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January 26, 1913 - Image 8

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1913-01-26

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ELOOMES VISITORS INDEPENDENTS. Guests: Misses Gladys Steele, Grand Guests: Misses Elizabeth )Bredin, Ies, E. P.Jhnston, GQ. Wiley, an W. , DltrOit lePatBntna-
FRO6MNYSTAES Chperne: esdames William IRapIdB; Mildrad Wills, Sioux Fal, S. Marjorie Adams, Jutliana Moring, Ofara ICragg,Drit b r, .; MrOn U4 k in
Howlnd ad R ish~op Qanfleld, Ann D.; Helen -L. Evarte, Detroit; Lucy Dicklnsbn, Detroit; Lu'cy Hawk, Battle 1Guests: Misses Josephine H. Clay,, us, Min;Eizbetherm
Arb ~Geor, Detroit; Helen Diggins, Cadil- Creek; Gail Gorham, jnar~haUl, Mich. Jeannette G. Berery, Clara D. Hqdges, N. Y; Cqorinnle ClIn Pari, ?
(Contnuedirof pag 1) uest: Mises--Loa E. Hammiond, la.c; Dorothy Diggins, Cad Ilac; Tessie Margaret O'Brien, Grtd . Hayen,' Grace B. Hinchman, lVar~y C. Fr9at, Pauline Watson lntubg
hign. he ues lst how th Owss .i - elenP Aust.n, Jack.. Keck, Ohieago; Aniderson, Detroit; Wich.; MEarie Mitchell, Cadillac; Mar- and Ma~raret B.. Hosmer, Detreit; Harb>r S rIIngS M, . De~
e troprtonforofthe21 gustsso; CraColby, Battle Creek,; Nil and Sarab Scheetz, Morristown, Pa.; garet Smith, Bay City; Marjerie Sbhip- Ruth Thrasher, (CincinnatU, 0.; Dora- Dener Jol eaiinetB e
d u~Ifrd, Fren'dshin, N. Y. - Helen Ryan, Detroit; Genevieve Kel- herd, Duluth, Miun.; Loise $teketee, thy Dort, Flint; Harriet F. Stuart and iahoma iy, 9a.; t~
I ent 10 r 6 pr en cme ro Bulh radley, Jden, Mlch1.; Janet Jey, Chicago. Louise P.alin, Arthella Ainsworth, Marguerita Dixon, Chicago. viije, Ky;ndeenhpnLncl
in hesttebouidris.s each1Q Do ic; Edna $iucox, Itha.. ALFUA TAUl OME GA. Grand Rapids; and. Martha Pattison, KAPA $IGEA. Neb.
decds ukylaero he Mc -Eiabt imrtwvalte, Chaperones: IMrs. W. R. Humphreys, Ann Arbor. ChaperOnles: MrS. F. H. Begole,
nd a h s ea ao, nd63oter, ~nite, ic.;Ruh irdsali, Ann Arboir, and Mrs.. W. H. Butler, DELTA OUL Marquette, Mich.; and Mr s. A. L; ZwIs-- Ca .eronea . a.sC Mb
- Y Rivr Mieh.; Myr'tle Wilkin- Ann- Arbor. Chaperones: Mrs. R. $immons, Ann ler, Kalaazoo, Mich.
e Dtragh lagest inge dlea- eeo vrMc b Ellza ranmner, Guests: .Wises Janet Babbitt, De- Arbor; and Mrs. '3. R. Hakes. Guests: Misses~ Katherine Unruh, >Wenley Ann Arbor.
preent Evn An Aborfaled"go bevile O; 0faionM. udig toi; Miss Gertrude Winters, Green- Guests: Misses Lucile Kemp, Green- Bradford, Penn~.; Fanny Hogan, Ann Guest : IMises La atMno
talid it rval, ontibtin oly onFloene Gurney,. lay 'Bradbeer, yile, 0.; Marjiorie Porter, Waugegan, vile, Mich.; Janet Marker, Eloise, Arbor, Mich.; Hazel Uebele, CThicago, Mc. lrheGaaau
Chicgo w s nt afaid o snd Nl rasr zuth gcarn e r oit; ba gh Denver, ner0; Lillian Betsing, ard, Iren Lorin er, D troit; Besse Penn.; Adele Patton Catlettsburg, y 0; RQrk, t W yn, n .; L a
bupjs ofthe angoto -assit th Geoge r -Metta. Lubangayer, Detroit; and Delana. Alden, James- Mac Slay, St. Catherines, Ont.; Anna Marguerite Nickey, Milwaukee, ?Wis.; Kob, Ba Ciy; Blnh anaIe
pper" wileIndanaolissen fie. nna . um4 thWesook,COlare town-, N, Y.; Eleanore Babcock, Chica- 8witzer, Jackson; Helen Brandebury, Elsa Darmnstaetter, Detr?1t, MIch.; trot; gail GaneLvnso
Sie ollwin isa lst f te D.Sabl uy Jones, Hazel Barker, go,bIll.; and Miss Ruth Cufl, Oakland, Huntington, W. Va.; and HEelen Rtob- Rut1L4 en, Evanston, I{. thel~ ar ont;Q H el Hl ese a
tsa te194fucio oraMuc adLilanGveAn AIPilA STGMA PLDELTh UPSILO. Marquietta, Nich.; HTarr4et Bu~sh, Kal Nfntite Palne ,pringfeld,11
GUESTLINT fbor.Chaperones: irs. 'l E. Rankin, Aim Chaperones: Mesda.mes V. RL. Jose, amazoo, Mich.; Ma.rguerite Mathe~wsP APAE.
Only those rganizatios hav- ALPA VELTA . Arbor, anad Mrs. qerard, Battle Creek, Indianapolis, Ind.; and W. H. Longl y, Detroit, Mielh,; and Age Green, Ey- hprn:Mr.A .athw
epartel asorgaizaion. - Heckr, etrit.Guests: Misses Elizabeth Ware,Kan- Guests: Misses Wanda M. Seemann, PHI[ DELTA TUETA.Batm.
Malcomson lan be W. Ba.y]ess, Mary turgeon Bay, i. nMaieta B. Moore, tonhape~ rsed ones anW HC uss tOlv Y
- ~~~~~~~~H. Q'Brien, Detroit; Helen W, SWag- .Dowagiac, Mich.; Jessie T. Allen,Marie M9. ,Zmemn ukgn eec
ner, Terre Haute, Ind.; H{elen E. Ma- -Hancck, Edith w. H*earsey, Virginia Gu~ests: Mise Nell Qai neal, Rici< LAttner, DbqeI. li N~
hoAnn Arbor; Vera MV. Batker, Williams, Indinapolis, Ind.; Eljzabeth mond, Va.; Madeline Hlaff, ans ld,U Deri; adHlnBadl
Grand R3apids; Mildred Rees, Couaers- J. Tribie, Julia -L. Henning, Ann Ar- Clty, mto.; Evelyn H~offma~n, Janet tey- us egn.
port, Pa.; Estela W. Brown, Battle bor. nplds, Katherine Van Aisdal, Dyo
- G~~~reek;Dee Cornwell Deubel, Ypsilan- JHI EGA1WJA DELTA. O.; ildred Horn, D g/, Col.Kt-BAY P Ai.YE'NER
'ti; Edith rtetnDtot Chaperones: Mdae lvrGernHuatrAndirapds r- GiLOREELVE EK
ChapderoL: Mrs. W. B. Jansen, Riv- troit. (ldy helok Clremon, H. EDPRIS
ersde Il.;and Mrs. 0. W. Mullkey, Guests: Missea Dorothy Butler Old,--SGAP.
- Detropt cago; Salome Ka pf, 1Marguerte Crm- Clai rones: Isdames Radl rft Dy adNghsaeFl
Guests: Misses Hazel Mcqorkle, soe, Detroit; My le cCrik VBIl Crawford and Martin HouseaD- thi Wlr fSea it.
Sginaw; Florenee Sharp, By' Uity; lings, Mont.; Evelyn RWos, Manlstqie, traIi.
Mercedes Muizlkey, Margaret Eaton, Minh<.; . Geeievg L. IRigge, Ann Ar- auss disstee uzu
Detrolt; Florence Hewitt, Toledo; bor; Margar t Foote, Muskegon; pIar- GranudRpdMc. eleVnB-(aodP ct.
V era de Saunno, Phiiladelphia, Pa.; and guerite Leeniohnte Holland Mich.; ren, Dunirk, 14. Y.; Emily lMeadl, Ok Wt h is elifu fvst
- Maron Mac ae, Couniiei Bluffs, .Ia.; Mildred Qoeod, Nahnia, Mich.; Louise Prk, JIl.; sand Federica Swift, Helen fmnnt hrdyatron ih
3esse .A. Niller, Datroit; Agnes A. Burton, Salt Lake City; May Kelly ames, hristina !Van H, san Detroi. ,
Taytlor, p)etrit~ Kansas City, IMo; Katherine Hal4, P1 K A PPASo . gn \Hpesnbga. Te
BETA THfETA.JPI. Erie, P a.; Marggerite Stanley, Toledo; Chaperone: Mrs. Edar H. EarIe, cm nsoeltgig u~rpe
.I I7C UCI cdhaparones: MesdamXes Guy B. Cady, Mrs. O IL. Loos, Ann Arbor. ' alparais>, Ind- .iafomn tts l et
0 0 - De~~~~trotandJ E. G Jaques, Kansas City, DEWITA KAIPA EPSJION Guests: Misses Midf: Holzual'fnda niust e.exm-re
T Chaperojnes: MepIdames F.W. Hod- Eily urrOWe5,Dri, Merri
atere, Coumbus, 0.; Gls Moon, L olga,-eebaebu-okvc
Roy, III.; Mary Qallaha,,Rut Sith, tories-er fre eet.A ul
Cleveland, 0.; Inez ~Parkery Vradorth ain-glan rcvd
N rrnrmiinvDiian, alntso d Ja e , andor t1;o, e thmsitl oet
AVHastings, Mie]h.; Rth Norcomibe, Ce- cPZy, int mat e
d~ar Rapids, Ia. I h 'e ry e e i g t e i e o
innE a .~Chaper9ones:Mrs. J. R. Cam bell De- to~l thMuic tibs' ocr nU
IA ~ ~U~T l~I. U~ trit and Mrs. GeQ. B. Godfrey, Dletroit. t Ia1V
WEV lanens, Mich.; Agnes Wadden, Mad4- they\ retrndt oyhs-ae,
son, S. D.; Mary Simons, D~etroit; little anticdpatory othterd
- ~~~~~~~~~Carlotte Fos El'i ab9th~ Capbell, alsQ to jutnnh lIit teke
U hicago; Noan Frth~e, Deri; and
Goldte Mitchell, Charlaotte,l& ege Qheresrs Jo ih. redge of Q cin#u aiigfr h
son, ETA UraI EnlTA petri M vent toco
# - Gu~~~ests~: 1Misses Li'lUian T. whlon, keen, snow-blon F 4rayar a
Ariar, a tIn, retchen Mich Ems~ of te odnner nshtigb
6 h w s toshae i ou Fee rouer alesholddo o o orbefre a dafe, tas s bret Crn, e~ot Mih,; arrlih iao Bt'-sit
11 po itiv ly clse . Satuk4ay eventng,'Feb. the 8th, o "et -*,Miri. J4''".set~neveswrn
- Detr~Got, Mich.; Kath ene, Grandt upr oy exetad hetir n
e h te teosers p aregivn away to o now with~ a suiit 0r overcoat order will cst Detrodt, Mich.; Mt ua ,Adan ghrad ghra' vn' .
$ idou verstopto onsder ow iuc lionger a suit wIIl last if o have a x- . ix (H roce; n R a oT .t h
ye -h~'ema~i ifi Chaperonea: Mr. and Irs. Ari adfn of th long-1okd-rJHb
truer ogowthasitYo a haetesm ntraa rsm gRickel, Detroit, Mr. and Mrs R.B-tsi h t vn- odbrt
GuMts NMis s rluis Bhita, Ke-re f vr eieo aeadwr
ToTH SE WH A E OTREADY T0 ORDER NOW : Gos, W R es JSuevrc, 'Pul inryo t erycr
y nln noou toe n mkngaaml de oin or beford $aturday, Felfr;r $th, en an a ISn bLTA .
tit s u di etratruses ate W hae he mot of ouir Spring Woolens in now; the Chaperonea: Mesdame Gy L. Ki-
n i bggr nd eterthn ver yt anothel but fi a pattern youi like it you II 'corne CicagO- nipthean 1onihnigh
n an loo ovr DU lin. Yu canotafford tp rms lte ootunit yi you are going to aive~ ead Cl~evad U. ariantwii 1aepelnet teaate11
and ear lotes. e wil Garanee t Sae you SIO to $5 oni the~ sujt alone, let atlone- giv- la sn, DuJug igE rae t ,o
you pai of 6.OOTROU ERS BSOLTELY-PEE. Wouldi't it be wefl to orde~r AWe alCr;taoE1 e na itya'sfntoad
our ne Easte SuitNOW an secu e e ra troisers free. If wo dont pIOase youI W* will 1Hll ae Mi h; aui GA e rerta heaeaeineea
at u nd u rreudyour liny o' atuni ti o aene Petz, Myrtle lMk hns ld, Dtrot ot retar4e 4, tj e la ofI'de
Chaperone: Mrs. John S, Plipa, 1fr huse partis neednsh
Gesta: 14se Elanon Kinsy, T- ea n ucin 'falsrs h
ledo; Laura Wishart, G~ra id ; uah entar'bngnt-
C O ATS LES . R~~oselle, N. J;' Dorah S. Phill ps, ling theCmd lbmtneo
pgAD 0 T OR ER ADE TQ FJT TdI an) N.ha te l nY otl
Ukiheoneu Mrs. Fred4eri B. athyw ac frala t3
- ~~~~~~~Guests: Harriet parroll, Grn RaP- c1uPl ar e5etd oatedti
14a; Mary Marvin, Duluth, Min. -ps-o.Ti ucina ela
M' l sC.hramer, 1Maseilen, 0.; Stella Rte the~a oter"wl ecaeoe yM
ford, BowlIing' Green~, Ky., Lai og
las, Gross Isle, MIch.; Mage~ St. ae W inIamHQadadR.ih
4es Juliet Hart, Elior Yqungbeod, op Can>ild
- p El~ie Chope, aelCollInson, Detroit,
PU4~thM i S. Aer 'fl s Gre8es1T0l . Near aaksnd HarretWil lms, An rhenrh
Qhapersnes; Mesdanes J. D. Bi- UIte stte narfrmolad
vok o th ume and Dp Not Forget the Date.s. I.IOn~ attle
Guests Mispes Mercedes de oen. hal Admiso rePblcnvtd
Aftr ou egstr fr hesecord semesirer-Whai hn . We have I P NQTF BOOKS; ENINEER'S WANTS, FQUKJAN PE'

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