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January 16, 1913 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1913-01-16

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Aggregation of Men
g at Waterman Gym;
us Work Will Begin
After Exams.




e" Will Not Attempt 'to Hurdle
n Gym on Account of His
Injured Knee.

Hope for a successful season of 1913
in the track and field sports is begin-
ning to assume a more definite form
as the members of last year's squad
come straggling in day by day to
report to the trainer "Steve" Farrell.
It is not expected that all the candi-
dates will come out in their suits un-
til after exams and the junior hop.
But there are enough of the track can-
dlddtes already started in serious pre-
paration for the coming meets, to en-
able the trainer to form some idea as
to the prospects in the different events.
All the sprinters of known ability
in the school have been in training for
several weeks. Among this number
are Bond, Seward, Lapsley, and White.
There are a few other dash men who
showed up well indoors last year but
failed to materialize in the longer out-
door sprints. In the hurdle events a-
big hole made by the injury to Craig,
is yet to lie filled and up to date no
likely material has been unearthed.a
Craig's knee will probably keep him
out of hurdle competition on the hard
gym ~fioor. Farrell said on this sub-
Ject that there is reason to hope that
Craig can be used in the sprints in the
Indoor meets and may possibly be in
shape to form a member of the
quarter-mile relay team. 'The chances
for a first class. qpartet in this form
of competition were greatly enhanced
by the discovery of Carver, whose
specialty hitherto had. been the half-
mile. #He has shown strength and
speed that should make him a valu-
able recruit. There is a possibility of
Blake being utilized in this event in-
stead of in the longer distances. With
Capt. Haff to take the last lap of the
relay, and Tuttle of last year's all
fresh, and perhaps Craig to finish theI
tale, another relay banner may be
brought this year to grace the walls
of Waterman gymnasium.
For the half-nie, strong bids are
being made by Brown, Otte and Car-
ver. Smith, a last year A. M. A. man.
is the only candidate that is making1
good time in the mile, while Haim-
baukh has it easy in the two mile
race. "Heinie" is in the best of con-
dition and with the development of
another season behind him can be
expected to fight for first place in
the eastern inter-collegiates. Jump-I
ing easily over the bar at six feet1
without attempting anything higher,c
Sargent looks good for a betterment
of his place in the eastern meet of
1912, while Griest and White are per-
forming well around the six-foot mark.,
In the pole-vault, Farrell has brought
to light some talent in the person of
Daskam, a senior law who withoutf
any knowledge of pole-vaulting form,1
yesterday cleared ten feet. He is a#
hard worker and because of the deter-t
mination of Barton not to report for1
indoor work, Michigan's hopes for1
points from that source will be cen-1
tered in him. With Kohler to repre-t
sent Michigan in the weights, no fearst
are held in that direction. Still an-
other. man by the name of Smith, and
Cole from the 1915 squad are strivingc
for second honors, both casting the1
shot well beyond 40 feet.
The black cloud in the horizon of
track prospects is the lack of milers
for a four-mile relay team. But in
general there is no excuse for pessi-1
mism when the approaching trackE
year is contemplated.t
Indiana Club to Hold Meeting Friday.t
There will be a meeting of the Indi-i
ana club in Tappan hall tomorrow atK
4:00 o'clock. The committee having
the dance in charge will report, andl

Forecast for Ann Arbor-The oracle
must have felt the proximity of exams.,
anyhow he's predicted threatening con-
ditions with rain; being lazy he says
that the temperature will remain sta-
tionary and that there will be south-
westerly winds.
University Observatory-Wednesday
7:00 p. m., temperature, 36.5; maxi-
mum temperature, 24 hours preceding,
37.4; minimum temperature, 24 hours
preceding, 25,3; average wind velocity,
13 miles per hour.
Council to Put Off Consideration of
Protest Till Tuesday.
There will be no special meeting of
the student council to consider the
letter of Edward Kemp and Sylvan S.
Grossner protesting against the elec-
tion of a student councilman in the
junior law class last Saturday, which
they claim was illegal on account of
solicitatioh of votes.
Pres. Barringer said last night that
it would be impossible to hold a meet-
ing before the regular one next Tues-
day night, at which time action will be
taken on the measure. According to
the constitution of the council, forty-
eight hours notice must be allowed
the members of the council before a
special meeting can be called, and as
the letter did not officially reach him
until yesterday afternoon, this would
make the meeting too near the regu-
lar meeting to warrant.calling a spe-
cial session.
It seems that although the protest
was written in plenty of time under
average circumstances to have reach-
ed the president, it was held up in its
course, and arrived several days late.
Dance Tlekets Go On Sale Today.
Tickets for the regular weekly dance
at the Michigan Union Saturday even-
ing will go on sale this afternoon at
5:00 o'clock.
Program of Dances This Year Will
Be Better Than Ever
If the 1914 Junior hop may be judged
by the music, the event will be a big-

Problems to be 'Discussed Will
Advantage to Profession,
as a Whole.

be of

Believe Plan Will Allow Woodsmen to
Keep in Touch With Rapid
Changes Being Made
in Forest Science.

Among the many other innovations
under advisement in the forestry de-
partment a scheme most unique in its
nature is being considered, namely
that of holding an informal seminar
for graduates.
This is brought about by the fact
that the knowledge of forestry condi-
tions peculiar to this country, are
making such rapid advances that the
men in the field are unable to keep
abreast of them. For this reason many
graduates have stopped over in Ann
Arbor for a few days this winter to
catch up with the latest improvements
and discoveries of their profession.
Many of these men have run up
against new problems during their
field work, and many of them in seek-
ing a solution have come to their'con-
clusion that their trouble was not
without a precedent. For this reason
they came back during the winter sea-
son when work is slack, to get in touch
with the theory once again. This year
an unusually large number has return-
ed, among them being men from both
Yale and Harvard. This state of af-
fairs warrants the plan that the de-
partment is now considering.
So far the scheme is merely tenta-
tive, but the faculty intends next win-
ter to inaugurate an informal seminar
at which the field men can submit
their problems. It is expected that
groups of men from the same territory
will meet together, since their -work
will be inore or less of the same na-
ture. Those who are unable to get to
Ann Arbor in person will send in
written reports with the necessary
data and maps. The problems will
thus be discussed from all angles and
in nearly every case decisions can be
reached benefitting not only the men,
but also the profession as a whole.

Both Aftirmative and Negative Teams
Hold Last Practice Yester-
day in Universi-
ty all.
Debates With Both Chicago and North-
western Take Place Tomorrow
Michigan's last practices before the
Chicago and Northwestern debates
were held in University Hall last
night, the affirmative team being given
a rest today, and the other men leaving
for Evanston. At the end of the final
preparation both Professors Trueblood
and Hollister spoke very favorably
of the good condition of both teams
and the excellent chances for another
double victory being added to the long
record of Michigan triumphs.
During the 20 years' history of the
Central Debating League, Michigan
has won 28 ot of the 40 debates in
which she has competed, or practical-
ly three fourths of the contests, a rec-
ord unparalleled by any institution in
the country. One of the few times
when the Maize and Blue suffered de-
feat in these forensic contests was at
Evanston in 1895, when Gov. Hadley,
who is to lecture here next week, was
a member of the Northwestern team.
Prof. Hollister will go to Evanston
with the negative team, the four men
leaving at nine o'clock this morning,
and returning Saturday. These men
have all had previous experience in
intercollegiate debating.
Solomon Blumrosen, '13L, was a
member of the 1910 Varsity team
against Chicago; John S. McElroy, '13L,
has represented Central University of
Ky., in three intercollegiate contests;
and Floyd W. Moore, graduate school,
has twice represented Albion college
in the same capacity. Blumrosen and
Moore are both members of Delta Sig-
ma Rho, the honorary debating fra-
The Northwestern team- is composed
of the following men: E. D. Hesler, '14,
winner of the society debate; V. M.
Baksh, a graduate of Ohio Wesleyan
University and a native of Indiana;
and E. C. Austin, '15L, a graduate of
Wisconsin University.
The affirmative team meets Chicago
in University Hall Friday evening on
the same question as that debated at
Evanston, "Resolved, that the plan of
banking reform proposed by the Na-
tional Monetary Commission should be
adopted by Congress."
"Camp" dance, the big social func-
tion of the senior civil engineers who
attended summer camp on the shores
of Douglas Lake last summer, will be!
held this evening at the Packard acad-
Many features have been arranged
for the dance, among which will be the
wearing of camp attire by the camp-
ers, and special vaudeville stunts by
the "Darbs," coupled with a one day'
issue of the "Black-fly," the official
camp newspaper.
Dean Cooley Addresses Assembly.
For the first time since his illness

Dean Mortimer E. Cooley addressed
the weekly assembly of the fresh en-
gineers yesterday. Dean J. R. Effin-
ger also spoke, urging them not to
neglect their cultural* training alto-
The first of the series of three lunch-
eons arranged by the junior girls, will
15e given next Saturday noon at the
Michigan Union. The tickets for the
series are to be sold at $1.20 and are
being rapidly disposed of. The lunch-
eon and toasts will be followed by a
musical program and afternoon danc-

German Author Sends Material to be
Used in Publication of Book.
In answer to inquiries sent him by
Prof. W. W. Florer, Gustave Frennsen,
one of the best known novelists of the
age, has written several letters which
have been placed in the case in the
east end of the library. Prof. Florer
asked for information as to his early
life and his sources for "Joern Uhl,"
one of his best known books. " The
author replied by sending a biography
of his life, which he had corrected
himself in the margins. This is also
in the case. The information was
needed for the purposes of a mono-
gra1ph and Frennsen by Prof.Florer and
for a school edition of "Joern Uhl"
which is being prepared by Prof. Flor-
er and Prof. Jennsen, of Bryn Mawr.
Besides giving the desired informa-
tion, the novelist asks for a copy of
the text book, when it is finished, and
offers any further aid which may be
Return from Grandfather's Funeral.
George P. Caulkins, '13; and Horace
J. Caulkins, '16, have returned from
their home in Detroit, where they
were called by the death of their
grandfather, George Peck, one of the
most prominent bankers in Detroit.
Legal Department adds Hour to Exam-
ination Period; Last Written
is on Second Friday.
The schedule of examinations for
the law department was issued yes-
terday. The period for the written
tests has 'been 'engthened to four
hours, and they begin Monday, Jan-
uary 27, lasting until and including
Friday, February 7. It is not thought
that the questions will be longer or
more numerous than heretofore, but.
the time for writing the examinations
has been extended for the convenience
of students. The order of subjects is
as follows:
First year: Criminal Law and Pro-
cedur.e-first Thursday at 2:00 p. m.;
Torts-first Friday at 8:00 a. m.;
Contracts-second Monday at 2:00 p.
m.; Elementary Law and Property 1
-second Thursday at 8:00 a. in.
Second year: Equity Jurisprudence
-first Wednesday at 8:00 a. m.; Prop..
erty 3-first Friday at 2:00 p. m.
Third year: Conflict of Laws-first
Tuesday at 8:00 a. i.; Trial Practice
--first Thursday at 8:00 a. in.
Electives: Bills and Notes--first
Monday at 2:00 p. m.; Public Officers
-first Friday at 8:00 a. m.; Property
4-first Saturday at 8:00 a. m.; Fed-
eral Courts-second Monday at 8:00
a. m.; Public Service Companies--sec-
ond Monday at 8:00 a. in.; Bilments
and carriers-second Tuesaa at 8:00
a. m.; Mining Law-second Tuesday
at 8:00 a. in.; Wills-second Wednes-
day at 8:00 a. in.; Quasi-Contracts-
second Thursday " at 8:00 a. in.; In-
surance-second Thursday at 2:00 p.
m.;Domestic Relations-second Thurs-
day at 2:00 p. m.; Sales-second Fri-
day at 8:00 a, m.; Suretyship-second
Friday at 2:00 p. m.
Baptist Guild Held Dinner Yesterday.
Members of the Baptist Guild held a
luncheon at the Michigan Union yes-
terday noon, The meal was followed

Theseare the men who are up
for office in the Saturday blec-
For football manager, Morris A.
_ 4illig;an, '14!, ;and Plrescott C.
Brown, 'T)E.
For treasurer, Albert C. Fletch-
er, 113E;.Russell A. Yerring-
ton, 'IE1; andc T. F. MciCoy,
For secretary, Renville Wheat,
'11,, and Louis Hailer, '11-'141.
For inerscholastic manager, H.
Beach Carpenter'4, and Fred
114 Dye, ':14L.


Local House to House Campaign
Shows Total of 7,486 Accommoda-
tions Secured For
University and City Are Already Plan-
ning 3any Things for
At the completion of the teachers'
canvass yesterday afternoon, the re-
sults showed that a total of 7,486 ac-
commodations have been promised to
the committee having charge of the
campaign aimed to bring the next
meeting of the Michigan State Teach-
ers' Association to this city. The per-
sonal house to house cnvass brought
promises to provide accommodations
for 5,500 teachers. To date, the fra-
ternities and sororities have agreed to
take care of 486; the hotels can be
depended upon to house 500; while
fully 1,000 will take the interurban
cars and return to Ypsilanti and De-
troit every evening.
The next meeting of the state asso-
ciation's executive board will be held
in Kalamazoo on Saturday. They will
decide at that time whiere the next
meeting of their association is to b
held. The local committee in charge
of the present campaign will have sev-
eral representatives at the meeting of
the board and they will endeavor to
bring the meeting here. The results
of the present canvass will furnish
them a strong argument.
At the meeting Saturday the local
committee will agree to sign a contract
in which they promise to furnish lodg-
ings t6 all members of the teachers'
association, and to provide places
where meals can be secured without
difficulty. The'contract will also bind
the local committee tp furnish a cen-
tral building for registration, and to
throw open Hill auditorium and Uni-
versity Hall to the association for
their meetings, without cost. The
privilege of free access to all univer-
sity buildings is also provided for.
The proposed contract calls for dem-
onstrations to the teachers of the uni-
versity wireless station, the naval
tank, and the large telescope in the
observatory. Special lectures are to
be given by the more prominent pro-
fessors and a complimentary organ
recital with vocal accompaniments has,
also been arranged for. The board of
regents has appropriated $1,000 to pay
for these entertainments and the com-
mon council is expected to make a
similar appropriation.
Badges will be given to all members
of the association when they register
so that there will be no difficulty in
their enjoying the privileges promised
them. Effort will be made to secure
the co-operation of the churches
throughout the city in providing mieals
to the teachers. They will be urged to
have their various aid societies use the
kitchens which are usually found in
the basements of the churches for this
purpose. A football game will be play-
ed on Ferry field on the Saturday af-
ternoon of the week in which the meet-
ing is held here.
Practically all of the 150 tickets for
the monthly membership dinner at the
Michigan Union, to be held this even-
ing at 6:00 o'clock, have been sold;
The remainder will be on sale at the
Union today.
Following the usual custom,
the after-dinner program will be.large-
ly composed of speeches on live cam-

pus topics. Prof. Robert M. Wenley
will be the principal speaker of the ev-
ening, and Prof. David Friday will
officiate as toastmaster. "Hal" Hurl-
burt, '14M, and "Mort" Hunter, '13E,
will be the student speakers. Instru-



ger success than ever before. Com- CERCLE FRANCAIS TO GIVE

plete musical programs have been re-
ceived from both C. L. Fisher, of Kala-
mazoo, and William Finzel, of Detroit.
Both leaders assure the committee that
the music will be better than in pre-
vious years, not only in general qual-
ity but also in features. All the latest
popular and operatic selections are in-
The Fisher orchestra will play the
prelude and the Detroit aggregation
will render the grand march. There
will be 48 dances, divided into regular
and intermission numbers. The or-
chestra will be composed of 15 pieces
each, the Finzel bandbeing augmented
by two pieces. Three pieces
lave been written expressly for
the hop, including "Just One Little
Dance in Your Arms," by Burton
Fisher. Edward Shuggs, the well
known soloist will be present, as well
as Paul Bennett, trap drummer for
the Fisher orchestra.
Although dark dances have been
frowned upon to a large extent, both
orchestras will introduce a-large num-
ber of feature dances. Among the
pieces to be featured by the Kalama-
zoo orchestra are "Wise Old Owl," "St.
Vitus Rag," and "Circus Day."
A business meeting of the combined
hop committees will be held at the
Alpha Delta Phi house this af-
ternoon at 4:30 o'clock. At this meet-
ing, the committees will reach an ul-
timate decision in regard to the exact
nature of the dances. They will also
attend to several important details
conneLcted with the affair. The inde-
pendents meet at the Michigan Union
tomorrow afternoon at 4:30 o'clock p.

Members of French Faculty to Partic-
ipate in Farce at Party
This Evening.
Final dress rehearsal for the pro-
gram which the Cercle Franc, as will
produce at Sarah Caswell Angell hall
tonight, was gone through last night
with a snap and vigor which gave the
management full confidence that to-
night's performance will'hot fall short
of anything of its character that the
Cercle has given in years. "Un Mon-
sieur qui prend la Meuche," the "snap-
py" farce by Abiche was cleverly exe-
cuted by the faculty members who will
play its roles. Not a hitch interfered
with the performance last night, and
it is predicted for them who will see
the playlet this evening a comical per-
formance with plenty of personality.
and mirth.
The performance of the Abiche com-
edy will .occupy one half an hour, the
other varied numbers of the program,
which fegture music prominently, will
consume' another hour, and at half
past nine, a dance will be begun in the
parlors of the gym.
The soiree will be open to all who
have secured the associate member-
ship. ticket of the Cercle. Tickets
which admit to a series of lectures and
entertainments which are given
througout the year will be on sale this.
evening at the door. To students they
are 50 cents; others $1.00.
Elect New Members to Toastmasters.
At the regular monthly meeting of
the Toastmasters club held last night
at the Michigan Union, Maurice R.Loh-
man, '12-'15M, was taken in.

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