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January 18, 1914 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1914-01-18

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Peg t' My Heart, by martley Mainers.
Is One of Biggest Hits
in Years.
"Peg O' My Heart," with Laurette
Taylor, has been playing at the Cort
theatre, New York, for over a year
and it is still the Metropolis' biggest
success. It will probably remain there
for another year. In order to take
care of that important and illimitable
territory called "the road," Oliver
Morosco, the producer, found it neces-
sary to organize six touring come
panies. The company that will appear
at the Whitney theatre on January 28,
matinee and night, is the important
trans-continental one that covers the
larger cities between New York and
San Francisco, and is said to be a re-
markable clever organization.
The central figure in "Peg O' My
Heart" is a wild mischievous girl, who
has been reared among poverty in
New York, but nevertheless has pre-
served a flower-like fragrance of na-
ture. Loyalty to her father, and to
her father's country, Ireland, and to
the memory of an aristocratic mother

Lynian Howe's Travelogue Describes
Construction of "the
The world's biggest job as repro-
duced by America's greatest exhibitor
will be seen at the Whitney theatre on
February 24, matinee and night, when
Lyman H. Howe will present the big-
gest feature he has ever offered-the
construction of the Panama Canal.
In conveying ideas of size and quan-
tity to the mind there is a point at
which the use of figures-mere figures
-becomes almost inadequate. When
statistics run into the millions, the
mind, unless it is assisted by some
more or less concrete scale of meas-
urement, fails entirely to form an
adequate conception of what they
iimean. But where both figures as well
as words fail so completely, Mr.
Howe's films step in and tell the won-
derful story in the only way which can
do justice to the tremendous scope of
such a prodigious task. Nowhere on
the earth's surface are the eyes of the
nations turned with such intense in-
terest as towards Panama, because of

1 .;, .

A scene frome "The Tenderfoot," at the Majestic this week.

'enderfoot," at the Majestic, Thursday, Friday, and




id Paid For.
y Heart.




no Amer-
s of more
'al public
Vizard of
im as the
.e moving
the kine-
y, and a
icly used
ce, trans-
but when
ited more

fort. He is the man for the age as
the age is the one for such men.
At fifteen he ran a newspaper all
by himself, with plates and hand-set
type, and won fame but little money
in his venture, the Grand Trunk Her-
ald numbering just forty issues. He
then began dabbling in chemistry, but
an explosion wrecked his laboratory
and newspaper enterprise at one fell
swoop, sending him to start again in
Orange. That small beginning has
grown and broadened as the mind of
the master inventor has developed
until today Mr. Edison's laboratory
is probably the largest and best equip-
ped in the world and only the "wiz-
ard" himself knows what future evo-
lutions of light, heat and power effects
its walls harbor in embryo or partial
development, From it have already
issued the megaphone, the phono-
graph, incandescent lamp, kinetoscope,
storage battery, monolith house, mic-
rophone, and other wonders.
For a man so democratic in his
tastes he has been signally honored,
for crowned heads have vied with
scientific societies in heaping digni-
ties and titles, honorariums and med-
als upon him, which he values not one
tenth part the satisfaction one of his
inventive triumphs has given him, nor
have they changed him an iota from
the simple, kindly, whole-souled
gentleman, who in careless attire,.
heedless of wrinkles or bagging, con-
verses equally well of crops, manufac-
ture, finance, or European political
Edison's fondest dream, if any such
exists, has been and is the sound wave,
the heat wave, their relation and their
control. He has recorded sound waves
on a steel cylinder, on wax and on
composition, for reproduction when
and where we choose. He has record-
ed action in moving picture film and
now has united and synchronized their
production till sight and hearing are
This latest and greatest invention
is the marvelous Edison Kinetophone,
or talking picture, which will be
shown at the Whitney theatre on
January 19 and 20, matinee and night.
Edison has predicted that his talking
pictures will replace the many dra-
matic and musical comedy produc-
tions that are having a hard struggle
to make both ends meet at prices
ranging up to $2.00. Edison is going
to give better productions with su-
perior talent at low prices.
Aside from its entertaining possi-
bilities the Kinetophone, as Edison
points out, is invaluable as a medium
for the preservation of historical rec-
ords. The great men of our present
time can, by appearing before the
Kinetophone, make accurate records.
not only of their thoughts and deeds,
but of their voices and mannerisms.
Moreover these records will be abso-
lutely authentic, since the speaker
will tell his own story in his own
words, addressing as if still alive, his
audience which will be composed of
generations yet unknown.
For January 27 at the Whitney
theatre, Manager Arthur Lane an-
nounces a performance of George
Broadhurst's play, "Bought and Paid
For." That this piece ran for more than
a year at the Playhouse, New York,
is sufficient to show its worth.
An interesting player now acting
for the Kinetophone is John T. Mc-
Graw, the popular leader of the New
York Giants. Several of the plays in
which Mr. McGraw is employed will

advantage. For it is sure to instil
loftier ideals in the mind of every
spectator that sees how and why
Uncle Sam wrought the wonder of the
ages and wrested a victory where
others had gone down to defeat.
Yellowstone Park-that vast arena
carved by nature in the heart of the
Rocky Mountains where numerous
geysers are the contending gladiators
-is another big feature to be present-
ed. The film shows strange forces of
nature more furiously active than
anywhere else on earth. The scenes
are of such a volcanic nature that the
brand of fire seems to lurk every-
where, and as such they convey the
real "atmosphere" of a region where
tire and water have struggled for su-
premacy for countless centuries.
Click! The views change instantly to
a ride through, under and over the St.
Gothard mountains between Italy and
Switzerland, and take spectators past
magnificent mountain scenery and
giant peaks, through rugged crags,
and to quaint Swiss villages. Again
the scenes change-this time to the
Paris Zoo, showing a splendid collec-
tion of animals. at close range, some
of them very little known such as the
rhea or South American ostrich, the
apaca, the African moufflen and the
acrobatic tamanda. Then come lively
fishing scenes in British Columbia and
equally, vivacious views of tunny fish-
ing near Palermo. A ramble through
the ruins of Pompeii, reproduced in
nature's own colors, imparts vivid
impressions of the havoc caused by
the historic earthquake centuries ago.
Wood turning and decorating clocks
at Saint Claude; Naples; symphonies
of the sea; and a ride through the
Montana Canyon and over the Cas-
cade Mountains intOregon are only a
few of the many other features.
Majestic Announces Bookings.
For the first half of the current
week, the Majestic theatre will offer
an unusual list of vaudeville attrac-
tions, to be followed on Thursday,
Friday, and Saturday by a tabloid edi-
tion of Richard Carle's old success,
"The Tenderfoot." An interesting
feature of this production is its Wes-
tern scenery._

When Thomas Edison heard c
death of Mayor Gaynor he was d
§hocked by the news. "The worl
lost a good man and a remar
mind in the death of the Mayor
said. "I regret more than word
express that he should have beer
en away, for his remarkable in(
uality gave me a personal intert
him and I feel that a friend is g
After a pause, he went on tc
that the passing of the Mayor
trated in a striking way the val
the Kinetophone or talking pi(
his latest invention. It will b
membered that the Mayor, ac
panied by the heads of his mun
department repaired to the Ii
studio and there made a Kinetol
record in which he talked of his <
as Mayor. And now, although
gone, there still remains for all
a lasting record of his manne
and of his forceful methods of sp
Think what it would mean to
we had such records of Washin
Jefferson, Lincoln, Daniel We
and other great men whose name
writ large upon the scroll of hii
but whose voices are stilled fo:
What a source of inspiration it
be if we could witness the de
of the famous Gettysburg addre,
one of Webster's great spee
Think what it would mean to the
of today to see the great men o
ter-day as they really were, to
them speak in their own voices.
It is just such an event as the
sing of the Mayor which emphi
the wonderful possibilities of the
ing pictures.
Edison's great invention will I
hibited at the Whitney theatre,
uary 19 and 20, where its marvel
sure to delight and puzzle crc
houses, The Wizard has prepa
number of dramatic and comic si
es, together with minstrel nur
and entertaining selections o

An Edison Kinetophone production, featuring John T. McGraw.

Thomas A. Edison.
beginning with his repeater for tele-
graphy, and is still inventing and pat-
enting, his enormous energy and his
value to the human race are more
clearly comprehended.
His is a mind curiously suggesting
a cyclopaedic card index and he has
the unusual quality of being capable
of concentrating his thought on the
particular subject at hand to the com-
plete exclusion of other matters and
(if necessary) even of his bodily needs,
while every particle of information
secured by him bearing on the sub-
ject can be turned to in his mind in-
dex and utilized in its proper weight
and proportion.
Edison's mother had the mind of a
scientific explorer, and endowed him
with dreams, ambition, energy and,
practical effectiveness. No dreamer
of this generation has made or seen
more of his dreams come true, and
with each achievement has come ad-
ded clarity of vision, breadth of view

is her watchword. The scenes of this
charming play are laid in a small
town in England, the home of the
Chichesters, a proud, unnatural family
who have accepted the responsibility
of educating Peg, an unknown niece,
for no other reason than the income
that is offered.
Peg, on the other hand, is a jolly,
impetuous girl with a fascinating
brogue. She has been raised by, her
whole-hearted father and when she
arrives in the Chichester home with
her dog, Michael, she shocks the fam-
ily, first by her appearance and then
by her manners. Her unfamiliarity
with their mode of living, her ready
wit, and curious antics cause many
humorous situations throughout the
There is something in its simple
character which makes "Peg O' My
Heart" a romantic comedy with a
strong appeal. Peg is a real person,
taken from a sad, humdrum world and
placed in an environment where her
humanity stands out with the sham,
the hypocrisy, and the shallowness of
those who consider themselves her
betters. And in little Peg's struggle
to get into harmony with her sur-
roundings, she has the audience ever
with her. To follow her, now laugh-
ing joyously, now suddenly serious, as
she tells of her home life across the
seas, or her father in New York, is
said to be a rare pleasure and a treat
not often seen in a theatre in these
days of sensationalism for the sake
of commercial gain. Miss Florence
Martin impersonates the title role.
She is a young woman of personality
and charm, and her acting is of more
than usual intelligence. She makes
Peg the lovable, hoydenish character
that J. Hartley Manners, the author,
has so cleverly and lightly drawn. Mr.
Morosco has selected a distinguished
cast for this company; among the
names may be mentioned David Proc-
tor, P. Trenton, Cecil Campbell, Earl
Craddock, Maud Allan, Marie Horan,
R. Carrington, and Isabel Vernon

the stupendous significance of an
achievement that has so long been
considered an impossibility. Now
that Americans have accomplished
"the impossible" and have thrown
down the barriers which from the
creation of the world have separated
the Atlantic from the Pacific, Mr.
Howe's scenes, showing in detail how
it was dope, assume an importance
which cannot be exaggerated. They
also afford an opportunity of which
every American who feels a thrill of
pride in the victory, whose patriotic
heart beats faster for it, should take

A scene from "Olivette," as shown in the Edison talking pictures, to appear at the Whitney on January 19
matinee and night.

of capacity for further ef- 1 be shown at the Majestic,

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