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January 19, 1913 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1913-01-19

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Organizations of Men From Other
Lands Show Michigan's
The broadening influence which the;
foreign students have exercised uponI
communities in America where they
have studied can hardly be overesti-
mated. Educational institutions in
America are especially fortunate in at-
tracting young men and women from
countries fa ilistant. Our visitors
have certainly laid before our Ameri-
can students accounts of the contribu-
tion which their respective countries
have made to the civilization of the
world, and compelled from them a
sympathetic consideration.
That the various foreign organiza-
tions on the campus have proved a
source of great interest and help to
our own and foreign students there
can be no doubt. A stranger in a
strange land, he is- accorded a hearty
welcome in one or more clubs. He
finds there a catholicity of sympathies
and the best sort of fellowship pre-
vailing. Michigan has become one of
the largest international seats of
learning, and about 20 nations are
contributing 150 young men and
women to the student body.
The first international club on the
campus sprang into existence in 1906,
banding together students from all
countries in the organization of the
Michigan chapter of the Corda-
Fratres Association Cosmopolitan
clubs founded by Kiyo S. Inul, the
celebrated Japanese peace advocate.
This infant society had ten charter
members. Human brotherhood was
the watchword; and any person from
any country was eligible, irrespective
of color, race, creed, religious or po-
litical affiliation. It has now a mem-
bership of 90, and has become an im-
portant factor in caiipus affairs.
The Chinese Students' club began
its first pulsation in 1909, when its
founder and first president, N. Han,
formulated plans and drafted a con-
stitution to promote good fellowship
and comradeship among the Chinese
students here. Shortly after its or-
ganization, the club affiliated itself
with the central body known as the
Chinese Students' Alliance in North
America, which today has a network
of more than 30 branches extending
from Harvard in the East to Stanford
in the West. The local chapter, which
has a membership of 59 this year,
holds the record for being the largest
of all similar clubs.
The Polonia, or Polish literary so-
ciety, was organized in 1909 with
Prof. S. J. Zowski as one of its charter
members. The organization is of a
social and literary nature, and is di-
rectly connected with the alumni and
merchants in the city of Detroit. The
members who may be in financial diffi-
culties are supported by a society
termed the Self-aid society. This year
19 Poles are enrolled in the univer-
sity, and all are members of the club.
The Armenian Students' club, which
is a branch of the Armenian Students'
Association in America, was organiz-
ed in 1911. It has for its central ob-
ject the promotion of the idea of
brotherhood amongArmenian stuaents
throughout the country. It plans soon
to' establish a magazine which will
bind the members mtre closely to-
gether, and through whose columns
current problems of national inter-
est may be freely discussed. The club
has a mmbership of eleven.
The Latin-American has compara-

tively a recent birth, but is neverthe-
less becoming an important organi-
zation in social affairs. It consists
of 25 Spanish-speaking students, who
believe their mission to be not only
for their own social advancement, but
also for the dispelling of international
ignorance and misunderstanding.
The Japanese Students' club is an-
other recent organization. It is pure-
ly social in nature, and is perhaps the
most unique and democratic club on
the campus. An interesting feature
is that the executive board consists,

"The Victory that Overcomes the
World" will be the subject of the
morning sermon at the Baptist church,
given by the Rev. Frank Bachelor.'
Mr. Fetter will speak to the Guild
class at noon on "Christianity-Its'
Opponents." The Young People's ser-
vice at 6:30 p. m. will be a missionary
meeting, at which several members
will tell of the interests in various
A.t the Unitarian church this morn-
ing, the Rev. Robert S. Loring will
take for his theme, "The Modern Need
of the Church." Ram K. Khosla will
address the Young People's Religious
service in the evening onr "Hinduism:
Its Corruption and Reformation."
The Rev. F. M. Sheldon, of the Con-
gregational church, will deliver a ser-
mon this morning on "Shall We Form
Lives, or Reform Them?"
"Heredity-a Natural Law Viewed
From a Spiritual World," will be the
theme of the sermon at the Presbyter-
ian church this morning, which will be
delivered by the pastor, the Rev. L.
A. Barrett. The Union services will
be conducted in this church in the
evening, the speaker being the Rev.
Dr. Charles T. Paul, of Indianapolis.
Services at St. Andrew's Episcopal
church this morning will be conducted
by the Rev. Dr. Tatlock. Bible clas-
ses for university students are held
at noon, led by the Curate, W. 0. Ray-
mond, and Mrs. G. W. Patterson.
"The Potter and the Clay" will be
the subject of the Rev. Dr. George W.
Knepper's sermon this morning at the
Church of Christ. Bible classes for
students are conducted at nooi.
The Rev. A. W. Stalker, of the
Methodist church, will take for the
subject of his sermon this morning,
"Thought, Fact, and Experience." The
pastor and Mrs. Stalker conduct clas-
ses for university men and women at
neon. In the evening, the student pas-
tor, Harold L. Rotzel, will lead the
In place of the regular, cabinet
meeting of the University Y. M. C. A.,
a lecture will be given in Newberry
hall this afternoon at 4:30 on "Wages
and the Standard of Living" in the
series "How the Other Half Lives."
The lecture will be illustrated by
stereopticon views and is open to the
public. A social hour follows.
Notices of the Alice Freeman Palm-
er Fellowship for women are being
posted at various places on the cam-
pus. The fellowship is open to grad-
uates of any approved American col-
lege, not more than twenty-six years
old, unmarried, and as free as possible
froni other responsibilities. The fel-
lowship, which was founded in honor
of Alice Freeman Palmer, one of Mich-
igan's most brilliant representatives,
has been granted to a large number
of women each year, and may be used
for study abroad, at any American
university or for private research
work. Applications may be made up to
February 1 of the academic year pre-
ceding that for which the fellowship
is asked. Any and all information
desired may be obtained by address-
ing communications to the president

of Wellesley College.

(Continued from page 1.)
building. These casts, the original of
which still stands in tie city of Bev-
ento, Italy, were made by Professor
Frothingham, archeological director
of the American School at Rome, and
shipped all the way to Ann Arbor.
They were packed in 51 cases which
filled a car and a half.
A portrait of Prof. Jerome C. Knowl-
ton was left by the lawyers of '96.
To the class of 1897 is attributed
another class scholarship fund.
The 1898 law class left a portrait
of Prof. Levi T. Griffin. This portrait
with all its successors is hung in the
reading room of the law library.
The lits of '98 left still another class
scholarship endowment.
Literary, 1899, left a cash memorial
to the alumni fund, and also left
money for a class scholarship.
The 1899 lawyers left a portrait of
Prof. Floyd P. Mechem and also a
class scholarship fund.
The class of 1899, all departments,
erected a bronze cannon to the "boys
who fought in the war with Spain."
This cannon, placed at the base of the
flag pole, is one of the landmarks of
the Michigan campus and bears end-
less witness to the bravery of '99.
1900 law class-a portrait of ,Prof.
Bradley M. Thompson. Another rath-
er indirect memorial of that year is
a Malay Cannon, captured by Jesse
E. Tarbell, '00, and presented by him
to the 1900 law class at its first de-
cennial reunion. It is located in the
law library.
1901 left behind it two portraits, one
of Pres. Harry B. Hutchins, and the
other of Prof. E. Finley Johnson.
The 1901 literary class left a con-
crete bench which reposes sarcopha-
gus-like in front of University hall.
1902 law, a portrait of Prof. Otto
Kirchner. '
1903, a cash memorial to the alumni
memorial fund.
1903 law, a portrait of Prof. Thomas
H. Bogle.
1904, a portrait of Prof. Horace P.
1905 law, a portrait of Prof. Victor
H. Lane.
The '05 engineers left a clock in the
engineering library.
The 1905 lits presented a portrait of
Prof. Robert Mark Wenley to the gen-
eral library.
1907 law, a portrait of Prof. Robert
E. Bunker.
1907 engineers left the first senior
bench in front of the engineering arch.
1908 law, a portrait of Prof. James
H. Brewster.
The 1908 literary class presented
the general library with the big clock
which can still be consulted in the
reading room.
1909 law, a portrait of Prof. John R.
In 1909 engineering construction
history repeated itself in another sen-
ior bench.
The lits and engineers of 1909 to-
gether contributed the huge bronze
front doors of Memorial hall.
The 1909 laws added Prof. E. C.
Goddard's portrait to the already ex-
tensive collection.
The 1910 engineers left a portrait of
Prof. J. B. Davis in the engineering
The literary class of 1911 perpetuat-
ed its memory by a stone fountain
which is situated across the walk from
the cannon of '99.
The engineers of 1911 added another
bench to the comfortable group. They
also presented a portrait of Dean Mor-
timer E. Cooley to the engineering li-

The 1911 lawyers left a portrait of
Dean Henry M. Bates in their library.
In 1912 something novel was left by
the literary class in what is known as
"The Official Chair." This chair con-
tains the names of Michigan's three
presidents, President Tappan, Presi-
dent Angell, and President Hutchins,
and will be used in the Hill Auditor-
ium when that building is completed.
The 1912 law class contributed the
latest portrait to the law library. It
was of Prof. Edson R. Sunderland.
These are the discoverable class
memorials of the University of Michi-

England-Applegarth, the Englisht
sprinter, who recently set a new markt
of 19 2-5 seconds for the 200-yard
dash, is coming to America soon, toc
race Ralph Craig, who defeated him
last summer in the Olympic games.
Harvard-According to the statis-
tics of the employment bureau of Har-
vard University, 25 per cent of the<
students at Harvard are doing some
sort of remunerative work to supportc
themselves in college. During the
last year, these students earned $107,-
000. Through the bureau a total of
2,455 positions were filled.
Chicago-Blue toques will distin-
guish all of the juniors on the campus
at Chicago. No other class has dis-i
tinctive headgear.1
i1innesota-The students of the
Minnesota Agricultural College have
started a moustache raising contest,
which closes February 1, when prizes
will be awarded and results published.
Syracuse-About one-hundred acres
of forest land in the Catskills have
been given to the State College of
Forestry at Syracuse University, for
use as a forest experiment station.
Earlier in the year an 1800 acre tract
at Wanakena, N. Y., was donated to the
university. It is planned that the for-
estry students spend about eight
weeks in this Catskill forest as a part
of the regular work of the college.
Harvard-Storer, left tackle on Har-
lead the 1913 team.
vard's football team for two years. ana
the first crimson player to cross Yale's
goal line since 1901, was chosen to
Princeton-Princeton captured the
title in the Intercollegiate Hockey
League, by winning the final game
from Cornell, 9-0.
Arrangements have been completed
by the managers of the Yale and Har-
vard track teams for the proposed
dual athletic games with the com-
binied teams of Oxford and Cambridge
in the Harvard stadium, and the event
now needs only ratification by the
English authorities, to assure the
American colleges a visit from the
Britons. Pending the acceptance of
the agreement, the managers of the
two teams have declined to make pub-
lic the dates for the games, but it is
said on authority that a date within
two weeks of the intercollegiate
championship will be selected. This
would make the date about the middle
of June.
Purdue-The report of the athletic
association at Purdue, which was re-
cently made public, shows a profit
for the year of over $13,000.
Wisconsin-There will not be a
chapter of Sigma Delta Psi, the new
athletic fraternity, at Wisconsin.
Illinois-A new year's gift in the
form of a full fledged medical college
was given to the University of Illinois.
Alumni have been at work obtaining
the money.
Two unique letters recently received
by Dean Bates show the purposes of
the university looked upon in a novel
light. The first was from a boy, rela-
tive to his entering the law depart-
ment. He announced that he was a
good shortstop and a grand quarter-
back, and he wanted to enter on the
strength of these two attributes.
The second was from a colored edu-
cator of the south, who asked the dean
to settle some knotty problems which
he had run up against in the admin-
istration of his school. In closing his
letter he said, "Thanking you in ad-
vance for the courtesy, in the joy of

spraying a human orchard."

Michigan leads the Badger institu-
tion in a singular manner according to
the result of certain studious re-
searches. Following are the statistics
of students bearing the common sur-
names in Wisconsin as compared with
the University of Michigan: Wiscon-
sin has 26 Smiths, Michigan 57; Wis-
consin 29 Johnsons, Michigan 35; Wis-
consin 22 Millers, Michigan 23; Wis-
consin 19 Browns, Michigan 31; Wis-
consin' 21 Jones, Michigan 17; Wiscon-
sin 17 Taylors, Michigan 13; Wiscon-
sin 16 Andersons, Michigan 14; Wis-
consin 15 Thompsons, Michigan 15;
Wisconsin 13 Lewis, Michigan 16;
Wisconsin 11 Moores, Michigan 11.
Schweitzberger is the longest Mich-
igan name, containing 14 letters; Hor-
braszewski and Schnellbacher are
second with 13 letters each; third
come O'Schaughnessy and Neuchear--
lams with 12.
Two Chinese students carry the
shortest names Ku and Sy. Wiscon-
sin also has a student with a name of
14 letters, Knechenmeister, the sec-
ond longest is Schlatthauer with 12.
Li and Ma, also Chinese students,
bring up the rear for Wisconsin.
Karl Bitter, executor of the bronze
bas-relief of Dr. Angell which graces
the entrance of Memorial hall, is. at
work on a bronze statue of Dr. An-
drew Dickson White, former profes-
sor at the University of Michigan and
first president of Cornell. The statue,
which is to be of heroic size, will be
placed in front of the Gladwin Smith
hall at Cornell, Dr. White was pro-
fessor of history and English litera-
ture at Michigan from 1857 to 1863
when he left to enter the United States
Senate as a member' from New York.
He resigned in 1867 to accept the
presidency of Cornell. The statue
will represent Dr. White in academic
Columbia-By defeating Princeton
by a score of three to two in the final
matches of the Intercollegiate Chess
Tournament, Columbia won the
Bethany College-A woman instruc-
tor in Bethany College was dismissed
from her position, because her beauty
was considered too attractive to young
men undergraduates.
Iowa-The University of Iowa has
obtained the use of a moving picture
machine for the purpose of advertis-
ing the university in the state.

Room 207 West Hall.
Comparative study of great artists'
conceptions is highly interesting. In
fact if one pursues some of the more
common subjects as Professor Scott
has done, he finds it quite an exten-
sive task to collect the various con-
ceptions of any one subject which have
been intrusted to canvas.
A little art museum in itself, is Pro
fessor Scott's room in West Hall.
Within its limits he has collected
copies of this and that from the cor-
ners of the old world and the new.
Many of these cuts possess an es-
pecial value in that they have come as
personal gifts from friends and ac-
quaintances in the famous art cen-
In his study of comparative con-
ceptions, Professor Scott has collected
an interesting series of conceptions
of the "Fates." There are paintings
by Mrs. Cox, Symonds, and Goya and
a picture of a group in the British
museum supposed to represent the
same conception.
On the walls of this curio room is
also a collection of Dante portraits.
Baraud's "Crucifixion" also hangs
nearby. There is an original etching
of the "Canterbury Pilgrims" as crude
and inartistic as mind can imagine.
The north wall bears an untouched
photograph of one of the Shakespeare
portraits. It is an exceptional print.
These copies and many others are
used by Professor Scott's classes in
work in observation and description
and many of them have been copied
for use in his various books.
Twelve hundred dollars is the
amount estimated to cover the total
expenses of the extension lecture
course this year, according to the re-
ports made to the oratory board re-
cently. Besides the speakers brought
here, this includes the expenses of
sending Michigan's debating teams
and orators to the various contests,
and providing the testimonials.
The expenses for the balance of the
year are placed at $844.35. To meet
this there is about $400 in the treas-
ury, and R. E. Olds, of Lansing, and
N. M. Kaufman, of Chicago, have do-
nated testimonials of $300 and $150,
It is expected that the association
will be able. to pay off part of its in-
debtedness, which amounts to $400.
fer 400 pounds of
'aper at

This Week we of
30c Pg

It is good Paper, made to sell at the
higher price, but bought by us at a
bargain. Come while it lasts. .
324 South State Street

of three members elected bi-monthly.
There are now 12 Japanese in the
university among whom is one woman.
A new organization is being formed
by the eleven Russian students here.
Alexander Rovin and a few others
have the matter under consideration.
The other foreign students enrolled
comprise 18 Porto Ricans, 12 Cana-
dians, 8 Filippinos, six South Africans,
two Cubans, two Hawaiians, three Ar-
gentinians, and one Romanian.

gan campus. Mayhap, in various years
there have been many others, but they
cannot now be located. It is to be
hoped that this practice of voluntary
remembrances may be indefinitely con-
tinued, and that the very natural de-
sire to be remembered may be forever
encouraged to express itself, -for
"I magnify my class o'er all beside,
I wave her ensign with an honest


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