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November 22, 1913 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1913-11-22

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, No. 47.



- ----


Preliminaries to Be Held December 11,
Final on December 19, and
State and National
in 1914.
Michigan Has Record For 1lolding
First Honor SinCe
Manuscripts of orations for the
Peace Oratorical contest must be sub-
mitted to Professor Thomas C. True-
blood of the oratory department, be-
fore December 5. The preliminaries
will be held on December 11, and the-
final contest on December 19. All
wishing criticisms on their orations
must submit typewritten manuscripts
to instructors of the oratory depart-
ment- before December 1,
The Peace contest is -held annually
under the auspices of the Intercollegi-
ate Peace association. Preliminary
contests are held in Illinois, Indiana,
Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and
Wisconsin. The winners. of the con_-
tests will compete in an interstate
contest at Cleveland on April 25, 1914,
and in the national contest held at
Lake Mohonk, N. Y., on May 14, 1914.
The orations must not exceed 16 min-
utes in delivery, and must deal with
some phase of the general subject of
international peace or arbitration. This
contest is open to all students of the
university who are doing at least 12
hours regular work.
Michigan has established a record in
the National Peace contest. Since
1911, she has won the contest each
year. In that year, Percival V. Blan-
shard, '14, won the National contest
at Mohonk, and the next year, Paul 13.
Blanshard, '14, his brother, duplicated
the performance.
The following- testimonials amount-
ing to $475.00 are to be awarded: state
contest-ftrst honor, $75.00; second
honor, $50.(C; interstate contest-
first honor, $100.00; second honor,
$50.00; national contest-first honor,
$125.00; second honor, $75.00.

Yesterday morning The Michigan
Daily ran a story to the effect that 10
(less than a quorum) members of the
student council out of a membership
of 23 were present on Thursday night
at the council investigation of the Sat-
urday riots. The council objects to let-
ting the world know, just how efficient
it is, during sessions that all Michigan
is interested in. So the council will
put a stop.to such stories, it will go
into executive session and then the
public will not know what is going on.
It will not know how square a deal
the accused students are getting.
The council was forced to adjourn
without being able to accomplish any-
thing, there was no quorum present.
The Michigan Daily printed the facts,
but the student council has taken care
that The Daily will not print the facts
from now on. The student represen-
tative body becomes a secret society.
The council becomes a court (but no
other known court closes its doors)
and refuses to give the facts until ev-
erything has been done, according to
its own discretion. The council will
refuse to give publicity to the students
who are punished.
Editorially, The Michigan Daily has
stood behind the council in its inves-
tigations. As a fair newspaper, we
printed the facts of Thursday night's
deliberations. Unhappily the facts
showed the council to be a thoroughly
inefficient organization. Further crit-
icism, we refuse to make at this time,
but in the future we will take occas-
ion to show that this is not even the
fourth or fifth time. that the council
has failed to measure up to the needs-
of the campus in times of stress.
The council claims that The Daily
has misrepresented the facts, but the
secretary failed to put his hands on
any part of our story that was inaccu-
rate. le brushed us aside, with
the statement that the tone of the ar-
ticle- made fun of them. Our justifica-
tion is, if this is so, that the council
deserved to be made fun of..
Contenders for the campus champion-
ship in football took their final work-
out yesterday afternoon and both ag-
gregations are sure they will .be able
to land the hono.r in this morning's
battle. The fight will be between the
senior engineers and the junior med-
ics,'the ring will be south Ferry field
and the time is set for 9:00 o'clock.
Judging from the draw of last Sat-
urday, the scuffle will be anything but
a walk-away for the winner. The teams
are the most evenly matched elevens
that ever fought for the imaginary
flag, in the history of class football.
Very few changes have been made in
the lineups and it is probable that the
same men that faced each other in
the first attempt to settle the dispute
will again try to outwit and outbck
the same opponents. The plays of
both teams have been revised, howev-
er, and it is believed the players will
have little advantage on account of
having faced the same men on a previ-
ous occasion.-
Sen ior Pictures May Be Taket Now; a
Deposit of $2. 0 Will Be

A new system has been inaugurated
by the Michi anensian in choosing its
association editors. The managing
editor of the publication and the pres-
idents of the senior classes will con-
stitute a committee, which will nom-
inate twice the number of assochat(
editors necessary to compose the staff.
The names ot the nominee's will be

Students Will Be Given Advantage of
Training Under Regular
Army Officers.
Pres. Harry B. Hutchins has of-
fered Major General Leonard Wood,
chief of tsaff of the United States ar-
my, for the establishment of a summer
military training school for students
the use of the large university tract in
the upper peninsula.' General Wood
will address the students, outliniu
camp plans, either prior to Christma
recess or early in January.
President Hutchins returned yester-
day from New York, where he, with
seven other university presidents, held
a conference with General Wood tc
discuss training camps for students
this summer. It was determined tha
at least four camps of instruction
should be held: one in New England
a second in the middle west, probabl
in Michigan, a third in the south, pro;-
ably in Virginia, and a fourth on the
Pacific coast. The great success of th
two experimental camps of last sum-
ner seemed to justify the extensior
of the work.
At the time of General Wood's corn
ing, literature descriptive of the move-
ment, will be distributed among the
students, and ample opportunity giv-
en for learning, in detail, in regard t
the benefits that a residence at one 0
the-camps will afford.
Several cases of diphtheria amon"
residents have been reported to tiu
Ann Arbor health officers. No stu--
dents have been afflicted as yet.,
This is the first recurrence of di h-
theria since the spring of 1 l when
several students were stricken by th
malady. The disease then first made
its appearance in the form of sore
Dr. J. A. Wessinger, city health o fi-
cer believes that there is no need fo
sudden alarm, as all the cases are un-
der control, as well as isolated.
H rad r le IDonates $100 to '"Technic."'
Otto J. Klotz, '72E, made a donation
of $100 to be used in starting the pub-
lication of the "Technic" this year
The honorary degree of doctor of sci-
once was conferred upon Dr. Klot'
last June; and when he was in Ann
Arbor at that time, he promised this
:um to insure the continuation of tne
publication of the engineering maga-
vine. Dr. Klotz took a doctor of law
degree at the University of Toronto i.
1904. He is a Fellow of the Royal
Astronomical society of England; and
is at present Royal Astronomer of
Canada. He is credited with being one
of the greatest astronomers in the
che sitting. Of this amount, one dol-
iar is to apply on any extra regular
portrait the student may wish to have
:made; the other dollar is to go to the
Michiganensian for the naklng ci
cuts. After January 1, this latter fee
will be increased to $1.25 and no pic-
tures will be accepted after February
15 except by written order from the
business manager.
A rumor courrent among the medi-
cal students that excessive work is

being assigned to the freshmen in or-
dcir to cut down a part of the class be-
fore Christmas, because of its crowded-
ct-ndit on, is declared by Dean V. C.
t auhan) to be unfounded.

Siditight Sons' Quarl ei"is
Exponent of : usical
IS SlILAlI T1'O Tiil
I 'puv~r ragtime, with

Other Chief
PRhGR Ald.
"'rho Ilid-


night Sons' Quartt" as the chief ex-
conc'nts, wi! 1feature the Thanksgiv-
:ng concert, to be given by the Glee
and Mndolin clubs, in Hill auditorum
-ext Tnue:sday evening:. The selections
;picked for the use of the Glee club
have been chosen with reference to
their liveliness and novelty, while the
instrumental numbers to be rendered
by the mandofln or.: anization are said
o possess more than ordinary "pep.'
The program to be presented Tues-
lay will be practically the same as
'hat to be offered on the long Pacific
.etnst trip to be taken by the club this
seson. Alumni in the towns which
the cub will visit have requested that
the entertainment be arranged so as
tot0 includFe "one dull moment," and
xhit this in mind, the management has
reyred a bill filled with the kind of
iarmeny that tin les.
Ti' K'ts for the concert went on sale
l'hursda y at Wahr's and Sheehan's
'opula, prices will prevail, seats in
we tvi balconies selling at 25 -ents
nd :ain fibor seats at 50 cents.
tha.fe(' o'ReferendiimItill .
''a -s soc 3 t ri ~ e rc .t : i itafit i lt n i g .
At general meeiaj of the Ann Ar-
bor civi association Thursday even-
ng, a special ommittee, cosisting of
Prof.31in' eS .. -ttee - es and Rebert T
'rane, e f nle poltiti al s ince depart-
nment, and Professor Cordon W. Stoner,
cif the law department, reported on the
general subject of the commission
form of government.
Professor Reeves explained the cr-
'in and history of the movement and
traced its progress and development
from its start in New Orleans in 1870
to its present advancement.
"Too many oflieers are being elect-
ed," said Professor Reeves. "We need
a commission which ha's a right to levy
:taxes, spend money, and pass ordian-
ces. The commission should be in-
trusted with all powers, but all those
powers can be withdrawn by a popular
vote, and failure to act when the peo-
ple want. action can be remedied by
lhe people themselves."
Professor Stoner re'ated the pro-
diUre of a managcrial form of city
fovernment. This form is now in use
at Dayton, Ohio. The practicability
of this form is proved by the fact that
the co.aission, together with its man-
ager n.ay be recalled at any time that
that govrmncent is found to neglect
its administrative prercgative.
L. E. Crossman, graduate, will read
? p:aper on the commission form of
governmecnt in Michigan at the next
meeting of the association. It is pos-
sib!. that students in municipal gov-
ernment will be given an opportunity
to, assist the committee and receive
credit for work done in the regular
At a meeting held Thursday after-
noon at the Union, a number of Penn-
sylvania students laid the fcundations
for a Pennsylvania club. Sentiment
favored the formation of such an or-
ganization and a temporary commit-
tee was appointed to draft plans, which
will be submitted at an early date.

Udcmrft Snds lini'itation to Foreigners
and Elct T iwo to honorary
.Mlnbers of the Cosmopolitan club
will be the guests of the Detroit Ad-
craft club, a'social organization of the
leading advertisers of the City of De-
treit, at a banquet some Thursday
next January. The invitation was ex-
'ndcd through William W. Welsh, '12,
ferner president of the Cosmopolitar.
c:ub, and C. P. Wang, '14, member of
the board of directors of the same or-
ganization, who spoke at the month-
ly banquet of the Detroit society
Thursday evening under the auspices
of the University extension lectures.
Both were elected unanimously as
lhcnorary nrembers of the Adcraft club
after the mfunction.
Welsh gave his lecture on "The Pan-
ama Car-al; and Some Phases of For-
eign Trade Relations Usually Over-
looked" after the Detroit banquet, and
was well receive l. Wang was then
called upon to speak on "The Adver-
isin; Pcssibilitie in China."
A discussion followed the lectures as
to the means by which foreign trade
relation may be extended. It wat
suggested that an international soci-
ety may be organized in Detroit, con-
sisting of persons who are interested
in foreign countries, and foreign stu-
dents at Michigan. The club, whery
organized, will also be the Detroit
1hecad quarters of the Michigan foreign'
students. A committee will probably
be appointed to further the plans after
the trip in Detroit.
About 30 members of the Cosmopoli-
tan club will make the trip to Detroit
in January. The delegation will pre-
1:are an elaborate program for the af-
fair. Representatives of the 25 na-
tions represented at Michigan will give
three nij~nte talks. A musical pro-
gram featuring characteristic airs of
ifferent nationalities will be present-
(d and games particular to each coun-
dry played. Faculty advisors to for-
eign students will also be invited.
"We are all neighbors regardless of
distinctions in religion, race and
weaIlth," declared Jacob A. Riis in -his
lecture on "My Neighbor," on the Ora-
toricat association lecture course last
night in University hall. Religion is a
great factor in settlement wcrk and
it has turned from infant damnation

By a Vote of


,1 to 1, Body De

Continue lni'estigationS
in Executive
lisrieprestntation c Proceedings" in
V 'Ih Daily fihen as Excuso
For S' re - )eetings.
By a vote of 13 to 3, the student
council last night, voted to continue its
investization of the Saturday night
riot in executive sessions. The fol-
lowing members voted for the expul-
sion of all non-council individuals
from the meetings: Quinn, MlcCoy,
Kohler, Crismore, Farley, Ricketts,
Helm, Fellows, Blanshard, Daniels,
Allway, l3axter, Lippincott, The three
men who voted against such action
were Fletcher, Carpenter and lulburt.
Seven members of the council were
absent: Keliher, Books, McFarlano,
Gault, Tate, Scott and Paterson.
The action taken, which puts a cloak
of secrecy around council proceedings,
marks a return to the methods of the
body of two years ago. The agitation
against such methods at that time, re-
sulted in an investigation of the meth-
ods of formation of the council, and its
procedure in its meetings, and it ter-
minated in the adoption of a new con-
stitution under which the present
council is acting.
The action was taken because of the
publication of the story of the coun-
cil's actions in yesterday morning's
Daily. The following is the resolution
which was passed unanimously:
"That the student council, at a meet-
ing continued from Thursday night,
voted to go into executive session in
the further investigation of the riot
which"occurred on Saturday.
"This action follows a discussion of
thie apparent hostile attitude of The
Daily in its Friday morning's issue.
The council feels that its action was
-misrepresented, and the purpose of the
ex-coutive session is 'not to keep its
actions in undue secrecy, but to avoid
further misrepresentation.
T. F. McCOY,


Will Report on Senior Traditions.
President Waldo Fellows of the sen-
ior lit class, has appointed a commit-
tee which is to report on senior cus-
toms at other colleges. The commit-
tee, consisting of Elwood Johnson,
chairman, Felix Church, Gleed Miller
and Kirk Porter, is in correspondence
with other universities and expects to
make a report on some custom that
will suit Michigan's need.
According to Indianapolis newspa-
pers, Notre Dame is making overtures
to Michigan for a football game to be
staged next fall at South Bend, Ind.
The article further states that the
Michigan authorities are considering
the matter.
As a matter of fact, the Michigan
athletic office is flooded at this time
of the year with letters relative to
games for next year's schedule. If the
athletic authorities have received a
proposal from Notre Dame, it is not
probable that it will be given prefer-
ence over 'other offers which may,
come in.
In 1109 Notre Dame, using men sup-
posed to be ineligible under Michi-
gan's ruiings, defeated the Wolverines
11 to 3. In 1910 Notre Dame was tak-
eri off the Michigan football schedule
a few days before the game was to be

to the present needs of the child. 1 M. Donnelly, '17M, was examine<
believe the image of God is in all men last night in the secret session, but no
and that we need militant Christiani- definite action was takei on his case
ty." The next meeting of the codncil wil

"Twenty-five years ago," continued
Mr. Riis, "when my settlement house
was established in the slums, 400,000
bedrooms in the tenements were wind-'
owless and the yearly death rate from
tuberculosis was 10,000. Since that
time the number of windowless sleep-
ing rooms has been reduced to 70,000
and the death rate has Leen cut in
Previous to the lecture, a dinner
was given at the Whitney hotel in lion-
or of the noted lecturer. Those who
attended were Profs. Thomas C. True-
blood and C. H. Cooley, A. Robertson,
a former Utah lawyer who is now tak-
ing special work in the university, and
Rowland W. Fixel, '12-'14L, president
of the Oratorical association.'
The Cosmopolitan club at its meet-
ing last night decided to present a
public lecture course and men of na-
tional repute and members of the fac-
ulty will give addresses on different
phases of the cosmopolitan movement.
The program will be announced in
the near future and it is planned to
have the first lecture before the Christ-
mas vacation.
Mr. Rasaen Bonilla, -father of Pres-
ident John Ponilla, was unable to be
present but instead of his address on
South America he brought hearty
greetings from the Corda Fratres of
South America. Seven new members
were also admitted to the club. -

be held next Tuesday night.
(Special to The Michigan Daily.)
NEW YORK, Nov. 21.-Michigan's
team of inexperienced cross country
runners will face the highest grade
competition to be found in the coun-
try, here tomorrow, in the annual in-
tercollegiate hill and dale race.
This championship is to be fought
for by 208 entrees from 14 different
colleges. Princeton, Harvard, Coiu:u-
bia, Colgate, Michigan, Penn State,
Yale, Brown, Syracuse, Dartmouth,
Cornell, Pennsylvania, and two small-
er institutions are to be represented.
Harvard is considered the favorite
in the betting, in spite of her recent
defeat by Yale in a duel match. Both
Pennsylvania and Cornell have strong
teams this year, and are sure to prove
factors in the contest. Princeton, us-
ually weak in this department of ath-
letics, is reported to have the strong-
est aggregation of distance runners
in years, and looms up in the figuring
on this ground.
'Coach Rowe and his squad of six
Wolverine competitors arrived in this
city this morning, and were out Iook-
ing over the Van Courtland park
course. All are in good condition, and
will probably not work out in suits
again before the race.







phyed, because the Catholic univer- submitted to the board of control of
sity team refused to play the game publications, which will make the ap-
umder Michigan's eligibility rules. pointments.
Director Bartelme of the athletic of- Seniors may have their pictures tal--
fice has left on a trip to the east, and en now for the panels in the Michi-
it may be that he will negotiate with ganensian. Randall and Pack, J. F
several eastern institutions relative to jtentschier, and G. C. Maedel are the
future games with Michigan. He also photogi'aplhers who have contr&--tcd
plans to attend the Yale-Harvard game for these pictures.

Big Popular
Th nkgvigMich. Glee and Mandolin Club

Next Tuesday Eve.

Hill Auditorium

on Saturday.

A $2.00 deposit will be required at I


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