and on the team, Captain .O'Hearn right
BANQUETD ATR NION TOMORROW dents sitting in that section to report the Michigan Daily was ordered sent- end and Bailey, right tackle.: Munsick
BAUT_ TWO MORE GAMES DECIDED IN for their flags. Up to last evening, to the Jackson high school. A com- resumed his place at left guad for the
Tickets for the Union membership INTERCLASS FOOTBALL SERIES comparatively few of the holders of mittee was appointed to investigate first time in a week. Lutz was sent in
the seats in the "M" had applied at the possibilities of getting special at right end, Fisher gat right tackle,
are now in. the hands of the members Soph Lits Defeat Combined Medics the athletic association offices for their rates on the railroads west of Ann Collins at quarter and Beebe at left

of the committee, and may be ob- 7-0, and Fresh its Pay Tie pennants.Jrr.
_____________________________________r.________ The Varsity scored twice on the
tamned from them or at the desk. This With Engineers srb ntesrmae nwih
____ scrbs n th scrmmae, in which
is the first membership dinner of the UNION TO SAVE FUSSES'NERVESs
year, and an interesting program is Play in the interclass football series straight football predominated.
being offered. The dinners are held was resumed yesterday afternoon, If you've never fussed a woming to a sers, there is freedom ahead. The
obethly throughout the year and have when the soph fits defeated the com- football game, you needn't read on. Michigan Union has for sale the great- STUDENTS WIVES' ASSOCIATION
always been well attended. bined soph and fresh medics, 7 to 0, But here's a liberty-giving message est invention since Mr. and Mrs. Maul- TO MEET DURING COMIG YEAR
Dean Henry M. Bates, of the law de- and the fresh lits played the fresh to the Arrow Collar brigade, who do. betsch announced the birth of son
partment, will give the principal talk, engineers to a scoreless tie. The Spanish Inquisition was a peev- John, and it's designed for you. It is Meetings of the Students Wives' as-
and E. B. McKinley, '16, will be the The soph lits got their score when ing ordeal, and some have said that a game, "Quarterback," they call it, sociation will be held at 7:45 o'clock
other speaker on the program. Karl Thurston intercepted a forward pass the present war is disturbing, but list the object of which is to teach the ig- on the second and fourth Mondays of
J. Mohr, 'S1L, will preside. George on the lits 10-yard line and ran the to one who has suffered, and believe norant the fundamentals of the grid- each month, throughout the year, in
Moritz, '15, who starred in a feminine length of the field for a touchdown. that there is no torture like explain- iron sport. You are supposed to carry Newberry hall. It is thought by mem-
role In the Union opera of two years First blood of the series was drawn ing the rules and regulations of a foot- it down a couple of nights before the hers of the club, who now number
ago, will sing a solo. A string trio, in this game when W. A. Stevenson, of ball game to a tender thing in rugs, game, and the two of you draw up more than 60, that not all wives of
led by Russell Mills, '15E, leader of the lit team, was forced to retire with muffed to the eyebrows. chairs kinda snug-like. Then you students belong, and they are anxious
the mandolin club, will play several a broken cartilage in his nose. "Why does that man you said was twirl a little ball, which wanders into to get the names of these upon their
numbers. Lynch proved to be a valuable find Mr. Splawn kick at those perfectly a groove, marked a certain distance rolls.
n______._for the fresh lits, being the only con- darling Pennsylvania gentlemen," or gained or lost. She naturally asks Dr. Frederick M. Loomis wil give
Tryouts For Technic Make Appearance sistent ground gainer in their back- "Why doesn't Michigan run down to hat that means, and without having t a 1 k s before the association on
Atthe meeting of the try-outs for field. He could not cover all the those other poles, instead of trying to to take your eyes from the real game "Household Nursing," with demonstra-
staff of The Technic, held yester- ground, however, and -the engineersi fight their way past the Cornell fel- on Ferry field, you can sweetly ex- tions by a trained nurse, beginning
day afternoon in. the rooms of the held three times on their goal line and lows?" You've heard it, you know, pound the theory of the game without after the Christmas holidays. Between
engineering society, in the engineering prevented a score. you have. And if she was with you, wishing to fracture a perfectly good now and that time, a series of social
building, about eight men from the Tomorrow's schedule is as follows- you gnashed your clenched hands and little skull. It's a great game, Fellow gatherings, interspersed with lectures,
different classes reported, and receiv- pharmics vs. fresh engineers, dents vs. tried to explain; if she wasn't, you ! Fussers, and saves those embarrassing' is planned. Thee first of these will be
ed their instructions and assignments fresh laws, senior engineers vs. sen- grinned commiseratingly. expletives which slip out of the best held in the near future, although no
or news. or laws. But, Loyal Order of Big Game Fus- of collegiate mouths. definite date has been set.



Rickets Calls Session to lons '
Plans For Celebration After
Penn and Cornell
Dissolution of Soph Medie Class
Organization Becomes
A. T. Ricketts, '1tE, president of t
student council, called a special, me
ing of that body last night to consid
plans proposed for the celebrations i
ter the Pennsylvania and ,Corn
In addition to a celebration to
held in Sleepy Hollow, the commtt
planned to close the saloons in ord
to obviate what has been alleged to
one of the chief causes of the distur
ances in the past.
Consult President Hatchins
H. S. Parsons, ' E, chairman of t
committee, reported last night that
had told President Harry B. Hutchi]
of his plans, that the president co
"mended them, and recommended to t
committee that it see the mayor a
the prosecuting attorney. Prosecutim
Attorney George Burke promised h
support, but Mayor McKenzie said t;
he could not order the saloons clos
until after some riotous act had be
Parsons reported the difficulties 1
had met with, to President Hutchim
Monday afternoon. The President cal
ed up Mayor McKenzie, and the 'ci
official promised that he would try i
use his influence with the local s
loonkeepers. Yesterday he report
to President Hutchins that he had se
a number of the owners, all of who
were willing to close up, and that 5
would see the rest today.
Draw Uip Petition to Governor
In the meantime, some of the hon
societies, getting wind of the troub
which the committee was encounte
ing, decided to go to superior power
i the mayor decided that he did n
have the authority to take the d'esir
action. Petitions to Governor Woo<
bridge N. Ferris were circulated to
limited extent, but the success Whi
seenis to be resulting from the effomt
of President Hutchins and the mayo
probably will prevent the necessity
sending the petition.
The committee secured the author
zation of the council last night, to W
point a committee of about 100 senlo:
to help carry out its plans for tI
bonfire, parade and speech-makin
The seniors chosen will be request
to wear their senior .toques on t
night of the games, and to lead ti
crowd to celebrate in a manner wh
will not bring discredit to the univer
ty. If they hear students talk of rc
ing or of rushing the theaters, the
will be expected to influence the
against rashness. Each councilm
will choose five seniors, and the hon
societies will be asked to delega
some of their members to serve. T]
inen who will be asked to serve w.
meet at the Union at 6:45 o'clock, Fi
day night before the mass meeting
at which time they will be told w&
will be expected of them, and badg
will be distributed.
Council Dissolves Medic Class
The three days in which the stude
council's minutes must be overrule
elapsed last night, and the dissolut<
of the soph medic class organizati
became effective. This was mention
at the council's meeting last nig
and it was informally voted that tl
council's decision should be strict

enforced until the 1917 medics shou
agree to hold nominations and ele
tions over again, and under the cou
cil's supervision.'
On account of class work lasting' a
day through the week, the medics wi
not be able to hold a meeting uni
Friday morning. Reports are sprea
ing that the class has not accurate
understood the council's position
the matter of representation, and th
it may be more conciliatory at Fm
day's meeting. It is also likely, accord
ing to informal expressions by indivi
ual councilmen, that the govern4m
body may make some concessions
the medics if they proceed properly.

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