Many New Machines Installed to In-
crease Efficiency of Campus
osen From
iters in the
which will
:his month.
been chos-
w working
Alpha Nu
r 25, while
,h Wednes-
~k. From
c men who
in the plat-
ing league
at home,
-on on Jan-
s year is:
of banking
Jonal Mon-
her de-
.g in the
to con-
contests this
of Ray K.. Im-
in the oratory
.owing this fall
neasure due to
v arrangement
he detail from
sors Trueblood
and the duties
mnent too great
The engineering shops of the uni-
versity have been exceedingly busy
during the past summer and fall mak-
ing improvements in equipment and
apparatus. Besides installing some
new molding machines in the foundry,
a new hydraulic televator connecting
the yard with the force and machine
shop floors, and designed for getting
work in and out the building, has been
installed by the instructors and work-
men of the department. This new
elevator is operated by a singularly
unique method. For, together with
the elevator used for lifting iron and
fuel to the cupola furnace in the
foundry, it is operated by a combined
hydraulic and pneumatic system, a
combination unique in its application.
Connected with this elevator is a
duplex pump, also designed and made
in the engineering shops, which is
operated by compress of air, furnished
by a compression apparatus likewise
prepared by the ishops. The duplex
pump takes water from a cistern,.
operates two elevators, either sepa-
rately or both together, and discharges
the water back into the cistern. Here-
tofore the hydraulic elevators about
the university have been operated by
city water pressure, but this pres-
sure was never sufficient to lift the
weights required by two such eleva-
tors. The pneumatically operated'
pump gives a water pressure of ap-
prioximately 100 pounds per square
inch and enables each elevator to lift'
a "load of two tons without difficulty.
An outfit of three molding machines
of different types has also been stalled'
in the foundry during the summer.'
These three machines, it is asserted,
illustrate all the important mechan-
ical principles used in molding ma-
chinery. One machine is operated en-
tirely by com~pressed air, the other
two by hand, with pneumatically op-;
ersted pattern devices accompanying.
An electrically driven and sifting
machine is among other additions to
the foundry. All these machines are
intended to illustrate modern methodst
in foundry practice and bring the uni-
versity abreast with the times, so to1
speak, in mechaniealaffairs. Not only
are they used for instruction pur-l
Drowsy Studes Have Slept in Old T.
Hell Ever Since it Was
Sleeping in class-rooms is one of
the never failing traditional customs
of campus life, but -few of us know
how ancient and sacred in its an-
tiquity is this prevailing evil in old
Ann Arbor town. Tell any freshmen
who have classes in either of the
"wings" that they are going to school
in an old dormitory and see how blank
they look. Nine-tenths of the seniors
will appear just as void of comprehen-
sion. Nevertheless such is the fact:
the wings are old dormitories.
Blissful must have been t'he days
and effective the beauty sleeps when
"ye studes" of '41 back in times for-
gotten bounded out of bed on to the
rough fourth floor of old North Wing
"The onion. Law."
"The Common Law," a dramatiza-
tion of Robert W. Chambers' sensa-
tional novel, is booked as one of the
special attractions at the Whitney
theater on Tuesday, November 26,
and fiction readers who have been
charmed and fascinated by Mr. Cham-
bers' remarkable book, will doubtless
look forward to witnessing the play
with pleasureable interest.
"The Only Son."
People who ordinarily attend a com-
edy drama do not expect to find a
wealth of elaborateness but they find
it just the same in "The Only Son"
which will come to the Whitney thea-
ter next Wednesday evening. There
is no make believe in this latest play
by Winchell Smith, the author of "The
Fortune Hunter," and "Brewster's Mil-
Save a TMOenth
a v
On all your purchases, there forty-nine
In Ann Arbor and Detroit who offer 5 % and jo
discount to members of the
University of Michigan Co-Operative
rnpaign for
ilnations is
daily Illini,
-wan-da, a
honor sys-
es has al-
at 'steen minutes of 8:00 a. m.. and
slid down the banisters to the first or
second floor to attend their sunris'e
Those were in the good old days of
ten o'clockless houses at Ypsi when
the wrecked and shattered fusser crept
into the State street door of' North
hall, North Wing, at 3:00 a. m. and
deposited his shoes, sox, coat and
necktie on the first, second, third and
fourth floors, respectively, so that he
could don them in logical order en-
route to his quarter-to-eight-o'clock
class in the morning.
Glorious must have been these dor-
mitory days. To sleep, study, and re-
cite,--all in the good old wing, and
enjoy the neighborliness of your be-
loved professors, who were farmed out
in private dwellings, on the forty acres
of campus, must have been Utopian
W~hen you came to Michigan in those
dlays you brought along your bed and
looking-glass. What it must have cost
when the draymen hauled all that be-
sides your trunk up three flights of
The next time you get up in one of
the old wing class rooms and the
"prof" catches you dreaming, come
back from "her" quickly and say you
,were wondering where the stude who
used to room there had his bed stand.
Keep it to yourself if you think that
some of the cracked plastering may be
directly traceable to the fatal vibra-
tions set up by some perpetually
snoring senior of '41. Don't waste
your time wondering whether the
poor freshmen of those days had to
carry the wood for the stoves up all
those flights of stairs.
Knowing these romantic associa-
tions and its present day importance,
will you deny old University hall the
right to be called historic?
North Wing, or "Mason Hall," as it
was first called, was one of the five
buildings with which the university
started its career in Ann Arbor. The
other four were residences for faculty
e in
publications. The
have been barred
Sweeny, of Min-
co-eds must have
cing parties will
eleven bells in the
omen at the Univer-
ibuted $30'00 to the
ocal Cosmopolitan
ed plans for build-
DO home near the.
Hadley of Yale, ad-
Alumni club in
g distance. Ea b
phone at his plate.
freshman at Stan-
will have a senior
Now Students, to
tion Next Month.
s'from all over the
t Lansing, Decem-
pected that a dele-
) will be sent from
:ing both of men
s. The convention
Plymouth church,
Ileges in the state
o send at least 20
-epresent them at
deliver the address
nong other speak-
E. H. Lougher, of,
poses, however, but for the more rapid
and cheaper production of castings,
etc., for the practical use of the uni-
There is one other machine newly
installed in the wood-shop that de-
serves special consideration. It is
called a hand servicer and joiner, and
with it every little movement certain-
ly has a meaning all its own. Such a
machine has been needed in the shops
for a long time, we are told, but has
never been put there for the reason
that it is an exceedingly dangerous
machine, and has an inordinate fond-
ness for cutting off fingers of inex-
Seats will be placed on sale Tues-
day, November 26, for the forthcoming
engagement of "The Prince of Pilsen"
at the Whitney theater, Thanksgiving
afternoon and night.
For the revival of "The Prince of
Pilsen," Mr. Savage has assembled a
cast of unusual ability, including Jess
Dandy, Lottie Kendall, Edna Wallack,
Norma Browne, Arthur Hull, Fred
Lyon, Bobby Woolsey, Mary C. Mur-
rar, Dorothy Delmore, John O'Hanlon,
and a number of other well known
duty that the honored president emer-
itus performed in office.
With few exceptions the hall and
wings remain the same today as at
that time. Originally the space on the
first floor now occupied by the dean's,
the registrar's, and the graduate de-
partment's offices was given up to the
college chapel. There services and
exercises were held seven days in the
week and attendance was compulsory
for all students.
Many of the original class rooms
throughout the building have been
cut into smaller ones for more practi-
cal use, The auditori u with the ex-
ception of fire escapes, seats and deco-
rationsf remains practically the same
today as when it was dedicated.
Several years ago the old French
dome which originally surmounted the
central portion of the structure was
condemned as unsafe and torn down.
It was replaced by the present one
which is much more in keeping with
the architectural unit, of the build-
The plans for the uniting of the two
wings by University hall proper were
drawn by Edward S. Jonson, '68 E,
who was then residing in Chicago.
University hall is a noble rather
than a beautiful structure architec-
turally. Its associations make it a
beautiful building historically. Mich-
igan men and women have worshiped,
and Michigan men and women will
ever worship old University hall as
Michigan's educational capitol.
If Golf is to T*"N"
__________________ TRADE
be taked of ,MAK
INV- .
t will be to your
interest to call at one of our
stores and have our expert
demonstrate just what the
champions use-and how.
If you can 't call then send
for our 1912 catalogue-a
perusal of which will show
you how complete is our
line of Golf requisites, and all
that is, the best of their kind.
livered. All
work guaranteed.
pipe need a new stem or mouth-piece?
call up
He Jo:B RR L L
If S,
For Careful, Conscientious, CLEAN WORK give us a trial-We will
convince you chat
to do Laundry Work which is not an apology
Modern Methods Modern Containers / Prompt Service
Sam Monetta. Bell 1460 H. E. Wilgus, Bell 651
Pi., Repirin
Directory Will Be Out and
Membership Cards on sale. Monday.
at reasonable rates.
The Pip, e'..r
Phorxe 1502-J
.esidemne 711 Arch SI
Pipes called for and de-
perienced operators. The machine is
used only by skilled workmen em-
ployed in the shops. It is thought that
students, coming and going as they
are, h-ave little business trying to
make apparata with such a machine.
The operation is too dangerous, and
"job work" is. not essentially in the
currictlum. Thus far there has never
been a student, working in the shops,
who has lost a* finger or received a
blemishing injury to the hand or body;
and there is no desire to annul this
Jackson prison; C. H. Henzel; Rev.
Dennis Clancy, well known as active
in the Men and Religious Forward
movement; Miss Jennie Crozier, a
Michigan graduate and a missionary
from India; Wellington T. Tinker, oP
the Students' Christian association;;
and Dr. and Mrs. Frank A. Keller,1
missionaries from China.
A missionary drama will be stagedl
by 15 members of the Michigan volun-1
teers, and the Ann Arbor delegates]
rill be otherwise active in the con-
vention. A special interurban leaves
here Friday, December 6, at 4:00 p.m.
and will return from Lansing the fol-1
lowing Monday morning, bringing thej
students back in time for classes..
Does your
men also Ideated on the campus. North
Wing originally contained a chapel on
the first floor and class rooms and a
museum on that and the second. The
upper two floors were used for dor-
mitory purposes. Evidently the dor-
mitory system had its drawbacks and
hardships-for the professors. It
isn't hard to imagine the fun that went
on up in the higher altitudes of the
old wings and the false alarms that
brought the responsible faculty mem-
bers tq the scenes of supposed riots.
It must have been true that in the
wings "life was worth living," for
in 1857 President Tappan abandoned
the dormitory system in order to "re-
lieve the treasury of a large expendi-
ture of money and the faculty of a
great deal of care and annoyance in
the way of supervision.''
South Wing was built soon after
North Wing and cost slightly less, al-
though practically a duplicate of the
latter. It was also used partially as
a dormitory.
On commencement day, June 28,
1871, the corner stone of University
hall proper was laid by President
Angell, who was inaugurated on the
same occasion. This act was- the first
The store that tries to hol your trade by selling you goods that satisfy
Do you shave Moore's Nonleakable
yourself Fount ain Pen
Druna Shaving Lotion Always give satisfaction.
will heal and toughen your We carry a full line and
face so that cold winds won't surely have a point that will
affect it. Delightful to use. suit you. Come in and see.
Vest Pocket Michigan Seal
Kodaks Paper by the Pound
Even if you have a large Its cheaper that way than
Kodak, you ought to have by the box.
one of these little ones "just
for fun." 50C 2 ,P unId
$6.00 Envelopes o bunch.
There is a good drink waiting for you at our Fountain.
324 South State Street
A. G. Spaulding &
254 Woodward Ave.
For Wood's Knowledge,
Go to the Woods
of the
complete-courses in Forestry with Unequalled Opportunities for Practical Experience
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Zing every detail