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January 11, 1914 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1914-01-11

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Oliver 3lorosco Will Offer Hartley
Manners' Big Success at t
Whitney Theatre.
"Peg O' My Heart," Oliver Morosco's
production of J. Hartley Manners'
comedy, which will be the attraction
at the Whitney theatre, January 28,
matinee and night, is one of the very
few dramatic offerings nowadays that.
can boast of over a year's continuous
run in New York, wh'ere Laurette Tay-
lor is now entering her second year
at the Cort theatre. The author had a
hard time to convince producing man-
agers that it was a good play, and it
was left for Mr. Morosco to prove that
he had the courage of his convictions
--that a play can be free of moral les-
sons and discussions of either capital
and labgr. "Peg O' My Heart" is
brimful of clever wit and humor and
comic situations, and it is not without
an abundance of heart interest.
The scenes are laid in a provincial
town in England where resides an
aristocratic family consisting of a
widow, her son, and daughter. They
have met with reverses and are at

Arthur B. Price Chooses Entertaining
Subjects for His Niblo
Travel Talks.
"Africa" and "Spain" are the sub-
jects for the Niblo Travel Talks which
will be given by Arthur B. Price in
the Whitney Opera House, Monday and
Tuesday, afternoon and evening. These
are unusual topics for travel lectures,
as it has been the custom with travel-
ogues to deal with the more frequent-
ly travelled countries of Europe. Very
few tourists go from America to Spain,
and the cost of such a trip as is shown
in "Africa" is almost prohibitive.
Therefore, the educational value of
these lectures is unusual, giving those
who see them opportunity to gain an
intimate knowledge of places which
are rarely visited by Americans.
There is nothing dry or convention-
al in the Niblo talks. It has been the
object to pick out the most interesting
places in each country-the ones
which everyone sees and also the ones
which the casual tourist never sees.
listoric places have their share of
attention, but great care has been tak-
en to secure views, particularly in
motion pictures, which would give the

At the Majestic, January 15, 16, and 17.

7o0ZvZc 7 A7:iZrzY oz --i

Whitney Theatre.
-Niblo Travel Taljs.
k Butterfly on the Wheel.
he Leper.
he Traffic.
eg O'My Heart.
Majestic Theatre.
13, 14-All-Girl Vaudeville
6, 17-Bright Eyes.

more timely. Places which we have
all read about are shown on the screen
and native tribes, savage as they were
centuries ago, are presented to us with
all the realism which the camera
makes possible. Their dances,
their parades in war-gear, their hunt-
ing of big game, are all shown in a
series of the most remarkable motion
pictures ever exhibited. There are
many examples of the most fantastic
decoration in these pictures. The
African trip begins at Cape of Good
Hope, and the Diamond Fields, the
gold mining region, the cities of South
Africa and the wild Zulu tribes are
shown first. Then Mozambique and
Zanzibar are visited and next comes a
trip up the East Coast. The interior
of equatorial Africa is shown and fin-
ally a journey from the headwaters
of the Nile.
Spain offers a romantic field, and the
old cities and new of that once-con-
quering nation are shown with all
their picturesque beauty. Gibraltar,
the invincible key to the Mediterran-
ean Sea, is shown first and then the
ancient cities of Cadiz. Barcelona,
Toledo, Seville, Saragossa, Granada-
cities whose very names are redolent
of great deeds and glorious memories
-are visited and described as they
are today. The capital city, Madrid,
in its bright sunshine, is pictured well.
Thence the trip goes to the outer
provinces of Spain, the country of the
Basques and the lofty uplands of The
Pyrenees, where the old Spanish cos-
tume is still worn. This trip is the
acme of the picturesque and the ro-
mantic, and has been pronounced one
of the very best in the Niblo series.
There will be afternoon and evening
performances each day, the matinee
prices being somewhat lower than
those for the evenings. On Monday
"Africa" will be shown; on Tuesday,


"A Butterfly on the Wheel" Del
Vivid Proceedings in a
Divorce Court.


"A Butterfly on the Wheel," wh
prospered for a season in London,
duplicated its success in New Yi
where it is proclaimed "a drama
sensational as 'Madame X.' " Inter
apart from the admirable acting
the fine company, centers about
trial scene which concerns the
vorce of a young wife.
An admirer has trapped her i
spending a night in a Paris hotel,
husband having been notified bef
hand. Thus found in a compromis
position, the admirer argues that
will win the "butterfly" after she 1
been cast off by divorce.
The actual trial, set forth with gr
realism, shows the examination of
defendant, who is a frail woman
exquisite personal charms. I
gruelling is so severe and, to the a
ience unjust, that in the end the
collapses. Nothing more dramatic
beeii seen on the stage this season.
The critics were unbounded in ti
praise, and their sayings flared
every billboard, while from windo
walls, and barricades one could r
that "The famous divorce trial
Admaston vs. Admaston takes pl
every night at ten o'clock."
In Richard Bennett's company wh
will present "Damaged Goods" at
Whitney theatre next month, a pro
nent part will be played by Adrier
Morrison, in private life, Mrs. Benn

Vaudeville Company
,ht Eyes" Will Divide
Current Week.


e first three days of this week,
Lane announces an "all-
:eville show" at the Majestic
thus proving that mere man is
ssential as'might be expected.
eature of the engagement,
Athletic Girls, six attractive
omen, will present a series of
surprises. Next in importance
leen Stanley, a singing come-
ho achieved a substantial suc-
year in the La Salle musical
>ns. Other attractions are
e Rosemarry Girls, who offer
d musical act; Dudley and
character comedians; and
nd Irene, presenting a series
arian dances.
ast three days of the week'
evoted to a tabloid production
ht Eyes," Joseph Gaites' old
It was in this musical com-
Cecil Lean and Florence Hol-
chieved their greatest tri-
due in a measure to Karl
alluring songs. A cast of
r players are now maintaining
standard of excellence set by
nal company.
en the closing and reopening
ajestic as a vaudeville house,
e has been made in its policy.
e past, two performances are
ach evening, one at 7:30
the other at 9:15 o'clock.
Wednesday, Friday, and
r are matinee days, the per-
e starting at 3:00 o'clock.
re program is changed every
and Thursday.
John Drew appears at the
theatre next month, he will
>rted by two prominent actres-
iry Boland, who has played
Mr. Drew for several seasons
11 have the leading feminine
Barrie's playlet, "The Will."
Tyranny of Tears," Laura
rewes has the part of the

A novel dance to be shown in "Bright Eyes," January 15, 16, 17.

In discussing the value of the var-
ious kinds of advertising employed by
theatrical concerns, a well, known
manager recently declared that in his
opinion newspapers came first and
then mouth to mouth commendation.
To the latter kind "A Butterfly on the
Wheel" which ran in New York all last
season, owes much of its success.
Nearly 200,000 persons attended the
play during its long stay at the Thirty-
ninth Street theatre where the Messrs.
Shubert and Lewis Waller, the Eng-
lish actor-manager produced it. Every-
one who attended a performance in-
;ariably sent others, which fact is
not a surmise, for the statement is
based on a systematic canvas made at
theatre for a period covering four
w eeks.
Commlng Plays Are Announced.
Of particular interest is the list of
iebruary attractions announced for
the Whitney theatre. On the seventh
of the month Alice .Lloyd, heading a
vaudeville company, will make her
Ann Arbor debut. Two days later John
Drew will appear in a one-act play by
Barrie, called "The Will" and a drama
by Pinero, "The Tyranny of Tears."
Following Mr. Drew, on February 7,
Richard Bennett will offer Brieux's
"Damaged Goods." "Excuse Me," a
Colonel Savage production, is booked
for Valentine's Day.

their wits end where to secure money
with which to maintain the house-
hold and meet other expenses. The
lady's wealthy brother had died, be-
lieving his sister to be amply blessed
with worldly goods. He leaves his
fortune to the child of another sister
who has married a ne'er-do-well Irish-
man and gone to America with him,
for which act she is disinherited. A
certain yearly sum is set aside to se-
cure. her education and her relatives
decide to bring her up for this con-
sideration. When Peg arrives with
her dog "Michael," the family is much
shocked by her appearance and man-
ners; she in turn does not take kindly
to their mode of. life. Her unfamiliar-
ity with the customs of the smart set,
and her curious antics and ready
Irish wit bring about a succession
of humorous complications throughout
the play. Peg, of course, has her love
romance, and the love interest com-
bined with the comedy is said to be a
rare and pleasing blend. Mr. Morosco
has mounted the play lavishly and in
the cast will be found a number of
well known names, headed by the
talented Florence Martin.
Praise "A Butterfly on the Wheel."
During the long engagement of "A
Butterfly on the Wheel" at the Thirty-
Ninth Street theatre, New York, many
prominent people saw this wonderful
play. Ex-Judge Albert H. Gary, now
Chairman of the Board of Directors of
the U. S. Steel Corporation, and Mrs.
Gary after seeing a performance, sent
this expression of opinion to the man-
"Mr. Gary and I enjoyed immensely
'A Butterfly on the Wheel.' It has
great merit; it is strong and artistic,
and altogether splendid,"

spectator a real insight into the habits
and customs of the different peoples.
Africa is still the continent of mys-
tery, and the knowledge of it which
came to the American people through
the hunting trip of Theodore Roose-

velt only serves to.make this talk the E "Spain."



A scene from "A Butterfly on the Whe:l," to be presented at the Whitney t
and night.

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