ie Michigan Daily ILocal $2.00 flail $2.50 m ANN ARBOR; MICIGAN. TUESDAY, JANUARY 21, 19~13. J PRIOR a .,, . ,:, . iT OF I' wY II bott; 113, Fndin~g He Canrot lat&, in Tune, Fenders, [is Designatinas Executive. TO ACT'ONS MATTER AULEl) FOR JWEDNESDAY e Gil-ell Mario hehas found it impossible in June, President Harold if the' senior literary class t his resignation to the eir acceptance or refusal at ,aled for Wednesday after- 0o'clock in Tappan hall. leadi~g up 'to 'this' action of Abbott are to be found wing signed statement of wil again be presented at eet ing:-- of ~the Senior Literary' "Having taken. work in the engi- neering department, !which does not count as ,literary credit, in ' the hopes hat a six-year lit-engineerig course might be nmade, a possibilty by theg faculty committee in charge before the endof this years, I have not'enough hours at present to be classified as a senior lit. S"I am therefore submitting my res- ignation as an officer of the class, 4"At th~e beginning of my sen- io r I had 76 hours of literary cedit, and thought that I. was eligible to take part in the activities of the siorliterary class. Moreover, my egibility was not questioned by the thetim of.mynomination and elec- tn, although by the terms of teinter-class constitution he is re-: qiredtovrf the eligibility of each cndidate for office." Signed) H'AROLD 13. ABBOTT, '13. DEATH OF F~ATHER SUMONS SPROF. IBRTJ131 TO REED CI'TY. Prof. J. R. D2rumnm, of the~ rhetoric dpartment, has been called to Reed City~, Mich., by the sudden death of his father, Rev.Loufrs Brunm. "Rev. Brumm was apparently in good health and his sudden death was entirely un- epected by memnbers~ of the family. An attack of heart-failure was the cause of his demise. Prof. Brumm left early Sundiay moringand his classes will not meet util Friday when he is expected to re- turnl. DEAN ] REED IS REPORTED AS SLOWLY RECUPERAITING. Secretary E.i C. Goddard, of the law department, has received word from Dean John O. Reed, who is recuperat- ig in Munich, Germany. He is re- ported as slowly gaining health and strength. Dean Reed was forced to give up his active administrative work last March on account of sickness, and is now absent on. leave. 1N PLA nui 'u ii uN nInNTED MN IS HIEETGAY. [THE WEATHER MAN ju1 UIwI I"R LH orAOF WOMEN ISARE MADE FOlR Floi~q_,o Ini4' r-Tuesdays winds. Locaisnow and mninef1 111 oclder tnight~ilth cold wave.LE bUuI uI OP R. .:i". I4 iversity Observatory 0 M9nda 7:0T ~~~ Wlirifrel ahpon -Fresident of Wonle's rS J lratice Will egn ,t' ne mum 't ilprature--24 hours recedhr Orgnization, Will A tend, . ter the Exams and Nam . . 46.8; mninimumn temperature 24 hours flieeiugto ,sudy. WilAlobe G n u preceding, 24.8; "average wind velocit , j 11 . AfteracIon. 1I miles per Jhours' tainal il p 0, ANOTHER SELF1 GOVERNJN . , PLOT IS LAID "IN'',ENGLAND; Commerce Club Will D~ance Tonight ;STLDENT xa-AYi PtQP FSEV"l, 1),E~ WITH TWO "COLJRES Xecbers of the Cort~tnerce club wil " :'a:__ hold their lirst" dancef ,the year a Local Blody Larest f ,Its "irdi icBet St. Johlfa Arrtiges ]many Imprt-] Packard academiy toight. The danc State ;-anrd a Grown ;#oill,,= 'at 'etais of the ing will not begin until 9:00 o'cloc Large: Field. ,.staging. Y so that all who'desire may attend th4H"~° lecture gien ~y exgovernor ille Saturaty ,afternoon tM executive ~Bert St. Tuon, stagedirector for the ini"University H1al 'The future bears board of the Woan's%League hld 193 Michigan Union opera, was in the ofP the 'lJisine * Vo'rld' ay fr fniemot prtit rd'ms sev'e~~bne'ofbthe m'ot;important and mostcity yesterday conferring with Gner- 2 .": svia niuefatrS 'enthusiastic meetings of the yar. ThePhlimlfunstemsc; j p n al ChairmanPii K. Fletcher, ,13E -0 . er et S. Hadley, of11issour,1 Mr'i a yi Furn idath , wuilct sw canquestion about which a great deal of, r.DaiFrdy wl aauchp intst asceutei~1 the paaopcos e cncerning ,the staging of the annual statesm&an.of nalnaI fame,,w 1Jec- eronies .. . tn telrl lal.tng ~ edi 4~6h fia Wudent counhcil fo' or- Union production, to be given March tueiLi~vr~t altng i en, which was put forward by The 26, 27, 28 and ,29. The costumes used c/ gn D4 " it y cm~-in ,t e former shows were .examined,C L E E C U S i-HOP COMMI ee was k k o the a4'tws:rcialy 'decided to pu- matter, andpWp ed; Mhon, league chase all new 'gowns., New scenery TO F;*I 'Apresident, was elected as Michigan will' also be used.' S iA LY W A Ydelegate; to thenmeetingwof represent- Besides making :provisions for the 1 .W A Y .- - tivo women o. colleges and unversi- 'staging of this .year's opera, the text of Another 1lCeeing ceullc d~ i , whihwll be ,held at Madison the bok came up for discussion at 'ean A1ge1, of Chicago, Says College to" 1)ecde on11 Cotract for nI~tay, .to,.scuss the probilemp of ,Yesterday's 'conf~rene. Several min- Covers Same Ground a Refr4 s>nuentss elf-governxuet. lSt is ia1n ticiated or changes were made, =and the lines High t ~that if .a womzi u's council is formedl, re now ready for the use of the high- INDEPENDENTS 'HOED METINQ1, it will be fo'rme d within the league 'pump artists who will walk the Whit- PETITION IS TOO PREVALENT. .: I"iand as, on>, of rits branicles. ' ney boards ext M~rcl ,An_ rb T, is again p :eparng for the The league ,is the largest woman's Active rehearsing for the opera will 'DaclaesR nel poesro i-hp~~rly"iCo~tacs~ loensin club in the state,.and hias an nool- t e commieced until after exams. p sychology at the fUivesity of chi- )l"da ed'd catere'rs; printers, n zuinns, mrenat of 800. From as,.sclia organi "a- The choruses have not been indulging cago, an1d a son of Dr. James B. A- and ll re gainbus t~ mak Mihi-tioxn f a few,,women whose okiject it in their tn-weMekeercises of late, gll, has an artceithcurn.u- and all are again buwy' to ba=Mlh-wa~o.and toether;and brigh en.the tbutthe prspective ponies will be put berof :the School Review inwhich he gan's representative social event on> ,:,ives'of, the faw wonxien here at that through a vigorous couirse of training cpnLnds =that .one third of th, work February f bigger'than ever'before. time, th lege hs go n nti t a er he b ss f J- p hs fdd done at the universityrby the majority Final plans for the event will be made has taken upon tself all kinds ,of 'n- away. At this time the reading parts of students xis nothing more ,than a at. the meeting of the comittees to- tets, includingall departments in will also be given ut for co mpetitive repetitino work that is given jin the day. ~the university and. repeseting every preparation,ihshos The combined 'committees 'for the line oft agtvy .in Which wox>?en mzay T he ihnamire of 'the 1913 production Dean Angell sates that the worst hop will meet "at the Alpha Delta Ph~i t klae an interest.,_ Within the lat few will be announced as soon as" school conflicts come in the study of modern house this afternoon at 4:30 o'clock. years its purpose has been~ to weld resumes in February. '~The plot of° languages and English. He believes At this meetings the arrangements together the many clubs and organiza- 'the play Is laid in Old England, and that the study of the former should be "onit~wl eoto h ota~ tions into one strong body. the'characters represent'students in begun in the grade schools intt order for refreshments which was let Stur- It waw° vlth this Cjiitta zalfion .In two imaginary, rival colleges. It 'is to make a signifieant ,saving of time. day to Mrs. M. 0._ Smith of Dtrpt. "viv it the Wtiimais Athletic asso- understood 'that no strenuousefotTiluraehspn whrgrdo The price 'of tickets, will'be settled at cation was incorporated two years ,will be made to keep theplot freefron English he recalls the case of a child this meeting' as well as the numiber, f ag, 'ard that',iit 'Is felt a woman's aachronsms -and other burdensome who wa impressedwith the beauties~ imp~~~rtant details. ~~~coil withiw the "league, could work details.°fEagln ut i ifrn ie Th idpadet wl meta teeffectively.' The new' dramatic club, According to "Arthur"Cohen, '14L, during the schol areer. ,He, also Michigan Union tonight at 7:00 o'clock. whfich isto crre ond ,with the Mies who handled the ttle role in ",Thesteshahioran smeote All who expect to attend the 16148 of the Michigan [Union,'#s another eke Awakened Raueses," last yars Pnionsinesaeaso eetd more than function are requested to be present. aple o f the wrk