Conscientious, CLEAN WORK give us a trial-We will
convince you that
re K. now Hn apoow
to do Laundry Work which is not an apology
ra Methods
Modern Containers
Prompt Service
netts, Bell 1460 H. E. Wilgus, Bell 651
When you buy, you go where you were treated
well before. That is why we treat you well.
(Continued from page 3.)
two high schools in Toledo costing
more than $1,400,000, and he still holds
the position of consulting engineer for
the Toledo board of education. He
has arranged to give free advice to
any school boards of Michigan who
,are planning to erect new buildings.'
t. J. Wile, clinical professor of
dermatology, has taken work at Co-
lumbia and Johns Hopkins universi-
ties and has studied for several years
in Berlin, Paris and Hamburg. He is
now recognized as an authority on
skin and blood diseases. He expects
to build up a strong department in
his lines of work and his quarters have
already been enlarged. It is probable
that his work will be introduced for
the first time in the coming summer
Parrish S. Lovejoy, assistant pro-
fessor of forestry, was. the first fresh-
man to enter the forestry department
of the University of Michigan. Since
leaving college, he has been employed
by the government in the Hell Gate,
Cheyenne and Olympic national for-
est reserves. He was stationed in
Montana when the disasterous forest
fires swept that state a few years
Other new faculty members are,
Frank Carney, Ph.D., acting profes-
sor of geology; John B. Waite, A.B.,
LL.B., professor of law; Louis H.
Boynton, professor of architecture;
W. T. Barbour, A.M., LL.B., assistant
professor of law; J. Leslie French,
Ph.D., acting assistant professor of'
semetics; Sydney Russell, acting as-
sistant professor of marine engi-
neering; 0. L. Sponsler, A.M., junior
professor of forestry; Sebastian Al-
brecht, Ph.D., acting junior profes-
sor of astronomy; Frank E. Robbins,
Ph.D., instructor, Greek; Anton Grein-
er, Dipl.Ing., instructor, mechanical
engineering; John S. Custer, A.M., in-
structor, history; Harry G. Hayes,
1 . "/
191Q 1
Ita a cs
exclusive sale
chocolates at
x.oo a pound.
Films Developed
1Oc a Roll
Velox Prints, 3c up
Every brush that we sell at
25C or mire is warranted
to hold its bristles. Does'
Italics changes in
Overcoat-Inverness, fly front, paletot or fur-
Coat-Swallowtail. black orgray; silk or satin
faced. Informal-Evening jacket of black
orgray material, peaked lapels. shawl roll.
Waistcoat-Single-breasted~white pique.linen.
drill or silk; moonstone or pearl buttons.
Informal-tingle-breasted matching coat, or,
delicate sk, rde of silk or linen.
Trousers-Matching the coat, the outsean
braided if desired,
Shirt and Cuffs-Plain white linen, or finely
tucked pique, with attached cuffs.
Collar-Poke, lap front or wing.
Overcoat-Fly front, paletot or fur-lined for'
formal; same, ulsterette or greatcoat for
Coat-Full frock for formal occasions: cut-
away for informal.
Waistcoat-White with frock; white or fancy
with cutaway.
Trousers-Striped worsted of dark gray.
Shirt and Cuffs-White, plain or plaited, with
cuffs attached.
Cravat-Broad white tie, of
pique or linen, Informal-
Gloves-White or pearl kid 1
Jewelry-Pearl or moonstone studs a
black silk fob; platinum bar chain.
Hat-High silk with broad felt band.
foratheatre. Informal-Black derb
or alpine.
Boots-Calfskin or patent leather a
toned tops of cloth or hid: paten
pumps for dances.
Cravat-White or Pearl Ascot, four
or once over, to match gloves.
Gloves-Pearl suede, lightcolored ki
z Jewelry-Gold links and studs: gold
eled scarf pin.
Hat-Silk, with frock; silk or derby.
When You
Get Sick
make it from pure,
less materials and sell
5c. Try it.
; II
trust us to prepare your
medicines. We do it right.
{ 324
Collar-Poke or wing with frock, wing or fold Boots-Patent leather, button; black
with cutaway. kid tops.
Overcoat-Fly front, Paletot, ulster or great- i Collar-Wing, fold or high band turno
coat. Cravat-Ascot or four-in-thand.
Coat-English walking, cutaway or sack. Gloves-Tan cape. chamois, or gray r
Waistcoat-Same as coat, or fancy. Jewelry--Links.. studs and scarf pin,
Trousers-Same materialwith sack coat.lanc or semi-precious stones.
stripes with cutaway frock. Hat-Derby or soft; black, brown or g
Shirt and Cuffs-Plaited or negligee, white or Boots-Laced or buttoned calfskin or
colored. tf high or low.
For correctly styled custom-tailored clothes at a
moderate price, make your requirements known to
Fe W "SS 13 Eas
F W ROSS, Liberty S
who will show you our nmany new Fall 'and Winter woolens and take~ your mes-
N * R U.BA-...A.- pI
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'NI . a
1 .~r'\ q .n;t" ~e.Y4:{'- .~- h~dssjp-&:.nrt.y ,ye
A ,f Nn ? . '
I l/I
A.M., instructor, economics; H. Rott-
schaefer, A.B., instructor, engineer-
ing; James R. Hayden, A.M., instrue-
tor, political science; Percival B. Fay,
Ph.D., instructor, French and Span-
ish; Harry V. Wann, A.M., instructor,
French; J. Airey, B.Sc., instructor,
engineering mechanics; James H.
Agnew, A.M., M.D., instructor, inter-
nal medicine; Howard H. Cummings,
M.D., instructor, obstetrics and gynec-
ology; Lesly H. DeWitt, M.D., instruc-
tor, obstetrics and gynecology; Ferris
N. Smith, A.B., M.D., instructor,
otolaryngology; Stephen J. Farrell,
instructor in physical training; E. F.
Hacker, A.M., instructor, French; Mar-
tin W. Steinke, A.M., instructor, Ger-
man; W. L. Badger, M.S., instructor,
chemical 'engineering; Harley L. Sen-
seman, A.B., instructor, rhetoric,
Arthur D. DeFoe, A.B., instructor,
rhetoric; James S. Laird, Ph.D., in-
structor, analytical chemistry; Albeea
L. Ladd, B.S. (C.E.), B.S. ((E.E.), in-
structor, mathematics; Harold R.
Lloyd, M.A., instructor, mechanical
engineering; Frank Cole, D.D.S., in-
structor, crown and bridge work; S. J.
Hoexter, M.E., instructor, decorative
drawing; Wells I. Bennett, B.A.R., in-
structor, decorative drawing; Adrian
J. Pieters, B.S.; instructor, botany;
Paul J. Mackensen, B.S., instructor,
German; Ward F. Seeley, A.B., M.D.,,
instructor, obstetrics and gynecology.
Promotions which went into effect
October 1, were as follows: To full
professorship, Ewald A. Boucke, John
R. Effinger, Henry C. Anderson, Camp-
bell Bonner, Carl D. Camp, John S. P.
Tatlock, Ermine C. Case, S. J. Zowski,
W. G. Stoner, R. W. Aigler, Herbert
R. Cross.
To junior professorships: David Fri-
day, M. P. Tilley, Arthur W. Smith, W.
D. Henderson, 0. C. Glaser, E. N. Dur-
fee, Calvin O. Davis.
To assistant professorships: J. W.
Scholl, W. F. Hunt, John Schmutz,
Neil H. Williams, R. D. T. Hollister,
H. H. Atwell, S. C. Lind, J. R. Nelson,
C. B. Vibbert, H. T. A. L. Hus, E. E.
Ware, A. J. Decker, A. 0. Lee, W. A.
Frayer, A. F. Shull, and C. H. Fessen-
(Continued from page 3.)
Bryn Mawr, have sent to press the
American edition of "Joern Uhl." It
is expected that this volume will be
placed on sale witbina few days. Dr.
Florer is also preparing a series of
monographs on Luther's use of the
pre-Lutheran versions of the Bible.
A series of articles written by Prof.
Edward D. Jones for the Engineering
magazine, together with a considerable
amount of other material, will be pub-
lished in book form some time this
year under the title, "Principles of
The social psychology number of the
Psychological Bulletin, appearing De-
cember 15, will contain an extract
from the book which Prof. C. H. Cooley
hopes to finish in the near future. This
volume will complete the series of
which his "Human Nature and the
Social Order" was the first, and his
"Social Organization" the second.
The College Physiqs, written by ?rg
fessors J. O. Reed and K. E, Guthe,-has
been revised during the past year and
is. now published by the McMillan'Cb.
"British and American Eloquence"
is the title of the latest volume com-
ing from Prof. T. C. Trueblood and
Prof. Robert T. Fulton of Ohio Wes-
leyan Univers
the source of
lish and Amer
Prof. Chas.
of view of the engin
During the past
Bailey has been w
trical engineering
The third editio
A. Bursley's "Heat
prepared by the a
sistance of Prof. Jo
will not return a conclus
yllogismi presented it cc
Hull constructed his m
months of study, basing
tion upon theories which
evolved. Finding the old
cal illustations, supch
"cirles," inadequate to i
that might enter into a s
extended his investigatior
produced a contrivance tlh
trate all possibilities of th
BeingThe Modern Adventures of Omar Khayyam, the Great Persian
Philosopher, whose Poetry on the Joy of Life made his Fame Eternal.
Omar Reports the World's Series for "This Paper"
"A Tall Guy Winds himself up like a Clock"
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"They Cheer another Guy who 'steals a Base"'
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"Jumps down and chases Both Teams from the
t - 1"
lIAR, the new Turkish blend cigarette
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