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October 30, 1912 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1912-10-30

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Dai ly







* * * * *

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


Forecast for Ann Arbor-Threaten-
ing rain tonight; Wednesday colder.
University Observatory - Tuesday,
7:00 p. m. temperature 58; maximum
temperature 24 hours preceding, 69.2;
minimum temperature 24 hours pre-
ceding, 42.8; rainfall 0.05 inches; wind
velocity, 12 miles.


( ).................Taft
( ) .. ............Roosevelt
t )............Wilson

( ).................Debs
( )................. Clafin
( ) ............. .........


;t Guard,


* Name..... . ........State ..._.... Department .......

Local Corda Fratres Association Will
Edit Publicatiou, Iiitended to
Boost University.
A Michigan number of the Cosmo-
politan Student, the official publication
of the Corda Fratres Association of
Cosmopolitan students, printed at
Madison, Wisconsin, will make its ap-
pearance in November. The number
is edited by a staff appointed from the
local chapter, and contain: several ar-
ticles dealing with current topics of
interest to the foreign students attend-
ing American universities, and is il-
lustrated mainly by photographs of the
university campus.
This is the first attempt of the local
chapter to give wide prominence to
the University of Michigan among for-
eign students in this country, and it is
expected that the appeal in behalf of
the university will be followed by an
awakened interest in the universities
of the mid-west, and the University of
Michigan in particular.

Almost 400 Ballots Were Cast;
Ends With Progressive Can
didate 154 Trallies in
the Lead.
Unusually Heavy Vote is Expy
But no Change in Position I
Looked For.

Snappy Game
Team, Who

scrimmage that the
eral second string
put up against the
Fresh teams at Fer-
afternoon. The 55
marked more by its
by any perfection
iowed at advancing
free teams were on
he hardest kind of
st regulars to push
>ver the scrub-fresh
htest feature of the
ut from a Varsity
e work of Collette
lves. Collette star-
iner, and at hurling
well as at inter-
heaves of his op-

Prof. Cross Believes They Will Aid
Alumni Organizations.
That the extension lectures which
the university is now giving, <will
prove to be a stimulus to the forming
of alumni organizations throughout
the state is the opinion of Prof. H. R.
Cross of the fine arts department. At
Grand Haven, where he spoke last Fri-
day, his lecture gathered together the
Michigan men in that vicinity. Yellow
chrysanthemums were worn, and af-
ter he had finished his address, many
Michigan songs were sung with gen-
uine football enthusiasm. Former
Regent George Far and a number of
resident alumni are hoping to crystal-
lize the enthusiasm into a true Mich-
igan organization.
Rhetoric Department to Get New Man.
Appropriation for an additional in-
structor in the rhetoric department
has been made by the board of regents,
but at the present date the appoint-
ment has not been made.

Faculty Advisors Appointed to Help
Foreign Students Residing
In Ann Arbor.
More than 140 letters were mailed

G'Wissenswurm, by Anzengiuber Will
be Given by Munich Players
in Whitney Theater.
"Der G'Wissenswurm," the comedy of

* * * * * * * * * * *


* * * * * * * * * * *

* * * * .* * * * *
Results of Straw Ballot.
Total votes cast .........16
Roosevelt ...............
Wilson ................... 6
Taft ......................
Debs .....................
Chafin ....................
* * * * * * * * *

vas a Dean Jordan to
even Dean Myra B.
e the the sophomore
freshman spread

Entertain Committee.
Jordan will entertain
committee for the
, at dinner Thursday.


heir running
emity. Cole
le's post and
3 of the line.
filled the po-
t guards re-
ssed the ball
age as Pater-
ractice by -an

Turkish War Causes Consternation
Among Members Who Live
in District Affected
By Struggle.
Others Intend to Follow if Situation
Grows Worse in Home

last week to as many foreign students Anzengiuber, which is to be given this
in the university by the board of ad- evening at the Whitney theater under
visors for foreign students. The board the auspices of the German depart-
proposes to get in touch as soon as ment, will be played in the typical Ger-
possible with the foreigners, and plans; man fashion. The play is the thing
to extend its activities as far as pos- 'emphasized, not the star, as is custom-
sible in behalf of the newcomers from ary in American productions, and the
foreign lands. minor parts are as carefully treated
About 22 nationalities will be affect- as the more important.
ed by the influence of the advisory This treatment will make the play
board, and from this number have especially valuable to the students
been excluded American students of who are interested in German, as it
foreign pairentage, and Canadians who will afford them an opportunity of ob-
do' not come within the range of the serving a close, -natural, interpretation
work designed for the board. of folk character. It gives an excel-
The board is composed of Prof. J. lept insight into the life of the south
A. C. Hildner, chairman, and Profes- German people, and the dialect has
sors C. P. Wagner, J. A. Bursley, and been toned up so it is not difficult to
E. A. Boucke, who were appointed by follow.
President H. B. Hutchins. The board Not only the student body, but the
will be in continuous session during German population of the city, are
the school year. urged to attend the performance. It
"The advisory board proposes to is hoped by the faculty of the German
lend an attentive ear to all grievances department that these productions
of foreign students," said Prof. Hild- will bring the German residents into
ner yesterday. "Such petitions may closer touch with the University.
be delivered to me, and I will see that The Munich players gave "Der G'Wis-
they are investigated, and treated in senswurm" at the Harmonie, the lead-
strict confidence if so desired. ing German club of Detroit, Monday
"As to discrimination against for- evening. It was most favorably re-
eign students, we will endeavor to in- ceived by a large audience. Dr. W. W.
vestigate fully all charges, and expose Florer witnessed the performance, and
the offenders if they be connected with gave a line drill yesterday afternoon
the university. If the faculty or stu- on the principle actions and ideas of
dent body have any suggestions to of- the comedy before his classes.
fer us, we will gladly receive them." The performance starts at 8:15.
o'clock this evening, at the New Whit-
PROGRESSIVES SHOW "PEP" AT ney theater, and although the advance
UNION BANQUET LAST NIGHT. sale has been heavy, there are still
some good seats left.
Enthusiasm was much in evidence
at the Bull Moose dinner at the Union Medical Faculty Men Are Honored.
last night. About fifty partisans of News has reached Ann Arbor of the
the colonel turned out for the banquet, appointment of Drs. G. C. Huber and
after which the meeting adjourned to G. F. Novy, of the medical department,
the big ball room where the speeches to open discussions in the Internation-
were given. C. L. Smith, president of al Congress of Medicine at London,
the Progressive club acted as chair- l England, next summer.
man, introducing William H. Hill, Pro-
gressive candidate for *Congressman Homeop Faculty to Banquet Students..
at large, Professor John R. Rood of . Students in the homeopathic depart-
the law department and Col. Dean of ment will be the guests of the faculty;
Ann Arbor, who responded, giving of that college at a dinner at the Union
short talks. next Thursday evening.'

When the orchestra hits up the first
tune for the Union dance next Satur-
day evening, a transformation will
have come over the big dance room.
Instead of the cold glow of unaesthet-
ic tungstens, a diffused radiance from
60 Chinese lanterns will light the hall.
The lanterns were donated by the
local Chinese society, and are those
used at the Mongolian convention held
in Ann Arbor last summer. They are
now being suspended from the rafters
of the Union ball room, and will be
ready for use at this week's dance.-


But 10 votes short of 400 wer
in the straw ballot, yesterday, a
count places Roosevelt way in tl
with 154 votes more than Wilsor
Taft and Debs made substantial
but no change in position took :
Today is the last day that vote
be cast, and it is expected that a
usually large vote will be polled
ery one who has not yet voted is
to do so, in order that the vote M
representative of the sentiment
campus. The votes will be co.
from the ballot boxes at 5:00 p.n
after that no ballot will be ace
The final count will'appear in t
per tomorrow morning, and the
tics of the election will be put
as soon as they are compiled. TI
tistics will include the vote by
and departments that were ca
each candidate.
Remember, the last ballot ap
in the paper this morning, and r
lot will be accepted after 5:00 p.
A meeting of those on the ar
of the year book, as well as tho
siring to try out, will be held :
Michiganensian office tonight at
o'clock. Assignments will be cc
ed, plans discussed, and each
given further instructions.
At present there are five or six
places on the staff to be filled.

s been given con-
he quarterback post
he team through a
he scrimmage, with
him. Cyril Quinn
n between Collette
omson going in to-
rt of the practice
ed a slight injury.
z Yost used this ar-
dates in his scrim-
ent combination he
work which he or-
on page 3.)


ailure to obtain ma-
ular contests, fresh
re-elections yester-
)nsiderable ,interest
h classes. The re-
ident, H. Pelham;
dartha Colborne;
.er; oratorical dele-
At this polling, ma-
obtained for treas-
nager, and another
be held this after-
4:30 in Tappan hall,
candidates are as
Meroe Correy andf
track manager, W.
H. Marshall.
cretary, J. M. Mc-
F. L. Elliott; foot-
1. Dingler; baseball
[ubbard; basketball
will hold a special
t this afternoon at
om 303 chemical
ndidates are W. L.
3 a treasurer tomor-
he election will be
s lecture room from
candidates are B. J.

Excitement runs high among stu-
dents in the university who come from
the region which is now the scene of
strife between the Turks and the allied
forces of Bulgarians, Greeks, and Ser-
vians, on account of the present cr.isis
in the situation. Adrianople, the key to
a direct attack on Constantinople, is
momentarily expected to fall into the
hands of the allies, and every move-
ment of the armies is watched with
anxiety by those students here whose
families are near the center of activi-
ty, and who know not what catastro-
phe a sudden turn of fortune may
bring them.
The uncertainty of the mails, and
the exaggerated reports of the war in
the newspapers serve to increase their
uneasiness. One gathers the impres-
sion, when talking with the men from
the territory of the distant war, that
their whole thought is absorbed in the
conflict, that they long to return home
and take up arms in the cause of their
people against the ancient foe, and
avenge the oppression of centuries.
The average American student per-
haps does not comprehend the magn-
tude of the struggle now going on. It
is only when one converses with the
men whose interests are directly at
stake,and learns that more soldiers are
now engaged in fighting around Adri-
anople alone than took part in the
battle of Gettysburg, that one begins to
comprehend what the war means to
the foreign students here.
One of the Bulgarian students in'
the university has already left. R. S.
Gergandoff, '15E, of Timsut, Bulgaria,+
suddenly departed from Ann Arbor
Monday and no one seems to know his
whereabouts, but it is said by his fel-
low countrymen here that he has left
for the scene of the hostilities. Other
students will most likely follow him
if the situation grows worse.

At Meeting Held Last Evening, the
Student Body Went on Record
as Opposing Solicitation
of Funds.
Feel That Sentiment on Canipus is
Opposed to Getting Money
by Tag Day.
In a spirited meeting last night, the
student council went on record as op-
posed to tag day methods for the pur-
pose of sending the band on an annual
trip, and in favor of the expense being
met by the athletic association. The
action will be presented to the associ-
ation in the form of resolutions.
The question of the band's trip to
Pennsy was brought up at the last
meeting of the council at which time'
a committee was appointed to consult
with Athletic Director Bartelme in re-
gard to the amount the association
would appropriate toward the sum
necessary to finance the trip. As a
result of the conference, the associa-
tion promised $200, a sum $650 short
of the required amount.
Before adopting the resolutions, the
matter was threshed out pro and con,
resulting in an almost unanimous qon-
clusion that the student body felt it
the duty of the athletic association to
provide for the trip, and that any at-
tempt to raise the money by a tag
day would not only be unjust, but lia-
ble to failure.
The motion passed follows: That a
committee be appointed to draw up
resolutions expressing the opinion of
the student council as governed by
the sentiment gathered about the cam-
pus, that it is the duty of the athletic
association to provide funds for send-
ing the band to Pennsylvania-, and that
these resolutions shall be presented to
the athletic association.


Only Union Members Will Be Permitted, as Membership is Much Larger Than
Capacity of C ombined Gyms.-

Committees for the big Michigan
Union football smoker, to be held in
the combined gyms November 19, were
announced last evening by President

Edward Kemp.

Preparations will be"

commenced at once for the event.
As previously announced, this year's
smoker will probably be open to Union
members only. Inasmuch as the ca-
pacity of the two gyms is much less
than the total Union membership to
date, it is thought that officials of that
organization will be justified in exclud-
ing others from the smoker.
The following will have charge of
the affair:
W. Campbell Trible, '13, general
chairman, Homer L. Heath, treasurer.
Committee on arrangements-Ed-
ward Lazear, '13E, chairman; John

Brennan, '14E; F. Vincent Burrows,
'14L; Patrick Crowe, '15; Thomas
Doyle, '13; R. W. Elliott, '15E; Lloyd
L. Hughes, '14; Ogden Johnson, '15E;
Frank Kohler, '14; P. D. Koontz, '14;
Max Kuhr, '13; M. W. Watkins, '14;
Carl White, '14.
Speakers' committee-Ralph Snyder,
'14L, chairman; W. B. Shaw, Fac.;
George Burgess, '13L.
Program committee-Walton Fisk,
'13E, chairman; Paul Crane, '14; Paul
Doherty, '14L; Ed Howell, '13E.
Publicity committee-H. Beach Cars
penter, '14, chairman; Maurice Milli-
gan, '14; Lester Rosenbaum, '14.
Finance committee-Eben Lane, '13,
chairman; Ralph Conger, '14; Waldo
Fellows, '14; Henry Parsons, '15; R.
W. Selby, '13M.


Action on the cases of the two st
dents involved in the assault case
Saturday night will be taken toda
when the heads of the engineering d
partment will look ii.to the matt
in an effort to find just what conne
tion Paul H. Vincent, '15E, had in t
trouble. An investigation will also
made by the heads of the literary d
partment Thursday or Friday. It
said, however, that it will only be
the way of an investig tion, for not
ing may be done until after the tri
is held on November 9. So far, r
warrants have been asked for any st
dents, and Lawrence Nagel, the Er
traveling man with the party, wl
acted in the role of peacemaker, is ti
one whose case is to be tried ina
attempt to get at the bottom of tl
Harry Minckley, the photographe
who resented the alleged insult to h
wife by the students and began ti
affray by knocking one of the offen
ers into the gutter, will institute civ
actions against those under suspicio
claiming $1,000.00 damages, and it
also expected that criminal procee
ings may be entered against them b
fore Nagel's trial is held.
Vincent has not appeared to vind
cate himself either before the facul
or the police, and has not been locate
although his friends claim that he h
not left town. The three men so f
involved are all from Erie, Pa. Sever
who were in the party admit that tho
implicated in the assault were intox
cated at the time.

Former Student Will Address Class,
Dr. C. D. Holley, a former student of
this university, now manager of the
Acme White Lead and Paint Works,
of Detroit, will deliver an address on.
"The Varnish Industry from a Prac-.
tical Standpoint" this morning at 11:00
o'clock in room 303 chemical building.

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