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January 21, 1913 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1913-01-21

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ie Michigan


ILocal $2.00
flail $2.50





a .,, . ,:, .





bott; 113, Fndin~g He Canrot
lat&, in Tune, Fenders,
[is Designatinas

e Gil-ell


hehas found it impossible
in June, President Harold
if the' senior literary class
t his resignation to the
eir acceptance or refusal at
,aled for Wednesday after-
0o'clock in Tappan hall.
leadi~g up 'to 'this' action
of Abbott are to be found
wing signed statement of
wil again be presented at
eet ing:--
of ~the Senior Literary'

"Having taken. work in the engi-
neering department, !which does not
count as ,literary credit, in ' the hopes
hat a six-year lit-engineerig course
might be nmade, a possibilty by theg
faculty committee in charge before
the endof this years, I have not'enough
hours at present to be classified as a
senior lit.
S"I am therefore submitting my res-
ignation as an officer of the class,
4"At th~e beginning of my sen-
io r I had 76 hours of literary
cedit, and thought that I. was eligible
to take part in the activities of the
siorliterary class. Moreover, my
egibility was not questioned by the
thetim of.mynomination and elec-
tn, although by the terms of
teinter-class constitution he is re-:
qiredtovrf the eligibility of each
cndidate for office."
Signed) H'AROLD 13. ABBOTT, '13.
Prof. J. R. D2rumnm, of the~ rhetoric
dpartment, has been called to Reed
City~, Mich., by the sudden death of his
father, Rev.Loufrs Brunm. "Rev.
Brumm was apparently in good health
and his sudden death was entirely un-
epected by memnbers~ of the family.
An attack of heart-failure was the
cause of his demise.
Prof. Brumm left early Sundiay
moringand his classes will not meet
util Friday when he is expected to re-
Secretary E.i C. Goddard, of the law
department, has received word from
Dean John O. Reed, who is recuperat-
ig in Munich, Germany. He is re-
ported as slowly gaining health and
strength. Dean Reed was forced to
give up his active administrative work
last March on account of sickness, and
is now absent on. leave.

Floi~q_,o Ini4' r-Tuesdays
winds. Locaisnow and mninef1 111
oclder tnight~ilth cold wave.LE bUuI uI OP R. .:i".
I4 iversity Observatory 0 M9nda
7:0T ~~~ Wlirifrel ahpon -Fresident of Wonle's rS J lratice Will egn ,t' ne
mum 't ilprature--24 hours recedhr Orgnization, Will A tend, . ter the Exams and Nam . .
46.8; mninimumn temperature 24 hours flieeiugto ,sudy. WilAlobe G n u
preceding, 24.8; "average wind velocit , j 11 . AfteracIon.
1I miles per Jhours' tainal il p 0,
Commerce Club Will D~ance Tonight ;STLDENT xa-AYi PtQP FSEV"l, 1),E~ WITH TWO "COLJRES
Xecbers of the Cort~tnerce club wil " :'a:__
hold their lirst" dancef ,the year a Local Blody Larest f ,Its "irdi icBet St. Johlfa Arrtiges ]many Imprt-]
Packard academiy toight. The danc State ;-anrd a Grown ;#oill,,= 'at 'etais of the
ing will not begin until 9:00 o'cloc Large: Field. ,.staging. Y
so that all who'desire may attend th4H"~°
lecture gien ~y exgovernor ille Saturaty ,afternoon tM executive ~Bert St. Tuon, stagedirector for the
ini"University H1al 'The future bears board of the Woan's%League hld 193 Michigan Union opera, was in the
ofP the 'lJisine * Vo'rld' ay fr fniemot prtit rd'ms
sev'e~~bne'ofbthe m'ot;important and mostcity yesterday conferring with Gner- 2 .":
svia niuefatrS 'enthusiastic meetings of the yar. ThePhlimlfunstemsc; j p n al ChairmanPii K. Fletcher, ,13E -0 . er et S. Hadley, of11issour,1
Mr'i a yi Furn idath , wuilct sw canquestion about which a great deal of,
r.DaiFrdy wl aauchp intst asceutei~1 the paaopcos e cncerning ,the staging of the annual statesm&an.of nalnaI fame,,w 1Jec-
eronies .. . tn telrl lal.tng
~ edi 4~6h fia Wudent counhcil fo' or- Union production, to be given March tueiLi~vr~t altng
i en, which was put forward by The 26, 27, 28 and ,29. The costumes used
c/ gn D4 " it y cm~-in ,t e former shows were .examined,C L E E C U S
i-HOP COMMI ee was L#pine~.to k k o the a4'tws:rcialy 'decided to pu-
matter, andpWp ed; Mhon, league chase all new 'gowns., New scenery
TO F;*I 'Apresident, was elected as Michigan will' also be used.' S iA LY W A
Ydelegate; to thenmeetingwof represent- Besides making :provisions for the 1 .W A
Y .- - tivo women o. colleges and unversi- 'staging of this .year's opera, the text of
Another 1lCeeing ceullc d~ i , whihwll be ,held at Madison the bok came up for discussion at 'ean A1ge1, of Chicago, Says College
to" 1)ecde on11 Cotract for nI~tay, .to,.scuss the probilemp of ,Yesterday's 'conf~rene. Several min- Covers Same Ground a
Refr4 s>nuentss elf-governxuet. lSt is ia1n ticiated or changes were made, =and the lines High chls.pl
t ~that if .a womzi u's council is formedl, re now ready for the use of the high-
INDEPENDENTS 'HOED METINQ1, it will be fo'rme d within the league 'pump artists who will walk the Whit- PETITION IS TOO PREVALENT.
.: I"iand as, on>, of rits branicles. ' ney boards ext M~rcl
,An_ rb T, is again p :eparng for the The league ,is the largest woman's Active rehearsing for the opera will 'DaclaesR nel poesro
i-hp~~rly"iCo~tacs~ loensin club in the state,.and hias an nool- t e commieced until after exams. p sychology at the fUivesity of chi- )l"da
ed'd catere'rs; printers, n zuinns, mrenat of 800. From as,.sclia organi "a- The choruses have not been indulging cago, an1d a son of Dr. James B. A-
and ll re gainbus t~ mak Mihi-tioxn f a few,,women whose okiject it in their tn-weMekeercises of late, gll, has an artceithcurn.u-
and all are again buwy' to ba=Mlh-wa~o.and toether;and brigh en.the tbutthe prspective ponies will be put berof :the School Review inwhich he
gan's representative social event on> ,:,ives'of, the faw wonxien here at that through a vigorous couirse of training cpnLnds =that .one third of th, work
February f bigger'than ever'before. time, th lege hs go n nti t a er he b ss f J- p hs fdd done at the universityrby the majority
Final plans for the event will be made has taken upon tself all kinds ,of 'n- away. At this time the reading parts of students xis nothing more ,than a
at. the meeting of the comittees to- tets, includingall departments in will also be given ut for co mpetitive repetitino work that is given jin the
day. ~the university and. repeseting every preparation,ihshos
The combined 'committees 'for the line oft agtvy .in Which wox>?en mzay T he ihnamire of 'the 1913 production Dean Angell sates that the worst
hop will meet "at the Alpha Delta Ph~i t klae an interest.,_ Within the lat few will be announced as soon as" school conflicts come in the study of modern
house this afternoon at 4:30 o'clock. years its purpose has been~ to weld resumes in February. '~The plot of° languages and English. He believes
At this meetings the arrangements together the many clubs and organiza- 'the play Is laid in Old England, and that the study of the former should be
"onit~wl eoto h ota~ tions into one strong body. the'characters represent'students in begun in the grade schools intt order
for refreshments which was let Stur- It waw° vlth this Cjiitta zalfion .In two imaginary, rival colleges. It 'is to make a signifieant ,saving of time.
day to Mrs. M. 0._ Smith of Dtrpt. "viv it the Wtiimais Athletic asso- understood 'that no strenuousefotTiluraehspn whrgrdo
The price 'of tickets, will'be settled at cation was incorporated two years ,will be made to keep theplot freefron English he recalls the case of a child
this meeting' as well as the numiber, f ag, 'ard that',iit 'Is felt a woman's aachronsms -and other burdensome who wa impressedwith the beauties~
imp~~~rtant details. ~~~coil withiw the "league, could work details.°fEagln ut i ifrn ie
Th idpadet wl meta teeffectively.' The new' dramatic club, According to "Arthur"Cohen, '14L, during the schol areer. ,He, also
Michigan Union tonight at 7:00 o'clock. whfich isto crre ond ,with the Mies who handled the ttle role in ",Thesteshahioran smeote
All who expect to attend the 16148 of the Michigan [Union,'#s another eke Awakened Raueses," last yars Pnionsinesaeaso eetd more than
function are requested to be present. aple o f the wrk <h h threeague production, the book for the next sow ncsay u npoicaeonm
Attietn. omte il ei netllg sasoieytebs ofr Iko and such branches repetition is not so
appointed by Frank Kohler, indeend- 'The' committee appianted to look it is"'always customary for each suc- n ticeable because they are not tau t
ent representative, to ,inake definite into thbe problem -of 'self'' gOvetrmeit eedig opera o 'e heralded 'as th to any great extent in the high shool.
arrangements in regard to thie formal gat women's'colleges and at other state finest e~erbut I really believe that "'Cooperation is needed between the
party t'o be held o nSaturday, Febru- universties,= expects' to" correspond the Mims have a winner in the book h gh chools and the colleges," says
ary , the evening following the hopi, with various deans, and in -such ways picked for' the 113 ;how." ' Dean .Angell. "Much money ad en-
a~wl s h inra h ihgnto get vaj u li eas , n iemei' ergy is being nedlessly spent, a large
Uno nFbur .* and wisdom of a student council for LAWS MAKE SELECTIONS FOR part of the students time is being
Th"rpy omwih a sdwomeni, It s ' robable tat no dff- NEXT'SEMESTER THIS 'WEEK wated n rong educaintenden-
ces aren beig developed. The five
by the independents last year will not nite action 'will be taken in the matter
be used again this year for the same until after the ineeing "at Madion, JnoadSeirRquieet n n i erhg colcussd
Electives Announced for mc ocaue ti ese conflicts. ...t
purpose., if the room is decorated it eS tr seemsalostcerainhainhecolege
will be for general purposes. Most of ' e eetr em lot eti htteclee
em___culd use to much better advantage
the booths have been completedl There U V ESITS' 'TIP LITS 'FEEL
,ae2 naladseveral chne ~ INCR#EASE IfN COSTi OFLIVNG Law students are being notified that some' of thendresourc_.so.te~c4 eehes ow.exendAed
some of them will prouce a somewhat ~ " ' he chioice of eetive subjects for nextontecusshaculbtere
different effect than,,at last year's hoip. According to statistics compiled semiester must be made this "'week. prsne i ihscol Bu 1Wt
_______________froth da- 4col'ected'at 61 diiffernt uni- ,juinrs are required to take convey- rig about the changes necessary,"
GRAUAT SCOOLOFE~RSveritis trouhou th 'eunt~",theancng, ad' evidence, and are allowed e says, "remains to be determined."
YALTA BLE SCHOLARSIIPS higher "cost of living has also left 'its to' slect five or si'x hours additional Vri lyRhasl nP ges
mark at the institutions of PriaPa eerasi rges
More than 25 scholarships are to be ;learning. In the last .' i oblged to carry on- Reeasasfon"opnikrtas
givent out ini the'graduatoe department cost of acquiring a -5futi jractice court to- 10"teDutce eenplyar
tiyeracodnttotes'ilcu-vanced from 25 t. Dart- gether with 4g - lice hours from running full blast There will ,be e-
tom. Five of these 'university schol- mouth leads ighest percent- the courses that tmo# not already hearsals of the first and second ac ts,
arships are valued at $500' ad10 at age. P'rin ows an lii r ese Qf sudied. Thy~ list cs ,ankruptcy, 'lentneeydyti eki
$300. In Phllosolihy,' classical lan- 35 per c card alon), Hrva n ioe Paingc , municpaf5ebtrations, room 203 U. H., beginning with the
guages, botany, transportation and 22 per, nd Vassar l pr~t. damages;^ equtable remefi a equity second act tonight."
chemical engineering'=there are 10 spe- Holy ' adcllffe and Lehi sh ow pleading._judgment, juis ru ne,_g1
cial scholarships' worth from $250 to n in3atalrt ,? Autoon.R.m. ateiWil LecreToay
$600. Aill pplcations for these schol- ,~ , e9$ Qfs ~~4 ut be accepte4 after "uoai egigMcie"i

arships must be presented to Dean Predet Hutchins Attends Banquet" this week unless a valid reason is. 9iv- the subject of a lecture to' be given to-
Guthe before Mlarch 1. P resident' Harry B. Hutchins left en. Dlhinqu~ents musIt pay a special morrow by R. M. Bates of Chicago.
last ing to attei~d~ the aulmban- tfeeof one dollar. However, the choice The talk will be giveni at 11:00 o'clock
M1INNESOTA STUIDEITS SE\D) quet gien by the members of the New handed- in is not final, but may, be in~ room 303 of the .chemical building.
AIID TO EA1STE.RN SU.FFERERS York.lumni Assocato :Fiayev caged at any time before February Anyone interested may attend.
en Nw Yr Ciy Lue Ator14,Prof. -Lovejoy Will Attend Conference
Contributions were made by all the hotel rom New Yo&rk Prs Hutch- In addition' to the regular work, On a~ special invitation of the gov-
organizations and by many individual ins wl go to Washington, D. C., to non-reident lecturers will give special ernor, Prof. P. S. Lovejoy, of the for-
students of the Universi'ty of Minnes- attend a similr gatherng of Michi courses in admiralty, copyright a~nd 'estry department, will attend the. Fire
ota last week, to a fund for the relief gan ge tere on January 23. patent law, 'legal ethics and medical Conference at Lansing today. He will
of starving Bulgarian families who ',-- jurisprudence. deie rae n TeMtoso
are left destitute by the departure of Facultk-1e Entertain Their Ladies ~ . Fighting Fire in the Pacific North-
the men to the war. Following advice Thebn*b ty club wil give'~ an B'iasketball Captain to Be Elcted. West-
received from a friend in charge of a afternoon fe ~ e ladies of the fac- All fresh lit women plain on the #_____________
school near 'the village of Samakov, ulty tomorrow 4 hir rooms in Mde- basketball team are requested to make Death Calls Professor to Delaware.
Bulgaria, Prof. Skinner of the rhetoric morial hall. '. 4 zlle second of 'a special effort, o e t. Barbour gym Prof. W. L. Leggitt, of the engineer-,
department started 'a campaign among the five social aft oi hc the Thursday. temo. The regular ing department, was called out of
the fraternities and sororities,'and a club has arranged for ' t4r latcewl, tk place after which town yesterday noon by the death of
considerable sum was quickly raised the wives and daughters offis tea' -hr 1,. e" a supper. At this sup- his uncle in Clayton, Delaware. He
and sent to the sufferers.'' bers. perZ'the captain will be-elected. is nopt.expected back before next week.




Famous Missori Sttesmian "11,
liver Address on Activity of
College MIan in
Lecturer is O ror , :Po fi'
Throughout theCointir! for
Governor Herbert s. a,7e, of Meis-
souri,. will speak tonight on "The Co-
lege, Man in 'Politics" at 8:00 'clock
this evening in University Hall. H~wistm
a 'college nman 'himself,]han g gradu-1'
ated in the 'collegiate course ~'th.e
University of Kansas and in,'the law
school of Northwgsterix U4 y
and is fully° qualified ,to speab .on ~
subject, conacerinigollegesand polI,
tics t*: f
Upon'" his "graduation, he t sonce bev
cameinterested in political condition
,and was soon elected "to the office o-
county prosecuting attorney. At kthI4
p oint in his career, Goenor a dl~y'
rise was marked by rapidity and br1.
Raney. Soon Ile attactecl natog rat; ;
tention to "himst if by his "vigro at ae
tacks againt "botl ,,,pub1icand..race
track ,gambling lin thencity f, St..Liu
He consistently fought vice thirQgAM~
out the state, upon: hselction to a x'
office of" attorney general of Misour,
and conducted repeated fights againt"
the Otandard Oil company, high rail-
road rates, and. passenger aws, the
harvester trust, and the insurane and
lumber trusts.. These campaigns were
sucessful, and as a eult-ofnhis ear,
nest efforts, he was elected :governor
of his state by a large majority ,
In the recent break in the Republ-
'can ,party Governor Hadley was Afili-
xted with ,the Progressive Interests and
was floor' manager of- the'° Roosevelt
faction in the Chicago convention.
Gov.;Hadley hap° a magnetic person-
ality, and this quality together with
his ability, grace, and power, on thef
platform, has won for him many ad-
mirers throughout the countr.,
He.wilJ 'be the gums* ~p' hoxarat a
dinner given by Delta s igiaho, they
honor debating society of which he Isa
member, at the Michigan 3non ths
evening. Following'"his address in Uni-
versity Hall' Prof. H.E Riggs, of thef
engineering deprtmrent, 'a former
classmate of Gov. Hadley's at the Unl<
versity of Kansas, will entertain in
honor of the speaker.°x
The, ieciure ,tis eveli g, Al. id uA-
der the auspices of the University Ora-
torical association, and admission can.
be'secured .ether unpoin thepeen
li n .o t e r g l r a s ci t flcbook or' upo n . te ;paym ent of the gen- \
eral fee of 50 cents.
"Sharon Thorns, 98M, Fell From ele
phone Pole Not Fail Frojn
'Bahrie. ..

's"lMst Reort Thursday.
nts having more than one
nee or who were away on
)re or after Christmas va-
appear before th~e attend-
ittee Thursday afternoon'
explanation, This oppor-
ven because excessive ab-'
educe the amount of credit
i affect the student's stand-
ep artmen t.
raters Will Dance' Friday.
;ineers will give the sec-
,of their social program
:vening, January 24. This
ance commencing at 8:30
entninp., unt~i.AhJ. no'

Sharon T. Thomus, '98Mv, a medical.
missionary, was killed recently~ by a~
fall from a telephone pole~ in Muttrab,
Arabia, according to' a cable dispatch
received' by h~is father inTre ivers.
It is supposed that he was putting'up
a telephone line' between. the -hospital
and his home 'at the time the accdn
Dr. Thoms, who married Main
Wells, '98H, began missinary work
immediately after graduation, hvn.
been sent 'to Bahrien, Arabia, by the
fArabian Mission. His wife died there
in 1905, and was burled in Bahrien.
Several years later he married again;
his widow and three children surviv-
ing him.
At the time the Busra'h moveent~i~
was begun here two yeasao r
Thoms gave an address in Universt
.hall on missionary work to lend4 his'
support to the cause. Muttrah, wher
he met his death, is about 1,000 miles
south of Brh

s will
A Mfr.

'' _.

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